#maybe because she immediately parlayed with an undead pirate whose godly patron turned him undead because he wanted to be undead
smallishdoggo · 6 months
The first time FCG cast Turn Undead (I think every this campaign), they didn't know it would effect Laudna, and they apologized after, and Laudna said "it's good". People collectively decided that he didn't acknowledge her, because this fandom loves ignoring canon for the sake of cheap angst. (Episode 69, timestamp 3:49:20)
The second time they cast it, they didn't acknowledge her after, and that was a dick move, but people immediately divorced it from all context, namely that they got crit the round prior, were down a lot of HP, and were surrounded by undead enemies who were actively killing him. Not being entirely polite and deferential to Laudna in that situation is entirely reasonable and understandable if you are not utterly incapable of empathizing with them.
The third time, and this is the one that REALLY gets me, the third time, HE LITERALLY ASKED IF HE SHOULD CAST TURN UNDEAD AND LAUDNA TELLS HIM TO DO IT. I am grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you until your head pops off and rolls under the couch. LAUDNA TOLD THEM TO CAST IT. They asked, she determined they were undead, and told him to cast it. (https://www.kryogenix.org/crsearch/html/cr3-74.html#l1h16m9s)
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