#maybe ill do a more in depth study of basic proportions but its def a weak point of mine since im so used to distorting them
bish wtf?! why is your art sooo good >~
oh thank you!! hmm proportions... i dont have any tangible tips really if that makes any sense? there’s the basics like figures are on avg 8 heads tall and the hands should be no bigger than the face but... im not gonna lie i never super paid attention to those rules and just kind of eyeball it until i get it right, so im probably not the best person to ask about stuff like that. i think just using reference points when you’re drawing, like if you have a hand hanging at someones side it should reach just past the crotch, or when an arm is bent notice how it typically bends below the pecs! idk if thats very clear but basically by observing the actual capabilities of humans and comparing different parts of your drawing you can usually end up w/ relatively accurate proportions? and from there you can learn to distort them.im sorry i couldnt help much but i do have a tag on my blog, #ibbletips, for more in depth stuff! and you can find my art supplies in my FAQ which is linked on my blog or in the FAQ tag ^^
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