#make a cake and feed it to the giant noob
stupidsheepdog · 5 months
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guysonroblox · 1 year
im playing roblox for the first time in years and everything is so different it's scaring me. I tried playing Make A Cake And Feed The Giant Noob and saw that there was a sequel and it was so polished i freaked out. Also why are robux hexagonal now
i dont know... thats scary
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analexthatexists · 2 months
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Here he is, my Regretevator OC! His name's Cecil and he works at a cake factory inspired by Make a Cake And Feed the Giant Noob!
He was a normal guy until he fell into one of those vats of colorful frosting/cake batter (You know, the ones from MCAFGN that turn you into a walking, living cake?) and basically turned into a giant kaiju cake monster that destroyed stuff. It was only until workers realized he could be turned back to normal when exposed to large amounts of water. Exposure or consumption of too many sugary substances or foods will cause him to transform while water can weaken, irritate, or revert him back to normal. Regardless, he's still forever stuck in his current half-cake-ified form.
Elevator Floor
I think his floor would be a boss battle-themed one where you'd have to fight his beast form after he slips on a banana peel and falls into a large container of frosting. The battle in question would probably work like one of those Story game boss fights (like the ones in Field Trip Z and Break In) If you manage to defeat him, he'll turn back to normal and join the Regretevator. It would be styled around MCAFGN and I guess the battlefield could be some large workspace with conveyers and vats/containers of toppings/frosting/ingredients around the area.
Idle -...Ugh...Can barley see with this gunk in my face... (Where's it even coming from...?) -This elevator smells weird... (Not as overwhelming as the factory though...) -...I'm starving...Anyone got any food? (Preferably something that's not sweet...) -I wonder how work is back at the factory... (...That place is so accident-prone...) -I'm so hungry... I could eat a hu- HORSE. Horse. -Pfft!...I got frosting in my mouth... -My head hurts...Can't think straight... -...Having horns is...actually kind of cool... (Maybe this isn't so bad after all...) -Hmm...Something smells good...Oh, wait, that's just me... -...Sorry for almost killing you guys back there, by the way... (You guys don't mind, do you...?) -It's so...small in here... I feel so cramped... (How do you guys even tolerate this...?) -I can't even recall the last time I stepped out of the factory... (...This is a nice change, though...) -...When did I start drooling? My...My bad...That's gross... -...so...hungry...need to eat...need to...devour... -For a small elevator, a lot sure does happen in here... (I...Kind of like being in here...) Leaving Elevator -I should really be heading back to work now... -Better make sure everyone's safe and sound... -Sorry if I left any frosting behind... -I can't take this...I need to find food... Interacted with Petal Cone Oh god, it's stuck in my frosting... ...Thanks? ...What is this. What are you- oh god get it off me. pfft- pbbt- oh god- what- is this- why- ...It won't get off my hand... Interacted with Spray Bottle HEY, KNOCK THAT OFF, YOU'LL SPOIL ME! MY FROSTING'S GOING TO BE ALL MESSED UP... QUIT IT... HEY, THAT'S- GAH- COLD, COLD... I'M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU, STOP SPRAYING ME! STOP, STOP! YOU ALREADY TURNED ME BACK! Interacted with C4 WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU DO THAT!? WH- BLEGH! AAAAAAAGH, I HATE CONFETTI! NO NO NO NO! HEY, WHAT WAS THAT FOR!? HRK- IT GOT IN MY MOUTH- HOW DARE YOU!- PFT- (If you think I'm going to write the relationship dialogue with other NPCs, you're crazy.)
-A major reference for Cecil's design and partial inspiration for the "giant kaiju cake monster" idea was Wafer from Tower Heroes, especially the 4th and 5th stage designs -He’s bisexual -Cecil wouldn't get along with Bive due to their speculative and investigative nature, especially seeing Bive would probably treat them like a test subject or a specimen -Cecil likes potato salad -Before the accident, Cecil's job was to make sure everything was running correctly and eliminating accidents before they happened, making what happened to him ironic -He's terrified of people like Enphoso and Reddy -Gregoriah and Cecil would probably get along due to their shared associations with large corporations and common workplace accidents that always screw them up somehow -Tasting the frosting that covers/makes up parts of Cecil would taste like very artificial strawberry frosting. He also smells similar -The candle of Cecil's head never extinguishes unless he dies -Despite half his body consisting of strawberry frosting, he actually prefers chocolate -If Cecil had a voice, he’d sound exactly like Vaazkl (A very monotone but expressive YouTuber)
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pomatiablox · 3 years
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old roblox thumbnails have such a charm to them... i dunno if it’s just me :’-)
source games:
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ricaskieetles · 5 years
ROBLOX Games Masterlist (that I can offer)
I got bored and decided to do this. I’m just going to share some ROBLOX games that I’ve been saving in my  Chrome app lol (I might edit this post in future IF I found another one)
P.S.: I want to say sorry for my spelling and grammar. Enjoy~
list of good games (in my own opinion) or the games that I really like.
Welcome to Bloxburg [BETA] Created: 11/5/2014
Super Nostalgia Zone Created: 8/22/2017
Lumber Tycoon 2 Created: 7/31/2009
Theme Park Tycoon 2 Created: 1/1/2012
Ro-Trip Created: 2/11/2018
old games :3 (I’m going to list the one that existed around 2005-2010)
The Underground War Created: 2/19/2008
★Make a Cake And Feed the Giant Noob★ Created: 6/4/2010
Sandbox 1 & 2 Created: 7/25/2008 (i think the sandbox 2 is the 2008, sadly, the sandbox 1 was created at 2011, idk why lol)
🍕Work at a Pizza Place Created: 3/29/2008
just creations :3 (p.s. i’m not really sure if all of this were creations)
ANXIETY Created: 11/5/2016
Perfectly Legitimate Happy Home in Robloxia Created: 4/3/2010
Sherlock's Flat Created: 12/30/2014
DOCTOR WHO Created: 9/14/2018
Blamo Created: 9/1/2016
Pixel's Neighborhood Created: 2/13/2015
Purple Skittles Created: 2/10/2016
The Day the Noobs Took Over Roblox 2 Created: 4/27/2015
this is going to be many i think
When You Are Just Right... Created: 4/20/2016
When Someones Says The Memes Have Gone Too Far Created: 5/3/2016
When You Find A Good Meme Created: 6/3/2016
T-Pose Meme Created: 7/28/2018
T-Roads Created: 5/13/2018
Shooting Stars Created: 2/24/2017
Steamed Hams! Created: 2/3/2018
here come dat boi! Created: 5/8/2016
Bongo Cat Created: 9/15/2018
I Love It Created: 9/7/2018
Did Thanos kill you in Infinity War? Created: 8/4/2018
Burger King Foot Lettuce! Created: 3/11/2018
good simulators and simulators that you won’t expect that exist.
Be a Wall! Created: 8/27/2017
Stare Into a Wall Simulator Created: 4/1/2018
fall off a building and totally die simulator Created: 9/6/2018
I Don’t Feel So Good Simulator Created: 8/20/2018
Bubble Wrap Simulator Created: 1/28/2018
💾 Windows Error Simulator Created: 3/19/2017
Cleaning Simulator Created: 5/18/2017
Job Simulator Created: 7/5/2016
Quote Generator Created: 12/3/2017
just a random place. some of them is weird, hilarious and good.
[RP] Clear Skies Over Milwaukee Created: 11/19/2017
Happy Oofday! Created: 1/22/2018
the future Created: 4/5/2017
Grab The Child (Many Child To Collect (Grab)) Created: 5/17/2018
I want cake. Created: 7/13/2011
balls of pain Created: 8/6/2018
albert apocalypse Created: 12/15/2017
The Last Guest: Realistic Edition Created: 4/11/2018
Simulators. Created: 3/8/2018
BattleOof! Created: 4/15/2018
walkin’ Created: 10/19/2017
Place Roulette Created: 2/22/2018
Experience Gravity Created: 11/20/2006
I think that’s all for today! I’ll add more soon if I can! :D
My ROBLOX Profile 11/07/2018 date posted
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