#maybe I will also post the jawbone since it does look very good
chiropteracupola · 1 year
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dress up nice (and don't get any blood on yourself this time, please)
[collaboration with @dxppercxdxver again. we are still going.]
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
You're So Vain - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You wear a Rob Zombie dress to your boyfriend's double headliner concert. This article of clothing has a certain effect on him, and it’s not good.
Notes: Heaven Upside Down era! I just banged this one out fast (that's what she said) and figured it's passable enough to post. Takes place in the same timeline as "Just For Me." Enjoy the light dom/sub jealous!Manson quickie! ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN HIS NEW HAIR FROM THE OSCARS PARTY??? 
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His eyes meet yours through the mirror as he shadows his eyes. You can tell immediately upon your entrance into the room that he’s not pleased, and you can’t wait to hear why this time. 
"What's that?"
You look at your boyfriend, to see where he's looking now. His eyes are on your clothing. "What do you think it is? It's a dress." 
"Don’t need your attitude. Is that really what you're wearing? For the show?"
You sigh. He always has a way of making you feel special. "Yes." You spin around in your black and red dress, adorned with symbols, splatters and big "Rob Zombie" logos on it. "I think it's perfect, since you're playing the show with Rob, Twins of Evil, yada yada." 
"I'm sure Rob’s going to love that," Manson says in a low voice, and the undertone of irritation does not go unnoticed by you. He sucks in his cheekbones to dust them with a powder puff of blue, and you dissect the darkness in his eyes. You can’t say you didn’t know this was going to happen, when you wore a dress with his co-headliner’s name all over it. You know how possessive your boyfriend can get. 
Provoking? Of course that’s not what you’re trying to do...
You smirk, walking over to smooth your hands down his chest. "Jealous?"
"I’m not jealous. But you've got his name emblazoned over your tits."
"And whose tits are they?"
"The correct answer there would have been "yours," but the jury will accept it."
Manson grumbles some more. "When did you even get it?" 
"I ordered it."
"With my money?"
"Look, I'm supporting my friend. He's in the band."
"In case you don't remember, Ginger was my drummer for 15 years."
"Well, he's not anymore. What do you want me to say?! I'm not gonna wear a dress with you on it! I've got you on my body every other night of the year, I don't need it tonight."
"You don't think I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight?" 
"Not at the rate you're going," you tease. 
“Watch yourself.”
“Make me.” It’s a clear invitation, up in the air. 
Manson looks like he's about to literally growl, but turns back to finish his makeup, sulk, and down his three "complimentary" glasses of stadium beer. It’s not worth it to start anything with you ten minutes til showtime, and you have to say, you’re disappointed he doesn’t make a sport of it. 
When your boyfriend goes out on stage first, Zombie's band comes in through the backstage, along with your best friend from when you two worked in Vegas together. "Kenny!" you grin, jumping into his arms. He picks you up in a hug, that drummer strength useful in boosting you up. 
"Ah, (y/n)! Glad you could come on this leg of the tour. I was so excited when I heard we were playing with Manson again, couldn't wait to see you."
"We're definitely meeting under calmer circumstances this time," you smile, arms wrapped around him tight.
He laughs, remembering all the backstage shenanigans from the late 90s touring days with you along for the ride. "Yeah, it's much more chill with Twiggy and Pogo gone. And Manson's toned down a little I guess."
You cock your head. "In a manner of speaking."
"It's kind of nice. It's like we've grown up, you know?"
"I don't think Manson will ever grow up," you laugh. Ginger pulls away to look at your dress, finally noticing it.
"That's super cool... what did he think of it?"
You giggle. "What do you think he thought of it?"
Ginger shakes his head, remembering the fiery look of pure rage his ex boss had given that one guy from the pit at that one concert in 1999. The guy’s never gonna change, I swear.” 
Rob comes in, punching the air. "Ready to fucking ROCK!?”
"Totally!" John calls from a distant room.
"Woah," Rob says, "You must be (y/n). Ginger's told me all about you."
"All bad?"
"Jesus, yeah. Heard about the time you got plowed on stage in '99. Typical Manson. Cool dress." Rob looks at your outfit. "Really cool. Hey, what's up with your bf?"
"What? What about him?"
"He's crashing and burning out there. Crowd's pissed, whiiiich means I'm gonna have to save the show."
"Bad day?"
You sigh, and walk out to the wing. Rob's right. The crowd is practically rioting, and they're not the only ones who are pissed. Manson seems to be out of his mind, singing Kill4Me with a particularly hard edge and apparently a version that skips every third lyric. He then launches into an overly aggressive rendition of The Beautiful People.
You know exactly what this is about.
Rob jostles your shoulder as he prepares to go out, wishing you luck when you should really be the one wishing him luck. Ginger gives you a low five, and you take a deep breath as Manson comes stumbling off stage, makeup trailing down his face and neck from the water he always spits upward.
"Could you be anymore of a child about this whole thing?" you demand, crossing your arms. He points a wavering finger at you, letting the security carry him properly toward the hall.
"Don't. Even."
"Oh, don't what? Don't what? I can't wear a dress now?"
"Wear whatever the fuck you want, I don't care." Piggy D hurries between you two awkwardly to run out on stage.
"You are being such an asshole."
"Whatever. You wanna misinterpret how I... what I'm..."
"I know you, you're jealous."
He shoves the security off, coming back over. "I'm not fucking jealous."
"It's a dress. What, you think I wanna fuck Rob?!"
This time, he does growl. His tall, imposing form advances on you, and despite his debauched appearance, the intense darkness in his eyes is unmistakable for anything other than hunger. Real fear flickers through you for a split second.
"Wanna try that, little girl? Hm?" You shiver, breath quickening, but you've known your boyfriend for far too long, and you're not about to back down now. You want him hard and fast, and it’s your turn to get him back for making you wait.
"Maybe I do," you whisper defiantly. That does it. He tears the straps on your dress. You moan, letting him reach in and grab your thighs, and lift you against the wall with ease, pinning you there. 
"You want me to drag you out on that stage, and fuck you in front of the crowd again?” 
“You only teased me in front of the crowd,” you have the nerve to reply, “You never actually fucked me out there in front of anyone.” Manson holds you by the neck as he roughly marks you down your jawbone. 
“That’s because you're mine," he mutters, hurrying to get his dick out, "You're fucking mine. Only person gets to see these tits, see this pussy? Is me." He leans in to hiss: “Only one who gets to see you gush is me.” 
You can't protest, caught up in a rush of arousal as his stage pants rub dangerously close to your clit. You grind your hips forward, desperately seeking his touch. You’ve never wanted him so bad, his stupid fucking feral expression covered in pink and blue gloss driving you wild. 
"Fuck me," you gasp, not stopping to wonder if the roadies were around or minding their own business.
"Oh, I'm going to, baby," Manson whispers, finally getting himself out of his briefs, "You need to remember who you fuckin' belong to." He tugs your hair back sharply, and sinks his teeth into your shoulder. You scream from the shock of it, and wetness starts to drip down your thigh.
"Ah," you hiss, pussy clenching desperately to be filled, "Do it again."
Manson bites down your flesh to the tips of your nipples, leaving pink marks across your chest. He reaches up, letting your leg fall slightly as he slips two fingers inside you. 
You gasp again, louder this time over the beat of Rob performing Superbeast, and clutch tighter to your handsy boyfriend. He comes back up to suck your neck, nipping slightly at the sensitive spots where he marked you before.
"Fuck me, come on," you chant, “Fuck me like you did that day.” He grabs you again by the neck, dragging you in for a rough, sloppy kiss. A hard pound, and your back hits the wall in rhythm with his body. He doesn't wait for you to adjust, and you both know you don't need him to. He slides in deep, with you very ready to take him, and he pulls back easily before thrusting back in harder, the weight of his body pounding against you heightening the thrusts. His belt buckle jangles with his every movement. 
"How much do you love this cock?”
“I love it, I want it--”
“Can Zombie do this?" 
"Could he make you cum like this?"
You whine. "Only you can make me cum." 
"That's right. Don't ever forget it, or I’ll fucking remind you again." He kisses you again, all sloppy tongue, and your hair falls forward between you two as he puts every ounce of effort into bouncing you on his cock. He thrusts one more time with a low grunt, and the pain in your scalp as he tugs again sends you over the edge into a much needed climax. He freezes too, deep inside of you, and you feel him finish.
Manson lets you down, groaning as he rubs the sweat and shiny makeup off his face. Adrenaline shooting through him from both his show and the sex, he’s spoiling for a fight as was usual in these moods. He glares at a stage tech who had been coiling ropes. “Fuck you staring at?” The poor guy looks down in terror, carrying on with his job. Yep, Ginger was right, you think with a smile. He’s never gonna change. No matter how long it’s been, he’s still the same Manson you’re stuck with.  
Manson zips up his pants again and unbuttons his restricting black stage vest. Breathless and rubbing your hands around and down your boyfriend’s chest, you pout at your ruined dress in the mirror, straps dangling down your arms. 
"Look what you did to the dress, baby.”  
“Looks better this way. Now you can’t see his name, you can just see your tits,” he smiles lazily, sucking on his bottom lip lasciviously. 
“You’re a dirty old man, always looking at my tits.” 
“What am I supposed to do? They’re tits, they’re attached to your chest, and I think you’re hot.” 
You hide your flushed smile as you turn your nose up, sighing for show. “You do realize it's not normal that the best sex we have is when you're jealous."
"Since when are we normal?" He looks at you through the mirror, tired and grinning. "And I told you. I'm not fucking jealous." 
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rhi3915 · 7 years
All Mine
Ok so you can thank the Litty Titty Committee™ for this blurb. This all spawned from us discussing this gif
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and how it just screams “come sit on my lap.” You can also thank @buddyhollyscurls because without her, I probably wouldn’t have gotten anywhere on this fic and just given up, or waited a year to finally get the courage to post it. Alright without further ado, here ya go!
You needed a plus one for your best friend’s birthday. She was going all out this year. Normally you wouldn’t mind going stag, but your ex had unintentionally been invited. Due to these unfortunate events, you really needed to show him that you’ve moved on and that he was just a blip on your radar. Who better to invite than Harry? The two of you have been friends for years, and your ex was very aware of him. Unbeknownst to your ex, you and Harry had recently decided to become friends with benefits. It all started about a week after your ex left you. He gave you no explanation. Hell, he didn’t even have the balls to tell you. He just packed up his stuff and left. When you finally put the pieces together that he wasn’t coming back, you found yourself crying on Harry’s doorstep. He had no clue why you were upset, but he of course welcomed you with open arms willing to listen to why you were upset whenever you were ready to talk about it.
Harry had always been in love with you, but he never expressed his feelings because you never seemed interested. The boys you brought home were never anything like him. So once Harry found out what this prick did to you, the wheels slowly started turning in his head. He was ready to tell you how he felt, but could never find the right words. Finally a week after your break up, Harry found the courage to speak up.
“We need ta talk.” He blurted awkwardly.
“What’s up, H?” You asked quizzically.
As soon as he saw the look on your face, his brain shut down. He had no clue what to say any more. His rehearsed speech violently thrown out the window. The next thing he knew, his lips were on yours and it was like some other being had overtaken his body.
Although you moaned when he deepened the kiss, you hesitantly pulled away.
“Harry, I... I just got out of a relationship. I know I don’t love him anymore, especially after what he put me through, but I’m still trying to get over this heartbreak.” The slowly dissolving smile on his face made you continue, “it’s not that I don’t want you or want to be with you, I just feel like I couldn’t give you my all right now and you deserve so much more than just a fraction of my love and attention.”
This made him look up hopefully to you. Prompting him to finally speak, “So yeh do ‘ave feelings for me?”
“Always have, probably always will.” You spilled.
This caused the gears in Harry’s head to once again start turning. “Well how about this, love? Why don’t we try this whole friends with benefits thing people seem to be keen on? No emotions, no attachments, just being there for each other and making one another feel good,” he rambled on, “and then one day, when we both have everything sorted and if we both still feel the same way, we can take this to the next level. Whenever you’re ready. It’ll always be up to you.”
The offer on the table seemed pretty enticing. You really needed to get over the asshat who hurt you so deeply. And what better way to get over him by getting under someone else? You’ve always fancied Harry, but always thought you weren’t his type. Hearing him broadcast his feelings to you was the wake up call you needed. Here was the man of your dreams, willing to give you what you wanted with no strings attached until you were finally ready to make a commitment to him. It was ideal. How could you say no?
Three months later, and your friends with benefits arrangement was going better than ever. Harry could still see it in your eyes every now and again that your heart was still shattered. He knew you were slowly piecing it back together and he played a big role in that, but it seriously angered him that a man could ever hurt you so deeply that just little, obsolete things could trigger a memory and throw you six steps backward in your journey of moving on.
So when Harry realized that your ex was going to be at the party, he gladly accepted the plus one offer without hesitation. He wanted this man to suffer as much, if not more, than what you had. He wanted your ex to know that he no longer had any kind of hold over your heart, so Harry was more than willing to help twist the metaphorical knife in your ex’s heart (if he even had one).
It was about an hour and a half before the party. Harry had just finished getting ready, and walked into the bathroom to see you zipping up your dress.
“Holy fuck,” he whispered as he took in your figure.
You were wearing a tight, strapless, black lace dress. The hem stopping midway up your thigh, and just enough cleavage to tastefully show off your assets.
You turn to Harry with a smirk, “I take it you like what you see?”
Harry can only nod his head as he comes up to you, grabbing at your hips. He slides his hands to your backside and slowly starts to rake his hands up and down the swell of your ass.
“Yeh know, you an’ this dress are gonna be the death of me.” He growls, voice rough and full of want.
“Well as long as you don’t croak until after the party, it’s fine by me.” You bite back cheekily.
He takes that as his cue to start sucking the skin on your neck, right below your ear next to the beginning of your jawbone. As soon as you let out a moan Harry moves his hands back down to the underside of your thighs, lifting you onto the bathroom sink. Just as you wrap your legs around his waist, the alarm on your phone goes off. You let out a huff because you know it’s time to head to the party.
The pout on his face slightly amuses you. This man really has the most beautiful expressions on his face no matter the emotion it conveys.
“We gotta go, babe.” The two of you had just recently started using pet names. It was never discussed, but both of you really seem to like the special terms of endearment saved specifically for the two of you.
Harry’s pout from before slowly starts to dissolve as a thought comes to his mind. “Yeh not gettin’ off tha’ easy, pet. This party may be a lil’ bit of a stalling point but once it’s over and we come back home, I’m gonna ‘ave yeh screamin’ me name.”
That statement alone already had your panties soaked, and you thought that if he was gonna play dirty than so were you. So you give him the sweetest smile you can manage and slowly state, “We’ll see about that. Might just have you begging before the party’s even halfway over.”
To add to your threat, you seductively slink out of the bathroom giving him a show. The chuckle that rings out of his throat can be heard throughout your entire apartment. Harry shakes his head, spewing his thoughts out loud, “tha’ woman truly has no idea how much she does to me,” as he slowly follows you out of the apartment.
The party’s been in full force for a good hour now. You’d swear your best friend had watched one too many episodes of “My Super Sweet Sixteen” as a teenager, and it was slowly starting to deep out of her subconscious into her twenties. You giggle at how extravagant the party is, knowing your best friend is the most extra person you’ve ever met, but you wouldn’t change her for the world.
Harry finally comes back from getting you a drink. If the two of you bump into your ex tonight, neither one of you wants to be sober. As he hands you the apple martini you requested, you thank him and decide to commence your teasing operation. You slowly start to slide your hand up and down his chest. Thanks to the pink button down he’s wearing under his black suit and the top four buttons left undone, you have easy access. After a few moments, you’re able to realize that your teasing is doing the trick. You can slowly start to feel Harry grow hard as your thigh brushes across the crotch of his pants.
Smirking into your drink, you pull away heading to the dance floor. You hear him trailing behind you. When you reach the spot you were eyeing in the center of the floor, you abruptly come to a halt. Harry’s front colliding into your backside.
Due to the loud music, he yells into your ear just loud enough for you to hear, “Know what yeh tryin’ ta do, angel. S’not gonna work.”
Deciding to prove his statement wrong you start grinding your hips into him. Feeling his package getting thicker by the minute.
Slowly turning you around with his hands on your hips, he positions you to where one knee is between the both of your legs as he aids you in continuing the previous grinding. You’re starting to lose your will power, and decide to give in.
“Let’s go home. Now, H.” You whine into his ear.
“Guess yeh just couldn’t do without me.” He smirks, tugging on your hand leading you out of the party.
Just as the two of you reach the front doors to leave, your ex is arriving to the party walking straight up to you. Harry notices how your grip on his hand gets tighter. He instinctively lets go of your hand, protectively moving it around your waist to pull you in closer to him.
“Well, well, well, I should’ve known the two of you would be fucking around.” Your ex spits out, keeping his eyes on Harry’s.
Harry is just about to lash out at him, but stills once he hears you speak up. “Look asshole, what Harry and I do in bed and out of bed is no longer a concern of yours. You clearly had no feelings for me when you up and left me with no explanation, so you have absolutely no right to get jealous or make snide comments toward us.” You had no idea where this confidence came from, but you weren’t about to dim the fire in you now, “Oh, and since you’re so interested in our love life, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Unlike you, Harry actually knows how to please me in bed. Maybe one day you’ll learn how to make a woman scream your name out in pleasure, like he consistently causes me to do.”
And with that you grabbed Harry’s hand and stormed off to his car. You let out a huge sigh of relief, not realizing until now that telling your ex off was exactly what you needed to move on with Harry. You now knew for sure you wanted to take things to the next level.
Once Harry got in the car, he just sat there. It startled you, so you turned to figure out what was taking so long. The pressure between your thighs aching for relief that only he could provide.
As soon as you were about to ask him what the hold up was he started speaking, “Not tha’ I wasn’t completely turned on by what yeh said back there, but um what the hell was tha’?” He asked quizzically, no judgement in his eyes. He just wanted answers.
“H, I didn’t realize it until just a few moments ago, but that’s exactly what I needed to get over him. I just had to tell him to fuck off, and destroy any ounce of hope he had that I was miserable. I realized as soon as I saw him that I was over the bullshit he put me through. I have no feelings for him anymore. Not even hatred because if I hated him, that’d mean I still cared. I literally feel indifferent towards him.” You went to cup your hands over Harry’s cheeks as you continued, “The only man I have any kind of feelings for is sitting right in front of me. You remember when you said that when I was ready for more that you’d be ready for more?” You asked and he lightly shook his head, “Well I’m ready for all of it, H. All of you.”
His eyes bolted up to yours, asking for verification. As soon as you shook your head yes, his lips were on yours. “You’re gonna be screaming me name so much and quite loudly tonight that the entire neighborhood is gonna know tha’ yeh belong ta me.” He stated once he broke from the kiss.
Your thighs tightened to relieve the pressure building up inside of you as he started the car and sped back to your apartment.
Harry let you know that he’d be waiting in the bedroom for you as you stated that you needed to freshen up before the two of you enjoyed your first night as an official couple together. You had recently bought some lingerie in hopes of picking your spirits up, and now seemed like the perfect time to put it to good use. You pulled on your mint green lace, crotchless teddy. Your teddy took the shape of a monokini, but was mostly see through with no barrier to hide the heat and wetness radiating from your soaking cunt. You touched up your hair and wiped a bit of your eyeliner off that had smudged. Once you were content with your appearance you stepped out of the bathroom.
Harry was scrolling through his phone as he patiently waited for you. When he didn’t notice you walk into the room, you cleared your throat to command his attention. His jaw dropped as soon as you came into his field of vision.
“Damn baby. I have no idea what I did to deserve yeh, but fuck am I glad yeh mine.” His voice gravelly as he made his confession.
You had tilted your head down to hide the rosiness creeping up your cheeks. Once you finally looked back up, Harry spoke. “C’mere, love” as he gently patted his thigh.
You were starting to get a little nervous realizing the full weight of the situation. You and Harry were finally going to be completely intimate. All feelings in tact. He noticed your hesitation so he pleaded a bit more. “Don’t be shy, petal. Daddy’s not gonna bite...”
Your eyes darted quickly to his, his words sending electrical currents throughout your entire body. He gave you a slight smirk, and finished off his thought, “...unless yeh want me to.”
That was it. You were done for. Your eyes were raging with lust, and you needed him more than you needed air. You crossed the room approaching him as quickly as possible. As soon as you reached him you were straddling his thigh, sitting comfortably on top of the tiger tattoo. Being that the teddy you were wearing was crotchless, you and Harry both could feel the heat radiating off of your cunt. It all became too much for you to just sit still, and you slowly found yourself grinding against his thigh.
“Yeh so fuckin’ wet fo’ me, pet,” he groaned out his pleasure. “Don’t stop. Wanna feel yeh cum all over me leg.”
His words sent you over the edge. You picked up speed, quickly grinding harder onto his meaty thigh. Your breathing started to pick up, as his began to hitch. Finally, you screamed out in pleasure reaching your high. You lightly dropped your head onto Harry’s chest as you tried to come down from your high.
As soon as he could tell your breathing pattern was back to normal he grunted in your ear, “Bed. Now.” You shook your head as an answer, too blissed out to respond or move in that moment. So Harry stood up with your legs wrapped around his torso, and walked you to the bed. He positioned you back against the bed, spreading your legs out to make room to insert himself between your thighs.
“Told yeh you’d be screamin’ me name tonight, and this is only the beginning. Hope yeh ready to wake the neighbors, angel.” He smirked as he positioned his cock at your entrance.
He slowly inserted himself into you. Occasionally he’d slow, waiting for you to adjust to the pressure and give consent when you were ready for more. After a few gentle thrusts and confirmation that you were ready for more Harry pulled out and rammed back into you, earning him some of the dirtiest moans to ever leave your mouth. He mercilessly kept this pace up as you screamed out in pleasure. You tried to wrap your legs around his body, so he could get deeper into you but it just wasn’t enough. Harry knew that, and without a word he moved your ankles up over his shoulders continuing with the agonizingly wonderful thrusts, finally reaching that spongy, celestial area.
“Yeh so tight, love. Don’t know how much longer I can last.” He warned. You were close, but not close enough when he was due to explode his load inside of you at any moment.
You nodded to him that you understood, and you quickly moved your hand down to your clit. You rubbed harsh, quick circles over the area as Harry continued ramming into your core.
“Fuck, babe. I need yeh to come now.” He said as he licked his lips watching you touch yourself as he fucked relentlessly into you. Those words alone had your walls spasming around his cock. As soon as he heard your screams, he started unraveling as well shooting ropes of cum into your pussy. Harry came so much that the sticky white substance started spilling down your legs as he slowed his movements and gently rocked back and forth into you as you were both coming down from your highs.
He eventually pulled out of you and got up, running into the bathroom to grab a cloth to clean you up. As he ran the washcloth gently over your sensitive area he spoke. “Hope yeh enjoyed Round One, pet.”
“Most definitely.” You replied, breathless. Your curiosity slowly started to get the best of you as you asked, “What do I have to look forward to for Round Two?”
Harry’s eyes grew dark and the ever growing smirk was plastered on his face as he answered, “Well for Round Two, I’m gonna bend yeh over the kitchen counter and fuck yeh into oblivion. Then fo’ Round Three, I’m gonna eat yeh out in the shower. And fo’ Rounds Four through Six, well I’m just gonna leave those as a surprise.”
“Fuuuuuck me.” You said exasperatedly as your thighs quivered. You knew this was gonna be a long, but most pleasurable night.
“Oh I intend to.” He states with a devilish grin, as he lifts you over his shoulder, carrying you to the kitchen. He gives your ass a nice slap on the way there, while you reward him with the most boner inducing yelp you could unintentionally manage. “All mine.” He states as he grabs your ass again for good measure. All you can do is blissfully smile because you’ve been craving to hear those words from him for longer than you can remember. This was turning out to be one of the best nights of your life, and you most certainly couldn’t wait to top this night over and over again.
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alcyone2305 · 7 years
Luche Lazarus
Here we are with my favorite Glaive! I sorted out a whole bunch of screenshots as they seemed to be doubles with only minor differences. Thanks again to @tales-from-insomnia​ for their help! I’ll be honest right away: This post has a lot more going on since I tried to push aside my adoration for this character. At some spots I tried to criticise Luche as a character, tried to name his flaws. There are also a lot more thoughts, assumptions, headcanons going into this. Don’t get me wrong, Luche is THE Douche.
“A leader among the Glaives, Luche's intellect has earned the trust and respect of his comrades.”
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Luche: "All units move to secure the wall. If they break through we're done!"
Luche: "We need help, East wall is going down. Pelna, can you get to me?"
Luche is the first Glaive we get to see. He’s handing out commands as if they were on sale though I wouldn’t necessarily call it a bad thing to command the others as it seems to be necessary to move the Kingsglaive units and to protect the wall. Luche is probably just following the main task they were given: Safety.
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Luche: "Nyx, we have to get out of here! - Nyx, we have orders! - Nyx!"
And we all know what our hero does in the next moment.
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Drautos: “Luche. Report.” Luche: “The imperial forces look to be... withdrawing, Sir.”
I’d dare to say the first impression of Luche is the one of a loyal soldier who stays focused on the mission’s goal and is close to their commander Drautos. The moment Drautos leaves the car, he turns to his helping hand Luche to update him on the events. Not all too shabby, let’s be honest. If it wasn’t for Luche’s design (e.g. facial features), I’m certain we’d consider him a friend, a fighter for the good cause and serving the King with loyality. But his sharp jawbones, almost snake-like impression already hints at more going on behind the scenes..
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Dayum, that arm though. Nyx looks like a stick compared to Luche.
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Luche: "They weren't running from us. No, they were toying with us." Nyx: "Stop being such a buzzkill, Luche. We all know what happened." Luche: "Well, did you know that they sent an envoy to the citadel after that?" Libertus: "What for? To offer their surrender?" Luche: "More like demand ours." Nyx: "What?" Libertus: "Demand?! My ass!" Luche: "No? Think about it! the Empires got Lucis on its last legs. It's the perfect time to make demands!"
I don’t know why but I find it interesting Luche knows about the envoy, but the others don’t. It at least shows us he’s deeper in the business than the audience and the other Glaives.
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Luche: "Will no regions be spared?" Drautos: “None.”
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Libertus: "So, this is what you were talking about, Luche?" Luche: "You heard the Captain, this wasn't our decision to make."
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Libertus: "Not ours to make?! Those are homes out there! Our people! And you're just gonna go along with this, and abandon them!?"
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Luche: "If we don't go along with this the empire will unleash all hell on Insomnia."
So we all know Libertus acts on a very emotional driven level. Compared to him, there’s Luche who states the obvious. Niflheim is much stronger and cornering Insomnia. Insomnia has to “go along”. And when Libertus gets angry once more, going all “LET THEM COME”.. I ended up laughing. As if a bunch of Glaives can withstand the empire. Luche knows that.
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I’m still wondering about Luche’s connection to Crowe. Since Luche often participates in their off duty activities, I can see them being friends with each other. Luche is just the party pooper yet he belongs to them. Libertus obviously can’t stand him, Pelna is too focused on making up for Nyx risking his hero ass for Pelna, Nyx.. I don’t know about Nyx and Luche. I feel like they have a pull’n’push-game going on. Luche considers himself the leader among Glaives so with Nyx jumping from corner to corner and doing reckless shit, it might annoy Luche. But as seen in the opening scene, Luche lets Nyx be. “Let him run into his death, fine. You do you, booboo.” And with Crowe and Luche... Maybe they had been friends, closer than the others? Crowe being used as a connection to the protagonists but then killed off by her “friend”.
Luche: "Nyx, is the princess with you?" Nyx: "No. I'm on duty at the Citadel." Luche: "Well, the Niffs just left for the ceremony and she wasn't with them."
There’s no screenshot of him since Luche is delivering information to our hero. And thanks to that piece of information, hell breaks lose.
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Luche: "What if this is a diversion?" Nyx: "Not likely, Tenebrae's princess is on board."
Okay, listen. I’m trying really hard to make out the point when Luche somewhat reveals himself as a villain in his speech but so far... He’s only asking valid questions, stating facts, explaining logical steps... ... Until this point, to be honest. If I was really picky, I’d put my finger on “diversion”. I would’ve asked something different: “Can we be sure the princess is on one of the ships?” - “Should we be worried about leaving the citizens behind and act outside of the wall on such a meaningful day?”
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Luche: “We go in teams. Standard infiltrate and extract. Nyx, you command. We'll follow.“
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Luche: “The Glaive stands together, Captain or no. For Hearth!" Some Glaives: "For home!" 
Notice how some of the Glaives don’t follow this order. Remember their faces? Just those who end up backstabbing the Kingsglaive. (One of them literally.) And Nyx somewhat hesitates after that. He can sense something is odd. But it’s obvious Luche tries to take over the spot of Drautos. Drautos doesn’t respond to Nyx’s calls and his status remains unknown. Now we have Luche shouting “For Hearth and Home”.
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Luche: "Things are about to get ugly over here."
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Get slapped, bitch.
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Luche: "You've got some fight in you Nyx, I'll give you that."
This is when all pieces finally settle on their spots. 
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Luche: "I can't believe you're still moving with that hollowpoint in you. All Crowe could do was scream - when one tore her insides apart."  
My initial reaction: Holy shit, you shot Crowe!? My reaction now: Holy shit, he’s sick! (And not the cool-kind of sick.)
Maybe it’s just me but the way he states he had murdered Crowe just shows how cold-hearted he is. Casually comparing Nyx’s situation to Crowe’s.. I can see why people hate Luche and wish him to die. (They eventually get what they want, no worries.)
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Nyx: "Why'd you do it?" Luche: "Because the Kingsglaive is nothing! An old man's battle fodder sent to die in Insomnia's war while our homes are bound and shackled!" Nyx: "Niflheim took your home. Took all our homes! Nothing will ever change that." Luche: "You never were too smart. You could have had a new future with the empire."
Just wait until you get your hands on the ring. Then you’re not smart either, darling.
So I had a long conversation concerning this bit of dialogue between Nyx and Luche. I��m (not) sorry for expanding on it. At first I questioned Luche’s intelligence. What was he expecting? The King picked some immigrants/survivors to strengthen his military forces. The survivors, invigorated from the wish to protect, are the best forces available at that time. The King only did what was the best for his kingdom. But then I noticed how delusional and desperate for power Luche is. Just like Ravus, he is probably seeing things we do not since we are presented with the grand scheme of events. It’s at hand that Niflheim is at fault but they gave people like Luche a future away from the weakened Insomnia. Luche got lost somewhere I guess.
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Luche: “There's nowhere to run, Princess. The ring. Give it to me.”
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Luche: “So many dead over so simple a thing! But why? For what?" Luna: "Power. Untold power beyond the control of someone like you." Luche: "Power...?"
Notice how his voice trails off when he says “Power...?” This small exchange made me wonder how desperate he really is to gain power. (Obviously strong enough to wear the ring. G’bye, Luche.)
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Smores, anyone? (I’m sorry, I read it somewhere and got a good laugh from it.)
I have to hand it to Luna. Her choice of words is always so.. full of wisdom which lured Luche into wearing the ring. I guess manking really loses its intelligence once it’s presented with power.
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chrisabraham · 6 years
Atlas Shape Fitness Tracker First Impression
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The Atlas Shape, by Austin-based Atlas Wearables, is a legit fitness tracker, including steps, sleep, personal-training, training programs--but for me, it's only a half-solution to me. That said, it's the missing half to my Atlas Wristband2, which lacks the all the fitness tracker functions Atlas Shape offers me but with a suite of workout, weightlifting, and training functions that the Atlas Shape lacks. Luckily, they work beautifully together and you'll generally find me wearing both devices whenever I am getting my sweat on.
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Wearing both my Atlas Wristband2 and Atlas Shape The Wristband2 and Shape are Peanut Butter and Chocolate
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I originally purchased Atlas Wristband2 because I do a lot of two-handed kettlebell swings. That, walking, and indoor rowing is the holy trinity of my workout regimen. I wanted to be able to track my kettlebell swings so that I could swing without needing to count. I wanted to just focus on my form and my breath. The Wristband2 is just a dumb sensor with a little memory and some autonomous smarts. Set it on FREESTYLE and if you have had the forethought to download the right exercises to your device, your device will not only identify your exercise but also judge your form and track your heart rate (HR). All the magic happens on the web server in their data center. The Atlas Wristband2 Isn't a Fitness Tracker But The Shape Is
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The battery of the Atlas Wristband is limited, even with the MOWER SAVE MODE set to ON. So, you need to be judicious and make sure that you charge your device completely before you need it again. The Atlas Shape, on the other hand, is both surprisingly thinner, smaller, more delicate, and much more of a fitness tracker like the Fitbit Charge, Fitbit Blaze, Garmin Vivoactive, Fitbit Versa, Fitbit Altra, Garmin Vivosport, the Apple Watch, Jawbone UP Move, Misfit Flash, Xiaomi Mi Band 2, Fitbit Flex 2, or the Fitbit Zip's always clipped to the hem of my rowing trou. I Refuse to Use the Apps and Notifications
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Yes, the Atlas Shape offers apps and notifications that I neither use nor have enabled. They include SMS, missed call, incoming calls, e-mail alerts, social media, calendar events, loss protection, and "activate screen on wrist raise." I don't use any of them. There's a warning underneath these toggle options that warns you that every single smartwatch sort of update or notification will reduce the band's battery life--so, no to all of those guys! I Wear My Shape in My Trou When I Use My Treadmill Desk
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I transitioned from my Fitbit Charge HR to my old school Fitbit Zip when I realized that wrist-based step-trackers are not ideal when it comes to treadmill desks. For me, I clip my Fitbit Zip to the hem of my rowing trou and then use the polypro/lycra blend of the trou to mount my Atlas Shape to my right thigh when I am walking on the treadmill desk (I don't know how it works yet--I am comparing the steps my Fitbit tracks with the Shape and with the number of steps my desk tells me I have taken. We'll see in a follow-up post. Charging Is Easy But It's Not Simple
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I love having a generic USB charger for my devices. Micro-USB or Mini-USB. However, those USB ports and plugs, both male and female, fail so quickly. Yikes! So, it's nice that the Shape has a very nice, magnetized, proprietary charging dock. That said, don't lose is or you're SOL. I have mine in its little home and it works really well. Instead of a gator clip like some Garmins have, it's magnetic. It's cute, and it mates with a Micro-USB. Neither the Atlas Wristband2 nor the Atlas Shape take long to charge up, but the Shape lasts a lot longer and is intended to be on your body all the time. Don't Wear the Atlas Shape in the Shower Dude, right after I showered with my Fitbit Shape, things started going wrong. So, immediately after my shower, I checked the Atlas FAQ and it says NO SWIMMING OR SHOWERING which is a serious fail since the Wristband2 is more durable than that, I think. Here's the notice, for your convenience: Atlas Shape is water-resistant, which means it is rain-proof and splash-proof and can stand up to even the sweatiest workout. However, do not swim or shower with your tracker. Shape is able to resist water, but it is not 100% full proof (water-proof). Whenever you get your tracker wet, dry it thoroughly before putting it back on.
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So, while my device still tracks my steps and my sleep and syncs with the Atlas Shape app, but the touchscreen is being a total jerk. I need to thwack it with my fingers and swipe hard at it and maybe the LED screen will turn on or maybe not. I need to become a heavy-handed beast with this device, which is OK, because I don't really need to interact with it all the time (because I have all the notifications turned off).
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But, it's annoying. And I would call it partly broken after the first offense. But I don't want a replacement. Why? Because the screen never turns on anymore unless I really want it to so I guarantee I am generally only sipping battery. If the screen is mostly unresponsive, the Atlas Shape fitness tracker will surely last a short week at the very most. It does pop on once in a while to let me know it thinks I'm sleeping and to remind me to be more active.
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But I am going to take it off before going to the pool, the beach, or into the shower. Pity. So close to being competitive with all the other devices, which are pretty much all pool and shower-friendly. I recommend charging your Atlas Shape while you're doing the dishes, washing your car, taking a bath, grabbing a shower, or at the pool or the beach. That's enough charging. Sleep Tracking isN'T Fancy Like GARMIN, Fitbit, or TomTom
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My Casio G-SHOCK with my Atlas Shape I love the Atlas Shape sleep tracker. It tells me all I need to know. When I hit the sheets, how long it took me to fall asleep, how fitful my sleep was, and how many minutes of actual sleep I got (versus just the amount of time I was supine or prone in bed). Garmin, Fitbit, and TomTom have a lot of other cool metrics, but I like what my delicate, red, unobtrusive, and svelt, offers me. Besides, a lot of those other new devices, especially the Fenix, Suunto, Apple Watch, and TomTom which are beefy and oftentimes made of steel, aluminum, and titanium. You can see how tiny this device is compared to the size of my Casio G-SHOCK Military Black Series (DW-5600BBN-1JF). I Get to Track My Workouts Using an AI Robot Lady
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I have an Atlas-supplied Coach. But she's a robot lady. I assume she's a lady because this device seems to be the more feminine of the two Atlas devices. It's so purty and delicate and red and svelt and all the workouts are pretty feminine. I am into it. I am a modern man. Whenever I wear both devices, it's total yin and yang. See it yourself. I'll share it again here. See how good they look together? And they work together, too! The main differences between the Atlas Shape and the Atlas Wristband line of workout trackers is that the Shape only offers guided workouts. As far as I know, the Shape isn't as smart as the Wristband2.
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It has a little HR one-LED heart rate monitor (compared to the three green LEDs on the Wristband) and when you let your Atlas Shape App know you want to do a predefined workout, it tells you what to do and when you do it, your Shape knows what you're doing it, so it leads you. The Wristband2, when using FREESTYLE, which is the only way use it, follows your lead, trying to use its big machine learning brain and little black box full of sensors to sort out which exercise you're doing for any set, from pushups to TRX rows to crunches to deadlifts to anything I throw at it--just as long as that exercise has been intentionally downloaded to the device before I start working out. It's super cool. What's better?
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ELIZA (click to see larger) That my Shape App recognizes all the workouts I do using my Wristband2--without conflicting with it. They work together beautifully, once you get it working (don't be frustrated on your first sync, it can be a little tricky). So, once you do all your FREESTYLE reps on your Wristband, they show up not only in the diary/journal/log of workouts on the Atlas Dashboard but also on the Shape App, and all of your workouts synced from your Wristband is included in whatever my very own AI robot mistress personal trainer IM chatter lady tells me.
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She--I'll call her Eliza from now on--knows all the manly work I've been doing on my other device and includes them all in my real-time coaching (not by a person but by the equivalent of a fitness ELIZA. I thought I would show you what it looks like but it sort of looks like a combination of ELIZA, an SMS/Chat back and forth with a real trainer, and a choose your own adventure/Japanese role-playing Nintendo game. You can't ask any unique questions, you can only choose from a couple questions that it asks you at the end of every analysis that robot Trainer Eliza offers you. I feel like I have run out of first impressions. I chose not to call this a full review because I have had some technical difficulties over the last week or so--but I just didn't want to wait any longer. Read the full article
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kriterium3-blog · 6 years
Fujitsu Amilo Pi 1505 Battery all-laptopbattery.com
Before that, there was Motorola. Its Atrix phone worked the same way, but its laptop dock cost $500, the software you used with it was half-baked, and the phone was only “strong” by 2011’s standards. Again, few people cared.Still, the dream hasn’t died. The latest group to give it a try is Andromium, a startup headed by alumni of Google and Y Combinator. Its new Kickstarter project, the Superbook, essentially flips the Atrix concept, and applies it to various Android phones. At its core, the Superbook is just a laptop shell. It’s got an 11.6-inch display with a 1366x768 resolution, a QWERTY keyboard with Android-specific keys, a multi-touch trackpad, and a battery that Andromium rates at eight or so hours of use. (Though that’ll move closer to 10 hours if Andromium reaches $500,000 in funding, which currently looks likely.) In a recent Reddit AMA, the company said the device is composed of soft plastic.In other words, it’s small and basic. It makes up for that by being cheap — it starts at $99 through Kickstarter, and the company expects it to start in the $129 range if and when it hits retailers. (If the campaign hits $1 million, the company plans to offer a slightly more expensive 1080p display option as well.)
To power it, you activate the Andromium OS app — which is available in beta form in the Google Play Store — on your phone, then plug it into the shell over microUSB or USB-C. You’re not limited to any particular model, but the company says the phone should have at least 1.5GB of RAM, a dual-core chip, and Android 5.0 or higher. (It also has to support the USB-OTG standard, but that shouldn't be an issue for the vast majority of devices.)The idea, as it’s always been, is to leverage your phone’s power with a laptop’s form factor. In Andromium’s eyes, buying a new phone then becomes akin to buying a new laptop. Now, that probably won't hold true for everyone. A cheaper phone won’t be as smooth as a pricier one. Plenty of Chromebooks are affordable and perfectly capable. And while your phone is a tiny computer, it’s not a tiny laptop — much of the Superbook’s success will come down to how well Andromium OS turns Android into competent desktop software.
That said, it does seem to have the basics down — a browser, a file manager, a taskbar, a launcher, some level of multitasking, etc. — and as we’ve seen on Chrome OS, Android itself has plenty of apps that translate well enough to desktops. You can watch videos on YouTube, write documents with Microsoft Word, and play a bunch of games. The Superbook's display isn't a touchscreen, though, which could make using those a little less natural.Andromium says it’ll open its SDK so developers can tailor their apps for Andromium, too, though how much support that gets remains to be seen.In any case, the campaign has raised more than $400,000 in a couple days of funding, way past its initial target. While the usual risk with crowdfunding projects remain, Andromium says its prototypes are finished, and that it hopes to ship the Superbook to backers by February 2017.Either way, given how strong today’s smartphones have become, the time might finally be right to make this nerd fantasy a reality. Again.
A Thursday report from The Verge points toward a major potential problem with USB-C, the new cable standard that powers an ever-expanding group of devices.The power stream through USB-C cables is reversible, meaning a laptop can power a smaller device through the same port it uses to charge. When Verge writer Dieter Bohn plugged his phone into his laptop, it drank too greedily from the computer's battery:I used a cheap cable I found on Amazon to charge my Nexus 6P and it drew too much power from my MacBook Air’s USB ports. Apple did a remarkable job engineering the MacBook’s ports — they shut down temporarily to protect themselves — but when they came back online, they only worked intermittently.I've experienced firsthand the pain of a faulty charge bricking a device, so this story resonates.Gadgets are built to pull as much juice as they can handle from power sources, and generally those sources aren't build to cap the flow through their ports. A cable's job is to let a gadget sip as hard as it can without overtaxing the source.
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Bohn found a Google engineer, Benson Leung, who destroyed his Chromebook Pixel with another faulty cord. Leung's made a small reputation for himself online as the sole qualified person reviewing USB-C cords for safety online. He posts those reviews on Amazon. Here's his review of the cord that destroyed his laptop. But those reviews are hard to find — though an enterprising group of internetters have aggregated them online here.The problem here, which Bohn identifies, is that it's too easy to buy a USB-C cable that can fry your computer, and it's not enough to simply trust a few reviews. If USB-C is to succeed at becoming the universal data/power cord for gadgets, there needs to be a simple, quick method for anyone to determine if a cable is safe or not. And Amazon has to stop selling faulty ones online.Today, Lenovo took the wraps off the Yoga Book: A new tablet/laptop hybrid, offered in both Android and Windows 10 flavors, focused squarely on helping users be productive.
Like most tablets made in the last two years or so, the Yoga Book is taking its cues from Microsoft.Unlike most of those tablets, the Yoga Book seems to be inspired not by the Microsoft Surface, which even Apple has imitated with its iPad Pro— but rather the Microsoft Courier, a hotly-anticipated tablet that was first leaked to the press in 2008, and then killed on Bill Gates' orders in 2010, before it was even officially announced.The Courier would have been a dual-screen "booklet" PC. Rather than a keyboard, it sported two 7-inch touchscreens, connected by a hinge. With those two screens, you could use it as kind of a so-called "infinite journal," sketching or taking notes with a stylus on one side while reading the news or making appointments on the other.It's billed by Lenovo as a super-thin, super-light tablet. You may have noticed already that it doesn't have a keyboard, in the traditional sense. Instead, it's a funky kind of touchscreen, called the "Halo keyboard" by Lenovo, that basically tries to recreate the feeling of typing with a regular laptop keyboard without actually being one.
The Halo keyboard also gives the Yoga Book its best, and most Courier-esque feature:The Halo keyboard pulls double duty as a sketchpad, thanks to its neat wide-open hinge. If you lay down a piece of paper on top of the keyboard, and use the stylus that comes with the Yoga Book in its ballpoint pen mode (seriously, it switches), any notes you take will instantly be digitized and put on the main screen. It does the same thing without paper and with the stylus in its normal mode, but, well, that's less fun.Either way, as you can see, the spirit of the Microsoft Courier lives on in the Yoga Book. The second screen isn't quite the full-on touchscreen promised by the Courier (the Verge reports that Lenovo tried, but the second screen degraded battery life too much), but the core concept of a dedicated sketchpad has clearly endured. There's a case to be made that despite the hype, the Courier was little more than a science project that deserved to be killed. But times have changed since 2010, and maybe the moment is right for a stylus-driven tablet after all these years.
The Yoga Book will be available by the end of October, starting at $499 for the Android version and $550 for the Windows 10 model. And while it remains to be seen if Lenovo's gamble on a more offbeat kind of tablet will pay off, it's very nice to see a company finally think a little different.The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you'll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships so we may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.Since you don't have all day to scour the web for noteworthy sales and discounts, we rounded up the best bargains for you to shop in one convenient place.Bluetooth speakers are a great way to take your music with you wherever you go. Capable of 15 hours of continuous play on a single charge, this speaker by Jawbone is a great asset for tailgates, camping trips, and when summer comes back around, days at the beach. It also has an internal microphone so you can take calls hands-free when your phone starts ringing.
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If you’re looking for a good value on a laptop, the Dell Inspiron is a solid deal today. It’s thin and light, with all of the specs you want out of a computer at this price point: a 6th generation Intel core processor, a 256GB solid state hard drive, 8GB RAM, and a 1080p display. It also features a touchscreen, which can make toggling through numerous tags a bit more convenient if you prefer the feel of a tablet. Also, for those specifically in the market for a touchscreen computer, the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga is available at a discount at Best Buy today as well, so compare the two before you buy to make sure you find which is right for you.We are big supporters of portable chargers here at Insider Picks. They are great investments in that they will save you a lot of stress over time. Just pop one in your glove box, bag, or pants pocket and avoid the panic that can be induced when your phone dies at an inopportune time. This lipstick-tube-sized model is a great value for how much juice it holds.Everyone could use a solid backpack to travel with, whether on your daily commute to work or to fit into the overhead bin while vacationing. And of anything you might pack in your bag, it is likely that none of your worldly possessions are of higher personal value to you than your laptop. For this reason, NIID created a backpack with your computer in mind. It’s waterproof, and has a cushioned compartment for your precious tech.
The NomadPlus is perfect for those who are concerned they’ll forget to charge their charger (if there’s anything more frustrating that being stuck with a dead phone, it’s plugging in your portable charger only to discover it’s dead as well). With the NomadPlus, you can simultaneously refuel both your phone and charger through a wall outlet. When your phone is fully juiced, you can unplug the unit with the comfort that your backup charge is ready to go as well.Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Business Insider's Insider Picks team. We aim to highlight products and services you might find interesting, and if you buy them, we get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners, including Amazon. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions. We frequently receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback.
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