#manifesting for me to have a boyfriend!hob in my life tbh ๐Ÿ™
valiantstarlights ยท 11 months
[Dreamling Week Day 6: Sick] In Sickness
It's a fluffy sick fic featuring eldritch goo Dream of the Endless idk what else to tell you
CW: if you're fine with Dream being an eldritch being, then absolutely nothing. ๐Ÿ˜Š Enjoy! ๐Ÿ–ค
Hob stares at the large black puddle of goo that flooded most of the living room. He just got back from work and found Matthew perched on a branch near his flat, looking as frantic as a raven could get.
Said raven is now perched on Hob's shoulder, eyeing the mess on the floor gravely.
Hob had been warned that Dream is 'in a state,' but he didn't exactly expect that 'state' to be liquid.
Because it is Dream on the floor, Hob can see that very clearly. Though the goo simply looks like dark glittery slime poured over the floor to the uninitiated, Hob recognizes a couple of nebulas on its surface. There, by the telly, is the Horsehead Nebula, there by the bookshelf that contained none of Shaxberd's works is the Trifid Nebula, and just by Hob's feet is the Lagoon Nebula.
"Darling?" Hob calls out, unsure if he's going to get an answer. This is his first time encountering Dream like this. "Are you alright?"
No answer.
He looks at Matthew a bit helplessly. "Do I just...scoop him up with my hands?"
Matthew fidgets. "Definitely don't vacuum him."
"Why the hell would I--"
"Well, why are you asking me? I don't know this shit! I was literally a human a year ago!"
Hob pinches his nose. They were like blind drunks stumbling down the street together. "Is he even sentient like this?"
The dark puddle vibrates, and Hob feels Matthew's talons dig into his shoulders from the jumpscare. He himself almost drops his suitcase. "I can hear both of you," the puddle grumbles, "and you are making too much noise for my liking."
"Oh, sorry, love," Hob says, his boyfriend instincts suddenly awakened at Dream's sulky morning voice. "Did we wake you?"
"I want some of your chicken pot pie."
"Chicken pot pie." Hob repeats. His brain is still processing the fact that his boyfriend is a literal puddle of goo on the floor. "Yeah. Okay. Let me just get some ingredients from the shops real quick. Can you get to the bedroom while I'm gone? I don't want to step on you when I return."
He leaves Matthew...not in charge, but overseeing goo Dream's long and arduous trek to the bedroom.
He hears the raven mutter something about this being like hell all over again.
Hob ignores that because he has a different set of problems to tackle.
Hob's panic sets in as soon as he gets out of the car carrying all the ingredients for chicken pot pie, as well as some other food and drinks good for sick humans.
Once the pie is done cooking and cooling down a bit, how will he feed Dream? Where is his mouth? Does Hob just...pour it on the goo and hope for the best?
What if that were the equivalent of dumping hot soup on his boyfriend's lap?
"Any improvement?" he asks Matthew, who has kept an eye on Dream while perched safely on the back of the couch.
Hob checked, and Dream's form is thankfully all contained in the bedroom, still looking like a lake of stars.
"Nope. But he says he wants you to make extra crusts because he likes that. I would also like some extra bits to snack on, if that's alright."
"Sure." Hob goes to do just that. Chicken pot pie for the boyfriend and a lot of extra crusts for the boyfriend and his raven.
No problem. This is all totally normal and fine.
"Dream? Darling? The pot pie is done."
The puddle looks a little smaller in size, and Hob can see a couple of hill-like formations near the middle of the mass. He hopes it's a sign that Dream is slowly getting better.
At his words, one of the islands move closer to him, like a shark. Its progress sends ripples throughout the lake.
"Finally," the island nearer to him says. Its peak splits open to reveal the inside of Dream's human mouth. "Feed me."
At this point, Hob isn't even questioning anything anymore. All he knows is how to be a good boyfriend, so he's gonna do just that.
He sits down at the very edge of the lake near the hill with the mouth, and scoops up a portion of the pie, making sure to blow on it before feeding it to Dream.
The hill hums in appreciation.
"Delicious," Dream's mouth says, before opening once more, like a baby bird waiting to be fed. "More. I want a larger portion of the crust this time."
Hob couldn't help the smile that bloomed on his face and obediently gets more of the crust for the next bite.
"What kind of juice do you like?" Hob asks, a few hours later. The goo now looks less like a puddle and more like gelatine that didn't set properly. It was on the couch, bundled up in one of Hob's soft knitted blankets, watching an earlier season of Game of Thrones with Matthew.
"What kinds do you have?"
"Uh, orange, apple, and pineapple. Oh, and I still got some banana milk from the Korean grocery store, if you prefer that. Or almond milk."
"All of them."
Hob and Matthew share an alarmed look behind gelatine Dream's back. "What, an equal amount of all those drinks together in a single glass?"
Hob looks heavenwards and prays for a little more sanity before complying.
And just for fun, he goes down to the Inn and gets a blue cocktail umbrella and a heart-shaped drinking straw to put in gelatine Dream's very questionable drink.
Gelatine Dream hums in delight and tells Hob he loves him.
Hob beams and kisses the top of the gelatinous mass, while Matthew chokes, very possibly because the scene on TV is Hodor...doing his thing, and that always gets to Hob.
(Matthew chokes because he is disgusted, he is revolted--)
Something thick and long, like an anaconda, slithers into bed with Hob, and it is only through his 600 plus years of living in this world does he calm his frantically beating heart and open his arms so big ass snake Dream can curl up next to him.
"I hate being sick," the snake hisses, its huge dark head tucking itself under Hob's chin. "I can't hug you like this."
'Please don't wrap around me and squeeze me to death,' Hob does not say. "I think you're adorable," he murmurs instead against Dream's coils, and kisses the nearest scaled skin in front of his face.
Dream is mostly back in his human form come morning, but he still dripped viscous dark liquid wherever he goes. It reminds Hob of Howl Pendragon from the Howl's Moving Castle Ghibli movie.
"How are you this morning, darling?"
"Wretched," Dream says as he drips onto his fry up. Hob mentioned preparing porridge for him as they got up earlier, only to be informed by Dream that he fucking hates porridge and would hurl it into the sun if he could. And so Hob cooked some fry up instead. "Must you go to work?"
Hob, already running late and in the process of putting on his shoes, stops and looks back at the pathetic picture Dream makes. He is sadly looking down at his perfectly cooked eggs, dripping dark sludge on the sun-yellow yolks.
"I'll call in sick," Hob decides, and takes his phone out to do just that. The department head is going to verbally flay him alive for only giving notice at the last minute, but nothing is more important to him than Dream. Hell, they could fire him over the phone and he'd be fine with it.
Dream hugs him around the middle as Hob puts his briefcase down, ruining his white dress shirt. Hob hugs him back and kisses the top of his head.
It's fine. He'll just buy another shirt, or get another job. But Dream is irreplaceable.
"Have I told you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me?" Dream asks him a couple of days later, when they're both lying in bed after two rounds of fantastic sex, celebrating Dream's full recovery.
Hob kisses him on the nose and cuddles him closer. "Maybe once or twice in the last 24 hours," he says. "But it never hurts to tell me again."
Dream shyly hands him an unbreakable ceramic mug made from the sands of the Dreaming. It says, "The best boyfriend across all of time and space," in Dream's handwriting.
It takes Hob a solid month to stop grinning like a fool.
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