#maybe I’m just high on copium but I stand by the fact that Raph isn’t stupid
bitethedevil · 3 months
“Raphael is so stupid. Why would he keep Haarlep around if he’s spying on him?”
Okay first of all: Raphael knows. I’m a 100% sure he knows why Haarlep is there and what he’s doing.
What would be the other solution? To send Haarlep away? Kill them? Too easy. If daddy Meph wants to know what his son is doing, he’s going to get that information one way or another. Better to keep your enemies close and feed them just enough embarrassing information to keep your dad satisfied (“he only ever sleeps with himself and he’s a shit lay”).
Also what’s the best way to torture an incubus without causing them direct harm? Probably by only giving them the bare minimum of action, which is exactly what Raphael is doing. Haarlep is implied to have a 1000 forms, but they’re only ever using Raphael’s and their sex life sounds close to that of an old married couple’s according to Haarlep. The only times that he is not boring his incubus to death, is when he uses them as a tool for his deals (as is implied with the invitation to the boudoir).
I’ll even go so far as to say that there might also be less egotistical motives about Raphael only sleeping with Haarlep in his own form. If Haarlep took any other form, that could be information that Meph could use against him. Because what is the secret to controlling someone like Raph?: knowing what he wants. Raphael is a control freak and only letting his incubus use his own form is a way for him to keep things under his control.
He might have a spy in his bed, but I think he’s making the most out of a shit situation.
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