#maybe even Craven Manor if you're good with a supernatural element
yandere-daydreams · 1 month
Were you someone who was or is fond of reading books, growing up ? Because you're so excellent at writing. Like, nowadays its so difficult to find any book with half the narrative structure or interest your writing has. Feels like you were someone who liked hunger games at some point.
no yeah you read me and my preteen hunger games obsession like a book T-T admittedly tho, i am kind of currently in a reading slump not for lack of trying, but just because,,, i feel like a lot of recent horror/thriller/mystery stuff has been kind of preachy, lately? idk how to explain it, but i feel like darker genres feel the need to come with some greater life lesson they can serve up to the reader on a silver platter within the first hundred pages which very much goes against my 'tell your silly little story and i'll decide how it's changed me as a person later' mentality to fiction. i will resist the temptation and forgo posting a detailed list of all the books that have been added to my DNF list in the past month and their many issues but know that it is exhaustive.
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