#maybe i'm just being pessimistic but it'll hurt less if i prepare myself aahahaha
shameonrauxel · 1 year
here's the thing
we all love nikolai and i'm sure the manga readers' attachment is even deeper but
but here's the thing;
he probably won't have a redemption arc. or at least it seems incredibly unlikely to me. he has one solid goal, and it motivates all of his actions. escaping determination, wich is doomed to fail, since even most philosophers failed to prove that this type of free will exists. frankly, from every rational standpoint, determination is pretty much inescapable
he's a really complex character, quite contradictory sometimes and he's pretty much destined to remain incomplete, because there's just no other way. he can't just leave this dilemma behind, but he can't win either. a typical tragic hero.
we like it, or not, unless he has some highly irrational solution to this problem (wich is still possible), the only way to leave behind the prison of the mind is well, to leave behind life itself. and it still doesn't mean he won against determination, it's rather that the doesn't have to live in the cage anymore.
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