emerxshiu · 5 months
kinda spoilers for magolor epilogue
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did this at 2am, it was gonna be a animation but i knew i wasn't gonna be able to keep up doing something like this for like, 10 frames or more, so i just left it like a drawing. lately i wasnt really liking anything i was drawing but damm do i really like this one, now all thats left is for me to like my next drawing and not open 30 canvas and only finish one.
i was trying to make my interdimensional magolor gijinka, he doesnt really change that much, except for the ripped parts of his cloak and cape. the energy sphere he has is also a bit broken, but i forgot to add that when making the drawing. my magolor wears one energy sphere, like a necklace, he says it's because its the brightest energy sphere he has, wich, is a lie, but im thinking of explaining this unnecessary headcanon i had come up with just because i thought it'd look cool on him and then decide to give a reason to on another post (i wanna do a comic abt it), if you are wondering about the sclera, i forgot to add it but i was already used to this drawing not having them so i just left it like that.
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i also made three versions, this one is my favourite by far, but thats just because im a sucker for bright colors in drawings like these. honestly i was kinda surprised that i liked it, i usually dont shade like this, well, i do kinda but it doesnt look like this, its a bit more messy and usually combined with cell shading at the same time, i dunno how to explain, also my lineart tends to be a bit(? more cleaner (most of the time) but i really like this one drawing of magolor, probably one of my favourites on digital, and i might start shading like this more on other drawings.
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i also made a desaturated one, dont really have much to say for this one, i had a vision of how i wanted the animation to look but i couldnt get it right, in fact i was originally just gonna have plain colors, no shading, but i coulnt help myself. i planned for this like, bright background and character with more darker colors, as in contrasting, but it kinda hurt my eyes when i did the background (it was a very bright yellow) and as i said couldnt get the look of magolor how i wanted. but i still like the image, all of the versions.
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close up of my favourite version
sorry for always writing an entire wall of text when i post
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