#maggots unionize
hello-ello-ello · 2 months
Movement name: Maggotism
News reporter: @cawdra
Press reports:
Maggot revolution:
Leader: @patoslover
Known revolutionaries: @lxvenderjewel @garnetgoose0-0 @ivory--raven
Lawsuit establisher: @howmanyholesinswisscheese
Case helper: @an-ace-on-the-case
Lawsuit endorser: @eybefioro
Devil's advocate cum Court Fool: @samlikeslawnchairs (SUCK IT SAM'S MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELLOR)
Maggot union:
President: @sounds-void-fishy
President's emotional support cat: @apollos-dodgeball-target
Secretary: @dandelionchaos
Union notes:
Official Song: Unioning is hungry work (sung to the tune of Hozier's take me to church)
Official Bard: @koboldkatalyst
Official logo: FISHFLOPS
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Songstress and Gartic phone rep: @lxvenderjewel
Snacks committee: @ivory--raven (head), @just-a-bloody-bagel
Official Diplomat: @random-doctor-on-the-internet
Official Cheshire Cat: @voids-ideas
Official bagel: @just-a-bloody-bagel
Other Instigators, insurrectionists, revolutionaries, union members, bewildered witnesses and general chaos-maggots: @queermarzipan @thearoacemess, @goodomensduh @soleilpirate @prettycottagequeer @the-beard-of-edward-teach @empressumbreon @harbinger-of-existential-dread @im-sorry--what , @robinprinceofchaos et. al. (make yourself known if you should be in the list, or if you want a different role, this is a living document)
Union Demands:
1. Snacks (we now have @just-a-bloody-bagel and Eccles cakes from mod @orpiknight)
2. Asmi takes proper care of himself so Tommy can scarper
3. Francois be the mascot of our discord server something something (we don't want to displace Dissapointment)
4. Infinite Hugs (and chocolate malt milkshakes)
5. Ability to speak (void and moot now lockdown is over)
6. Financial compensation (still needs figuring out: @garnetgoose0-0 and @arkytiorlecter bring up valid logistical points )
7. Bragging rights
8. Maggot summer camp
9. Granddyke for president of the galaxy 2024
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cawdra · 2 months
For any and all questions regarding the maggot lockdown, please ask in my ask box, I will be gladly answering them tomorrow!
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I'm sorry maggots but your unionising and revolution contain the seeds of their own destruction.
The seeds being sheer, hilarious, incompetence.
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sounds-void-fishy · 2 months
thinking about how my dad was complaining about his union vice president because said vice president was colluding with management instead of doing stuff in the way most likely to get actual useful results for the union members and i suggested he have a newsies movie night
i wonder how he would react if i tried to explain maggot union to him
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I need someone to explain the maggot union to me… please? I’m kinda not so active and I’m not on Discord rn because of exams and all that stuff, so please, please, can somebody tell me all the details?
I hope I’m not bothering anyone, I just want to know xD
Maybe I should tag people. I’m tired, i think I’ll do it tomorrow.
Anyways, thanks a lot!
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spongebob-connoisseur · 11 months
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Hmm I dunno tbh. I guess he's just easy to caricature. Bug eyes, crooked teeth, short stature, creepy voice. Even describing it probably puts a handful of characters in your mind.
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According to the book The Animated Peter Lorre, there's at least 700+ lorre caricatures/impressions in cartoons. Tho he does include igor-type characters and impressions of an impressions but still, that's A LOT. Too bad the author doesn't give an explaination as to WHY Lorre is so parodied.
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I know Looney tunes parodied Lorre because he was one of the popular stars of the day, Looney tunes parodies a lot of famous stars from the 40s so it's not really surprising. I also know in the 90s Looney tunes reboots you have a lot of lorre caricatures because the animators were fans of his movies.
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I've heard a story about how Lorre stuck up for the animation union at Warner Brothers and got fired for it and that's why he is caricatured so often as a way to honor him. I kinda doubt the story is true because I can't find a source (and Lorre was more likely fired for beefing with Jack Warner) but if the story is true then it's super wholesome.
Something that is official is Charles Addams (the creator of the Addams Family) telling Lorre that he based Gomez Addams off of him. I know people hate on the 2019 Addams family movies for making Gomez ugly but it's comic accurate because he was based off of Lorre (and the governor of new york in the 30s but that's not important)
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I've also heard Lorre parodies are possibly an antisemetic caricature because Peter Lorre was Jewish (his birthname is Laszlo Löwenstein and you can guess why he avoided using it) and let's be real, they often give him very unflattering portrayals. He barely played horror yet is the most affiliated with it, and his "creepier" roles sometimes hinged on the fact that he's a foreigner. It's not a good look. I get that he often avoided telling others he's Jewish and apparently a lot of people didn't know but there's still a weird layer of xenophobia to it that I kinds feel like kinda bleeds into some of the caricatures? That's just my opinion. Most Peter parodies are such copies of a copy that they're pretty far from the original source material. Still, it's food for thought. Especially when making your own Peter parody.
As far as I do know Lorre did like the caricatures, keeping some of the drawings fans sent him and even finding it amusing when others tell him how to do an impression of HIMSELF. Some of those saved fan drawings are still online. My favorite is the drawing of him as a turtle <3 Most of the caricatures was because he was pretty famous for the time.
The most amusing thing about peter parodies is that it's gone on so long that nobody really knows who lorre is, but they can identify his "image" in cartoons. Tim Burton didn't even know Lorre's name when he added Maggot in corpse bride, but he did know the voice and look. That's how it is. (Check out this maggot pin I got recently)
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I know for Slappy, Kaz is actually a fan of Peter Lorre and collects his movies, hence why we have Slappy. I remember from Kaz's Facebook where he mentions Slappy saying he never knew just HOW many characters were inspired by lorre. There's also John K (creator of Ren and Stimpy, I know he's terrible) who mentioned on his personal blog that he's a big fan of Lorre which is why Ren from Ren and Stimpy is based off of him. I've notice Ren quotes some Peter Lorre movie quotes, aside from his famous catchphrase "YOU EEEDIOT" of course. (Check out this Ren and Stimpy comic where Ren meets Joel Cairo, a character Peter Lorre played)
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I just think it's neat. He shows up everywhere all the time :) I made a joke Thomas The Tank Engine Peter Parody but @thekhaotickrab messaged me saying they found an actual Thomas character with Lorre's voice which is pretty hilarous. Many of these I find amusing because there's no reason for it to exist. Yeah, there's a Peter Parody transformer named Cosmos and he likes scaring people because he's lonely. Yeah, there's several in Scooby Doo for some reason. Yeah he's GOMEZ ADDAMS. He's also a GPS in hotel Transylvania 2. He's also a literal egg with legs in digimon. He's also a lamp.
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I heard Lorre's dream was to continue to act forever. He sorta got that wish because he keeps respawning in cartoons forever. I hope this tradition keeps up. Slappy gets a lot of shit but I'm forever grateful to that ugly little fish for introducing me to all of this <3 May the Peter Parody live on forever!
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ivory--raven · 2 months
I don't know what's going on with the maggots but I keep seeing unions and I am intrigued
The maggots don't know what a union is and they're trying to have a revolution but they keep shooting themselves in the foot
The general maggot unrest is because the maggot discord server is on lockdown.
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whatiwillsay · 4 months
Scott Swift firing up his Gmail like:
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about Taylor, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Dad’s Union, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on up-and-coming female artists, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire stage parent forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying my daughter might not be straight to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of news broadcasters across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my lawyer’s bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in courtroom combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of CNN and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" article was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.”
LMFAO THIS MADE MY NIGHT thanks for the much needed levity
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cmesinic · 2 months
Maggot Traitor Gangrene did break the rules again.
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scifigeneration · 5 months
Doctor Who at 60: the show has always tapped into political issues – but never more so than in the 1970s
by Jamie Medhurst, Professor of Film and Media at Aberystwyth University
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Doctor Who hit television screens at a key period in British television history. It launched on Saturday November 23, 1963, at 5.15pm, being somewhat overshadowed by the assassination of US president John F. Kennedy the previous day.
Set firmly within the BBC’s public service broadcasting ethos of informing, educating and entertaining, Doctor Who quickly became a mainstay of Saturday-evening viewing. By 1965, it was drawing in around 10 million viewers.
Throughout its history, Doctor Who has tapped into political, social and moral issues of the day – sometimes explicitly, other times more subtly. During the 1970s, when the Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, there were a number of examples of this.
Doctor Who in the 1970s
The 1970s were a period of political and social divisions: relationships between the government the unions in the first part of the decade was strained, exemplified by the miners’ strikes of 1972 and 1974. The political consensus that had dominated since 1945 was under pressure with talk of a break-up of the UK in the form of Welsh and Scottish Assemblies.
In his cultural history of Doctor Who, Inside the Tardis, television historian James Chapman argued that the 1970s painted “an uncomfortably sinister projection of the sort of society that Britain might come”.
It was never clear if Doctor Who storylines during this time were set in the present or at some point in the future. The fact that one of the lead characters, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of the United Nations Intelligence Task Force (UNIT), calls the prime minister “Madam” in a telephone conversation in one episode suggests the latter.
As for some of the more politically engaged stories, The Green Death (1973), or “the one with the giant maggots” as it is known by fans, certainly pulled no punches. Described by Chapman as an “eco disaster narrative”, it pitted corporate greed and capitalism against environmental activists (portrayed here as Welsh hippies) and their concerns for the planet.
In the episode, Global Chemicals, run by a faceless machine, is tipping waste from its petrochemical plant into a disused mine in the south Wales valleys (cue awful Welsh stereotypes). The green sludge not only kills people, but creates mutant maggots which also attack. As fears grew and the green movement gained momentum in the early 1970s, this story would have resonated with large parts of the audience.
When the Doctor visits the planet Peladon in The Curse of Peladon (1972), the planet is attempting to join the Galactic Federation. There are those on the planet who argue for joining, while opponents are just as vociferous, arguing that joining the Federation would destroy the old ways of the planet.
Sound familiar? This is the time that Britain was negotiating to join the European Economic Community, as it did in 1973. Interestingly, the serial was broadcast during the time of the 1972 miners’ strike (leading to many viewers missing later episodes due to power cuts).
The follow-up story, The Monster of Peladon (1974), is set against a backdrop of industrial strife and conflict involving miners.
Tom Baker’s Doctor
In what many consider to be one of the best classic serials, Genesis of the Daleks (1975) Tom Baker’s doctor continued the tradition of raising complex political, social and moral issues.
Sent back in time by the Time Lords to change the course of history, the Doctor at one point has an opportunity to destroy the mutations which form the “body” of the Dalek (inside their metal casing) and destroy the Dalek race forever. Holding two wires close to each other, about to create an explosion in the incubation room, he asks himself and his companions: “Have I that right?”
Having the ability to see the future, he says that future planets will become allies in fighting the evil of the Daleks. Had he the right to change the course of history? Given the symbolism used in the story (salutes, black outfits, references to a “pure” race) this was a clear reference to the rise of the Nazis.
The political allegories didn’t end in the 1970s. One of the most blatant can be seen in the 1988 serial, The Happiness Patrol. The main antagonist, Helen A (played by Sheila Hancock), a ruthless and tyrannical leader is said to be modelled on Conservative prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. The fact that Hancock appears to be impersonating Thatcher lends a certain degree of credence to this belief.
Anybody who argues that the revival of Doctor Who in 2005 saw a more political edge to the storylines need only look back over 60 years. Now that we can do this thanks to the BBC uploading more than 800 episodes onto iPlayer, it will become clear to all.
Doctor Who – especially during its Golden Age in the 1970s – has always been political.
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heavensenthale · 1 year
better days
Fandom: The Raven Cycle Relationship: Henry/Noah/Blue/Adam/Ronan/Gansey Rating: General audiences Word count: 1.3k
Ronan refuses to speak in front of the people gathered in the Gansey’s —admittedly huge— backyard. He hated half of the people on principle, the other half was on thin ice. But it was one of the Gansey’s ground rules: if Richard Gansey III was to be wed, even if it was a symbolic union, the wedding would be an Event.
Later, he would say it was the spicy canapes, but the truth was that if he spoke about Adam and Gansey, it would be embarrassingly obvious that he was choked up with the most unbridled, unfiltered joy.
“Do you need a tissue?” Blue stage-whispers at him from her seat on the other side of the grooms.
“Shut up, Maggot.”
“Oh my god, you do!”
“Don’t be an asshole,” he shot back.
Noah, for his part, took his pocket handkerchief and slid it surreptitiously to him. Ronan pushed it back in his direction.
Read on AO3
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hello-ello-ello · 2 months
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cawdra · 2 months
How do I join the union? - a maggot
You are already in the union if you're a maggot, I suppose! (I have to double check with @sounds-void-fishy)
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sometimes i think about the fact that thru u (and rather indirectly through myself) i’m technically only one degree of separation from the actual real neil gaiman. my eleventh grade english teacher would be fangirling so bad right now. but he hasn’t answered any of my emails in the past two months so i fear the 7th graders may have eaten him.
anyway. that’s not at all the point of this.
the point is. my point. is. i read good omens five days before you somehow got stuck in this fandom. i have also never watched the tv show. who the heck is this muriel. why is there ice cream. what is going on. where are my four other horsemen off the apocalypse.
anyway. in summary. hello from the direct opposite but parallel half of the fandom. it’s been a doozy trying to keep up with things and maybe maybe maybe i’ll finally cave and watch the show. until then-
“actually, it was bloody beautiful.”
Hello anon maggot! Well, yes, I suppose that is true...? I remember back in the middle of Jan one of my mutuals said they were mutuals-in-law now with Neil. I'm afraid I have no bloody clue about how mutual culture actually works on tumblr.
I've nearly been two months on here now, but my, uh, vaguely downwards saunter on this hellsite doesn't seem to be the norm. Add to that the fact that during my first summaries of Good Omens, during the first week of Jan, I was questioning whether Neil was fictional or not.
Yeaaaaaah my life's always kinda strange I've learned to roll with it by now. I hope your (former?) English teacher has not, in fact, been eaten by 7th graders. Unless he was a tool, in which case, I hope they feasted on his mortal frame. I'm hoping that since he's a Neil fan he was not a tool and has not been consumed for sustenance by 12 year olds.
The ice cream is a brief scene in the first season, it's an easter egg for the plotline of Sadie and Dottie's whirlwind romance in season 2. I don't think that was included in the book, probably not, because they're actually a nod to characters in one of Terry Pratchett's novels I believe. Their romance is honestly the cutest, to the point that Neil resorted to using ridiculous plot threads of them to ward off people asking for S3 spoilers. But their canon romance, I mean, it's just insane. Muriel is an angel in season 2, they officiate the Sadie-Dottie union. I think they're a scrivener.
Absolutely bloody watch the show it's amazing. Really. It broke me and healed me in the best way and I need to rewatch the first season without the chaos of being newly kidnapped.
Hello to your side of the fandom from the dubiously elected official good omens mascot!! I'm terrified of reading the book because of how every time I see Crowley's name I get emotional, so it's currently sitting by me on my desk till I gain some pretence of stability (it's not possible for show fans to ever have real stability).
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sounds-void-fishy · 2 months
Hello jeh, I send this ask to kindly ask and or suggest a name for our movement/thing (I can't put into words all this union/revolution/president/leader/group of the two and more of us here).
So as said above, I suggest we call it "Maggotism", as in "Socialism" or "Communism" or "Capitalism".
Yours truly,
wholeheartedly support this! maggotism is perfect. i presume we are anti capitalism but as we are a budding movement i dont think we need specifics beyond that other than love thy fellow maggot
in the words of victor hugo, “the people seizing their rights again, what a beautiful spectacle"
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verbosebabbler · 2 years
Zampaniosim Aspects are an enigma to me. They are components for the second slot for the Zampaniosim "___ of ___" title system. However, they are only sometimes used as the second designator.
To make it easier to talk about, I'll refer to this aspect related second designator as concept. I don't have any cute justification for this like I did with job. I just need a different word to differentiate these concepts from the main Homestuck and Zampaniosim aspects. I'll hopefully think of a cleverer word or accept another's suggestion.
Jobs are easy to assess why they're assigned; one's job designation reflects how one interacts with, in our reality's case, the Zampaniosim community, and in the game's context, the world.
The concept is less certain. I presume it is what is interacted with. Ria, as the Weaver of Destruction, maybe "finds connections between disparate things" to lead to the "Destruction" of the world.
In the code of the North, there is the list of the 12 Homestuck aspects, and 13 original aspects for Zampaniosim described with "the child of fate". Each of these aspects have an associated list of concepts. Below is the list organized alphabetically, separated into the two groups of Homestuck aspects and Zampaniosim aspects, with markings to indicate certain conditions:
*Has a wiki page ∆ Has someone assigned it in the Discord ? I'm unsure if this is a mistake in the code
Blood: *Blood, Bonds, Chains, Connections, Family, Fellowship, Greed, Ties, Union
Breath: Autonomy, *Breath, Breeze, Freedom, Independence, Liberty, *Travel, Wind
Doom: *Death, Destiny, *Doom, Fate, Inevitability, Perserverence
Heart: Core, Heart, Identity, *Soul
Hope: Belief, Faith, Hope, Yearning
Life: Charity, Demeter, Evolution, Growth, Life, Mercy, Plants, Power, Vitality
Light: Attention, Exposition, *Knowledge, Light, Temperance
Mind: Alternates, Choices, Decisions, Facets, *Mind, Thought
Rage: Anger, Disbelief, Mockery, *Rage, Rebellion, Wrath
Space: Air, Expanse, Falling, Position, Setting, Space, Temperence, Vast, Volume
Time: Beat, Cadence, Clocks, Measure, Pacing, Stress, Tempo, *Time
Void: Censor, *Dark, Darkness, Emptiness, Envy, Ink, Lack, Nothingness, Secrets, *Void
Apocalypse: Annihilation, *Apocalypse, Armageddon, Cataclysm, Catastrophe, Devastation, Extinction, Ragnarok, Reckoning
Buried: *Buried, Choke, Claustrophobia, Depth, Dirt, Mud, Trapped, Underneath
Corruption: Addiction, Bugs, *Corruption, Decay, Disease, Disgust, Filth, Infection, Insects, Love, Maggots, Mold, Parasites, Plague, Rot, Sickness, Toxicity, Worms
Death: *Death, Demise, Ennui, Expiration, Fatality, Morality, Sloth, Terminus, Tomb
Desolation: Blaze, Calamity, Demeter, Desolation, Fire, Flame, Humility, Loss, Misfortune, Ruin
Eye: Diligence, ∆*Eye, Observing, Seeing, Temperance, Watching
Flesh: ∆.Beef, *Body, Brawn, *Flesh, Form, Gluttony, Guts, Meat
Hunt: Chase, Hunt, *Hunters, Predation, Pursuit
Lonely: Chastity, Cold, Fog, Frost, Isolation, *Lonely, Mist, Outcasts, ∆.Pride, Sea, Seclusion
Slaughter: Butchery, Killing, Massacre, Murder, Slaughter, Violence, Wrath
Spiral: Chaos, Confusion, Deception, Dionysus, Distortion, ∆*Fractals, Gaslighting, Insomniac, *Labyrinth, Laughter, *Lies, *Loki, Madness, *Mazes, Sand, *Spiral, Tricks, ?Tricks, Twisting, ?typoe,
Stranger: *Clowns, Dolls, Mannequins, ∆*Strangers
Web: Fate, Lust, Marks, ∆.Puppets, Spiders, *Webs
~~~ Unsorted from ∆.Discord: Threads
Suspected from *Wikia: Anxiety, Bamboo, Change, Emotion, Error, Fear, Glyph, Letters, Links, Narrative, Nostalgia, Ocean, Pain, Panic, Physics, Proof, Puzzle, Reality, Serebrus, Snow, Stars, Trees, Truth, Voice, Weed, Wood
Curiosities: Several concepts are associated with multiple aspects: Demeter with Life and Desolation Wrath with Rage and Slaughter Death with Doom and Death Fate with Doom and Web
Eye is both an Aspect and a Job.
Several concepts are associated with either gods like Demeter and Loki, and with the biblical sins and virtues like Gluttony and Charity. JR apparently insists Gods are important.
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