#main tagging if that’s ok. unless you were planning on uploading it for yourself :3
justkillingthyme · 26 days
I need to share this with you btw for Luke lunes/lunedì di Luke
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smile-smile-ichthys · 5 years
Hosts of Japan - Chapter 9
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Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8
I did finish this fic in my own time so I’ll be uploading the last chapters to wrap it up, it’ll be the same for the princess fic I did, A Princess’s Choice, I have some individual ones that I may upload too but we shall see :) gonna tag @hifftn cause I know she’s still active on here so yep!
“It’s all gone” Takuto simply put it.
He’d been at the main computer easily a whole hour and found…nothing. Every single email the girls had seen, tried to decode, just wiped. Something wasn’t right. Jazz turned to Miho who gave the exact same worried look, clearly on the same wave length. They thought maybe it was time to bring H into this. If only they could have traced where these were coming from with Takuto, H could have been kept blissfully unaware, handled it all easily, but this was serious now. Emails don’t just disappear like that/ Jazz even had an inkling as to who it was, but she refused to voice it.
“Can you not find at least a trace?” Miho asked.
“I can definitely try, there’ll always be a trace unless the person sending this has a hacker themselves to cover their tracks” he explained.
“If you could, I’d appreciate it” Jazz said “I’ll call H”
“Ok, I think she should come in to see everything” Miho said “Better to explain too”
She nodded as she dialled her mobile. Today was her day off too. Well, at least it was 11am, she’ll have slept plenty by now, or at least should have. Jazz truly hated doing this to her, after everything already, she shouldn’t have to be dealing with more troubles, but she had a right to know now.
 After Jazz had called asking me to come in, I knew it wasn’t to be taken lightly. I quickly grabbed my boots and almost ran to the office. Something was wrong and my lunch with Genzo would have to wait. Finally I was the one who was going to cancel.
Reaching the office, Miho was the first to tell me what had been going on. The emails, the secret replies, not being able to decipher what was in them, even what Takuto was trying to do now as we spoke. I turned to Jazz in worry and she nodded in agreement with what Miho has said. It was all true. I thought maybe we could get through the next couple of weeks with no issue. Clearly not.
“I’m sorry we had to keep this from you” she said.
“No don’t be daft, I get why you did” I said giving her a smile “honestly, you guys have done awesome! Couldn’t be prouder! But, due to the nature of this, I think I may have to tell Luke about it, if something broke out in the news before they wished it too, at least they’ll know it wasn’t us”
“I’m glad you thought so too, I’ve already contacted him and he said he can meet you at the hotel to discuss things” Jazz said. Good old Jazz, already one step ahead of the game.
“Great, can you two stay here and keep me updated on Takuto?” I asked.
“I’m already getting somewhere, shouldn’t take me long” Takuto piped up from the computer.
“Thanks man, I’ll make sure you get plenty of pork noodles on the house” I offered and his fingers began to type faster. I grinned and blew a kiss to the girls as I ran off to the hotel. I didn’t even feel my phone buzzing in my pocket.
At the hotel, myself, Luke and Alick decided it was best to talk in private in their hotel suite, it would be quieter and much safer that way to discuss things. Ears everywhere no doubt.
I carefully broke the issue to them both, but instead of worry or anger, they simply turned to each other and nodded before addressing me.
“We understand miss H” Luke said, smiling at me kindly “we also appreciate you telling us of the situation, maybe we could possibly help, I’d be only more than happy to help in searching who could be using your email platform”
“You’d help?” I asked. I was a little surprised at them being so calm about it all, I mean, whoever is doing it, could be using it to leak information about the prince, this was a big deal.
“Of course, after everything that has happened, you could have very easily kept this to yourself and used it against us, but instead you’ve come to inform us when you’ve realised how serious it has gotten” Alick said “hardly the work of an evil company…or lady”
I could feel the relief in my shoulders at his explanation. Not only were they being understanding, they were offering to help. A smile slowly spread across my face.
“Thank you” I said to them both.
“It may be bold, miss H, however, why don’t we work together on your days off from the prince to try and find the culprit as soon as possible?” Luke offered an idea.
“I agree, I’m happy to do that” I nodded at him.
“I shall leave you two to make a start, I need to check on how the summit is progressing, please excuse me” Alick bowed to me and left the room.
Several hours had passed since me and Luke had started working together to try and figure out who was behind all of this nonsense and we both decided enough was enough, it was time for some food. He had very kindly offered to just order room service, but I felt like I needed to stretch my legs a little. Also, getting out this ridiculously fancy suite would be a good idea. Luke happily decided on the noodle bar we went to a couple of days ago. Fine with me.
As we walked, I began to think that Luke was actually a lot sweeter than he made out in the beginning. I originally thought he was a stuck up, too hard working, know it all butler. No, he had a very kind heart, constantly checking I was alright, the prince was alright, he even asked after the girls back at the office. I laughed and happily texted them asking how it was going on his behalf. Sadly, Takuto had managed to get stuck behind a dense firewall and couldn’t get any further. So, we’d literally hit a wall. However, Luke did seem to laugh at the girls response to him checking on them. They’d just sent me emojis of how they were feeling, of course they did.
Luke and I had ended up talking for ages whilst we ate, he told me all about Liberty, how they took pride in their independence. He even explained how much power the King and Queen actually had, which turned out to be a lot more than my own monarchy, maybe my respect for Keith did grow a little at that point. Not that I would ever tell him.
In turn, I told Luke about my own country, how we had a huge theatre scene in the south but riches seemed to stay down there and all those north/south divide issues. I also opened up about how I came to Japan to work, met Genzo and my feelings towards him. Luke listened, actually listened.
“Don’t get me wrong, I know nothing will literally ever happen, he much prefers obviously pretty girls, gorgeous girls who like make up, hair done to perfection, fake nails, fake tan, the material stuff and that’s just not me but…” it stung to say it “I can’t help but hope something would”
“I may not be an expert in love miss, quite the opposite, but I have witnessed it with others” he said “it seems love is when someone would do anything for you, love you the way you are, but also make your heart pound whenever they smiled, laughed or touched you…and not be late or cancel plans all the time, or make you angry every time you met them”
“Yeah, I know, guess it’s easier said than done when I say I’ll move on right?” I laughed.
“Maybe you just need to meet the right person to help you” Luke stated. I looked at him and he smiled gently holding my gaze. He was right. I couldn’t move on without help, without finding someone new…damn he had pretty eyes…wait what was I thinking? OH yes my noodles. I coughed and finished my udon. He did the same and happily paid for both of us. “Don’t be daft I’ll pay”
“Too late, I already gave them the money” he grinned slightly.
Next time, I’ll be paying. Next time…I was already thinking about when I’d next see him.
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franeridart · 7 years
Can we also talk about how Bakugou went from "weird haired guy" to "Kirishima. Change of plans". Oh man I didn't realize how much I missed the anime *cries*
BOI CAN’T WE I just spent the whole morning crying over seeing the moment Bakugou recognizes Kirishima as an equal animated nbd at all r i p me - I think this might be the first time Bakugou calls anyone by their name, actually, and I just!!! that’s because Bakugou heard Kirishima’s words and recognized him as a good partner and a worthy hero and someone whom he could respect and I’m gonna be grateful for chapter 133 for the insight on this for the rest of my always I !!!!!! have feelings g a h
Anon said:ok ok ok ok but but listen what about BAKGOU AND OCHAKO they are the most popular couple and the most cutest , i think you should try to draw them once i would love love to see this !!! of course just if you want hehe thanx
Ahhh sorry anon but I really don’t ship that - I mean, it’s true that I ship Bakugou with a bunch of people aside from my main two, but if they’re part of Deku’s group you can fairly assume they’re not between my Bakugou ships? And I only romantically ship Uraraka with Deku, Tsuyu and Iida anyway so! You’re probably not gonna see any romantic baku/ocha from me, sorry o
Anon said:Since we know what Bakugou’s parents are like, what do you think Kirishima’s parents are like?
I have a similar ask somewhere asking about Kaminari’s parents as well, so I guess I’ll answer both here?? As a general rule I don’t really like making headcanons over stuff I’m sure the manga will give me in the future, so I can’t say I’ve thought about this too much - there are a few things I work under the assumption of while drawing, like for example I’m taking for granted they both have at least functional families, considering Aizawa personally visited their homes to ask their guardians about allowing them back to school, and if anything had been weird he would have noticed
I like to think Kaminari got his quirk straight from one of his two parents with no mixing happening, and got the Kaminari surname from them as well, but that’s all I ever allowed myself to settle on as far as Kami’s family goes, everything else changes based on what I need for the current scenario I’m thinking about… I do often end back on him being an only child, though - in the same way depending on how angst or lighthearted I want it to be my ideas for Kirishima’s family change a lot, but generally I think I mostly fall back on the idea of him having a big family? In a scenario like that his parents are kind and love him a lot, but having many children and needing to split their attention on all of them might cause them to overlook him a little (it would explain his obsession with being flashy, for me) then again, who knows? I don’t know how canon you can consider the infos SMASH gives, but in one of the strips Kiri mentions working part-time, and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have problems with money kinda makes me believe he might be independent from his family like that (unless he’s a rich kid, also very entertaining as a possiblity)
I’ve seen a lot of headcanons floating around about both of these guys’ families and possibly being related to villains, that would be cool too, though I’m not sure how much I believe it
I’m sorry this ended up being little to no useful at all lol as I said, I just shift between scenarios a lot - imagine settling on one and growing attached and then having to let it go once Hori proves it wrong, that’d be terrible for me
Anon said:Oh my god…we had a black cat called nitro !! He was super affectionate and high strung. Thanks for reminding me of him. great art as always !!!
You’re!!! the second person telling me they have/had a cat called that!!!! °O° is it a popular name for cats? I just called her that for Baku’s quirk tbh hahaha
Anon said:I would L.O.V.E to do a BNHA art collab with you my lord!
BOI THAT’S FLATTERING!!!!!! I’ve never done collabs before though, so I dunno if I’m comfortable with this? I’ll !!! have to think about it!
Anon said:Not only is your art adorable but how much you babble on in the tags is absolutely precious, you’re like a sunshine who always brightens up the day just by being yourself!
Way to make me blush anon oh my g o d!!!!!! I’m??? glad I can make you smile with my incoherent blabbering??? It’s super nice to know because tbh I just have way too much to say about everything hahaha (read: I dunno how to shut up. ever. rip)
Anon said:I just wanted to say your asks posts and doodles and literally just your whole blog in general brightens up my day so much no matter how sucky it’s been. I had a rough day today but the first thing I saw when I got on tumblr was one of your bakugou drawings and it made me smile when nothing else that day did and I just wanted you to know that. Also you seem like one of the most honest and heartwarming people ever. I hope you have a good weekend. ❤️
gODS what’s up with you guys trying so hard to make me a smiling and blushing mess here aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank?? you???? I’m really, really, really happy I could make you smile!!! That’s the reason why I post my stuff to begin with, knowing I could help you even just a little bit means a lot!!!
Anon said:I’m really sorry if I reposted anything!!!!! Its truly out of habit….😌 But really, I’m sorry. (By the way, your art is amazing!!)
Thank you!! And as long as you took down whatever you reposted, your apology is more than accepted! Thank you for being understanding! But that kind of habit is something you should really grow out of, anon - for most artists, if they wanted their art on other websites they would post it themselves, and as long as it’s about sharing it here on tumblr a reblog is more than good enough! It’s nice of you to want to share my things, and I’m happy you like my stuff enough to want more people to see it, but since I don’t have accounts anywhere else on the internet I don’t really want my stuff there either - a link back to the original post would suffice if all you want is share, wouldn’t it? 
About this, thank you so much to all the super nice people telling me they’re sorry about my stuff being reposted! There’s a lot of you and posting all the asks here would make this post insanely long, but know that I read all of them and I appreciate every word! To those mentioning they do tell people to take my stuff down when they notice it being reposted, thank you so so so so much, and to those worrying I might stop posting, for now that’s still not going to happen - I might reduce the amount of stuff I post for specific fandoms or ships, but I love it all too much and I love sharing my love for them too much to just stop. And thank you for all the nice words and compliments too, you’re all so kind to me !!!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dave and Buster’s (it’s a big arcade/restaurant for mainly adults) but I went the other day and all I could think about was “holy shit, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Terushima would have the time of their lives here” anyway, just thought I’d share that with you since I know you ship them as well cx
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we don’t have those in Italy so I can’t say I am, but this sounds interesting and if it’s bo kuro and teru I’m always up for hearing more! What kind of place is it? How does it work?? *O*
Anon said:Not a question or anything but I just found your blog and it is so nice??? Like all your art is amazing and you’ve made bakushimanari my ot3 and you bakusquad doodles are just perfect too. Just thank you for existing and your art and ideas just give me life. That’s all
THANK YOU OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so so happy you like my squad stuff?? Lately they’re the most entertaining thing to draw tbh, I’m glad there’s actually people who like all the silliness hahaha I wish you the best weekend, anon, I know this ask just made mine, tbh!!
Anon said:LMAO when did Allen strip I don’t remember that
It’s in an extra! God I can’t remember what they were talking about so I can’t find it, I’ve been trying to since I got this ask (if??? anyone knows??? that’d be much appreciated???) but anyway they were hosting something? It might have been a character poll or something similar but I’m not sure, and Allen was The Host™ and at some point he started stripping and talking about added prices for it and if I remember right Reever and/or Johnny might have started crying for his forever lost and now non-existent innocence (was that a pun? possibly)
Anon said:OMG!!! I get so excited every time I see you posted something and now you just !!! uploaded !!!! all !!!! these !!!! BAKUGOU !!!! BIRTHDAY !!!!! COMICS !!!! AND !!!! I !!!!! AM !!!!! SO !!!! HAPPY !!!!!! (and they are all so adorable!!)
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED THEM HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!! Every time I post so much all together I always worry it’s too much haha I’m sorry for clogging all your dashboards now and again rip
Anon said:I was so excited this chapter of bnha because I thought we’d finally learn Kirishima, my babies, backstory but then we didn’t and now I’m sad (im still holding out for him having met/seen Bakugou in middle school for some reason and being inspired or something).
That’s tbh a good headcanon I’ve seen around now and again, and until Horikoshi will finally stop holding back all the Kiri infos you!!! keep on doing your thing!!!! he for sure already knew of him because everyone did thanks to the sludge incident, so why the heck not 
(I can’t say I share the hc though, since until they fought together during the USJ attack Kirishima did think of Bakugou’s quirk as Everything He Ever Wanted™, but he didn’t seem to be much into Bakugou himself? I dunno I dunno Kiri’s very gay and got around to sticking to Bakugou like glue in something like fifteen chapters I can’t say we saw much of how he used to think of him before deciding he wanted to marry him lmao)
Anon said:I love Kirishima so much it’s genuinely confusing, like this boy is literally sunshine and I want him to be happy with his explody bf. The latest chapters gave me life because he is shining and I want the world to love him like I love him. Your art of him is beautiful and the best thing ever.
BOY THANK YOU!!!! I’m glad I can do him justice in your opinion? He’s SO MUCH and SO BRIGHT !!!!!!!!!! It’s kind of hard, making him just as good as he is in canon, but that’s cause he’s perfect how is he that perfect how does he even do that I 100% share all of your confusion anon when did I even fall this hard for that child
Anon said:I’m most into the voltron fandom tonight so if I followed every blog that was suggested I would be burried in more discourse than I can handle lmao so I will just try to dig through tags to find weeks
……that’s really one messy fandom you decided to stick with, anon, I admire your strength - but!!! as far as ship weeks go, since the voltron fandom is pretty huge maybe there might be a blog dedicated specifically to letting you know when fandom events are supposed to happen! You should try digging around for that!!! 
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