#maybe somehow fit in a space from when clarke sneaks into arkadia?
maunslayer · 9 months
@powerstationed, continued from here.
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with grief and desperation pressing down on her, clarke allows hope to bleed into the quiet timbre of her voice. she watches the hesitation shift across luna's visage with bated breath, hands held clenched at her sides ( ears peeled for any hint of guards on alert ) ― when the delinquent's expression softens to resolve, the relief that washes over her is so thick she could cry. ( there's a lot of that running around today, unfortunately. )
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swallowing the anxiety lodged in her throat, the blonde fishes for a tremulous smile and takes the girl's hands, pressing a walkie into them. “ it's already tuned to mine. i . . . i need you to keep me informed of what's happening here. what our people choose. ” there's an apologetic crook of her lips, gaze faltering briefly. the others she trusts are already on pike's radar, she can't risk them any further. ( she doesn't want to risk luna, either. but the wheel spins and she is forced into the same position, the same decisions again and again. people die when you're in charge. ) “ lex― the commander is willing to find a peaceful solution, but she can't hold her people at bay forever. pike's crimes must to be answered. i know not everyone here supports him ―― you just need to work together. and i promise i'll do everything i can from polis. ” to keep a righteously angry army of all twelve clans from marching on arkadia. her fingers tighten around luna's, but she glances over her shoulder, rabbit - hearted. “ can you do that? ”
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