piece-of-cheese · 1 year
Wait...does this count as Kuchiba breaking the fourth wall?  
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eden-falls · 2 years
wish i was them
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sczurkee · 1 month
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Doodle redraw from a frame from the lovely masohism tango animatic made by Alloplush on youtube!
No background because i hate drawing backgrounds :)
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darlingpwease · 11 months
cw mating season, hybrids, 'pussy' for lan wangji, mild masohism, hypersexuality
today I'm telling you that, and yet, rabbit!LAN WANGJI regularly faces your mating season and has sex almost 24/7 because your bunny husband is very ensuring and needy and wants often and for a long time and he is a very very very good husband who cares that your needs are fully met, even if it means that his pussy will be destroyed to the same extent
he just looks, you know, on the verge of masochism, where he likes it when you are bossy and command him, telling him how best to please you, and controlling how and when he will do something or move
the type who wants you to be selfish and breed him like it's your first and last time and probably jumps on you 24/7
no, I'm not ashamed to tell the facts
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arsenicbluebell · 1 year
•♤Devil's Candy Headcanons♤•
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Context: I'm talking about the manga- PLEASEEEE READ THE MANGA THE ART IS SO GOOD
Kazu Decker
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Definitely a closet theater kid
Listens to Noel's Lamet and The Masohism Tango
He has naturally off-black nails so he paints them with a glossy black nail polish
Has an army of plants in his big ass garden
His favorite flowers are definitely faerie thimbles
Like with chocolate covered strawberries, homemade bat shaped waffles, ALL OF THAT GOOD SHIT
Makes the best haunted house for Halloween you CANNOT tell me I'm wrong
He has an i m m a c u l a t e book collection
Gets inspo from Gothic lotlita, and Mary Shelley
This mf watched Otgw, it all makes sense now
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Listens to death metal, screamo and pop punk
Rob Zombie and Green Day fan
Her favorite movie is either Wendell and Wilde or Howls Moviny Castle
Doesn't really have a sense of style and just let's Hitomi dress her
Hitomi's favorite scent is strawberry so she wears strawberry perfume
Sally Face is her favorite game, she loves the story, the characters, and thinks Sal looks like Nemo
Loves the MonsterKin and Living on the Veg plushies, her favorite is Grom
Helluva boss fan, definitely has a crush on Millie
Kazu gets flustered when they make sex jokes in the show
Pandora doesn't really get them, but likes the violence
Likes looking at landscapes and the details
She ended up getting the eyes of a Tetrachromat so she enjoys looking at colors
Nemo Musterman
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He is a grungy boy lemme tell you
Green Day, NOAHFINNCE, Mother Mother, ect.
He has a ton of vinyl records but no record player so they're just, there
Even tho he wants to act super chaotic and masculine and what not, he uses silk pillow cases/sheets
Has the best skincare routine out of everyone there
He does face masks, scrubs, serums, has an LED mask, he's got it ALL
Every Saturday he has sleepovers at Kazu's house and they paint eachothers nails, do skincare, eat snacks and watch shit like mean girls
He'll never admit it tho, but Kazu will
Cannot sleep without fuzzy socks on
His favorite animals are dumbo octopi and sea bunnies
Usually has to hide from Pandora once a week because she tries to put a mask on his face and his hair in pig tails
Sometimes, he fails.
And then he gets pig tails
Hitomi Ookumo
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(I couldn't find a small pic sorry ;-;)
Definitely queer, you can't prove me wrong
A cottagecore bisexual
She definitely has a pond near her house with frogs and tadpoles
Works at a farmers market
Listens to ocarina covers of cute songs while working out
Works out to lift crates for her job
She works to make money for her passion
She has a big family so her needs often get forgotten about
So she just uses her weekends to work and the nights to work on fashion
She loves hot chocolate on rainy days
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ranichann · 1 year
Hello april. This is my month and I hope that there will be no more loss of someone this month after what happened 3 months ago in a row 🥹
Sakit lah ditinggal kalo lagi sayang-sayangnya. Jiahhhhhh
Aku percaya allah ngasih kehilangan bukan cuma tok kehilangan aja. Tapi ya sepaket dengan hikmah yang ada. Cuma ya dari diri ini masoh menggali-gali hikmah apa sehhh, kok aku malah jadi sedih molo.. capek ya allah capek......
Baru ku rasain setelah februari ke maret kemaren, setelah aku ditinggal my lil sistur
hiyayyyyy nanges lagi hahaha.. gapapa kan? Aku kangen aja kok 😇
Sebuah kehilangan mengajarkan kalo semua yg ada di bumi itu adalah fana. Tidak kekal, yang kekal ya cuma allah aja :)
Disini diajarin kalo namanya kehilangan pasti aja terjadi, cuma ya gatau kapan.
Dan.. belajar ndak boleh berharap sama sesuatu. Karena sesuatu tersebut bisa aja hilang. Dan berasa amat sangat menyakitkan 🙃
Dari setiap kehilangan berharap semoga bisa belajar untuk kehilangan2 selanjutnya. Semoga ikhlas sabar dan lapang...
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frogskelton · 2 years
Children of the whales High school su head canons:
- Ouni always takes Nibi’s hoodie and wears it, because it is comfortable and he likes to feel close to Nibi, but he is too shy.
- Ginshu Customizes her clothing and is rlly good at it.
- Nibi is very good at sport cause he is overly competitive
- In a geography class Suou and Ouni sit together, cause they both rlly good at it (Suou cause he nerd and Ouni cause he is like rapunzel) and bonding over that. Kuchiba teaches the the class and is very confused and not sure what is going on.
- Masoh is the teacher everyone wants, but Shaun is the teacher no one wants (except Ginshu and Ouni, who also like Shuan.)
- Chakuro, Sami tell Lykos “everything is gonna be okay,” while Nezu and Ro tell stories and make everything worse.
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bantennewscoid-blog · 17 days
Gagal Nyalip, Wanita Hamil di Lebak Tewas Terlindas Truk
LEBAK – Dewi Pratiwi Warga Curugbitung, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten, tewas di tempat bersama janinnya yang masoh dalam kandungan setela terlindas dump truk dengan nomor polisi B 9922 UYT. peristiwa ini terjadi di Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, tepatnya di Desa Narimbang Mulya, Kecamatan Rangkasbitung, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten, Rabu (22/5/2024) sekira pukul 15.20 WIB. Kanit Gakum Satlantas Polres Lebak, IPDA…
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ceritairmafitria · 1 month
Padahal sepi, tapi aku masoh menahan suara isak tangis yang menggedor ulu hati
Bahkan suara angin yang menelisik masuk lewat jendela kaca kusam terdengar lebih nyaring dari pilu yang menggerogoti
aku benci diriku yang tidak berdaya meringkuk memeluk diri
kukira, aku cukup pandai berdiam di kesepian ini
nyatanya hampir mati
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midnightsorrowsworld · 3 months
Rab, 13 mar 2024 01.41
Dream journal
Aku kebangun dr tidurku, kayanya aku bari tidur bentar. Aku mimpi jelek banget, sampe sesak nafas. Aku beneran kudu duduk dam ngatur nafasku, bolak balik kebangun mimpinya lanjut akhirnya aku mutusin buat nulis ini.
Aku mimpi nyelinap di kamar kosmu, aku kaya nyari sesuatu tapi ga pasti apa. Ada penjaga kos cowo tp dia biarin aku masuk kosmu. Aku nemu hp kamu yg lama, aku buka langsung ke kontaknya trs ada kontak elda yg km kasih nama pakai emoticon hati dan kupu2. Aku berusaha buat foto jelas kontaknya. Terus aku baca sms km sama dia, itu obrolan yg sangat panjang, aku lgsg scroll dr awal kalian chatan. Aku tapi berenti d tanggal 3 maret 2023 tahun lalu, kalian udah pergi keluar bareng aku berusaha buat ngatir emosiku. Karna aku d kejar waktu, dan jam udah nunjukin jam 16.30 bentar lagi km plg kerja.
Aku scroll percakapan kamu sambil nahan nangis sampai akhirnya km pulang ke kosan. Kesan mukamu waktu pertama kali liat aku datar ga menyenangkan, tapi aku sibuk but nyari sesuatu bukti gatau apa. Sampai akhirnya kita duduk berdua dibawah lantai, aku sambil terisak2 bilang ke kamu kalo km jahat, km dulu selingkuhin aku karna kalian uda keluar berdua waktu aku umroh. Terus km deketin ke aku nenangin aku sambil peluk aku, tp aku nvehindar dan bilang km jahat. Di mimpi aku berusaha biar ga kontak fisik sm km, tp tiba2 km ndusel kepalamu ke aku trs mau ucuk2 hidungku (dan ini aku gabisa hindarin banget) aku kangen kamu sambil nangis aku ucuk2 hidumg sampe hampir kita mau kissing tp aku ngejauh dr kamu. Karna aku tau itu cm akal2anmu biar ak g marah2. Terus hpku tbtb bunyi aku dpt telpon dr nomor ga d kenal (spt biasa dr kode negara lain) trs aku jelasin ke km kalo no.orku kayanya ada yg nyebar dan aku takut. Jujur itu aku aslinya nyindir kamu karna aku naruh curiga ke kamu dan pacarmu buat neror aku. Tapi terus km dg entangnya jawab buat nyuruh aku ganti nomor.
Terus aku lupa , detail selanjutnya gimana. Seingetku aku kebangun trs nyoba tidur lagi abis gitu tbtb pacarmu dateng terus nantangin aku maen gatau apa tp disana aku kayak dibodohi sm kalian. Punggungku disayat pake pisau sama pacarmu yg d bantu km buat bodohin aku. Ini kayak game simulasi gitu, jd taruhanny nyawa jd aku haru selamat dan keluar dr sana. Babak selanjutnya aku harus ngikutin penari cewek india buat ambil air dr tangan trs diminum selma 3x tp muter tangannya. Aku ikutin dan aku berhasil. Waktu aku lari ke babak selanjutnya, aku letemu juri pak tua pakai baju china kesakitan sambil megangin perutnya. Aku bigung kudu gimana alhirny aku temeni beliau sambil buka hp lamamu trs scroll chatmu dr awal bnget, aku gatau apa karna hpmu tusam tp trrnyata km ida kena lama bgt sm elda (6 tahunan) dan intense chatan padahal wkt itu km masoh pacarku.
Sampe aku baca isi chat dia, yg bilang godain km dulu bilang "kalo ga ketemu ga seru" trs ada chat kalian uda tidur bareng, trs ada chatbdianyg ngaduin aku ke km perkara twitter trs dibawahnya dia kirim 2 video durasi 1 menitan ke km. Pas nunggu donload selesai, aku cek pak tua itu ternyta perutnya berdarah (kayak abis d tebas pisau) sm kyk yg elda dan km laluin ke aku. Akhirnya ak fokus nolongin pak itu. Dan aku bangun ketakutan karena ngerasa nyawaku diancem. Aku berdoa biar ga mimpi gini lagi
Aku kangen kamu jujur ak kangen bgt sm kamu, tp aku takut apalagi d kehidupan nyata aku abis ada yg ngancem entah itu siapa, biar ga gangguin kamu sambil ngirim gmbarnsantet serem. Ku takut
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piece-of-cheese · 2 years
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Abi Umeda really likes to rip parental figures from us, huh?
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indomilkbanana · 11 months
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darlingpwease · 10 months
Slapping aki hayakawa's cock 😵‍💫 just the pretty leaking thing swaying as your hand delivers another harsh and crisp smack, he doesn't hide how much he likes it though — probably his favourite punishment. bucking his hips everytime and a choked groan leaving his perfect kisses-numb lips as he gets closer and closer to actually cumming just from this
so feral about him istg
- (new) voca anon?
hopefully? please? I love your works so much, just getting a few words from you would make me eat candles
hihi honey~!!! kith kith, welcome home<333 don't eat candles, they taste like lipstick, which is more like clay<///4 /hj /affectionate
♡ gentle talk + rough treatment, mild sadism/masohism, handjob, cum eating [aki], praise (g.), dom/sub themes is you squint
AKI looks like a guy who needs to relax — with his constant stress and depressed state, you really just want to help. after all, you are close, so it's not that it's strange — when life is always on the line and every day may be the last, a person begins to get used to doing everything quickly and hastily.
even so emotionally pinched as AKI.
especially someone like AKI.
you don't need a lot of persuasion, in fact — and a special environment, too; AKI is more than sensitive when you coo over him, emotionally warming him up, and when he eventually gives you the green light, awkwardly kissing your lips, you don't need a lot of words, preferring business, pinching his cute waist and feeling how hot he is under his clothes, as if a little alcohol didn't hit head, but immediately in the blood — while you leave bites-kisses on his lips, without bothering to discuss anything, clinging to his belt and biting his neck while he tries to open the door to apartment with trembling hands.
and when you finally press him to the floor, looking into his eyes, which reflect only the dim light of the night, it's really hard for you to resist.
... but,,,,,, but AKI, who clings to your sleeve, breathing heavily, bowing his head while you rub his cute cock, swollen from endless stimulation; whining slightly with trembling legs when you slap his dick again before painfully caressing him, pressing him by the neck to the wall while pumping him, but at the very moment you take your hand away — just to roughly squeeze, forbidding to cum until you get what you crave. even when he jerks hips, clinging to your shoulders, while you comfortably fit between his spread wet thighs, pinching and leaving marks; whisper what a good boy he is, how obedient he is, what a cute dick he has — and immediately slap when he jerks his hips with impatience, demanding absolute submission, knowing that he is too desperate and needy to give it to you, even if his cock with hips is already soaked with his pre-cum, dripping from his bright red dickhead,,,,
pump up just to not give, praise just to slap — AKI becomes such a mess that when he eventually cums in your hand; can't stop shaking feverishly for a few minutes, drooling, and obediently licking his own cum from your hand when you ask him, using his tongue even if his mind is still swimming,,,,
good boy<3
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livlovlun119 · 1 year
문학잡지 릿터 / 과학잡지 스켑틱 /
모수오족(중국 모계사회) /
아툼 / 오시리스 이시스 세트 네프티스 / 호루스 /
사포 레스보스섬 /
아담 이브(하와) / 릴리트 /
로맨스(로마적인 것) / 귀부인 음유시인 트루바두르(남프랑스 음유시인) / 연애 / 문학 /
Bdsm b&d(bondage discipline) d&s(dominance submission s&m(sadism masohism) /
하트 실피움(피임약 열매) / 콘돔 찰스 2세 주치의 콘돔 박사 /
무성애자 / 진보적 무성애자 / 인셀 incel(비자발적 금욕주의자 루저) / 폴리아모리 / 원더우먼(윌리엄 원작자 엘리자베스 부인 올리브 번 삼각관계동료) /
샤를 푸리에(1772-1837) 초기 공산주의자 새로운 연애 세상에서 1829 / 폴리아모리 공동체 / 개방연애(오픈 매리지) 자유연애 V 트라이어드 폴리피델리티(공동체) /
틴더 / 로블록스 / 젠더 갈등 / 연애 인플레이션 / 무료함보다는 지옥이라도 연애를 /
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rawdenimhouse · 1 year
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Salam dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua 🙏. Kami di jerteh masih lagi belum beroperasi harini rentetan dari kejadian banjir besar luar biasa , masoh dalam mode mencuci lumpur.inshaAllah esok kita on seperti biasa. Nanti kita on live session jualan dana banjir 🤲. #rawdenimhouse #besutbanjir2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmbCS5iBuwp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ellasoebani · 1 year
Bersyukur dengan penuh syukur
Seringkali kita mengeluhkan apa yang seharusnya disyukuri,saya misalnya mengeluhkan hal yang seharusnya tak perlu dikeluhkan,sebab terkadang dari sekian banyak keluhan kita,justru pada diri orang lain tengah menimpa sebuah kesulitan hidup dan kesusahan hidup,misalnya kesulitan dalam ekonomi,jangankan untuk bermimpi setinggi langit,untuk sekedar bisa bertahan hidup saja mereka kesulitan,dihadapkan pada masalah pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup saja mereka masoh sangat kesulitan,penghasilan yang kecil,pengeluaran yang tak pernah terduga,masih bisa makan saja sudah alhamdulillah. Betapa kita harus bersyukur dan penuh syukur,bukan hanya sebatas mengucap kata alhamdulillah,melainkan dilakukan dalam tindakan dan perbuatan yang benar-benar mensyukuri apa yang kita punya dan miliki. Saya yakin,rasa penuh syukur ini akan membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih tenang dan damai,ketika kita diberi rejeki banyak,pergunakan dengan benar dan tak membuangnya untuk hal yang tidak ada faedahnya sebab saat kita melakukan itu,ada banyak orang yang ingin hidup dalam segala ketercukupan,jauh dari kesulitan dll. Bentuk mesyukuri inilah yang harus kita tanamkan dalam diri kita,tidak hidup dalam keinginan yang tiada henti,punya keinginan adalah normal,tetapi saat semua yang kita butuhkan telah ada,disitulah kita harus bisa menahan diri. Bentuk syukur lainnya adalah ketika kita tahu bahwa kemampuan kita adalah kecil maka keinginan kitapun harus kecil agar kita bisa balance pada apa yang kita dapatkan dengan apa yang harud kita keluarka
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