#marchie scribbles
rinnelovebot · 1 year
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A/N: the first part did well, and I found them relatively easy to write, so I’ve decided to make a part two with a few of my friends’ (and my own) blorbos
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⤷ Kisses with them
— ft. Natsume Sakasaki, Souma Kanzaki, Chiaki Morisawa, Mika Kagehira, Kuro Kiryu, Tsukasa Suou, Arashi Narukami, Mao Isara
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⤷ Natsume, who enjoys your kisses immensely, no matter how nonchalant he tries to act. You always notice a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks each time you press a kiss against his skin, and when you look at him so fondly, he can’t help the coy smile that creeps onto his lips.
⤷ Souma, who is so endearingly inexperienced that it brings a smile to your face. There’s a fine balance between his enthusiasm to kiss you and his gentle, caring nature — and both qualities show each time he kisses you. He hopes that you’ll teach him along the way.
⤷ Chiaki, whose kisses always seem to rejuvenate you after a long, hard day. When you’re feeling sluggish, he’s always there to help, and that means peppering the sweetest kisses wherever he can reach. No matter how long the two of you are together, he’ll always be like this.
⤷ Mika, who blissfully giggles into your mouth whenever you kiss him. Dopily, he grins, and quickly loses himself in the soft, suppleness of your lips. It’s almost flattering how much he enjoys kissing you, and the boy finds himself chasing after your lips. To him, there’s absolutely no better thing.
⤷ Kuro, who has a physical need to pull your chin between his fingers before kissing you. Big or small, he wraps an arm around your waist, and your chin winds up between his thumb and index finger. The closeness is new and exciting, and he knows you’ll kindly indulge him whenever he wants.
⤷ Tsukasa, who’s more gentlemanly than anyone you’ve ever known. He’s slow with initiation, waiting for any signs of you not wanting a kiss — and he waits with nervous, boyish, furrowed eyebrows. He’s too cute, and you typically end up pulling his face down with your hands to finally meet your lips.
⤷ Arashi, who fawns over you like it’s her only mission in life. She audibly coos at you, pulling you closer and kissing you so sweetly that you feel like your teeth may rot. Her lips hold a certain warmth and relaxant, and you’re extremely certain that you’ll never get tired of it.
⤷ Mao, whose kisses are always the most comforting thing in your time of need. His kisses have a way of calming you down, and consuming each and every thought that you’re able to comprehend. You don’t know how he does it — once, you insisted that it must be magic.
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andybarton5589-blog · 5 years
Mood For A New Washing Machine: Leggi alcune caratteristiche che la tua macchina dovrebbe avere!
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Quando si mettono le risorse in un'altra lavatrice, c'è molto di più di quanto bene pulisce. Per cominciare, prenderai in considerazione il tipo di macchina di cui hai bisogno: un caricatore superiore, un caricatore superiore senza istigatore o un caricatore frontale. Limite finanziario, ovviamente, è un'altra preoccupazione (una macchina a misura completa può costare da qualche parte nell'intervallo di $400 a oltre $1.700). Inoltre, quali punti salienti di pulizia non comuni possono essere super utili per voi? Ecco il modo di avvicinarsi al passaggio dell'apparecchio dotato di una prospettiva inconfondibile.
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Nel caso in cui si dispone di una piccola dispensa (o solo un angolo abbigliamento): Le rondelle piene possono avere una larghezza da 24 a 30 pollici o più (e alcune macchine hanno frontali ingombranti e sagomati che si aggiungono alla larghezza), quindi iniziate a prendere il nastro di misurazione. Scribble giù gli elementi del vostro spazio, ma in aggiunta guardare inoltre che la rondella si inserisce attraverso i foyer e gli ingressi in transito nella stanza. Inoltre, pensate anche ad altri componenti vincolanti, ad esempio, un ingresso della lavatrice che sbatte contro il divisore ogni volta che lo aprite. Nel caso in cui siate guardati con uno spazio super-sottile, un caricatore frontale che si impilano con l'asciugatrice potrebbe essere l'opzione più logica.
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Nella remota possibilita' che la tua dispensa non sia nel rifugio: In primo luogo, assicuratevi che il pavimento sia adeguatamente rinforzato per la pesantezza delle macchine. Potreste aver bisogno di un modello più calmo con caratteristiche che riducono le vibrazioni e la commozione durante il ciclo di rotazione in modo che non sia fastidioso per la vostra vita di tutti i giorni. Inoltre, considerate la spesa per un'ombreggiatura "di design", poiché è immaginabile che la vostra macchina possa essere vista dai visitatori più regolarmente che se fosse coperta al piano terra.
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Nel caso in cui abbiate un'enorme quantità di lavaggi da fare: Le misure della vasca sono le più significative, e possono estendersi da circa 2,45 piedi cubi fino a 5,6 piedi cubi. Potrete individuare il limite più grande su un caricatore frontale o in un caricatore superiore senza il fomentro focale. Inoltre, pensate a fantasiose quote e fini come impostazioni programmabili (in modo che i bambini più affermati possono aiutare a fare i loro vestiti facilmente) o una piattaforma che vi eviterà di nuovo di chinarsi continuamente.
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Nel caso in cui preferireste non spendere molto: Un piccolo piano di spesa non significa davvero una penitenza nell'esecuzione, eppure è probabile che si otterranno punti salienti meno stravaganti. Cosa c'è di più, non lasciatevi influenzare dalle tonalità di stile: risparmierete dai 100 ai 200 dollari nel caso in cui decidiate di scegliere un modello bianco. I tradizionali caricatori top loader senza decorazione sono i meno costosi, ma utilizzano più vitalità per funzionare. Utilizzate le valutazioni della Energy Guide per tenere conto dei costi della vostra vitalità nei 10-15 anni di vita della macchina.
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Nella remota possibilità che sia necessario preservare l'acqua e l'energia elettrica: I caricatori frontali utilizzano molta meno acqua rispetto ai tradizionali top loader, che devono essere completamente rabboccati per i cicli di lavaggio e risciacquo. Scegliete un modello Energy Star, che riduce il consumo di energia e acqua del 20% e del 35%, separatamente, rispetto ai modelli non valutati. Inoltre, guardate i marchi Energy Guide come motivo di esame dal modello alla dimostrazione. In ogni caso, ricordate che i costi effettivi saranno diversi, in considerazione del vostro utilizzo e delle spese di utilità nelle vostre vicinanze.
Nel caso tu debba continuamente lottare contro macchie estreme: Nei nostri test, i caricatori frontali hanno dato risultati di pulizia preferiti rispetto ai caricatori superiori. Cercate una macchina con un unico ciclo di smacchiatura o di prelavaggio, oppure una macchina con evidenziatore di vapore. Un'impostazione "fresca" della temperatura che si fonde con un tocco di acqua ad alta temperatura con il virus aiuterà il detergente in polvere a decomporsi completamente per una migliore espulsione delle macchie.
Nel caso in cui tu sia specifico sulla considerazione del vestito: Vi appoggerete verso un front-loader o un top-loader senza l'istigatore, che può rendere l'abbigliamento groviglio ed è più diligentemente sulla consistenza. Alcuni modelli di fascia alta hanno cicli unici intelligenti per pulire materiali espliciti, dal denim agli asciugamani, dai divani letto ai lavabili a mano, e il cielo è il limite da lì. Allo stesso modo, la ricerca di punti salienti personalizzati come il vapore per una migliore evacuazione delle macchie, i passi di rotazione personalizzabili per ridurre il groviglio e i cicli di purificazione per eliminare i germi.
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
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A/N: back for round two! consider this a gift for a few friends
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*ೃ༄ Kisses with them
— ft. Subaru Akehoshi, Kanata Shinkai, Nazuna Nito, Tsumugi Aoba, Shu Itsuki, Ritsu Sakuma, Keito Hasumi, Adonis Otogari
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⤷ Subaru, who kisses with such tenacity and sweetness that it almost makes your head spin. His kisses hold so much value, and he takes great pride in his ability to pepper them across your face lightly enough to remain endearing, but firmly enough to effectively reassure you of his undying love for you.
⤷ Kanata, whose kisses pull you down to earth, to the sea. His lips are gentle and grounding, and they remind you that you truly exist. You’re here, and you’ve never been surer of that. The lips that press against your own are slightly moist, and perfectly soft. Even better yet, they’re all yours, forever and always.
⤷ Nazuna, who always fits in a kiss, no matter the time. Sometimes his kisses are so quick and light that you could blink and miss it, but they still hold value all the same. He kisses you good morning, goodbye, goodnight — everything in between, his caring lips always seem to find your own.
⤷ Tsumugi, who kisses you to make sure you know that you’re safe and secure when he’s around. His kisses seem to hold a quiet “don’t worry”, or “it’s alright”, and when his lips seek your own, you know that everything is fine, and that no matter what, no matter when or where, you’ll be okay.
⤷ Shu, who shows his weakness and tenderness through his lips. You can feel his shoulders relax when your lips meet, and his furrowed brows return to normal. No one but you knows this side of him, and slowly, he’s become okay with showing his all to you. He kisses you to relax, to reveal himself.
⤷ Ritsu, whose kisses are so whiny and and slow that you almost giggle. He sighs into your mouth and pulls you closer, silently claiming you as his own and asking you to never, ever leave him. His lips press against your own until neither of you can breathe, and even then, he pouts once you separate.
⤷ Keito, who kisses you without even noticing. It’s become something so natural and regular that it hardly requires any thinking, and before he knows it, he’s leaning forward, and tilting your chin to kiss you. He didn’t realize something like this could be so simple. And he’s perfectly okay with that.
⤷ Adonis, who asks before every kiss. Boyishly, innocently, he whispers for permission to steal a kiss, and you’ve never known a sweeter man. He’s so considerate that your heart squeezes in your chest. He knows he can kiss you whenever, but nothing beats the smile on your face whenever he inquires.
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
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A/N: I KNOW THE BANNER LOOKS FUCKED UP but it’s bc I don’t have access to the full cg yet.. anyway I had to get it out of my system. I’m so fucking in love with him
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*ೃ༄ dressing room angel
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“I quite like it; it suits me, I think.”
You’d been staring at Hiiro’s new personalized outfit within one of the various ES dressing rooms for at least an hour now — fiddling with the beads adorning his neck, the earrings that complimented his eyes almost devilishly well — just about everything, and you still wouldn’t say you were even close to being done yet. Hiiro wore a relaxed grin on his face, as if proud, but still waiting on your fully fleshed out input.
“It does,” you added, “It really, really does. It’s different from your first personalized outfit, but that’s the best part.”
The redheads grin grew wider at your words, sighing contently as one of your hands wandered up from his chest to his cheek, stroking soft skin with a gentle palm. “Ah, I’m happy to hear that… Anzu-san did an amazing job encapsulating my ideas, better than I ever could’ve.”
She did do an amazing job. You’d say that Hiiro’s always been a handsome young man, but this outfit in particular accentuated all of his finest qualities and amplified them to the point where you didn’t think you’d be able to look him in the eye for longer than five seconds without melting into a pathetic pile of goop.
Knowing that your initial inspection had passed, he stepped forward, allowing his hands to rest on your hips. Perhaps reflexively, yours wrapped around his shoulders in turn; In attempts to avoid growing too flustered at the closeness — and the overall sight of him — you filled the silence. “What do your friends think? Your brother?”
Hiiro chuckled under his breath. “Well, Mayoi-senpai and Aira reacted with a series of excited squeals, which I’d hope to be positive.” The way his lips grew closer wasn’t lost on you. “Tatsumi-senpai and Nii-san had more coherent things to say, though. I was relieved to hear that they liked it as much as I do.”
Yeah, that sounded accurate enough. You had no doubts that his colleagues would be just as insane about this as you had been. “Ah, also, the garters were Aira’s idea. He thought they’d bring an ‘air of hotness’ to my otherwise ‘handsome and pure’ image.” The amused lilt in his voice suggested that he noticed your affliction, but he didn’t want to tease you about it. He’d always been too kind for that.
You’d have to thank his little blonde peer later. “I see…” you whispered, feeling his breath upon your lips as the two of you gently swayed, gazing at one another intently.
The vast blue ocean of his eyes always seemed to draw you in, almost hypnotically so — no matter how great your efforts to avoid them. No one could ever look at you as fondly as Hiiro.
“Did it work?”
And just as he dipped down to finally give you what you wanted, you offered him a response. “You know it did.”
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rinnelovebot · 8 months
hi marchie... can i req. earl grey tea w natsume.... thank you.... i am the most normal person alive you have to believe me please no wait come back i swear pl
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A/N: errrm is this ooc I can’t write natsume
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*ೃ༄ natsume sakasaki + earl grey: how did they court their s/o?
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Natsume never tried to hide how fond he was of you — you were special to him, and he treated you as such. Everyone else knew it, too! After all, whenever he looked at you, the warm smile that reached all the way down to his core was unmistakable and impossible to mask. However, he never rushed to put a label on what the two of you had, for fear that he might scare you — or even himself — away.
But that doesn’t mean it would never happen. “Partner” is a serious word, and he wanted to take the time to ponder it, as well as gauge whether or not you felt the same. With some light encouragement from his friends, and much self-reflection, he’d finally work up the courage to confess in a serious, meaningful way.
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rinnelovebot · 9 months
hi can i request pomegranate tea with jun? tysm!!
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A/N: woke up at 4 am and decided that it’s been too long since I’ve written anything … howeeever, my posts have been flopping horrendously, so I’m hoping this one doesn’t suffer the same fate
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*ೃ༄ jun sazanami + pomegranate tea: at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
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Jun knew he loved you when he eventually came to realize how calm, safe, and at peace you made him feel. His affections for you had never been a mystery, of course, but he always kept a safe distance. Despite his attempts to keep you at arms length, you wormed your way into his heart, and made a home there — it was a welcomed act.
He constantly found himself seeking the comfort of your presence, his mind and body soothed at the mere sight of you: it was as though the love that you had for him provided an anchor, in the best way possible, and he chased anything you offered up to him. With you at his side, more than anything, he felt that regardless of what life threw at him, he would be okay in the days to come.
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rinnelovebot · 2 years
May I have Mayoi Mika n Himeru kiss kiss hcs please and thank you
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A/N: I have a looot to say about this. First of all, Jesus fucking Christ I love these boys with my entire heart and soul. Second of all, this request broke my rules. However, because of favoritism, I chose to change it to fit my rules and wrote it anyway. It was really hard picking which two to write since I love all three of them, but my alkakurei bias always seems to win in the end…
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*ೃ༄ Kissing Mayoi Ayase and Himeru
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⤷ Mayoi’s kisses are slow and cautious, always so full of breathless whimpers and sighs. He’s afraid of moving too fast or disgusting you, and he silently prays that you don’t find him to be too desperate for his own good. But if you look deeper within, his kisses are terribly loving. They’re soaked in all of his love for you, and he can’t help but gently pull you closer, whispering his countless affections against your lips — he loves you so much, and he just can’t hold it in when he gets to feel your lips pressed against his. His lips are soft, a bit cold, and oh-so inviting.
⤷ Initiating kisses isn’t exactly his strong suit. 99% of the time, he’ll wait for you to lean in, and only then will he allow himself the pleasure of kissing you. Something about it is so shameful, and though he knows he’s being irrational, he subconsciously worries that you’ll get weirded out by his kisses. Though, he loves to give you gentle kisses when you fall asleep by his side. The man presses his lips to whatever part of your skin that they happen to land on, lingering for longer than usual and whispering sweet nothings into your sleeping ears. Watching over you like this brings him a sense of calm, and he allows himself to be just a bit looser with his kisses than usual. With another loving kiss to your shut eyelids, Mayoi hoped that his kisses would allow for sweet dreams.
⤷ He absolutely adores hand kisses, especially giving them. They’re a bit less flustering than lip kisses, so he can give them to you without shame whenever he wants. Mayoi loves every single part of you, and your hands aren’t exempt from that fact. He holds them so gently in his own, lifting them to meet his mouth in a lingering kiss, softly blowing his warm breath into your palms in an effort to keep you warm. He worships your hands with his lips, and swoons over how fragile they feel within his own — it’s safe to say that he seems to be off in his own little world during these times, and who were you to interrupt?
⤷ Kisses are something that Mayoi craves, even if he’s typically too nervous to indulge himself. He catches himself delightfully pondering the feeling of your lips against his in his off time, a warm grin on his face, and soft giggles erupting from deep within his chest. He was well aware that to an outsider, he definitely looked like a maniacal freak. But when he was so blissfully caught up in his thoughts of whisking you off to somewhere with only just the two of you, and gently taking your chin between his fingers, sealing the deal as you both leaned in… He really couldn’t care any less about how he looked to others.
⤷ In all, his kisses are enchanting, if not a bit skittish. Though, his love for kissing you often wins against his shyness towards affection, and when it does — it’s wonderful. He kisses you with the most gentlemanly, gentlest fervor he can muster, tilting his head to the side in order to deepen your lips’ embrace with his own. To kiss you is a gift, and to be with you is a blessing, Mayoi had always thought, but never more than he had thought it when his lips met yours for the very first time.
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⤷ Himeru’s kisses are so gentle, so sweet — enough to melt your mind, and fill you with thoughts of only him for the rest of eternity. You just can’t help but sigh against his mouth, and you try your hardest to rid yourself of the mind-fog that follows soon after, but you can’t. Every time his lips meet yours, it’s like his name is chanted like a sacred mantra within your mind — it’s always Himeru, Himeru, Himeru. Even more than that, you can never get enough of him, and you chase after his lips after every parting. He’s well aware of his almost dramatic effect on you, how he occupies your mind almost dreadfully often, and it never fails to makes his heart sing.
⤷ His kisses are full of meaning, with each and every kiss saying “I love you”, “I need you”, and “I’m yours”. Himeru has never been a particularly needy or clingy man, but he can’t help but let his lips linger upon your own for as long as you’ll let him. Kissing is the perfect union between two lovers — and no one understands that more than Himeru does. Your lips are absolutely lovely, blissful — whimsical, he may even suggest. You’re just so perfect, he just has to kiss you whenever he gets the urge. Not that you mind, though. Luckily for him, you enjoy kissing him just as much as he enjoys kissing you.
⤷ Forehead kisses are something that Himeru is particularly fond of — aside from your lips, of course. They’re usually given as a form of reassurance, as if trying to silently communicate: “Don’t worry, my love”. He smiles at you so tenderly afterwards, topaz colored eyes shining brilliantly into your own. It grants you peace of mind, after all, how could you ever worry about anything with your boyfriend standing here, kissing your head so gently? Though, that isn’t to say that he doesn’t give them to you casually as well. They hold many separate meanings, but above all else, they mean all of his love for you.
⤷ Himeru never rushes his kisses. Simple and mundane pecks could never display even nearly as much as he wants them to, which is why he prefers deep kisses above all else. Pecks are reserved for when time is running annoying short, such as if he’s in a particular rush to work — and then only. Kissing you deeply is intimate, oh-so loving, and he could get lovedrunk on the way your lips press so desperately upon his. He had never been one to enjoy such romance, at least deeper than at surface-level. But now, he couldn’t imagine life without your frequent kisses.
⤷ He’ll just never get enough of you. Himeru can’t stand to be without your kisses for long, and seemingly, neither can you. To be so deeply in love with someone like you… It’s better and more fulfilling than Himeru could have ever imagined. Some days it truly does feel like his lips are magnetized to yours, unable to keep his mouth away from you for too long. Kisses hold such significant meaning to Himeru, and you’d never dream of depriving him of something so important. After all, you’re just as whipped for his kisses as he is for yours, and Himeru couldn’t possibly be more content with that.
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
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A/N: I’ve been thinking about him a lot recently. dreamy sigh… I’d like to be kissed by him. anyway, sorry these are kind of bland; I’ve been severely writers blocked for about a month now, so I didn’t wanna overwhelm myself just yet.
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*ೃ༄ Adonis Otogari relationship hc’s
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⤷ Regardless of the situation, Adonis always puts you first, above anything and everything. You’re his priority, and he tends to get tunnel vision when you’re on his mind — romantic and comforting, you admit — though, because of this, you worry that he isn’t taking care of himself like he should. Adonis would never disregard your concerns, so he reassures you however many times you need; His support system (you, his friends) is solid, and he pecks your forehead to make sure that you know he’s alright, and taking good care of himself.
⤷ Adonis has a subtle way of making you terribly weak in the knees; it’s completely unintentional, which seems to make it just that much more impactful. Whether his hand catches your waist when you stumble, or he looks at you with such gentle admiration — you feel like you could fall for him over and over, time and time again… he doesn’t believe that his actions are swoon-worthy, but here you are, melting in his presence.
⤷ His clinginess seems to be extremely prominent when the two of you are alone. Not overbearingly so, of course, but just enough to make a smile dance across the edge of your lips. God, he’s so endearing — you wonder how you got so lucky. In public, he limits himself to loving gazes and a few sweet pecks in order to remain polite; but in private, he allows himself to feel more comfortable, bringing you to rest in his lap, kissing the day away…
⤷ Before you, his relationship experience was precisely zero. So, unsurprisingly, he’s not very (knowingly) keen on romance, but oh man, does it come naturally to him. Adonis feels like a prince out of a fairytale one would read as a child, one who seems to be sickeningly charming. Of course, he doesn’t think so in the slightest, but you know so. He treats you with a gentleness and understanding that you’ve never once come across, one that takes your breath away, and makes your cheeks hotter than the surface of a thousand suns.
⤷ Neither of you would change a single thing about the other. He views himself as inherently flawed, imperfect in the most inconvenient of ways; you can’t even begin to verbalize how wrong he is. It’s humorous, he thinks. Because that’s exactly how he feels about you. Of course, neither of you are perfect — but love is a wonderful thing. It cultivates change, good change. You’re two peas in a pod, and you’ll uplift one another until the end of time.
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rinnelovebot · 10 months
hii i saw ur inbox was open and i was wkndering if i cld ask for himeru whos dsting a reader thats jn crazyb with him but somehow keeps getting into dating scandals even tho they barely talk to anyone other than any of the es idols and crazyb?? thanks and hope u had a good day!
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A/N: happy boyfriend day! I waaaas about to go to sleep, but then I remembered that I said I would finish this and then my eyes shot open and I reached for my phone
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*ೃ༄ HiMERU with an s/o who’s in crazy:b
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⤷ If there’s anything that HiMERU knows, it’s how to keep a secret. He’s exceptionally confident in his abilities to keep your relationship on the down-low, regardless of what scandals or rumors may appear; it helps that he’s never been one to be publically affectionate, anyway, save for a friendly (and perfectly professional) pat on the back. With him, you don’t have to worry so much about your relationship being exposed to the public. But despite this, fans absolutely live for theatrical, thought-up (or in this case, all too real) romance/ships, which ends up constantly plaguing you and your lover.
⤷ Of course, HiMERU has numerous excuses and explanations at his disposal if the paparazzi and tabloids get too bad. Surely, there’s nothing wrong with grabbing a bite to eat with a coworker, right? His fingers brushing against your cheek are only to platonically help you wipe a crumb, obviously. Even if you seem… particularly close. Atop of his carefulness, the rest of crazy:b have also agreed to help keep your relationship under wraps; not only would the exposure of your relationship cause problems for you and HiMERU, but them as well. The five of you are intelligent enough, so there’s little to be weary of.
⤷ Admittedly, he’s pretty harsh on everyone during practice, making sure that no one is falling behind on their choreography, vocals, etc — however, his leniency is far more prominent when it comes to you. His words of criticism are softer when directed towards you, and Rinne often teases him for it (aided by Niki and Kohaku every now and then). After all, there’s no hiding the fond, humorous smile that crosses his lips after you stumble over your feet or miss a note. He knows you’re capable, and that you always try your best.
⤷ Lives play a big part in how you bond not only with HiMERU, but also with the other three. Practicing together, performing together, celebrating your wins, and mourning your losses, all of it brings you closer together, as distant as the five of you were in the beginning. Once, lives seemed like tedious obstacles to you, but now, that couldn’t be any more inaccurate. Each time you perform, the five of you silently agree that there’s no one else any of you would want to share a stage with; the five of you are the perfect fit.
⤷ Although dating a member of the same unit may prove difficult at times, HiMERU is always willing to bear whatever comes his way, if it means having you as his lover. It feels as though he can breathe easier with you at his side, even at his lowest, at his most stressed and vulnerable. Truly, could he be any luckier? He certainly doesn’t think so. Even if he has to keep your relationship a secret until the end of time, he’s grateful to have you in his life, to hold and kiss and love. Perhaps to promise himself to you, he’ll give you the most discreet of kisses backstage.
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
hello!! :3 i love your writing a lot and i hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself!! remember to get some watee to drink if you haven't
if i'm not too late to requests, could i request rinne and chiaki with an overworked s/o??
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A/N: You already know. I will always eat up any Rinne requests I get. Somehow, this is my first time writing for Chiaki?? I always thought he was a popular character, so I didn’t think it’d take over ?? a year of me writing to finally write something for him, buuuut, here we are!!
*ೃ༄ Rinne Amagi and Chiaki Morisawa taking care of an overworked S/O
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⤷ Unsurprisingly, Rinne is extremely good at picking up on your mood, and can easily tell when you’re tired or upset. He’s sure to calm his usual outwardly excitable demeanor in favor of not further upsetting you, and his brows furrow with worry. It’s likely that instead of asking outright, he’ll sling a careful arm around your shoulder, pecking your cheek and meeting you with a quizzical look on his face, as if to silently ask what’s wrong.
⤷ He’ll wait for you to come out with it. Although he can usually tell what you need, he wants to be sure, and he wouldn’t wanna forcibly tend to you when you definitely don’t want it. When you eventually confide in him about the long day you had experienced, he sucks his teeth, irritated that his lover would have to go through something so tiring. But he doesn’t worry too much, knowing that there’s nothing that a night of his gentle pampering can’t fix.
⤷ Carefully scooping you up in his arms with a wide grin on his face, he swiftly carries you to the bedroom — ungracefully, but sweetly and endearingly nonetheless. You talk about your day during your journey across the house, Rinne chiming in a few “yeah?”’s and “mhm”’s along the way, just to make sure you know he’s listening. Once you reach the bedroom, he plops you down on the bed, and playfully hovers over your limp body, pressing kisses to your cheeks and brows, nuzzling anywhere he can reach.
⤷ Grateful to your boyfriend for helping you to your destination, you nearly melt into the bed, humming contently as he continues to kiss, and kiss, and kiss your skin, weaving your fingers into the back of his hair. You mourn the loss of his lips as he sits back up, maneuvering your body to lie between his legs, your back against his chest, and he massages your tense shoulders with warm, broad palms. He always had a way of making you melt beneath his touch, and with each squeeze of your skin between his fingers, you began to forget all about your previous stress.
⤷ Rinne smothers you in his love well into the night, and quickly, you find yourself smiling and laughing within his arms, as opposed to wallowing away in exhaustion and self-pity all on your lonesome. It’s nights like these that you truly understand why you love your boyfriend so much — he cares. He cares so desperately and whole-heartedly, and it’s evident, with how he took such good care of you upon returning home. As you eventually begin to drift off, you know you’ll rest soundly — with such a wonderful man at your side.
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⤷ Immediately upon returning home, Chiaki greets you with a hug firmer than any you’ve ever known, pressing excited kisses to your cheeks and forehead. But, when he notices your lackluster attitude, he retracts, worried that he might’ve overstepped a boundary of some sort. Making you uncomfortable is the last thing he’d ever want to do after all. His chest tightens and relaxes all at once at hearing he’s not the problem, but rather, a result of a long day of work.
⤷ Chiaki frowns, and he feels a wave of sadness wash over him at the realization that you had a less than stellar day. But no matter — it was up to him to take care of you, and the thought of that eased his mind a bit, knowing that now, you were in safe hands. True to his heroic nature, Chiaki’s frown quickly turns to a toothy grin, and he presses one more kiss to your forehead before gently grasping your hand and leading you further into the house.
⤷ His enthusiastic, optimistic attitude brightens your mood all on its own, and you feel much better knowing that you’re finally home, safe and sound with your loving boyfriend. The two of you quickly end up in the living room, and Chiaki insists that you sit while he grabs a few things from the kitchen. Reluctantly, you agree, although you feel a bit saddened at the momentary loss of his company. But he promises that he’ll be back before you know he’s gone, and you know he’s being sincere when he gives you a small peck on his way out.
⤷ True to his word, your boyfriend is back within a few minutes, accompanied by water and a bowl full of snacks. You smile at his antics — this is normal for Chiaki, he’s always taking care of you, you noted. Silently, you ponder how on earth you got so lucky. Chiaki seems to notice you getting lost in thought, and he slowly brings you back to reality by bringing your hands into his own, having placed the snacks and drink on the coffee table in front of the couch.
⤷ You easily lost track of time, and had fallen asleep in Chiaki’s arms for at least a few hours, evident with how the sun had set while you were asleep. You dare not move, afraid of waking the man who held you. But, even if you had, you knew he wouldn’t mind. That’s just how he was. Kind, attentive, loving. If you inquired, he’d probably say something like “you’d do this for me as well!” — and of course, you would. Always.
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rinnelovebot · 11 months
shu + coffee pls (≖ ͜ʖ≖) (take this emoticon as a gift)
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A/N: forgot I was a writing acc for a second there. tomorrow is the last day of school, so I should have more time and energy to write nyeooow
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*ೃ༄ shu itsuki + coffee: do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
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Although Shu’s confident in his relationship with you, and trusts you enough to know you’d never betray your relationship — he can’t help his (putting it generously) minuscule possessive streak. Upon beginning a romantic relationship with you, he silently promised himself that for both of your sakes, he’d try not to be such a jealous man… But, he only succeeds ninety percent of the time.
When he just can’t help it, he’s quick to voice his displeasure; not with you, but with whoever piqued his jealousy. He’ll suck his teeth, and bring a gentle hand to rest upon your shoulder, grimacing at the thought of someone else thinking they have a chance with his beloved. However, it’s an easy fix; if he’s shown a bit of attention, and is reassured that you’re just his, he’ll let his annoyance go.
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rinnelovebot · 2 years
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A/N: I warned you all that this was coming. I should be studying for my exam in two days, but I had to get this out of my brain. I have spent an ungodly amount of money for this man and he still dares to not come home. I am forever bitter
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*ೃ༄ Somnolence and dreams
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You felt torn as you sat cross-legged beside your slumbering boyfriend, blissfully snoozing the night away on the couch of one of the many ES dressing rooms — should you reel him in from dreamland and wake him, or begrudgingly resign yourself to his side and let him sleep? Your mind clouded over with different possible outcomes, sighing as you gently traced a careful fingertip over his soft cheek.
The unconscious redhead hummed contently at your touch, prompting your hand to further caress his cheek. His skin was warm against your palm, a welcome contrast that coaxed a gleeful smile from your lips. He had always ran quite warm in comparison to you, and it was something that you’d never get enough of. It would probably do you both some good to wake him up, but you wanted to indulge yourself for a little while longer if time would allow it.
“Gonna keep starin’ at me? I’m really just that handsome, huh…?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of Rinne’s sleep-laced voice, a single, brilliantly blue eye peeping up at you curiously, a smug grin dancing across his lips. Perhaps you had gotten a little too caught up in your own head to realize he had woken up from his catnap. “God, that scared me… Asshole.” You muttered, but Rinne noticed how venom-less your words were. They lacked any bite whatsoever — and he giggled at that fact. “How long have you been awake?”
“Long enough. I wanted to let you get your fill.” He yawned, “Aren’t I so gracious, baby?” His tone was drenched in the most boyish amusement, tiredly batting his eyelashes at you. God, did he know how to make you flushed, even when he had been half-asleep and arguably delirious. “I think I deserve a kiss for my kindness.”
“Do you now?”
“Sure do, sweetheart.”
You couldn’t argue with such a deviously handsome face. “Alright, fine… Maybe I’ll give you a few more too, if you’re good.” You whispered, leaning fondly into the large, warm hands that gently grasped your face. He pulled you downwards, softly pressing his lips into your own for a deep, yet gentle kiss.
Both of you sighed into one another’s lips, giggling when rinne’s tiredness caused his teeth to softly clash with your own. His kisses always had a unique way of lighting a fire within the deepest depths of your ribcage, explosive sparks erupting from your heart, desperately ricocheting off of every part off you.
Rinne pecked, and pecked, and pecked at your lips, calloused thumbs stroking your face with all the gentleness of a man in love. “You know I love you, right?” He whispered between kisses, pulling you so close that you nearly stumbled over your own feet as you crawled to squeeze yourself next to him on the less than spacious couch. “More than anythin’ in the world, baby.”
“Of course I know,” you answered, heart fluttering within your chest. Anyone else would’ve argued otherwise, but you knew Rinne could be wonderfully romantic when the time was right. “I love you too, Rinne.”
“Mm… I’ll never get tired of hearin’ it.”
“Hearing what?”
He grinned, “Hearin’ how much you love me.”
His gaze was lovesick and tender, as was your own, you would’ve guessed. Obviously you couldn’t stay here forever, but for as long as time would allow you to, here you would stay — on this almost uncomfortably small couch, kissing the night away.
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rinnelovebot · 10 months
idk if i'm late to the tea prompts but!! if not, can i ask for rinne + earl grey tea and chamomile tea? i hope it's not too much, take care!
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A/N: sigh. he’s so delightful. also I knooow I said I changed my mind and was limiting the prompts to one, but rinne has my autism on his side. lastly, I had to ask my discord server to explain what courting meant
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*ೃ༄ rinne amagi + earl grey & chamomile
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⤷ earl grey tea: how did they court their s/o?
There was a lot of flirtatious build-up. He’d often joke about getting eloped and running away together — but despite the teasing, sarcastic nature of those comments, he would’ve absolutely dropped everything to be with you if you had seriously said yes. It took a while for him to confess to you for real, but afterwards, moving into a relationship with him felt smooth and relaxed; with him, there’s no rush, and you feel comfortable knowing you can take your time to just enjoy one another.
⤷ chamomile tea: what is their sleep schedule like? does it change around their s/o?
Rinne tends to sleep whenever he feels tired — typically around midnight; but if he’s had a long day, he doesn’t have any qualms with hitting the hay as soon as he gets home. If he doesn’t have work in the morning, he’ll sleep in for a bit, ideally with you in his arms! If you like to head to sleep early, he’ll cuddle up to you and scroll on his phone while you rest against him. On the opposite end, if you like to head to sleep late, he’ll chit-chat with you until his eyes refuse to stay open. Regardless, he’s quite flexible.
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
Yahoo!! Can we get headcanons about flustering Rei and Rinne (which acts confident most of the time)? Thank you !!
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A/N: sobbing, screaming at the top of my lungs. I love these two soooooooo much,,, someone hold me right now
*ೃ༄ Flustering Rei Sakuma and Rinne Amagi
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⤷ Needless to say, Rei is seldom flustered. Teasing is a skill he has down pat, and no one can overwhelm your face with heat in the same way that he can. While he absolutely adores your affection, it isn’t really something that tends to fluster him, and he’ll usually find a way to flip the situation on its head and turn you into a flustered mess, as opposed to him. Your best bet would be to catch him off guard, and present him with tenderness when he least expects it.
⤷ Even in a flustered state, Rei manages to remain (mostly) suave, offering you a pleased smile, with his cheeks slowly beginning to match the rubies of his eyes. He gives you a tender pat on the head, and a silent kiss on the cheek, as if to say a small “thank you”. Even if being flustered by you had been fully unexpected, he still appreciates it as an act of your love, and a display of your affections. He can always count on you to surprise him in small ways like this.
⤷ Somehow, he finds your ability to fluster him endearing. Rei thinks it’s sweet — the feeling is new and exciting, and he adores the way you make his heart clench within his chest. He’s always been somewhat of an unusual man, and his reaction to your sugary words and actions can be considered just as unusual. You hadn’t expected to be able to catch him off guard at all, so you had to admit that you were mighty pleased with yourself.
⤷ Rei tends to fondly recall times in which you made him feel as though he were a young girl kicking her feet back in forth at the thought of her crush, blissfully raising his hand to his cheek and sharing just how wonderful you are to his unitmates, and to anyone else who’s willing to listen. He commonly jokes that if he could turn fawning over you into his profession, he’d absolutely leave his life as an idol behind at the drop of a pen.
⤷ As you can tell, there’s a compromise to be made. While yes, you can fluster him, it’ll mostly serve to make him fawn over and fluster you more than he already does, which is saying a lot. Not that you’d mind, given your relationship. Seeing him sort of vulnerable and flushed warms your heart, and you mentally note to figure out how else you could fluster him in the future. He thinks your efforts are remarkably praiseworthy and cute.
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⤷ Contrary to popular belief, flustering Rinne is surprisingly easy if you play your cards right. A single comment, or a simple display of affection can quickly cause his brain to spin out of control until he’s nothing but moldable putty in your hands, desperately attempting to save face by laughing it off and pinching your cheek. But you know him well enough to recognize and understand. Of course, he knows you do — but he can’t help his pride, you know.
⤷ Giving affection comes easily to Rinne, but receiving it can cause him to short circuit at times. Although he enjoys your willingness to hug, kiss, and cuddle him, you always make his stomach tie into a million knots. Pleasant knots, but knots nonetheless. He isn’t sure how to handle the blooming warmth within his ribs that you bring upon him, but carefully, quietly, he knows that he’ll figure it out, with you by his side. He lets you hold him a little closer.
⤷ Praise is almost guaranteed to get him red in the face. Rinne gasses himself up quite a lot, but saying generous things about himself doesn’t even come close to comparing to how they sound from your lips. The first time you genuinely complimented him, he nearly panicked from the bashfulness that overtook him. He can really only half play it off, the other half of him always remains flustered and dumbfounded.
⤷ Despite how he comes across, he craves your validation and affection, the same kind that makes his face hot and his palms sweaty. He’ll shoot all the praise and love your way for hours and hours in the most natural way possible, but his walls come crashing down when you tell him that you love him, or tenderly cup his cheek. That unfamiliar feeling becomes somewhat addicting to Rinne, something he wants and needs more of. Surely, you’ll indulge him endlessly.
⤷ He’s said it countless times, and he’ll say it infinitely more — god, does he love you. Only you could ever make him experience joy like this, and only you could introduce him to new feelings that he thought he’d never be able to feel. Silently, he begs for your love, but you always make sure he knows that he never has to. It will always be you. He knows it, you know it, everyone knows it. Every time his heart leaps into his throat by your hand, he falls deeper in love.
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rinnelovebot · 10 months
hi hi marchie! how are you?
ur inbox is open, right? ^^ may we get some hiiro sleep hcs? i luv how u write for hiiro and i'm going thru a hiiro brainrot phase bcs of his anniv card 😭 ty in advance !!
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A/N: hi anon! I’m well. enjoying my time off. also yeah his anni cards are always really cute. according to mayoi, hiiro seems the type to “wake up at the slightest disturbance”, howeeever I like to think he’s a pretty sound sleeper. in the rbs tell me if yall think he’s a snore mimi kind of guy or a honk shoo kind of guy
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*ೃ༄ hiiro amagi sleep hc’s
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⤷ He seldom wakes up in the middle of the night; once he’s out, he’s out, and he tends to stay in the same position throughout the night, efficiently making him akin to, well, a rock — basically, he sleeps like the dead. Usually, you take extra care to make sure that you’re cuddled up in a comfortable position before he falls asleep, because once his eyelids have shut, it will be incredibly difficult to shift around in his embrace. Hiiro insists that he doesn’t mind being woken up by you if you need him to move around.
⤷ Although Hiiro doesn’t mind staying up a bit for your sake, he prefers to go to bed early. He values his rest and yours, so he’ll often gently nudge you to come to bed with him around 10-11pm — even if you don’t actually sleep, he’d still like you to come cuddle and wind down with him; after all, with his occupation, the two of you don’t get to spend an extended period of time together throughout the day, so the nighttime is when he likes to make up for that.
⤷ Spooning you is his go-to; being the big spoon makes him feel like he’s protecting you in some way, keeping you safe as you rest. His arms lock around your waist, and his chest presses against your back. More calming than his embrace, is the feeling of the rise and fall of his chest against you as his breathing slows down. Despite his preference for being your big spoon, he doesn’t mind being on the other end whatsoever. As long as he can have you close, he’s pretty flexible.
⤷ Hiiro tends to mumble in his sleep. Most of the time, it’s unintelligible, but there are a few times where you can make out your name, or a string of random words — perhaps related to a dream he’s having? It’s not loud enough to disturb you if you’re asleep, only loud enough to amuse you as you lie awake at his side. Other than his mumbles, he’ll sometimes sigh or groan quietly into your ear. If you happen to make any noise while the two of you are sleeping, he’s a heavy enough sleeper to not mind.
⤷ Upon waking up in the morning, Hiiro can’t hold back the wide, sleepy grin that slowly dances across his lips. Good morning kisses are abundant, and his warm lips wander across your cheeks, forehead, eyelids, lips — anywhere he can. Of course, he takes great care in making sure he doesn’t rouse his sleeping partner, but when you’re next to him like this, pale sunlight illuminating your face through the curtains, how could he not kiss you? As your eyes flutter open, meeting his gaze with a smile of your own, he can tell that you don’t mind.
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rinnelovebot · 2 years
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Request: i’d like to request hcs or drabbles of reader playing with aira, mayoi, and natsume’s hair and their reactions to it (separate)! (if there’s a character limit, then any one of them is fine!)
A/N: this is a scribble x shuffle festival request! No this does not mean I am raising my character limit! This is just a special occasion for this event. Also, I would really. really love to play with mayoi’s hair ough
*ೃ༄ Playing with Mayoi, Aira, and Natsume’s hair hc’s
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It’s … flustering to say the least. He enjoys it, of course, but such affection is foreign and new to Mayoi, so it’s no surprise that he doesn’t really know how to act when you thread your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. Though somewhat strange, it’s a very welcomed encounter. He’ll blush and adopt somewhat of an embarrassed frown on his face — but he’s internally jumping for joy.
Mayoi finds intense comfort in the way your fingers feel against him, and he can’t help but sigh dreamily and lean into your touch, melting into putty within your hands, eyelids drifting more and more with every passing second. He could truly get used to the pats and pets you indulge him in — but he must remind himself not to. After all, he is but a water flea within a large, vast ocean. He has to enjoy your love while he still has it, you know?
He’ll never go out of his way to ask you to play with his hair, as he doesn’t think he’d ever live it down — but there are some physical cues that you can identify. He’ll often hang his head, shamefully hoping that you’ll take the initiative and run your hands through his hair. Mayoi also will stare at your hands, turquoise eyes seemingly pleading with you to get the hint. It’s quite adorable, actually.
He’ll absolutely melt if you braid his hair for him. Though affection is somewhat new to Mayoi, it’s something he values quite deeply. Affection is how he understands that you love him — so when you braid his hair, he’ll wear it with pride all day long, looking at himself in the mirror and, for once, smiling at the reflection that looks back at him.
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Aira very visibly swoons when you play with his hair — blushing, giggling, and pulling you closer to him with a smile on his face. He loves when you’re affectionate with him, and is always ready for you to run your fingers through his hair. No doubt, he absolutely adores having his hair played with.
He can be somewhat of a big baby at times. Whenever he’s upset or having a bad day, he’s throwing himself onto you, whining into your chest and telling you what’s bothering him while mumbling for you to play with his hair. What can he say, it’s the ultimate comfort, and makes him feel completely at ease. You can’t really blame him, can you? There is nowhere that makes one feel at peace more than within the arms of their lover.
Your boyfriend especially loves having his hair played with when the two of you are cuddling. It makes him feel safe and secure, lulling him to sleep at a concerning rate. If you stop, he’ll sleepily grumble and question you, nuzzling into you as a silent plead to continue. It’s cute — but make sure not to tease him too much, he might get frustrated and scoot to the other side of the bed (only until you apologize, of course).
He often places your hands on his head or face, a gesture that always means “come on, play with it already!”. It’s subtle during a conversation, but it really sticks out if it’s out of the blue. It’s kind of embarrassing for the blonde, but he doesn’t mind as long as he gets what he wants in the end. And you, being his kind lover — you’re always sure to indulge him.
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Natsume was somewhat suspicious when you played with his hair for the first time — were you buttering him up? What exactly did you want from him? When he inquired about it, you told him very simply — that you only wanted to play with it. Nothing more, nothing less. Despite his initial suspicion, he couldn’t help but lean into your touch. Just what spell did you cast on him?
Even though he usually asks “What do you think you’re doing?” whenever you begin to play with his hair, he never makes an effort to pull away. Even Natsume isn’t immune to the wonders and comforts of having his lover play with his hair, after all. It takes him awhile to admit it aloud, but he most certainly enjoys it.
Natsume seems truly at peace when you’re playing with his hair — even if he himself doesn’t realize it at first. He smiles, a light pink dusting his cheeks as he leans further into your hands. The redhead feels warm when you run your fingers through each and every strand, making sure to pay equal attention to all of them. No one has ever made him feel the way you made him feel when you pampered him like that, and the thought of someone caring enough to do that for him only makes him fall harder.
Overall, it’s something that he finds comfort in, and is unfathomably grateful that you love him enough to indulge him in this way. He silently thanks you with the fond look in his golden eyes, lips curling upwards as he promises to return the favor as soon as he possibly can.
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