#maisie: makes one reference to icarus
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Daedalus and Icarus – Andrea Sacchi // Daedalus Fixing Wings onto the Shoulders of Icarus – Pieter Thijs // Daedalus and Icarus – Orazio Riminaldi // Icarus and Daedalus – Charles Paul Landon // The Fall of Icarus – Jacob Peter Gowy after Peter Paul Rubens // The Lament for Icarus – Herbert James Draper // Daedalus and Icarus – Laurent Pêcheux // Daedalus and Icarus – Anthony van Dyck // The Last One – Maisie Peters
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guineapig900 · 3 years
JW: Dominion Predictions.
Time for some Jurassic World: Dominion predictions, since the movie doesn't come out for an entire year from this post...
So here we go.
Blue reproduces and/or we see baby raptors.
Could be asexual reproduction, she has monitor lizard DNA and monitor lizards can reproduce asexually. Orrrr... Pyroraptors. They're confirmed to be in Dominion, so if cross-species breeding can happen between them and Blue, this might be another method of reproduction.
Rexy gets killed by the Giganotasaurus
So I actually hope I'm not right on this one, but I know the whole trope of showing how powerful a new character is by defeating an undefeatable other character. They did it already with the Spinosaurus in JP3, and I was surprised when they averted the trope in JW.
Dr. Wu dies from his own creations
Anyone who's read the novel is familiar with Henry Wu's demise that never made it into the movies, at least, not yet. BD Wong is confirmed to be reprising his role in Dominion, so Dr. Wu will probably be up to his old genetic shenanigans. Whether these shenanigans are good or evil (I'll come back to this later), he's likely to pull an Icarus and go too far. We may still get that death scene that the novel describes.
The shaving cream container in JP1 makes a comeback
In the first movie, Nedry drops a shaving cream container that actually has dino DNA in it, and a lot of the JP fandom has been waiting to see some resolution to that scene. I think we'll get it in Dominion. With Dodson confirmed to be making a comeback, and InGen competitors probably being behind the new dinosaurs that have been confirmed, so where did they get the DNA? I guess we'll find out!
The new dinos were created to take out the old ones.
Because bigger is better, right? Dinosaurs have become an invasive species, and how do you get rid of invasive species sometimes? Release another species that will prey on the invasive one and keep it under control. And that's where we get into Dr. Wu's motives, because we know he's behind this; he can't seem to stay away from genetic manipulation. Is he making new dinosaurs to keep the old ones under control and help humanity, or is he selfishly making the dinos for money and chaos?
Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are romantically involved by the end of the film if not at the beginning.
Because this is what most of the JP Fandom wants to see. I'm not for or against it, but I think this is a huge possibility.
Site B gets some more attention
I mean, we haven't seen it since JP3, and I don't think Mt. Sibo destroyed it. Dr. Wu was already confirmed to be creating dinos there, including the Spinosaurus, and then shipping them off to Isla Nublar. Maybe he makes a return to his old stomping ground? (pun fully intended).
Maisie isn't fully human DNA-wise.
I have no real basis for this theory, but it makes its rounds through the JP fandom every so often, and it's an interesting one, so I'm putting it here for me to come back to in a year and see if it was right.
Camp Cretaceous reference?
Steven Spielberg said it's canon, so it'd be pretty awesome to see a tie-in here or there.
Ok, so those are my predictions! If you made it this far through my late night ramblings, thanks and props to you. Feel free to come back a year later and roast me about how wrong some of these were. 🤣
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