#masc hypnosis
forcemasculinisation · 4 months
I agree with the anon asking about T-dick. We need more content.
Imagine bumping into a girl one day who looks like she's trying to look like a guy but doing a poor job of it. She's got half a used tube of low dose T-cream, wears a jock and a packer and binds. It's the not quite short enough hair and voice that tips you off.
A perfect candidate to be forcemasced perhaps?
Trigger Warnings: Dubious consent.
I'd say shes already on her way to being easily manipulated, pretty malleable even. He just needs that extra push to know what's best for him.
Once you get to know her, she piles on excuses about her appearance. Her shaggy hair covers half her face, like she is insecure about her soft features. She swears she binds for some sort of personal preference, and takes T to help her gain an advantage in track. There's no point in justifying the silicone dick between her legs; but she still finds a way to try and convince you. It puts her in the right mindset - that's all.
You take stronger medication than her, enanthate injections, and you eventually coax out of her that she's curious about it. Says she's always been curious about upping her dose, but scared about the effects. You give her the illusion of consent by letting her know, casually, of some of the major changes she could see. Thicker and longer body hair. A much deeper voice. Coarser skin and less curves. You joke with her that an increased sex drive is another common effect, and his eyes subtly widen at that.
Soon enough, months of her straddling you as you push your needle into her skin go by. You're already starting to see major changes, and soon enough a man stands before you. His hair is still long, shoulder length by the time facial hair starts to show, but - seemingly on her own accord - he buzzes it off. She still seems uncomfortable with such sudden changes, as anyone would be, but it's your job to assure him that it's all fine. She'll still be straight if she presents this way, and straight guys love masculine girls (a sweet lie, of course, but how else will you pursuade him?).
It's fun to watch him flush as you call him a good man (a good boy, occasionally) for taking his shots so well. You get to introduce him as your mate, your boy to others, using he/him pronouns, and watch with pride as his protests of "I'm actually a girl" falter with every moment.
Social transition is the hardest. But he'll get there soon enough. He's your boy toy now.
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medikkink · 2 months
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i wanna be bloody but like the way men are
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pup-time · 29 days
having some thoughts about forcemasc + hypnosis
putting my dildo in my boxers, sticking out like its my own dick
dropping me down and making me believe its really my own dick, feeling every touch so deeply and making me stroke it nice and slow until im all whiny and needy
begging to be a good boy while i jerk off like a good pup should
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perfectlysterile · 2 months
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l0verb0yblues · 1 month
trying to do hypnokink with a himbo would deal psychic damage, i thinks. imagine trying to explain to him the concept of mantras and audios, and then after a good thirty seconds of silence, he says “oh, like making someone a personal podcast!”. i’d blow up on the spot.
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pro-nor-con · 9 months
masturbating is just a thing i do when i miss them to remind myself how much fuller and better i feel as their little brain-dead slave
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spiraling-eyes · 1 year
@ all those people who are shouting that they love boypussy, tcock, and hypnotized boys: where tf are you?!?
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hypnosenthusiast543 · 19 days
This isn't my usual content, but I feel like my moots will still enjoy to know i got my first endocrinology appointment today!
I'm gonna get my testosterone a lot sooner than I though!
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forcemasculinisation · 4 months
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Kristen “If I could grow a little mustache, if I could grow a fucking happy trail and unbutton my pants, I would” Stewart
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medikkink · 3 months
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thank you so much for 100+ followers!!! here's an extra self-indulgent post for you guys! i'm begging on my hands and knees to be kidnapped and injected with t (insert emoji with the star eyes and monkey covering eyes because i'm on desktop). but until then, i'll just keep my window unlocked ;) sweet dreams <3
i love you all <3
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catgirlknighted · 1 month
“My son turned out completely fine!” Your daughter wants to be put in a trance, called a “good kitty“ as she does cute catgirl poses for me, and obey my every command. She’s also very suggestible & susceptible to my voice.
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perfectlysterile · 4 months
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hornyprinceling · 8 hours
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lastcrush · 9 months
open to  :  anyone 40+.    muse  :  vicente cortez.  46.  retired formula one driver.  he/him. plot  :  very recently broke up and your muse comes over to pick up boxes of their stuff from vicente's place but oh no the raging storm outside knocks the power out... 
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          "     okay.  okay , stop.     "     vicente flips the light switch a couple times , gives up , and turns on the flashlight on his phone.     "     i don't like the idea of you behind the wheel when it's storming like that.     "     or them behind the wheel at all , but that's a matter for another time.     "     stay until it's calmed down.  if it makes you feel any better , i'm terrified of the dark and you'd be doing me yet another favor keeping me company.     "     he hopes his joke lands , though with the tense air between them , he wouldn't blame them if they walked out anyway in response.
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pro-nor-con · 10 months
the better they make me feel the dumber i sound
the dumber i sound the dumber i am
the dumber i am the better they make me feel
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hypnosenthusiast543 · 1 month
Y'all I had a dream tonight I was being hypnotised by my roommate. y'all. the forcemasc Hypno is getting to me.
I'm craving this rn.
DMS open
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