gslin · 2 years
OxideDB:另外一套用 PostgreSQL 為底的 MongoDB 相容層
OxideDB:另外一套用 PostgreSQL 為底的 MongoDB 相容層
看到 OxideDB 這個專案: OxideDB is a translation layer that works as a MongoDB database server while using PostgreSQL’s JSON capabilities as the underlying data store. 跟之前提到的 MangoDB 有些淵源 (參考「MangoDB:拿 PostgreSQL 當作後端的 MongoDB 相容層」),順便提一下 MangoDB 然後後來被要求改名為 FerretDB:「MangoDB 改名為 FerretDB (雪貂)」。 主要的差異在於 OxideDB 只以 PostgreSQL 為底層,另外是用 Rust 寫的: The project was heavily inspired by FerretDB and is on its…
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websitesofficials · 1 year
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worldlibertytv · 2 years
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See Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit New York City-2022 in our World Liberty TV Technology Channels @ https://www.worldlibertytv.org/amazon-web-services-aws-summit-new-york-city-2022/ #AmazonWebServices #Summit2022 #NYJavitsCenter #Splunk #MangoDB #Intel #Google #AmazonPrime #WorldLibertyTVTechnologyBlogs #JeffBezos #CloudComputing #WholeFoods #SpaceX https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_m_yurHloMoTWIJS8j0VIGwIOJ9Uc3b29cV40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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75waytechnologies · 2 years
Inventing a new kind of database and assuming it will take over the world with its incredible features requires a certain amount of chutzpah. The MongoDB founders might have the same courage to transform the world with their new invention. MongoDB has emerged as a popular database for enterprises that business owners are eager to learn more about.
According to a Statista survey, MongoDB ranked second with 17.89 percent for most wanted database skills among software developers worldwide in 2021. It’s easy to look at database popularity rankings and conclude that you should use it as a primary database. But before you use this database program and look for a MongoDB development company in the USA, make sure you have gained good knowledge about it. After all, databases in the organization are the stickiest product and are least likely to change.
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mahesh-mahi · 2 months
Roadmap to become a Web Developer
Table Of Contents:
Basics of Internet
Front-End Development
Back-End Development
APIs & Caching
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         The basics of the internet encompass a broad range of concepts and technologies that enable communication and data exchange across the globe. Below are some important topics:
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
IP Addresses
Domain Name System (DNS)
Web Servers
Web Browsers
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
2. Front-End Development:
Front-end development is the process of creating the visual and interactive aspects of websites and web applications that users interact with directly. 
Front-end developers are responsible for designing and implementing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a website or web application. All that we see and interacting in the web page comes under front-end development. For example, Buttons, designs and content structuring.
Below are the Key components in Front-End web development:
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
3. Back-End Development:
Backend web development is the server-side of web development. Backend developers focus on building and maintaining the server-side components of web applications, including handling requests from clients, processing data, and generating dynamic content.This involves implementing the logic, functionality, and database interactions that power the front-end of a website or web application.
Below are the Key components in Back-End web development:
Server-Side Programming Languages - Node.js, Python, Ruby and PHP etc.
Web Frameworks - Express.js, Django Ruby on Rails etc.
Database Management Systems (DBMS) - MySQL, MangoDB and Oracle [Depending on requirement developers use SQL or NoSQL Databases]
4. DataBases:
Databases are organized collections of structured data, typically stored electronically in computer systems. They are designed to efficiently manage, store, retrieve, and manipulate data according to specific requirements and applications. Databases play a crucial role in various software applications, ranging from simple websites to complex enterprise systems.
Types of Databases: 
1.Relational databases
2.NoSQL databases
3.NewSQL databases
4.Graph databases
5. APIs & Caching
Application Programming Interface is a set of rules, protocols, and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs define how different software components should interact, making it easier for developers to integrate various systems and functionalities into their own applications.
Types of APIs:
Web APIs
GraphQL APIs
6. Practise:
At this point, you know crucial elements used for web development. The fun part begins from now on. Set goals, make projects and practise everyday. Most importantly, make it funny and enjoyable. 
All the Best.
Senior Web Developer,
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makenow · 10 months
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cloudspacellc · 1 year
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𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐋𝐋𝐂.
Cloud Space LLC is a trusted company that specializes in Full Stack Development, which means they can handle both the front-end and back-end parts of software development. In today's digital world, businesses need comprehensive solutions that seamlessly integrate different aspects of their software. That's where Cloud Space LLC comes in. They have a team of skilled Full Stack Developers who can meet the unique needs of your organization.
Full Stack Development is powerful because it covers all aspects of software development. A Full Stack Developer has knowledge and experience in multiple programming languages, frameworks, and databases. This expertise allows them to handle everything from designing the user interface to managing the server and database behind the scenes.
Choosing Cloud Space LLC for your Full Stack Development needs has several benefits. Firstly, they have a team of talented developers with deep knowledge and experience in various technologies. They are familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and databases like MySQL and MongoDB. This means they can build robust applications that meet your requirements.
Secondly, Cloud Space LLC provides tailored solutions. They work closely with you to understand your business goals and create customized software that fits your needs perfectly. From the initial planning phase to the final deployment and ongoing maintenance, they ensure a smooth development process.
Flexibility and efficiency are also key advantages of working with Cloud Space LLC. Their Full Stack Developers are skilled in both frontend and backend technologies, such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Django, and Laravel. This allows them to coordinate seamlessly and deliver projects faster.
For more info visit - www.cloudsapcetek.com
CloudSpaceLLC #Fullstackdeveloper #developement #developer #html #css #php #python #js #mangodb #TechSolutions #SoftwareDevelopment #FullStackExperts #CustomSoftware #FullStackPower #InnovationInTech #TailoredSolutions #EfficiencyInDevelopment #QualityAssurance #TrustedPartnership
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Web Development Tools
Web Development Tools The following list of popular web development tools is a good place to start for any aspiring web developer.
Programming languages
Frontend Development
Backend Development
Data formats
API 1. HTML- HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language .The preferred markup language for Web pages is HTML. In order for web browsers to know what to display, it offers the structure of a website. You can build your own website using HTML. 2. Browsers- The interpreters of the web are browsers. They ask for information, and after they have it, they display it to up on the page in a way that is clear and understandable.
World Wide Web- The original web browser.
Firefox - Backed by the Mozilla Foundation open-source browser.
Internet Explore- Browser from Microsoft. Most frequently, web developers will grouse about this one.
Google Chrome- The most widely used browser at the moment is provided by Google.  3. Programming Languages- Using programming languages, you may instruct computers on what to do. Similar to how there are numerous linguistic languages, there are numerous different computer languages (English, Spanish, French, Chinese, etc).The one is not superior than the other. Developers often excel at a small number of things, so they prioritise promoting those. Some of the languages and links to their home sites are included below.
Java Script- It is Used by Meteor and many other frameworks, including all web browsers.
Coffee Script - A "dialect" of java script is called coffee script. As a developer, it is thought to be simpler and easier the eyes, however it compiles (converts) back to java script.
Python - A well-liked programming language is Python. In 1991, Guido van Rossum produced it, and it became available. It is used for:- (i)Web Development (ii)Software Development (iii)Mathematics (iv)System Scripting
Ruby -The Ruby on Rails framework utilizes.
PHP- Used by Wordpress 4. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS. Web designers can alter the colors, fonts, animations, and transitions on the internet using CSS. They enhance how the web appears.
5. Frameworks - Frameworks are created to simplify the creation and use of computer languages. Typically, frameworks take on all the tedious, challenging chores involved in putting up a new web application and either complete them for you or make them  very simple for you to complete.
Note.JS- A Server – Side java script framework.
Ionic-  A Mobile framework
Bootstrap- A framework for creating user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and Java script.
Foundation- A UI framework for HTML, CSS, and Java script construction.
Wordpress- A PHP-based content management system (CMS). Currently, this framework powers 20% of all websites.
.Net- An all-encompassing framework created by Microsoft.
Angular.js - A JavaScript front-end framework.
6. Databases - Your data is all kept in databases. It resembles a collection of filing cabinets with file folders within. The two basic types of databases are SQL and No SQL. More structure provided by SQL aids in ensuring that all the data is accurate and evaluated. NoSQL offers a lot of freedom in the creation and up keep of applications.
MongoDB- The only database currently supported by Meteor is the open – source No SQL database MangoDB.
MySQL – MySQL is another well-liked SQL database that is open-sourced .Websites using wordpress make use of MySQL.
Oracle - Oracle is an enterprise SQL database.  
SQL Server –SQL Server is a Microsoft – made SQL server manager.
7. Libraries- Libraries are collections of code fragments that provide a lot of functionality without requiring you to build it all from scratch. Libraries often take the time to ensure that the code is effective and functions well across browsers and devices (not always the case, but typically they do).
8. Servers-   The application code is often kept on a server. Clients submit requests to the server, which responds by compiling the necessary data and fulfilling the requests.  9. Clients - One application user is referred to as a client. When we visit http://google.com, it's just you and me. Clients might be mobile devices, tablets, or desktop PCs. The same application that is kept on a server is often used by a number of clients.
10. Frontend Development- HTML, CSS, and Java script make up the front-end. Users are shown the website in this manner and location. 11. Backend Development -   The server and database you use make up the back-end. You don't want your clients to view the functions, processes, or data manipulation that takes place there. 12. Protocols- Standardized protocols specify how  data should be sent between devices and computers. HTTP - Each website uses this protocol to reach your browser. This protocol requests a website from Google's server whenever you write something like "http://google.com" and then receives a response with the website's HTML, CSS, and java script.
DDP - is a brand - new protocol made in relation to Meteor. In order to establish a reliable connection between the client and the server, the DDP protocol makes use of web sockets. Websites and the data they contain can change continuously thanks to this connection without requiring you to refresh your browser.
REST - is a protocol primarily employed by APIs. Information may be transmitted between apps thanks to its standard methods like GET, POST, and PUT. 13. Data Formats - The structure of how data is stored is called a data format.
JSON - is quickly taking over as the most widely used Data format.
XML- was the primary Data format in the early days of the internet and was mostly utilized by Microsoft Program.
CSV- CSV is comma-delimited data formatted. This is how Excel data is commonly formatted. 14. API  -  Application programming interfaces are known as APIs. It was developed by the program's creator to make it possible for other developers to use part of the functionality of the application without having to share any code. End points, which resemble the application's inputs and outputs, are exposed by developers. With the use of API keys, access can be managed. The APIs developed by facebook, Twitter, and Google for their web services are good examples.
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kozautka · 1 year
Цитаты под травку:
Младший брат Бредли Купера - mini cuper
Пьяный брат Джеймса Купера - бонд синий
Тайская nosql база данных - MangoDB
Владимир ВеликоДушный
Женщина, которая работает в РЖД на подставки - полупроводник
Что говорят зубы, когда договорились быть в одной пачке - мармеЛадно
Какая порода собак не умеет плавать -БульБульДог
Собака, которой не понравился твой пост в инсте - ДизЛайка
Основатель компании производства пасты для процессоров - Билл КолГейтс
Беспроводной Руслан - РусWLAN
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gslin · 1 year
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Java Product Support | JPMC | TX,OH,NJ,DE
Java Product Support | JPMC | TX,OH,NJ,DE
Dear Employer, Greetings from Prism IT Corp! We have an immediate interview slot for the position of "Java Production Support" For client "JPMC" If everything goes well in first round, he will not have to take the second round of interview. It is an immediate requirement candidate can be placed within one week of time. Kafka Cassandra/MangoDB Splunk Unix-Unix shell scripts. Passport no. and…
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arshikasingh · 2 years
Mangodb Mearn Training Institute in Noida
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75waytechnologies · 2 years
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Inventing a new kind of database and assuming it will take over the world with its incredible features requires a certain amount of chutzpah. The MongoDB founders might have the same courage to transform the world with their new invention. MongoDB has emerged as a popular database for enterprises that business owners are eager to learn more about.
According to a Statista survey, MongoDB ranked second with 17.89 percent for most wanted database skills among software developers worldwide in 2021. It’s easy to look at database popularity rankings and conclude that you should use it as a primary database. But before you use this database program and look for a MongoDB development company in the USA, make sure you have gained good knowledge about it. After all, databases in the organization are the stickiest product and are least likely to change.
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zzmoksha123456 · 4 years
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(Online Training) Node JS Online Training Demo on 9th September @ 7.00 AM (IST) By Real-Time Expert. Demo link: https://zoom.us/j/81302965967 📧: [email protected] 📲: +91-8179191999 Chat With Our Team: https://bit.ly/chatwithGuide 💥Features of Online Training: ☑ Real-Time Oriented Training ☑ Live Training Sessions ☑ Soft copy of Materials ☑ Interview Preparation Tips ☑ FAQ's #nodejs #onlinetraining #course #software #eduaction #learnfromhome #nodejsdeveloper #nodejstraining #hyderabadcity #ameerpet #andriod #vijayawada #vishkapatnam #guntur #andhrapradesh #telangana #hitechcity #gachiibowli #mangodb #manikonda #kondapur https://www.instagram.com/p/CErMz6-n0nr/?igshid=1xtn5ppn8x27
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omgnitinkblog-blog · 4 years
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Learn MongoDB with Expert Trainer in Affordable Fees. Get 100% Written Job Guarantee For Oracle Apps R12 Technical Training Course and 100% Placement Assistance For Job Oriented Full Stack Courses & Other Diploma Courses. Learn from 16+ years of Experienced Corporate Trainer. Internship & Project Guidance is Also Available For Students. Vertex IT Services Is One of The Best IT Training Institute in Pune. Call Us Or Whats App On 📞 9763976333 / 9922104104 and Get Free Consultation. Visit:🌐 https://vertexitservices.com/ #mongodb #mangodb #advancedjava #sqlserver #cprogramming #cprogramminglanguage #softwaretesting #computerlanguage #javaprogramming #pythonprogramming #python #softwaretesting #dotnetdeveloper #dotnet #placements #pune #punecity #puneuniversity #jobs (at Vertex IT Services Pune) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EeZ9zHNmA/?igshid=1pbyiwmhthi3g
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