#madison osoro maguire
inkwell-and-dagger · 7 months
Ring-Bound Notebook
Hey! Yeah, uh- you! Before you proceed, this written work may contain:
blood, torture, prolonged captivity, multiple whumpers, whumper-turned-whumpee, amputation, multiple failed escape attempts, immortal whumpee, potential re-living trauma??, impalement, phrase repetition, slight rescue / recovery whump at the end, suicidal ideation / thoughts
Vanté Ramirez, Vesker Faithern and Fletcher O'Harris belong to my wonderful mutual, @er0s-1s-whump1ng / @paranoia-exe!! go check him out!!!!
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Looking down at the bloodied notebook he'd resented for so long stuffed into his bedside table, Rayan sighed. He swore to never re-read the notebook, reluctant to live out the years of captivity he went through, but.. he just couldn't handle it.
Vigorously snatching the notebook up, he flopped down onto his bed, drawing his knees up to his chest and wrapping bandaged arms around them. He despised how the damned thing felt so right in his hands; it fit in his grasp perfectly, cold and familiar.
He'd never admit it, but it took him a while to even start the first page, let alone open the notebook itself. He just stared at the cover, at the stickers — worn down with time, scratched or even peeling and ripped— caked in dried blood. His dried blood.
But eventually, to his own dismay, his finger clasped tighter around the notebook, and with strangely baited breath he flicked open to the first page. It seemed as though a nice little trip down memory lane was in order.
Zayn never exactly had a purpose for a notebook. Ring bound with multiple stickers he'd collected during their childhood stuck onto the cover, he just didn't know what to do with it. The useless thing was just.. laying around; plus, he had a diary of his own now. Esrana told him to give it to "the thing in the basement". And her reasoning behind giving it to Rayan? It was because both of them were useless. Great.
"Hey. I've got this for you. Es told me to hand it to you since I don't need it. It'll keep you occupied!" Rayan distinctly remembered Zayn telling him that before setting the notebook down in front of him, his soft Welsh accent ringing pleasantly in his ears.
Alas, Zayn handed it to Rayan during one of their visits, along with two pens. One's ink was in black, the other was in blue, since the former didn't know which colour he preferred. Looking back, it seemed to Rayan that he preferred blue, and the black pen he must've used to doodle and scribble in the margin of each page or wherever else he could fit it.
They promised to give Rayan new pens whenever they ran out and, as usual, he stuck to it; not once did Rayan see even a hint of the ink on either of the pens running dry.
The first few pages were worn and torn, some having been ripped out entirely. The ones that weren't were filled with notes in Zayn's unusually neat script about god knows what — from his time in school to his mother and Esrana, from simple reminders to full paragraphs of rambles. Rayan didn't have the heart to judge them, even now.
A couple pages after, and it was the start of Rayan's own ramblings. Oh, how Rayan dreaded this moment.
He set the notebook down in his lap, evergreen eyes skimming over the pages.
Date: ?
Time: ?
I don't know how this is meant to benefit me. Sure, the notebook's nice and all, I like it. I don't know. There's not much I can write in here, since my captivity isn't very special. I guess I can just I think nevermind. I'll just ramble about fuck all.
I hate this place. I can hardly sleep because I keep hearing footsteps from the floor above this fucking basement. I don't know how many of them there are. I know about the guy with the bat, and the one who keeps staring at me and who I've never really seen blinking yet, and the girl who's Zayn's sister. That's all. I swear there's more of them, though.
I can't be sure. But, at least Zayn gives me food and also gave me a blanket and some pillows so I can sleep. Sure, the ground isn't comfortable, but I can somewhat lay on the pillows, which is good enough. Totally not as if my back hurts already and this is just making it worse. Totally not. Why am I even mad at Zayn?
I'm gonna try and sleep. Emphasis on try. Everything hurts.
"God's sake.." Rayan mumbled hoarsely, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had to admit, that one wasn't all bad. But, he knew worse was to come.
He flicked over to the next page.
Date: ? sometime in October (Zayn told me)
Time: ?
There's more of them. It's- this is ridiculous. Fucking Ezra???
I can't believe he'd side with them. Hell, I don't know what to say anymore. Fuck this shit.
I also keep getting hurt by the bat guy; their names Foster, apparently. I don't wanna explain what they did with that stupid fucking bat of theirs, other than they hit me somewhere on the back and it really hurts because they screwed fucking nails into the bat. I hate this.
I don't even know what I did wrong.
Rayan scoffed. "'I don't even know what I did wrong', my ass.."
His attention turned to the next page. A little more blood was splattered across the paper, and there were obvious signs he'd been crying when he wrote this.
Date: ?
Time: ?
Everything fucking hurts. More and more of them keep coming down and torturing me and hurting me and I'm just sick of this shit. I can't get even a moment of fucking peace anymore. What did I do?
He was surprised how short this one was. He couldn't remember why he had cut it so short in the first place.
The next page.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Fuck. He- Holy shit.
I can't even fucking what the fuck. It hurts so bad. Fuck. Okay. I need to calm down.
Oh, no.
Rayan flicked to the next page with shaking hands.
Writing this whilst Zayn bandages me up. I'm so tired. So much has been going on.
Madir, he. He cut off my fucking leg. I had tried to escape by attacking Foster and getting out of the basement, and I was so fucking close when Madir got me (Madir's the one who keeps staring. I don't know what his problem is). Then.. I don't even wanna remember.
The torture's been getting worse. Esrana threw me out a window at one point. They've also found out that, despite me being immortal, I can somewhat die if they slit my throat. They keep doing it, and from what I understand they play some sort of game where they compete and the winner is the person who keeps me "dead" for the longest. So far, I think Ezra has.
I should've never started killing people. I've already served my time in prison, and now this? I don't deserve this I think I deserve it, though.
Next page, and this time Rayan had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from tearing up.
There's so much blood. The floor is stained with it, my restraints are stained with it, Hell, even my bed. Thankfully, Zayn let me out of the restraints so I can write.
I swear, this is the only thing I can rely on to not lose my fucking mind. The smell of blood and.. other stuff is intoxicating, I hate it. I hate this. I hate Esrana, and Foster, and Zayn, and Madir, and Ezra, and Fletcher— God, fucking Fletcher! We were friends! And now he just watches me waste away here?!
I've felt too sick to eat and sleep. I don't care anymore. I doubt people even remember me. I hope Maddie's okay. And Vee. And.. I don't know. Who do I have?
I'm gonna try and escape. I can't walk, given my leg from the thigh down is missing, but.. whatever. I'll manage.
Next page. This one seemed more recent.
It didn't work as well as the other times. There's a fucking- I don't what it is, but it's stuck in my other leg and practically keeping me impaled and pinned onto the floor. It hurts so bad.
I've given up trying to fight by now. I just want to make it stop. I wish I could die. I wish I never existed. I wish I never began killing people. I wish I could kill myself.
I deserve this.
Rayan's spare hand ran over his prosthetic leg, sighing. He never realized how much he himself had suffered. It all felt unreal. It's why he thought about it as if it were just a story, or a silly nightmare. Everything was silly at this point.
He flicked past the other pages, skimming through them, until one near the end of the notebook caught his eyes. Reading cautiously, he placed his chin on his hand and couldn't help but notice his handwriting was more neat. And no blood was splattered on the page.
Date: 26/10
Time: 3:26 PM
It's my birthday! I forgot how old I am. I'm in the hospital right now, I think. It's a long story, but I'm alone right now, save for Maddie sleeping and Vee idly talking to me. I've got plenty of time.
The Survivors got arrested. I escaped from the police - they scare me, okay? I thought they were gonna hurt me - and went to god-knows-where. I stayed homeless for a time, occasionally couch surfing or staying at a new friend's house. She's called Evelyn. She's nice.
Anyway. Maddie and Vee eventually found me, and took me home and then (after seeing how shitty I looked) took me to the hospital instead. It's been a funny couple of days, especially with me learning that these doctors don't want to hurt me and that the things being put into my body won't harm me, but.. at least I'm free. They're gonna get me a prosthetic soon.
I get to see Vesk again. I get to see Theo. And Maddie's fiance, Vivian. Maddie's reluctant to invite me to the wedding, since she knows I need time to recover, but I can tell she really does want to.
Something feels wrong, though. That I don't deserve to rest. I keep imagining restraints around me. I keep hearing them laugh. I keep.. nevermind. It's fine, though.
I don't think I'm gonna be sharing what's in this notebook. It's better to keep it a secret. I don't want people worrying about me more than they already are. Especially Maddie.
Maddie's waking up, I think. I'm home now. I think. I'm gonna be okay now. I think. I don't know. I hope so.
Rayan suddenly glanced up as he heard his bedroom door creak open, squinting up at Vanté. He was a mere silhouette against the absurdly bright hallway light. The notebook slammed shut.
"Hi, Vee." They both grinned.
"Hey," The demon responded, his deep voice rumbling pleasantly in Rayan's ears. "Mum's called you down three times, cause we're going out for dinner today. She said you can bring Tadhg if you want to, too. You coming?"
He chuckled, getting up with a soft groan and setting his notebook down, grabbing a jacket as he spoke. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be down in a sec. Is this—" he gestured to his outfit— "too flashy?"
"Of course not," Vanté waved off his question with a smile. "It's perfect."
"Oh, hush."
Both of them couldn't help but laugh. Vanté's diamond eyes glanced downwards, noticing the notebook. "What's that?"
"Huh-? Oh, that?" Rayan chuckled nervously, quickly shoving the book under his pillow. "Just a uh- a thing."
The demon didn't respond directly, but gave him a knowing smile. Rayan had an inkling the demon had experienced something similar to what he himself was feeling.
Before the silence could get more uncomfortable than it already was, the demon grabbed the immortal's hand and dragged him out of the room, earning a surprised laugh from the latter. "Come on, lazy ass. Don't bother getting platforms, it's a long walk.
"Awwhh, we're not driving there?"
"It's not that bad, kid."
"Hey- I'm not a kid!"
"You are to me!"
They both laughed. Maybe life wasn't that bad after all.
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madison-maguire · 9 months
- Official RP Blog for Madison Briar Osoro-Maguire -
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Hi y'all!! This is the official RP blog of one of my comfort OCS, Madison / Maddie Osoro-Maguire, who is also one of the Caretakers of Forsaken Souls! This blog is led by her creator, @v-3-ll-1-ch-0-r / @v-3-ll-1-g-0-r-3!
Madison Osoro-Maguire is a self-defense trainer and fitness instructor, and is also the older sister of Rayan Hyacinth and Theo Maguire. She is 41 years old, and has a wife named Vivian (she/they). Maddie was born in Dublin, Ireland, and has imperfect immortality, meaning that — in this universe, anyhow — she will stop physically aging at some point, but when under enough physical strain, certain severe wounds will be fatal to her, thus meaning she's able to die in some cases. She also has an adoptive son, Vanté Ramirez*.
She has wavy, brown hair which reaches down to her shoulders, with a light and fluffy (?) fringe and round glasses. She has forest green eyes and a soft complexion, and stands at around 6'2. She has a muscular and masculine physique, but commonly wears soft and feminine cottagecore-esque things. She also enjoys vintage. She has a couple small scars and scratches across her body, mostly from Zuriel or The Survivors.
She's gentle and selfless, always wanting to protect and nurture people close to her. Though, she can get a little snappy depending on who she's talking to and the context of the situation.
Feel free to whump her all you like, or comfort her through RP's in the ask box! Do what you like, as long as it's nothing NSFW, since I'm (Vell!!) a minor!
* LOOK @er0s-1s-whump1ng ITS YOUR DUDE!!!!!!!!!
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inkwell-and-dagger · 8 months
Vanté sighed, flopping down onto his bed. His mind was racing.
How long had it been since he talked to Rayan, or had even seen him for that matter? Sure, after Vanté killed Vayel things had been iffy between the two; Rayan was absolutely livid at first, for good reason, and wouldn't stop bugging him about it for a month before he settled back down to find someone else. But now, his absence was.. unsettling. He missed it.
He missed Rayan himself, actually. His strong Irish accent, his calloused and scarred hands, his evergreen eyes that always seemed to be narrowed in some way; the bags under his eyes, the scar on his throat, his prosthetic leg.. he just missed him. Vanté could name everything he missed, but he'd be there for hours.
He just hoped that, whenever Rayan was, whatever he was doing, whoever he was with, he was okay. That the damned fucking Survivors didn't get to him again. It was strange how Vanté had gone from being part of The Survivors to despising their existence, just like how he had gone from hating Rayan after they split up to absolutely adoring him at times. Well, who wouldn't adore him, really?
Lost in his train of thoughts, he stared at the ceiling. A nagging thought in his mind told him Rayan wasn't okay. He'd call him later, just to make sure all was well. Maybe after dinner—
"Dinner's ready, kiddos!" Called Madison's soft voice, followed by two pairs of footsteps — must be the boys — excitedly giggling and murmuring as they ran downstairs. Vanté just couldn't help but smile.
He stood with a groan, brushing a hand through his golden hair as he opened his bedroom door. This is gonna be a long night..
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inkwell-and-dagger · 6 months
The first blow caught Madir by surprise, midway through striding up to the front porch of his cabin. A bat swung at his legs had him toppling over, head hitting the damp grass painfully. A muddied boot shoved him onto his back, and above him stood the silhouette of a middle aged, utterly seething woman holding a bat in trembling hands.
"Nearly killing my brother on multiple occasions," Madison hissed out, pressing her foot on Madir's chest when he tried to scramble to his feet. "Stalking and kidnapping my son's brother, and torturing me because I tried to stop you?!"
Madison's hand reached down, grabbing a chunk of Madir's long, soft hair and yanking his head up, a painful yelp ripping from the man's throat. Her voice turned to a threatening whisper. "I'm gonna make you regret all of it if it's the last thing I fucking do, you insane little bitch."
German accent thick with panic, Madir let out a nervous chuckle. Crap. "We- We can talk this out, Maguire, ja?"
"Oh, shut up!" A brief surge of relief passed through Madir as her grip on his hair loosened and then was removed entirely, but the feeling was extinguished like a flame in the wind as the bat made contact with his side. Despite herself, Madison relished in the sharp, pained cry she got in response.
The blows kept coming, one after the other, every time Madir even tried to take a breath. On his side, his arms, his calves, ankles. Wherever Madison could reach, the bat could too. "You don't like it, do you?"
"Then how do you think Rayan feels?"
Madir's expression hardened to a scowl. "Hyacinth is a monster, he actually deserves—" His voice was interrupted with a rather strong hit to his torso.
"That's a little hypocritical, Madir."
The tip of the bat lifted his chin, reluctantly glaring up at Madison, who just frowned back. "If you ever even try to touch my fucking brother, or my fucking son again," She warned in a low voice. "I'll feed you to Rayan's dog. Understood?"
Madir scoffed, but Madison pressed down on his neck with the bat, and he quietened down immediately.
"Am I understood, Madir?!"
A quick nod, and she finally stepped away. Madir shuddered at her cold gaze, standing and stumbling back, having to steady himself on the porch as he watched her stride away.
When Madison was far away enough, Madir let out a rare sob of both pain and relief, quickly pulling out his cracked phone. Turning it on hastily, he dialed Esrana's phone number with a shaking hand, and clutching one of his bruised sides with the other, he slumped down onto the floor.
Madir could've sobbed again when she answered nearly immediately. "Madir?"
Voice quivering, he blinked back tears. "Come over, Es. I'll explain everything when you're here, ja? I- I need help."
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How To Kill An Immortal taglist: @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
(the mentioned Vanté and Chris belong to @er0s-1s-whump1ng!! also thank you both for hyping this up 😭😭)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 6 months
TEENY DRABBLE FOR YOU LOT LETS GOOOOOO!!! Vee and Vesker belong to @er0s-1s-whump1ng!!
Madison had thought that, after her temporary captivity with The Survivors, that they'd leave her alone after that. They'd all gotten everything they could out of her, and she figured that now she'd hidden away for a couple days at Theo's, it was all over now.
An empty, aching feeling in her chest, she absently unlocked the door to her house, letting it creak open as she stepped in. She'd just dropped Rayan off at Vesker's, and she prayed on whatever God or Goddess existed that they would both be okay on their own.
Evergreen eyes sweeping across the dark, midnight shrouded home Madison had missed so much, her attention was drawn to something written on the wall in the living room. At first, she thought the boys had been messing around again; but as she walked inside the room, her blood ran cold.
In crimson, bold letters, the writing on the wall read: "Found you! :)"
Oh, crap.
"Zuriel? Aarin? Vee?" She called out one by one, racing upstairs. Madison nearly sobbed in relief when Aarin stepped into the hall, their magnificent halo casting a spotlight onto their freckled face.
"Where's Zuriel?"
"Asleep. I- I just woke up."
"That's okay, baby," Madison sighed out, walking up to the small angel and wrapping them in a half-hug. "Go wake ZuZu up, and tell it that we're gonna go on a little road trip. Do that for me whilst I get Vee, okay?"
Aarin tilted their head, confused. "Is it because of the writing? Two people came in the other day, and- and they said they needed to talk to Dad."
"I'on know. A boy and a girl. They both have long hair, kinda like ZuZu's but a tiny bit shorter."
Madison cursed beneath her breath. Esrana and Madir.
"O-Okay, I'll look for Dad, you just get Zuriel up and pack some clothes, alrighty?"
"Okay!" Aarin squeezed Madison, before walking back into them and Zuriel's bedroom.
"Vanté? You here?" Striding tensely to Vanté's bedroom, she cracked open the door, flicking on the light. He wasn't there. The only thing that hinted that some sort of activity had taken place were the few drops of blood on his bedsheets.
Taglist: none yet!
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inkwell-and-dagger · 7 months
:O yoooo hello anon!!
okay! I'm gonna introduce y'all to Maddie cuz she's my comfort character and I don't really talk about her much!
Madison Osoro-Maguire is Rayan's sister and one of his caretakers in Forsaken Souls! she's married to another woman called Vivian, and she's a photographer and a retired fitness instructor!
she's very similar to Rayan in terms of appearance, with shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes and circular glasses. she stands at 6'1! her clothing style is kinda cottagecore, and she tends to dress androgyne!
she has imperfect immortality, and her physical age is around 40-42. she's extremely soft spoken and gentle, and has a really strong Irish accent, but she can stutter / fidget (kinda stim?? idk I base this hc off of when I get upset) when angry. unlike Rayan, she still keeps contact with relatives, despite the fact they do not know she's married to a woman! his relatives are. kinda assholes.
that's the basics! honestly, if you want to whump her, go ahead; she doesn't do well with being in pain, has a really low pain tolerance and is extremely obedient just so she can get out of torture. here she is!
Tumblr media
(picrew credit)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 6 months
Madison couldn't handle this.
She couldn't handle taking Reverie to Visceral's— no, that monster's realm every weekend just so her own son can be safe. The guilt was overwhelming, but there was nothing she could do. It was the only way to ensure both of them were safe.
And on top of that, she had to be wary of The Survivors, since apparently she was on their hit-list now. Protecting Zuriel, Aarin and now Tadhg from the horrors of what she was trying to put under control was no easy task. But it isn't like Madison could blame the poor boys for being curious.
Madison could never get the memory of seeing Reverie drenched, from head to toe, in his own blood, trembling and sobbing and all she could do was just get him back home and watch over him the best she could out of her mind. She wanted to give him a good life — he was only fourteen, for God's sake — but.. she knew every attempt, every weekday of spoiling him with attention and gentle words, would end up being useless by the next Monday.
And then Rayan. Oh, her poor, little brother. Having hardly any time to tend to his own son, plagued my nightmare upon nightmare, memory upon memory, until it seemed to suck away all of his will to carry on. Madison couldn't handle seeing him so defeated, so exhausted, so vulnerable.
She hadn't spoken to Vivian, her own wife — had a pleasant conversation that didn't end up in Madison fearing that this would be the last time they spoke to one another — in what seemed like ages. She knew she could die, and she was terrified. She had Theo, Rayan, Vanté, Sora, Tadhg, Vesker, Zuriel, Aarin and now Reverie to take care of. She couldn't leave them behind.
But the urge to snap grew larger with each passing day. The urge to go against her and Visceral's agreement, to fight back against The Survivors, fighting tooth and nail just for some goddamn peace. The memories, the visions, the nightmares, were all engraved into her mind, and as much as he kept trying to ignore it, she felt like a spark inside of her was dying, replaced with a disgusting urge for blood.
She wanted to keep that gentle giant facade she'd been holding up for so long, but every day the mask was cracking. She hated it. She hated Visceral, Foster, Madir, Esrana, Ezra, Casey— for fuck's sake, even Zayn at this point.
She didn't care what she had to do to give those close to her the life they deserve. If it meant Rayan could live one day in peace, if it meant Reverie could too, she didn't mind even dying by The Survivors' torture, or even by Visceral's hands — the kid was a heartless demigod, for fuck's sake. Madison was certain that, despite his terror for her, he could, and would, kill her.
All of the urges burned inside of her, a raging, white-hot fire that threatened to scorch her from the inside out. And as much as she feared to become the thing she so passionately was against, she couldn't help it.
Snapping seemed like the only option left.
How To Kill An Immortal taglist: @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
(also TECHNICALLY) Halos and Horns taglist: @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night (I am so sorry for not posting a lot of HAH content!!)
(Vesker, Visceral, Vanté, Reverie, Casey and Sora belong to my wonderful mutual, @er0s-1s-whump1ng!!)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 8 months
Madison had been calling Vanté's phone five times now. Or was it six? Seven? She didn't know, and didn't care at this point. She was just walking mindlessly, having also forgotten her car. She just hoped she'd left Zuriel and Aarin occupied for long enough
She didn't know where she was going. She just prayed to whatever God that was up there that he was okay. She didn't know what Vanté had done this time, whether he was actually hurt or not, since the message he'd sent her not even half an hour ago was vague and she had a horrible feeling about it.
She called him again, but it went into voicemail. "Fuck's sake, Vee.." She mumbled through gritted teeth, brushing her hand through her hair. Fighting back a sob, she opted to run again, even as her chest continued to heave and her legs shook with exertion.
This continued until she saw footsteps in the mud, nearly sobbing with relief before she held it back. She had to be the bigger person.
She ran onwards, hardly stopping for breath until she saw the telltale silhouette of her beloved son. Her precious child.
"VANTÉ!" She shouted again, hating how her voice made her seem angry. Which, well, she kind of was. Especially at the sight of the fleeting silhouette doused partly in blood... "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
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inkwell-and-dagger · 6 months
[Silence Speaks Louder.]
Synop: Madison breaks into Foster's home to rescue Rayan, but not all goes as expected. Turns out not everyone is tired when the sun goes down.
CW: home invasion ig, implied team whump, failed escape / rescue attempt, lady whump, stabbing.
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Frigid midnight air seeped into Madison's hoodie as she picked the lock in the backdoor; infinitely thankful she'd remembered how to do it from when she'd watched Vanté do the same. As she nudged it open with her shoulder, careful to make as little noise as she could, she could only pray everybody in the house — except for Rayan — was asleep.
Quickly peeking around the corner, the photographer sighed in relief when she was certain that the house was silent. Silence was good. Silence meant nobody could watch as she fetched Rayan and got out of this hellhole. Carefully slipping past the door and closing it behind her so the wind wouldn't slam it shut and alert the inhabitants, Madison winced as the floorboards creaked under her weight; her jaw set tight as she blindly made her way through the eerie, dark building. It was clean and strangely normal looking inside, but despite the serenity of each room she felt a looming sense of dread in her stomach, growing more prominent with each step. Not enough for her to change her mind and not rescue her own brother, though.
Madison looked through every room she came across, hands feeling around every drawer and cabinet, every surface, trying to find anything that gave away that Rayan hadn't been moved somewhere else. She eventually found his phone, cracked and bloodied, which was something. Stuffing it in her pocket, she made her way back into the hall and to the staircase that led to the basement.
The darkness was unsettling her by now, so she hastily sneaked down the creaking stairs. But the closer she got to the door, the more the air grew cold and the putrid smell of decay lingered around the woman more than ever. She rattled the doorknob when she was in arms length of it, only to realise it was locked.
"Crap," Madison hissed, rattling it again to make certain that it was locked and that her arms didn't just felt shaky and weak. Foot tapping on the ground nervously, she fished in her pocket for whatever lockpicking tools she'd brought with her.
But Madison's body went rigid when she heard a low chuckle from behind her. "Are you having trouble there, милый?"
Madison couldn't stifle a yelp of pain as she was pulled backwards by her hair and pressed flush against Esrana, who was suddenly holding a kitchen knife dangerously close to the older woman's throat; as expected, Madison stopped fighting against her grip. "Move a muscle and I will give you and Rayan matching neck scar." Esrana warned in a low, dangerous tone, her broken English prominent and accent strong. Pulling the knife away, she moved to unlock the door and shove Madison in. The latter whipped around after she stumbled, eyes wide before squinting as the swaying, hanging light in the room flickered on.
"Now, ah," Esrana sighed, shutting and locking the door with a grin. "What's this little intruder doing here at night, hm?"
Madison couldn't respond, too distracted staring at the trembling, curled up form of her little brother against the wall. A blanket, dried blood coating its once probably fluffy surface, was tugged tight over his shoulders, his prosthetic discarded somewhere where he couldn't reach. It's not like he could reach too much, anyway, since his wrists were bound together with rope that rubbed against his pale skin, and a short string of it came down in a noose loosely around his neck, tied to a hook attached to the ceiling. Rayan couldn't move unless he wanted to risk being choked. He looked like a trainwreck; probably why she couldn't seem to look away.
"Quiet, thing." Esrana snapped back, causing the poor boy to flinch away and fall silent again.
That regained Madison's attention. She glared over to the shorter woman, hands tightening into white-knuckled fists. "Listen, I don't wanna have to hurt you, kid. Let Rayan go."
Esrana just smirked. "Why should I? It is monster, for God's sake."
"No he isn't! He's trying to be better, plus the whole incident was years ago. This has gone on for too long, Esrana, just let him go. This is petty."
"Incident? It is serial killer. It ruined the lives of so many people, and you're calling the ordeal an incident as if it were all some accident?"
"He wasn't in the best mental state, but he's getting better. He's improving, but this—" She gestured broadly to the basement, shoulders tensed. "Isn't helping. Let the guy go."
"And what do you propose I do with you?" The knife pointed to Madison's chest. "I'm not letting both of you go."
"I..." Madison was stumped. On one hand, she wanted the best for her precious little brother; even at her own expense. But on the other hand, she had a wife now, not to mention she wanted to be there for Vanté, and Tadhg growing up, and to keep Zuriel and Aarin company on sleepless nights, and to welcome the newly revived Vesker back home. But...
"..Cat got your tongue?"
"I- No, just take me instead."
"What?!" Rayan exploded, voice cracking and weak. "You can't take her! I—"
"Shush!" Esrana hissed angrily through gritted teeth, and that immediately quietened the immortal down again. Raising one hand, she held it out to Madison, who reluctantly shook it. "Deal. We will keep you."
Madison was going to respond, before a sharp cry was ripped from her throat as she felt something sharp stab into her leg, piercing through the fabric of her trousers. The knife was ripped out again, and Esrana managed to hold her up against the wall as she stabbed it back into her other leg. "I'm glad it hurts, Madison." She said cheerily, relishing in the teary glare Madison gave her in response.
As soon as Esrana let her go, she sank down the wall with a whimper. She grunted as the looming figure of her captor kicked her in the ribs, clutching onto her injured side with a scowl.
As Esrana sauntered across the room and placed the bloodied kitchen knife on some sort of drawer, Madison held her distressed brother close to her chest. "We will let the creature go tomorrow," Esrana stated in an almost reluctant tone, before flashing a grin as she flicked off the light. "If we remember."
The door closed and locked within a matter of seconds, and Madison groaned in frustration as she rested her head back against the bloodied wall. She gently pulled Rayan against her chest, rubbing his arm soothingly.
"She's not gonna remember, is she...?" He managed to mumble in her ear.
No, she wanted to reply. But she just shrugged in response, biting back another pained noise as the wounds in her leg throbbed painfully. She fished in her hoodie pocket and placed Rayan's phone in his lap as she felt her consciousness slipping.
—> —> —> —> —> —>
(Vantè and Vesker both belong to @er0s-1s-whump1ng / @paranoia-exe!!!)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 7 months
"People don't change people, time does." — Whumptober 2023!
Day 20: Blanket || Found Family || "You will regret touching them."
A/N: yes, I know, Forsaken Souls and Halos And Horns aren't mixed in their canons, but they kinda are at the same time. this is based on a concept me and Eros did on discord :D
— Vanté Ramirez (an OC belonging to the baller himself, yet again, @er0s-1s-whump1ng!!) (Caretaker) he/him
— Madison Osoro-Maguire* (Caretaker) she/her
— Zuriel Damaris (Whumpee) it/its
— Foster Canavan (Whumper) they/them
* I remembered that Maddie is married!! I didn't want to change her surname fully though so I just put both surnames together lmao
<—> {†} <—> {†} <—>
Foster grunted as Vanté pushed them against the wall, wiping their bloody nose with one hand whilst the other tried to reach out to push the demon back. It was futile, as clawed fingers grasped their wrist in a vice-like grip. Two glaring blue eyes, shimmering like jewels in the ever-flickering light of the basement, looked deeply into Foster's soul. "You fuck up my son," Vanté growled in a low tone. "I fuck up your face."
Foster hadn't expected the next punch to be so.. hard and violent. Passionate? In a bad way, anyway. Sure, they'd roughed up whatever creature Vanté deemed as a son quite a bit, but it was nothing compared to what they do on a daily basis with Rayan! He should at least be grateful Foster didn't choose to use their bat on it.
But even then, as punch after punch assaulted their body one by one, they couldn't think of much else. Their head was pounding, and already they could hardly make out the low sobbing of the thing coming from the other side of the basement, overlapped by the gentle hushing and reassurance of Vanté's "Mother".
They eventually lost their footing, falling to the floor with a soft grunt. Vanté just continued his punches, pain erupting in every part of their body.
"Hey- Hey, Vee, you can- you can stop now," The woman said softly, gently guiding the enraged demon away. "I think they've had enough."
"O..Okay," Vanté breathlessly mumbled back. "...Fuck, 'm such a bad father."
"Oh- Hey, lily, you're not. Zuriel's okay now, mhm? You're not a bad dad, you helped them."
A sigh. "Okay, okay.."
"Alright. Let's get going, okay? We gotta get you and Zuriel home."
Foster managed a scowl as they heard three pairs of footsteps exit the basement. They had hoped it was bad enough that the damned creature couldn't walk.
<—> {†} <—> {†} <—>
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inkwell-and-dagger · 4 months
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what would y'all think, as a little non-canon drabble based on this lore thingy I've just written down, if Maddie's Immortality was taken away :333 just for the sillies yk :333333 tehe :333333
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