#โ˜„๏ธŽ ๐œ๐š๐ง ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ซ ๐ฆ๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ? โ”€ หห‹ interactions.
maunslayer ยท 10 months
@graunblida โ€• we made death the enemy. thatโ€™s how we survived. โ•ฑ THE 100 SENTENCE STARTERS.
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on the surface, clarke spits anger like venom; her teeth bared in the snarl of a rabid beast, proverbial hackles raised defiantly. the commander's words strike a chord she isn't willing to acknowledge, yet plummets her heart to her feet all the same, twisting her insides with something that threatens nausea. you wanted the commander of death? you've got her .แŸ
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โ€œ is that what i am to you now? โ€ she asks quietly, faux softness in the tremor of her breath. betrayal cannot help but to cling to every twinge of her demeanor. she doesn't deign to pay the guards any mind even as they tense in warning, her gaze only for lexa โ€•โ€• for any flinch that may come across her visage, any hint of something in verdancy. the mountain had spelled death for the commander's people once, but now clarke bears it all. wanheda. โ€œ another common enemy to band your people against? โ€ she's heard the myth - like tales they spin of her, the mountain slayer. they fear her power is stronger than their own heda. ridiculous whimsy that lexa hasn't even discouraged. why else?
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maunslayer ยท 10 months
@respnsibility โ€• weโ€™re still on the same team, right? โ•ฑ THE 100 SENTENCE STARTERS.
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it stings more than she would have expected. the quiet uncertainty in his voice where there usually lays a firm certitude, even through the mask of a too-small smile. but when clarke looks at him, she can't quite bring herself to say; yes, of course. always. she wouldn't have hesitated, once. not four months ago when they clasped hands over the kill switch. not six months ago when bellamy was alive and she was dizzy, teary - eyed with relief. they kept them all alive, together.
that was before he opened fire on three hundred peacekeepers. before she could look into his eyes and see her own guilt and disgust mirrored there.
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โ€œ right now, we are. โ€ there is little reassurance to be taken there, but she can't give him more than that. clarke sighs, shifting on the makeshift log - seat she has taken in front of the fire. her voice quiets in mindfulness of the others, but she looks him fully in the eye now โ€•โ€• a sense of helplessness reflected in her own. โ€œ but when this is over . . . after alie's gone, whose side will you take then, bellamy? โ€ he could dig his grave deeper, or face his punishment for attacking the coalition with his head held high. she's not sure which would be worse; both pull at anguished strings in her heart. but this won't simply disappear with the city of light.
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@galaxye, gaia โ€• We obsess. Itโ€™s in our nature. โ•ฑ DEATHLESS PROMPTS.
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โ€œ i'm not obsessed. โ€ the words click from her tongue like gunmetal; cold, harsh and abrupt. flamekeepers and their insufferable, philosophical wisdom. she finds it increasingly difficult to believe that this woman is indra's daughter.
. . . but after a breath, clarke bites the tang of her frustration and backs down, turning her gaze from the other to the task at hand. ( it's almost finished and she already knows it will offer less assistance than she had hoped; there are only so many things left to keep herself busy before she accepts that whatever she tries is useless. they're running out of options. )
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โ€œ i'm worried, โ€ she admits in the lapse of silence, meeting gaia's eyes with a tight - knitted brow. โ€œ aren't you? i mean, lexa's like โ€•โ€• the crux of your religion. โ€ and she's sure gaia has a certain distaste for her in the same way titus did. they're forced to band together all the same, alongside anyone who didn't swallow a mind - altering ai chip. ( what even is their reality these days? )
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@galaxye, raven โ€• have you ever loved someone so much that no matter what they do to you, or themselves, you take it? โ•ฑ THE 100 SENTENCE STARTERS.
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a breath is taken through her teeth out of habit, a preparation to respond, but silence extends as clarke considers. a frown sits in the knot of her brows. she's no stranger to the lull of uncomfortable truths that monty's moonshine coaxes out once her chest is too warm to pay mind to the distasteful liquor, but it's not a question she'd been expecting; she hadn't expected the somber mood that falls over their table - for - two.
unbidden, she thinks of finn; his rush of affection that'd swept her up too quickly, his heart cracking under the weight of reality and the sins he'd commited in her name. ( an affection she and raven share, albeit the mechanic's stake had been claimed far longer. another guilt she still bears. ) she thinks of her mother; sentencing her own husband to death and still able to carry on because she believed it was right for their people, still looking her daughter in the eyes because she believed she was protecting her. she thinks of lexa; her necessary betrayal, and the way beneath her stoic mask her eyes still shine with regret and something more, something that reveals a terribly tender heart behind her steel - welded armor. and so many others. wells, bellamy, murphy. people she has hurt and been hurt by and loves still.
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โ€œ ... i guess it depends, โ€ she finally settles after an uncomfortable moment, curious gaze seeking raven's and wondering how much she's had tonight โ€•โ€• she doesn't think they're too far apart. โ€œ what do you mean? โ€
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maunslayer ยท 10 months
@aigonakru, bellamy โ€• this is a place we can start over and rebuild. โ•ฑ THE 100 SENTENCE STARTERS.
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how many times have they tried to breathe life into such sentiments? and how many times have they each broken their own promises toward it? clarke doesn't even want to think about it โ€•โ€• she doesn't want to give anything the power to take away even the chance.
but . . . it does feel different, this time around. she doesn't know what the exact shift is. only that for all the shared grief, the sun seems to shine a little brighter, the skies a little clearer. the air doesn't feel so much like a smog.
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looking away from the forested hills centering arkadia, she offers bellamy a feeble smile. โ€œ i hope you're right. โ€ she wonders if he means for himself, too; if he'll pick up the pieces of himself that were torn apart when he followed charles pike into a massacre. clarke takes a quiet breath and turns to face him fully, clasping her hands ( otherwise they'd fidget with the fraying hems of her sleeves ) in the stoic manner she'd picked up from war meetings long past. โ€œ lexa invited me back to the capital to continue serving as an ambassador, so i guess that peace still stands. โ€ tentatively. she doubts the work is finished.
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@b4didea, octavia โ€• fine, keep acting like you hate me. โ•ฑ NIGHTPROMPTS.
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ย โ€ย the look octavia receives is furrowed with confusion, the line of her mouth still set irritably from the tension that always seems to pull taut when they're in proximity of each other. she hates it. the huff of her breath borders on incredulous and clarke rises with a begrudging resilience, every shift of her demeanor little more than weary.
ย โ€ย โ€œ i don't hate you, octavia. โ€ matter of fact, her admiration for the girl has only grown in the months she's known her, in the way she's watched her evolve. but alongside many of the others, the paths they've been forced to take only seem to force them further apart. and she has accepted that, not without some self - loathing. โ€œ but you've made your opinion of me pretty clear, and it's not worth fighting you on. i'm trying to keep my distance, for your sake. โ€ after the missile in tondc . . . she can't even pretend to blame the warrior for her dislike, not anymore. she swallows it like she does the rest. it's better, she's learned, that they hate her rather than understand the toll.
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@b4didea, bellamy โ€• i thought youโ€™d like some company. โ•ฑ NIGHTPROMPTS.
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ย โ€ย clarke watches the flames, and they watch in return, in their strange dancing language; hungrily burning through the logs sacrificed to them. at first, she only sees the fire. then in its shadows, figures. the bodies of finn and his victims being devoured. grounders running in vain as they're consumed by the dropship's false take off. and, finally, her people. the hundred โ€•โ€• the forty eight being chased by fire, by acid fog, being strapped down and drilled into by men with faceless forms โ€•
ย โ€ย she startles out of her living nightmare at the intrusion, turning her head and squinting through the spots in her vision before bellamy finally comes into focus from the shadows. a breath of relief eases the tension from her chest and she wonders, briefly, when he had become such a crutch for her.
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ย โ€ย the corners of her lips pull into a tense smile, which softens with the inquisitive quirk of her brows as she reaches to take the cup in his extended hand. โ€œ are you referring to you, or monty's moonshine? because i know which one i'm choosing. โ€ her words curl with a wry humor, but she shifts to allow the boy space next to her on her chosen stump of a seat.
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@wingfells, lexa โ€• โ› iโ€™ve never cared for anyone the way i care for you. โœ โ•ฑ NIGHTPROMPTS.
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ย โ€ย in an instant, with a simple group of syllables, clarke's breath is whisked from her lungs. she knows, or at least has suspected, how much lexa feels for her; knows that it's enough to be of concern to flamekeepers and most of the commander's council, a string for enemies to pull, a key reason to how much she has changed the way she rules. but to hear her say it aloud, knowing how difficult such an admission is for her . . . right now, she doesn't think there's anything more beautiful than the soft utterance of lexa's voice, the openness of her expression.
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ย โ€ย in the slim proximity between them, the ambassador somehow moves closer still. soothing her palms up the brunette's arms until they gently cup her cheeks, the subtle tilt of a smile crooks one corner of her mouth, and her eyes shine. there's a coil winding tight inside her chest and she struggles to regain air, but she knows exactly what's waiting to be expelled. something that has been sitting on her tongue for months. held back first for fear of the unknown, then hesitance, anger and betrayal, the right timing never to be found โ€•โ€• but what's holding her back now? still fear, perhaps; of moving too quickly and startling her lover. but there shouldn't be any harm from a first step. from a reassurance.
ย โ€ย she holds lexa's gaze steadily, and in her words there is a relief of weight lifted from her, a thrill of the truth curling in them. that after everything, they can still be. โ€œ i love you, โ€ she utters, low and intent, nearly breathless.
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@wingfells, raven โ€• โ› i thought youโ€™d like some company. โœ โ•ฑ NIGHTPROMPTS.
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ย โ€ย torn from the thoughts she hadn't even realized she'd become lost in, clarke blinks away the blurred page in her hands and lifts her head, gaze refocusing on the source of the voice. raven. she shifts as the other girl approaches, making room for her at the table she's unconsciously claimed for herself in the corner of her mother's office. her lips pull into a hesitant, but sincere smile.
ย โ€ย โ€œ can't say that i mind it. โ€ she hasn't been purposefully avoiding people, per se; but since the fall of pike and the city of light . . . she helps where she can, but she knows she isn't needed. tension has calmed since the commander finally ordered an end to the blockade, and every day, she feels a little less at home in arkadia. thinking of it makes her feel guilty, when raven's looking at her. she's still unsure of where she lies with the mechanic. they've never truly had the time to sort it out. leaning forward, the blonde lays her chin atop the back of her hands and regards her company with a curiously raised brow. โ€œ what've you been up to? โ€
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@wingfells, madi โ€• โ› iโ€™m scared of ending up alone. โœ โ•ฑ NIGHTPROMPTS.
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ย โ€ย her heart clenches at the girl's words. the spoken fear doesn't come as a surprise to her, not in madi's current state and certainly not with the weight of the responsibility that threatens to bear down on her shoulders. to be a nightblood. but it still hurts. and not for the first time, clarke hates what it represents; what a child has to go through simply for the color of their blood. what lexa had to go through.
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ย โ€ย โ€œ hey, โ€ with gentle timbre she crouches in front of the young warrior, purposeful thumbs brushing away stray tears from youthful cheeks, pushing back a wayward curl before hands settle on madi's shoulders. โ€œ you won't. not as long as you have me. โ€ and her fellow novitiates, and her heda; but as much as they are her family, they are also her bane. be it over - protective or selfish, clarke knows that her care for the girl isn't motivated by anything other than her heart. she'll be damned if she lets anything happen to her. โ€œ okay? i promise i won't let anything happen to you. neither will lexa. โ€
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@graunblida โ€• โ› how long has it been since you've slept? โœ โ•ฑ NIGHTPROMPTS.
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ย โ€ย clarke takes a breath, tinged with ash and the metallic tang of blood that coats her tongue, glancing up at the commander as she speaks. the setting sun casts a warm glow around her and she has to blink away the glare into her eyes. the back of her hand raises to wipe the itching of dust from her forehead, unconscious to the fresh mix of dirt, blood and disinfectant that smears across it instead.
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ย โ€ย โ€œ not long enough to be concerned about. โ€ she's exhausted, she can easily tell that from the heaviness of her limbs and the heavier guilt laying on her heart. no one's lives were particularly balanced by her hands this time but she feels it all the same. โ€œ there's still people that haven't been seen yet, and the healers are overwhelmed โ€• โ€ and she is consumed by the desperate need to help, somehow. she sighs, averting her gaze to scrub her hands clean in the basin of water, already murky with previous stains and spent rags. โ€œ i'm fine. a lot of others aren't. โ€
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@powerstationed, continued from here.
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with grief and desperation pressing down on her, clarke allows hope to bleed into the quiet timbre of her voice. she watches the hesitation shift across luna's visage with bated breath, hands held clenched at her sides ( ears peeled for any hint of guards on alert ) โ€• when the delinquent's expression softens to resolve, the relief that washes over her is so thick she could cry. ( there's a lot of that running around today, unfortunately. )
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swallowing the anxiety lodged in her throat, the blonde fishes for a tremulous smile and takes the girl's hands, pressing a walkie into them. โ€œ it's already tuned to mine. i . . . i need you to keep me informed of what's happening here. what our people choose. โ€ there's an apologetic crook of her lips, gaze faltering briefly. the others she trusts are already on pike's radar, she can't risk them any further. ( she doesn't want to risk luna, either. but the wheel spins and she is forced into the same position, the same decisions again and again. people die when you're in charge. ) โ€œ lexโ€• the commander is willing to find a peaceful solution, but she can't hold her people at bay forever. pike's crimes must to be answered. i know not everyone here supports him โ€•โ€• you just need to work together. and i promise i'll do everything i can from polis. โ€ to keep a righteously angry army of all twelve clans from marching on arkadia. her fingers tighten around luna's, but she glances over her shoulder, rabbit - hearted. โ€œ can you do that? โ€
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maunslayer ยท 9 months
@powerstationed kisses one of clarke's scars. โ•ฑ WALDENMEMES.
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somehow, under the looming stormcloud of yet another war, the fracturing stress of fighting against two different waves โ€• they've ended up here. under the warm glow of fading torchlight, tangled up in the softness of fresh furs and limbs, seeking the kind of comfort only another person can provide. a part of her wants to take hold of her heart and squeeze it so that it hurts; is she so desperate for any kind of connection, of physical touch, that she'd waste precious time with a girl she has scarcely gotten to know since they've been on the ground?
the side of her that she's allowing to dictate answers simply; yes. she knows luna enough, to know that she is smart, kind, loyal, and soft in a way that aches even after the hand the earth has dealt her. and clarke is so, so tired of pretending she doesn't desire simple things. human things. luna had made this choice just as well.
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the feeling of lips ghosting across her shoulder pull her from the whirlwind of her thoughts, releasing a breath that expels with it the remaining tension wound in her muscles as her gaze refocuses and softens, turning her head to look upon the other. โ€œ it's exactly what it looks like, โ€ wry humor on her tongue, absentmindedly reaching to trail her fingers across the pulsepoint of luna's wrist. she can still feel it even without touching it, sometimes; the scar tissue left behind by sharp claws still new enough to raise over the skin. โ€œ remember the panther the boys brought back to the dropship, that first week? โ€
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maunslayer ยท 10 months
@graunblida โ€• be strong, direct, unrelenting. โ•ฑ THE 100 SENTENCE STARTERS.
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contrary to lexa's apparently impenetrable composure, clarke has considerably less control over what emotions rise and bubble over the surface, sometimes like the molten fires that lay dormant underneath the crust of the earth coming alive and spilling over the crevices. here, it's just a minor flush of heat, but it still shows clear as day. the exasperated sigh expelling through a tense jaw, turning her head as grey - blue eyes roll toward the canopy of the commander's tent ( though she doubts it does little to hide the slight from the other ).
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โ€œ that might work on your generals, and even some of my people โ€• โ€ a stern gaze and hard voice, leaving no room for questions, had gotten her this far in wrangling the arkers that were willing to listen. โ€œ but my mother is a different story. โ€
it seemed no matter what she did for their people's own good, abby would only see her efforts as a defiant child, desperate to undermine her. a girl who somehow doesn't understand what she has gone through. this is where clarke's true frustrations lay; the fire flares, and she folds her arms across her chest in an attempt to stifle it, gaze falling to the battlemaps they have poured over for weeks. โ€œ i'm not sure she'll ever come around to seeing things my way. โ€
but, she has recently learned, she doesn't have to. chancellor or no, clarke is leading their alliance with the grounders. she stands in war meetings with their commander. there is a certain leniency her mother has to relent in that case. clarke tries not to feel guilty about it, even when she burns with outrage.
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