#made maple tahini brownies with almond flour!
butchfriend · 1 year
one of the greatest pleasures in life is making fancy little treats and fancy little drinks, second only to making the aforementioned items for your friends 🥰
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1010ll · 4 years
do you have any new recipes that you've learned recently? i remember you wrote something a while ago about carbonara and i tried it out for myself it was really fun!!
i love this 😭 im gonna write way too much idec! something that has changed since that post: my kitchen is worse. i have a horrible combi oven which has resulted in me accidentally eating raw chicken, because it had been in there for more than 2 hours at supposedly 230 °C and i was really hungry and thought it HAD to be done by then. also i have less time and less money lol. it has made me a bit sad, and less motivated to cook nice things but i also love food! which means these tips/recipes are gonna reflect that and might seem a bit dull but probably also relatable for a lot of people.   i’ve definitely made spaghetti carbonara a bit too much because it’s simple and require few ingredients! will still vouch for that one tip about substituting the bacon with roasted veggies and other types of meat.
last week i made risotto for the very first time, i think? which means i might be assuming a bit too much, but i think it’s a great dish that you can almost make with whatever you have in your fridge. i made it with roasted beetroot(needs A LOT of time to soften, lesson learned), carrots and parsley root or parsnip(idk the difference), dried rosemary and thyme, garlic and onion. i had some leftover sushi rice, which is great for risotto apparently(love versatile ingredients), roasted them in some oil and then added white wine and chicken stock and actually added a leftover parmesan rind i had in the fridge to give the ‘stock’ some flavour, a bit of nutmeg and then in the end some shredded gouda lol… it was surprisingly delicious and i didn’t even really care to cook the rice perfectly. it also tasted delicious 3 days later, which was a nice surprise. i bet there are tons of risotto recipes online, but as long as you have rice, some kind of flavoured water, i guess you could kind of add whatever you want of veggies and top with whatever herb you have around.
another type of porridge i consume a lot these days is hot oat porridge, which i’ve eaten since i was little and it was the first ‘dish’ i learnt to make myself and it’s cheap. some people really dislike the consistency and look but i don’t. it’s also very easy to customise. i put in whatever nuts and seeds(which are often cheaper than nuts) i have around: flaxseed, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chopped almonds and sometimes a dollop of peanut butter. i let them simmer along with the oats. i like adding those elements because it gives it some texture and it keeps me more full throughout the day. it’s very important to me because i hate spending money i don’t have on fast-food when i’m not home and i hate being hungry. dried raisins, cranberries for a bit of sweetness and if i’m treating myself i’ll add some fresh apples cut into small pieces or some homemade berry compote(i use frozen) or brown sugar. if i had more money i’d use maple syrup but i don’t at the moment. i also add a bit of cinnamon and cardamom, dried ginger etc, whatever you feel like. some people also add milk afterwards but i’d rather spend my milk on my coffee.
a small tip: making chili flake / garlic oil. it’s really delicious, you could put it straight on pasta with some parmesan and pepper and it would be a filling meal. either chop the garlic really fine, grate it, microplane it, smash it to pieces. heat some olive oil until it’s quite hot, then remove from heat and add the chili flakes and garlic. if the oil isn’t hot enough you can just put the pan or pot back on the heat but be careful you don’t burn the chili flakes or garlic, as it will make it bitter. the longer it will toast, the less pronounced the raw garlic flavour will be, so when it smells toasted enough for your taste, take it off. i store it in a tiny glass jar and add it in stews, sauces, toasts, pizza, sandwiches etc. the flavour is very strong imo and everything it touches will smell like it. something to drink: i like strong foods and i like sour foods, which is why i like lemon/ginger based drinks. to make it even more winter friendly and easy to make, i like to grate unpeeled ginger(i hate slices of ginger, they do nothing for me and seems like a waste of ginger), lemon zest, lemon juice and mix it or blend it with some water/apple juice and honey and strain it afterwards. if you have a really nice blender you can just add all of it together with some ice. i’m basically making a large amount of ginger shot mixture. then when i feel like it, i can take some of the mixture and either drink it as it is, add more apple juice if i need a refreshing beverage or add hot water and more honey for when im cold. you could also add turmeric, chili, use less sweetener and other sorts of healthy stuff but i honestly do it for the taste so i don’t care about that that much.
something sweet: i posted earlier about cakes and someone mentioned swedish kladdkaka, which is a super delicious, cheap, brownie-like chocolate cake that is easily customized and hard to fuck up which is why i’ve made it since i was very young and is a go-to and i didn’t even know it was a swedish thing. if you like airy, light cakes this is not for your. this is sticky, sweet and almost like confection. you can add nuts, swirls of peanutbutter, tahini, actual pieces of chocolate, replace the white sugar with brown sugar, the butter with oil(you can be fancy and use a bit of olive oil) or use a mixture, brown the butter, you name it. the recipe i use is this: melt 100 g butter and let cool. mix 2 eggs + 3 dl sugar in a bowl until fluffy in one bowl. mix 1.5 dl flour, 4 tbs cocoa, 1 pinch of salt in another. mix the dry with the wet mixture and add the cooled, melted butter. this is the point where you’d add chopped nuts, chocolate etc. pour the batter into a cake tin lined with parchment (i use one that is 16 cm in diameters i think). bake the cake for around 30 mins at 150°C - 175°C degrees. check on the cake using a cake tester or a a knife. if the knife is clean after … stabbing it, it’s done! the cake will change it’s texture after cooling. this is a cheap cake, and if you like cake dough you might want to give it less time in the oven for a more fudgey texture. make it your own! there are no rules. last time i made this, i left it in for too long in my opinion but it was still delicious. also i literally have a shit oven with a round oven rack that goes in circles no matter what due to the microwave function, and the only ‘mixing’ equipment i have is a whisk and a spatula. no need for kitchen aids or  even electrical hand mixers.
something else i’ve been eating a lot for lunch is simple open faced sandwiches, and something that can really elevate those is: making your own mayonnaise(and toasting the bread). it can be challenging, but it’s really worth it imo and i can’t remember the last time i bought it in a store. i have a small plastic bowl, whisk and 1 egg yolk. something i can really recommend is buying pour snouts for bottles. i transfer my oils from their plastic bottles to smaller, old soda bottles because im cheesy like that and it’s really handy especially when making mayo. constantly whisking the egg yolk by hand and then adding the NEUTRAL oil ever so slowly. don’t be fancy and use cold pressed stuff or extra virgin olive oil because it will taste weird. i only ever fail when i try to use immersion blenders for some weird reason but i find it rewarding to do by hand anyways and i think it might be easier to make smaller portions that way. mayo needs acid and you can get it by adding regular vinegar, apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, lime juice, pickle juice, citric acid dissolved in water etc. it’s really easy to customise! when im making banh mi, i add some sesame oil, soy sauce for saltiness and use lime as the acidic element. for more regular use i add a bit of mustard(also helps with the emulsion), for fries, i like adding some fresh garlic. something as simple as mayo, tomatoes, flaky salt and pepper topped with chives is really nice. i also really like using slices of boiled potatoes or boiled eggs(idk if that’s only a thing where i’m from), mayo and the chili garlic oil. it’s also great for making tuna salad. yesterday i made a really simple sandwich with a very simple tuna salad(tuna, mayo, yoghurt, lemon and pepper), arugula, basil, the garlic/chili oil, cream cheese, pickled jalapeños and onions, green peber, cucumber and tomatoes. you could leave out everything but the tuna salad and it would still be a great little meal.
another nice condiment that beats the supermarket stuff by far is homemade ‘pesto’. when i buy parsley from my local grocery store, it’s a gigantic amount that i in no way can consume in a week. first of all when buying fresh herbs i really recommend washing them, wrapping them in a damp towel and keeping them in a closed container. it will prolong their lifetime from lasting a day to a week(change the towel if it seems too wet). i once had some cilantro in my fridge for several weeks and still be fresh. anyways, when i buy that much parsley, i like to remove the tougher parts of the stem(which i use in stews/sauces! chop it up and sautee it along with garlic and onion), add literally just olive oil, water, pepper, garlic, and a bit of acid and then blend away! it keeps for a long time in the fridge and is also delicious beneath tomatoes/potatoes/cheese on open-faced sandwiches. if you want to be fancy you can of course add some type of hard cheese, nuts, seeds, dried tomatoes, whatever.
i know this is the longest text post ever, but as a last reminder, i really recommend watching pasta grannies on youtube. really simple recipes with focus on few, good ingredients that just takes some time and love.
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easyveganbreakfasts · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vegan-brownies
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cuckoomagazine · 7 years
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Tahini and Chocolate Brownies
by Jo Leggiero
For this week’s Something for Dessert series I have a bit of a chocolate experiment and I’m glad to say it is the start of many.
I don’t often crave chocolate but when I do I want it IMMEDIATELY and this Tahini Chocolate Brownie recipe from Monique at Ambition Kitchen was just what I was looking for. It’s my kind of recipe; mix, bake and eat. Better still I had all the ingredients in my cupboard and I tell you, a situation like that makes me feel like I’ve won the lottery.
Once I got over the excitement of having all the ingredients at hand, I started imagining lots of variations and I couldn’t help but make a few changes. A dangerous move when it comes to baking but how wrong can brownies go, right?! (I said to myself over-confidently).
The first change I made was that I removed the coconut sugar, maple syrup and chocolate chips and replaced them with agave syrup. The quantity was a bit tricky to gauge and I was probably a little ambitious in pretending I can manage any dessert with as little sweetness as possible, so I found that I had to add a bit more agave syrup to the mixture. As in the original recipe with maple syrup, I used one-quarter cup of agave syrup.
With those changes made, I mixed the ingredients together but I found the mixture was extremely thick, more so than expected and it didn’t yield as much as I thought. Initially I had prepared a 24 x 24 baking dish but given the amount of mixture I felt this would result in the brownies being too thin and decided to use ramekins instead. The ramekins solved the height issue, however one ramekin was probably more than enough for a single serving but if I was in the mood I guess I could share.
The only other change I made, and this was out of pure laziness, was that I didn't bother with the chocolate drizzle which was used in the original recipe. If I was making it for guests I would have, but honestly once it was baked I ate the brownie straight out of the dish so no time for prettiness here.
I didn't make these changes for any particular reason, more out of preference for the likes of cacao powder and agave syrup but I wouldn't hesitate to use the ingredients in the original version which you can check out at Ambition Kitchen. For my version, take a look below.
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Tahini and Chocolate Brownies
1 cup tahini
1/4 cup agave syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/3 cup cacao powder
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
Start by preheating your oven to 190 degrees celsius
In a bowl mix the tahini, agave syrup, vanilla extract and eggs until smooth
Next fold in cacao powder, baking soda, salt and coconut flour
Pour the mixture into your baking dish of choice and bake for 20-25 minutes
Let it cool and eat!
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These brownies are truly delicious. Whether it's the original recipe or my version, this is not your regular chocolate brownie and that’s what I love about it. I'd almost like to call them something other than brownies as the taste is not what you expect. There is a nice balance of bitter sweetness with the cacao powder and agave syrup with an underlying hint of tahini. Yum!
I’m almost tempted not to experiment with the recipe again yet I can’t help thinking of other versions. Perhaps chocolate and peanut butter, chocolate and raspberries, or chocolate and almonds? The options are endless!
Jo Leggiero
Lifestyle Blogger
Website: www.lovetomtom.com
Twitter: @lovetomtom_
Instagram: @lovetomtom_
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vegancookbooks0 · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vegan-brownies from http://easyveganbreakfasts.blogspot.com/2020/04/vegan-brownies.html
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loribos · 5 years
New Post has been published on Toronto Events, Activities and Entertainment
New Post has been published on https://www.torontonicity.com/2019/11/12/best-vegan-holiday-cookies-christmas/
Best Vegan Holiday Cookies for Christmas Entertaining
In our family, we have people following Keto, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and/or sugar-free food regimes and lifestyles. As a result, it’s important to be versatile when baking these days. My recent blog post on Best Bar Cookies for the Christmas Holidays was very popular, but some of you asked for vegan holiday cookie recipes. So I have collected some of the best vegan holiday cookies on the web and am presenting them below.
Before I share them, keep in mind that sometimes baking mishaps occur. Several years ago, I had just moved into my new place. Only a few days after moving, I wanted to bake some chocolate brownies for our office holiday potluck and was also going to bring these brownies to my family Christmas party. My baking supplies were disorganized in my new kitchen cupboard. I quickly made the brownies and was pleased how they turned out – they had a nice crinkly top. I brought them to my family party and noticed a few family members had some, but I didn’t receive any feedback from anyone. The next day, I brought them to my office holiday party. A few of my colleagues grabbed for my brownies since they looked so good. Suddenly, my colleague Carol pulled me aside and said, “Lori, I don’t think you added any sugar to those brownies.” I thought she must be joking so I laughed. She then said, “No, I’m serious…I think you added salt instead of sugar.” Upon overhearing that, another colleague, Michelle, took a bite of one of the brownies and immediately spit it into her napkin. It turns out I had added two cups of salt instead of two cups of sugar…there was absolutely no sugar in my brownies! I took a lot of ribbing from my office colleagues for that mistake and one colleague asked if I had been enjoying a glass of wine or three while making the brownies lol.
I hope you have better luck with these vegan holiday cookies!
Spiced Sugar Cookies with Maple are a popular vegan holiday cookie.
Spiced Sugar Cookies with Maple
I like chocolate, but I love maple so these Spiced Sugar Cookies with Maple have moved to the top of my baking list. The delicious maple icing is made with non-dairy milk e.g. almond milk and vegan butter.
Healthy Nanaimo Bars by nutriholist.com
Healthy Nanaimo Bars
Nanaimo Bars are a classic Canadian treat – they were actually created in Nanaimo, B.C.! Although I love these holiday bars, I have to admit, they can be a little rich. These Healthy Nanaimo Bars are vegan and gluten-free using coconut milk and tahini for the custard instead of the typical milk and butter. The best part about these vegan holiday cookies is they are no-bake so you can have them ready fairly quickly.
Ginger Molasses Cookies by mydarlingvegan.com
Ginger Molasses Cookies
Ginger cookies are a staple at Christmas – Christmas wouldn’t be the same without gingerbread houses, gingerbread people or simple gingerbread cookies! When I was young, my father made a gingerbread house for us every year at Christmas! Another good reason to include these Ginger Molasses Cookies on your holiday dessert plate is they appeal to people who don’t like a super sweet cookie.
Vegan Shortbread Cookies by holycowvegan.net
Vegan Shortbread Cookies
Many people expect to enjoy a bit of shortbread during the holidays since it’s such a classic Christmas cookie. It’s also one of the easiest cookies to make since it contains only three ingredients. In this recipe, butter is replaced with vegan butter while flour is replaced with almond flour.
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faucetdouble51-blog · 5 years
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so this is a healthier brownie recipe! These fudgy paleo friendly avocado brownies are low carb, refined sugar free, grain free, and delicious!
You have been warned. The next 2 recipes posts are baked treats, healthier refined sugar free treats, but still —> baked treats. What can I say? Fall baking mode has hit me hard already. Well, and Fall Air Frying Food. that’s a thing, right? Kidding. Anyways, let’s all pretend it’s a crisp 55F out and crank on the oven some more. Mmm k?
You see, when it comes to making brownies, there are certain things that, IMHO, shouldn’t be messed with. For example, brownies should always be fudgy. If I want cake-like brownies, I’ll bake a chocolate cake, or make any of my no bake chocolate cake bites; I don’t usually mess with perfection.
But, I admit that I wouldn’t be your favorite place to get dessert recipes if I didn’t make them HEALTHIER desserts, amiright? That’s why I took a vegan avocado brownie recipe and made some simple, healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and grains, so these Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are even healthier for you!
You’re about to get mesmerized by the swirly chocolatey tahini goodness. Ohhh and ahhhh…
Well the tahini chocolate swirly topping was the easy part! Finding the right balance of fudgy and not too cakey was hard part. First world problems here ya’ll. But alas, 3rd times a charm on these bad boys! But phew, I did it! Finally. Low Carb Brownies… so worth it! You’ll see why in a minute.
The Making of Healthy Chocolate Brownies
To make this a gluten free, grain free, refined sugar free, and low carb brownies recipe, a few healthy ingredient swaps were needed. Here’s what we did.
Healthy Substitutes for Butter
We use avocado instead of butter. Avocado brownies are extra fudgy anyway, and leaving the butter out of the recipe makes them dairy free avocado brownies! Don’t worry, I have a vegan avocado chocolate sugar cookie recipe too. All bases covered here ya’ll!
Other healthy substitutes for butter in dairy free and/or vegan dessert recipes:
coconut oil
unsweetened applesauce
More Healthy Swaps in the Low Carb Brownies
To make the Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies recipe grain free, we use Xylitol and/or maple syrup instead of brown sugar. This swap also makes the brownies low carb and refined sugar free.
Using melted dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate pumps up the antioxidant properties and lowers the sugar.
Okay, who’s hangry? *Raises hand, both hands* One for a brownie, one for high fiving you for reading all the way through to the recipe. LOL!
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Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so it’s a healthier brownie recipe!
2 small ripe avocados
2 eggs (room temp is best)
1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tbsp almond flour
1 tbsp arrowroot starch or coconut flour
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 c xylitol sugar or other sugar substitute (see notes)
pinch of Cinnamon
1/3 c tahini
2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1/4 c dark chocolate chips (to melt)
optional chopped  nuts to top
Pre-heat oven to 350F.
Line a square 8×8 baking pan, with parchment paper. Set aside
In a mixing bowl or food processor, blend together your avocado, eggs, cocoa. This will create a fudge like texture.
Next add in your flours and sugar blend or mix again until batter is smooth. use a spatula to scrape down the mix and mix again if needed. Just be sure not to over mix or the batter they will not be fudgy.
Transfer to mixing bowl.
Next mix in your  vanilla, baking soda, salt, and pinch of cinnamon.
Pour batter into baking pan and smooth out to edges.
In another small bowl, melt your dark chocolate chips, either by stove top or in microwave.
Mix in your maple syrup and tahini and gently swirl together.
Spread this on top of the brownie batter. Optional nuts to top.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until center comes out clean with tooth pick
remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes on counter then 5 minutes in fridge to set.
Slice and serve. Freeze or keep in fridge for best storage.
Feel free to use raw sugar, coconut palm sugar, or date sugar instead of xylitol. Calories and carb count will vary.
If you are baking at altitude, check brownies at 22 -25 minutes. Oven times vary.
Keywords: brownies, low carb, sugar free, healthy, tahini, gluten free, dairy free
Want to try another great dark chocolate brownie recipe? Make a batch of Dirty Chai Dark Chocolate Flourless Brownies, and then try not to eat them all in one sitting.
You see, these are so healthy you can have them for breakfast. Or did I take that too far? Possibly, but either way you’ve got a low carb brownies recipe that is easy to make, delicious, fudgy, refined sugar free, and better for you! That’s winning in my book.
Favorite Brownie Recipe? Avocado/oil free or real butter? You decide!
Source: https://www.cottercrunch.com/maple-tahini-low-carb-brownies/
0 notes
canbrake8-blog · 5 years
The Best Cookie Recipes to Bake This Holiday Season
Dec 09
The best cookie recipes to bake this holiday season (and all year round!) From festive Christmas cookies to delicious chocolate chip cookies that everyone will love – these will be your new go-to cookie recipes. 
Happy Sunday, and thank you guys for another amazing Cookie Week! I hope you loved this week and all of these recipes as much I did. Seeing all of your AK cookie creations on Instagram and in our Facebook group make this the best week ever.
What better way to end the week than with a roundup of ALL of the best cookie recipes?? Whether you’re baking for your next cookie exchange, looking for homemade gift ideas, or just need a damn good cookie to get you through the week, I’ve got you covered with over 40 recipes. There are plenty of gluten & grain free cookies in here, too, that anyone can enjoy.
Let’s get this cookie party started! Scroll through, pick out your favorites, and let’s have AK Cookie Week every week forever.
Enjoy, xoxo!
1. Death by Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
2. Melt In Your Mouth Italian Iced Orange Cookies
3. Salted Brown Butter Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies
4. Grain Free Santa Hat Brownie Cookie Cups
5. Grain Free Gingerdoodle Cookies
6. Healthy Soft Pumpkin Cookies with Salted Maple Frosting
7. Soft Almond Flour Sugar Cookies with Vanilla Buttercream
8. Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
9. Healthy Carrot Cake Cookies (Made with Coconut Oil + Dairy Free!)
10. Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies with Toffee & Crushed Pretzels
11. The Best Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies You’ll Ever Eat
12. Healthier Flourless Monster Cookies
13. Chocolate Dipped Brown Butter Tahini Cookies
14. Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
15. The Cutest Paleo Gingerbread Cookies
16. Grain Free Snickerdoodles
17. Brown Butter Nutella-Stuffed Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
18. Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
19. Pistachio, Coffee & Brown Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies
20. Dank Coconut Oil Chocolate Chunk Cookies
21. 5-Ingredient Grain Free Maple Peanut Butter Cookies
22. Almond Flour Chocolate Sugar Cookies with Velvet Chocolate Frosting
23. Toasted Pecan Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
24. Salted Caramel Stuffed Chocolate Snickerdoodles
25. Paleo Ginger Molasses Cookies
26. Old Fashioned Iced Brown Butter Oatmeal Cookies
27. Flourless Paleo Chocolate Almond Butter Cookies
28. The Best Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies You’ll Ever Eat
29. Chickpea Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
30. Brown Butter Snickerdoodle Cookies
31. The Best Paleo Chocolate Chunk Cookies
32. Whole Wheat Apple Oatmeal Cookies with Peanut Butter Glaze
33. Absolutely Epic Chocolate Chunk Cookies
34. Flourless Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
35. Paleo Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
36. White Chocolate-Dipped Brown Butter Ginger Cookies with Pistachios
37. Chewy Double Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt
38. Brown Butter Chewy Ginger Oatmeal Cookies
39. Nutella-Stuffed Brown Butter + Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies (My Favorite Cookie Ever)
Source: https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/the-best-cookie-recipes-to-bake-this-holiday-season/
0 notes
agendahammer79-blog · 5 years
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so this is a healthier brownie recipe! These fudgy paleo friendly avocado brownies are low carb, refined sugar free, grain free, and delicious!
You have been warned. The next 2 recipes posts are baked treats, healthier refined sugar free treats, but still —> baked treats. What can I say? Fall baking mode has hit me hard already. Well, and Fall Air Frying Food. that’s a thing, right? Kidding. Anyways, let’s all pretend it’s a crisp 55F out and crank on the oven some more. Mmm k?
You see, when it comes to making brownies, there are certain things that, IMHO, shouldn’t be messed with. For example, brownies should always be fudgy. If I want cake-like brownies, I’ll bake a chocolate cake, or make any of my no bake chocolate cake bites; I don’t usually mess with perfection.
But, I admit that I wouldn’t be your favorite place to get dessert recipes if I didn’t make them HEALTHIER desserts, amiright? That’s why I took a vegan avocado brownie recipe and made some simple, healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and grains, so these Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are even healthier for you!
You’re about to get mesmerized by the swirly chocolatey tahini goodness. Ohhh and ahhhh…
Well the tahini chocolate swirly topping was the easy part! Finding the right balance of fudgy and not too cakey was hard part. First world problems here ya’ll. But alas, 3rd times a charm on these bad boys! But phew, I did it! Finally. Low Carb Brownies… so worth it! You’ll see why in a minute.
The Making of Healthy Chocolate Brownies
To make this a gluten free, grain free, refined sugar free, and low carb brownies recipe, a few healthy ingredient swaps were needed. Here’s what we did.
Healthy Substitutes for Butter
We use avocado instead of butter. Avocado brownies are extra fudgy anyway, and leaving the butter out of the recipe makes them dairy free avocado brownies! Don’t worry, I have a vegan avocado chocolate sugar cookie recipe too. All bases covered here ya’ll!
Other healthy substitutes for butter in dairy free and/or vegan dessert recipes:
coconut oil
unsweetened applesauce
More Healthy Swaps in the Low Carb Brownies
To make the Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies recipe grain free, we use Xylitol and/or maple syrup instead of brown sugar. This swap also makes the brownies low carb and refined sugar free.
Using melted dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate pumps up the antioxidant properties and lowers the sugar.
Okay, who’s hangry? *Raises hand, both hands* One for a brownie, one for high fiving you for reading all the way through to the recipe. LOL!
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Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so it’s a healthier brownie recipe!
2 small ripe avocados
2 eggs (room temp is best)
1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tbsp almond flour
1 tbsp arrowroot starch or coconut flour
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 c xylitol sugar or other sugar substitute (see notes)
pinch of Cinnamon
1/3 c tahini
2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1/4 c dark chocolate chips (to melt)
optional chopped  nuts to top
Pre-heat oven to 350F.
Line a square 8×8 baking pan, with parchment paper. Set aside
In a mixing bowl or food processor, blend together your avocado, eggs, cocoa. This will create a fudge like texture.
Next add in your flours and sugar blend or mix again until batter is smooth. use a spatula to scrape down the mix and mix again if needed. Just be sure not to over mix or the batter they will not be fudgy.
Transfer to mixing bowl.
Next mix in your  vanilla, baking soda, salt, and pinch of cinnamon.
Pour batter into baking pan and smooth out to edges.
In another small bowl, melt your dark chocolate chips, either by stove top or in microwave.
Mix in your maple syrup and tahini and gently swirl together.
Spread this on top of the brownie batter. Optional nuts to top.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until center comes out clean with tooth pick
remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes on counter then 5 minutes in fridge to set.
Slice and serve. Freeze or keep in fridge for best storage.
Feel free to use raw sugar, coconut palm sugar, or date sugar instead of xylitol. Calories and carb count will vary.
If you are baking at altitude, check brownies at 22 -25 minutes. Oven times vary.
Keywords: brownies, low carb, sugar free, healthy, tahini, gluten free, dairy free
Want to try another great dark chocolate brownie recipe? Make a batch of Dirty Chai Dark Chocolate Flourless Brownies, and then try not to eat them all in one sitting.
You see, these are so healthy you can have them for breakfast. Or did I take that too far? Possibly, but either way you’ve got a low carb brownies recipe that is easy to make, delicious, fudgy, refined sugar free, and better for you! That’s winning in my book.
Favorite Brownie Recipe? Avocado/oil free or real butter? You decide!
Source: https://www.cottercrunch.com/maple-tahini-low-carb-brownies/
0 notes
23 Paleo Snacks: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free + Delicious!
23 Paleo Snacks: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free + Delicious!
23 Paleo Snacks: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free + Delicious!
draxe.com | April 7, 2017 08:07 AM
Following a Paleo diet can have really terrific benefits for some people. Abstaining from inflammatory grains, eating more protein and enjoying a variety of fruits and veggies can help you lose weight and feel good. But snacking while being Paleo can be confusing at first. When you go down the Paleo snacks road, gone are the go-to crackers and dip, popcorn and even peanut butter. You can always snack on produce, of course, but sometimes you want something that isn’t a handful of nuts or chopped vegetables.
Luckily, there are some tasty Paleo snacks out there that are good for you, contain no dairy or gluten and taste delicious. Whether you’re craving something sweet, salty or on the go, there’s a Paleo snack for you.
23 Paleo Snacks that Anyone Will Love
1. Almond Butter and Jelly Cookie Bars
Who needs peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when you have these cookie bars? The jelly is made from just two ingredients, strawberries and maple syrup, while the cookie crust and crumble top is thanks to coconut flour, coconut oil and almond flour. These make a wholesome after-school snack for kids or a grab-and-go option for adults.
Photo: Paleo Running Mama
2. Apple Paleo Muffins
These little muffins are super versatile. Not only do they come together in just minutes, but they freeze really well, so you can enjoy them throughout the week. Because they’re just lightly sweetened with honey and spiced up with cinnamon, they’re good for a quick breakfast, too.
3. Banana Almond Chia Pudding
If you’re used to combating the afternoon slump with yogurt, you’ll love this Paleo chia pudding. While the chef here enjoys it at breakfast, it’s really simple to convert this into a snack: instead of making these in a bowl, prepare in mason jars for perfect portions you can take to work with you. Not a big banana fan? Swap in your favorite frozen berries or mangoes instead. I do suggest keeping the sliced almonds in for some healthy fats and crunch.
Photo: Grits and Chopsticks
4. Chicken Skillet Nachos with Avocado Sauce
It doesn’t matter if you’re Paleo or not — you’re going to want to make these nachos! You’ll start with homemade sweet potato chips, then load ’em up with shredded chicken, pico de gallo and chilies. But the star of this dish is the avocado sauce. It’s your cheese stand-in but trust me, you’re going to want to eat it all the time. A mix of avocado, mayo, lime juice, jalapeño, garlic and cilantro, this will be your new favorite sauce. Serve these on game day, movie night or anytime, really!
Photo: Paleo Newbies
5. Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Bars
You likely have everything you need already to make these Paleo bars. While they’re touted as a breakfast bar, these are good for snacks and dessert, too. You don’t taste the sneaky zucchini at all, they’re full of chocolatey goodness from the cacao powder and they freeze well — what more could you want?
6. Crock Pot Chunky Monkey Paleo Trail Mix
This could be the perfect trail mix. It’s full of crunch from a variety of nuts, sweetness from coconut flakes and banana chips and just the right amount of chocolate to curb those cravings. It comes together right in the slow cooker, so your kitchen will smell amazing! Be sure to use coconut oil or ghee instead of butter here to keep it strictly Paleo.
Photo: Cotter Crunch
7. 4-Ingredient Fudge Protein Brownies
With only four ingredients, you can’t go wrong with these protein brownies. You’ll use mashed bananas for sweetness and texture, along with protein powder, cocoa powder and your choice of nut butter. These taste great warm, at room temperature or cold from the fridge and make a great post-workout snack.
8. Fried Plantains
You’ve probably seen plantains at the grocery store; they look like funny bananas. But if you haven’t cooked them yet, you’re in for a treat. My favorite way is this one: slice ’em, fry ’em in coconut oil and sprinkle with cinnamon. They make a sweet alternative to potato chips, but also go really well with main dishes if you need them to do double duty.
9. Funfetti Protein Bars
One of the most fun Paleo snacks are these funfetti bars. They’re made with gluten-free flours, vanilla protein powder and cashew butter, and topped with vanilla protein glaze. You won’t believe how much like cake they taste like! If you’re strictly Paleo, keep away from the sprinkles; these taste good enough on their own anyway.
Photo: What Molly Made
10. Funky Monkey Popsicles
These fun popsicles are a yummy way to get the kiddos involved in the kitchen. You’ll take banana chunks and freeze them in a chocolate coconut milk mixture. Once frozen, they’ll get dipped in chocolate and sprinkled in chopped nuts and sea salt. These Paleo snacks make a refreshing hot weather treat the whole family will love.
11. Healthy Oil-Free Baked Curly Fries
Despite the best of intentions, sometimes the mood for French fries strikes. When that happens, it’s time for these curly fries. Using a spiralizer will give you the best curly shape, but it’s the flavor that’ll keep you coming back for more. The spice mix makes these the perfect savory snack or side to go with a big, juicy burger.
12. Heirloom Tomato Avocado Caprese Salad
This Caprese-style salad is a great Paleo snack when you have just-right produce or an abundance of basil to use up. You’ll substitute mozzarella for creamy avocado loaded on fresh tomato slices. Top each tomato with basil, drizzle with balsamic vinegar and oil and enjoy. This one is great to enjoy while sitting outdoors enjoying a hot summer night.
13. Low-Carb Cauliflower Hummus
Most hummus recipes are based around chickpeas, which aren’t allowed in Paleo diets. Luckily, there’s this cauliflower version. It’s full of garlic and tahini goodness but, best of all, it’s a great base to customize your own flavor preferences. Add sun-dried tomatoes, roasted red peppers or spring onions. The sky is the limit!
Photo: I Breathe I’m Hungry
14. Paleo Almond Butter Cups
These nut butter cups are a deliciously sweet treat when you need a little pick-me-up and a healthier alternative to Reese’s peanut butter cups — just use almond butter or sunflower seed butter instead. Best of all, all the ingredients are super common: maple syrup, cacao powder, salt and coconut oil are all you need.
15. Paleo Carrot Cake Energy Balls
These carrot cake-inspired energy bites are a fun way to get in some veggies, enjoy healthy fats from crunchy pecans and chow down on a dose of fiber-rich flax seeds. Stash a few in your gym bag or lunchbox.
Photo: Physical Kitchness
16. Paleo Fried Pickles
Fried Paleo snacks? When they’re pickles covered in almond flour, yes! This ticks all the boxes: salty, crunchy and super flavorful, thanks to a seasoning mix of garlic, paprika and cayenne. The accompanying ranch dressing is a must-make, too.
17. Paleo Hummus
Another take on a bean-free hummus, this one relies on raw, soaked cashews for the creamy texture. Fresh lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, coconut milk and tahini gave this dip tons of flavor while remaining totally Paleo. Use on veggies, lettuce wraps or with gluten-free bread.
18. “Peanut Butter” Protein Bars
These gorgeous protein bars taste as good as they look. They’re made with almond butter, Medjool dates, coconut oil and dates and require no baking. Instead, they’ll set in the freezer, where you can keep them for up to several months without spoiling — if they last that long.
Photo: Jessi’s Kitchen
19. Perfect Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies
No animal products, no grains, no gluten, no dairy — and did I mention these are totally Paleo, too? These truly taste like bakery-quality cookies. With almond and coconut flours, baking soda, coconut sugar and almond butter as the main ingredients, you just might never go back to your “normal” recipe.
20. Sautéed Apples
These sautéed apples are one of my favorite cold weather Paleo snacks. They’re perfect when you want warm apple pie or crumble without the effort. You’ll sauté apple slices in coconut oil, then sprinkle them with seasonings. These are a great way to satisfy a need for something sweet while sticking to a low-sugar diet.
21. Sweet Potato Chicken Poppers
This fun little poppers are an awesome game day Paleo snack. The grated sweet potatoes are mixed right in with the ground chicken and a variety of seasonings for crisp little chicken nugget-like poppers. Enjoy with your favorite dipping sauce.
Photo: Unbound Wellness
22. Thai Curry Roasted Cashews
Roasted nuts seem like a healthy snacking option until you see the ingredients that are added to some of the grocery store brands. Your best bet is to make your own seasoned nuts, like these curry cashews. Salty, sweet and with curry flavor, these are great to nibble on throughout the day.
23. Turmeric Latte
This warm, thick drink is perfect when you need something cozy and comforting to sip on. Made with coconut milk, turmeric, ghee and herbs, it’s filling enough to enjoy as an after-dinner Paleo snack or instead of your mid-morning coffee.
Original Page: http://ift.tt/2o6pBsA
Shared from Pocket
Tags: -newsletter, -podcast, Glutenfrei April 08, 2017 at 10:21AM Open in Evernote
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easyveganbreakfasts · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/
0 notes
philmytummy · 7 years
Eating clean isn’t a fad but rather a lifestyle for Kriti Sehgal, owner of the fast-casual spot Pure Fare. She first opened her restaurant in 2011 in Rittenhouse Square and later expanded to add a truck in University City. Her mission is to provide customers with nutrient-dense foods that are made lovingly from scratch. An added bonus is that everything is made without white sugar or white flour so its gluten free. They’ve got everything you’re looking for from juices, soups, snacks, sandwiches, and more. The market and cafe serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Kriti started her restaurants with inspiration from her passion for food and belief  that it tells the story of your life.  If you are what you eat, than why not be something that is made with quality and you can stand behind. There is no need to feel guilty about what you eat. Plus eating clean gives you more energy! Pure Fare’s menu was first designed with the help of a nutritionist to build a balanced menu full of flavor and variety. Omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans alike can all find something to eat here.
Pure Fare’s new breakfast menu is serving up some new dishes from 7-11 am like Sweet Potato Breakfast Soup, Curry Chickpea Hand Pie, Broccoli Cheddar Sandwich, Avocado Toast, Wilted Breakfast Salad, Banana Chocolate Chip Frittata, and Tortilla Espanola. If you’re curious, the breakfast soup is a thick, sweet potato creation topped with toasted coconut flakes and even thick enough to support the addition of something like a poached egg for added protein. It’s filling, thanks to sweet potato’s hefty dose of fiber, but doesn’t leave you feeling heavy like a greasy breakfast sandwich.
They’ve got a variety of seasonal juices and smoothies made to order or pre-packaged to go. We loved the Leafy Green and Pineapple Beet Lime juices served in 12 oz. cups. If you’re looking for something unique try the Coconut Matcha, Avocado Key Lime, or Coffee Peanut Butter smoothies. 
For lunch or dinner, enjoy the popular Turkey Honey Mustard Sandwich , Tandori Chicken Sandwich and Goat, Brie & Fig Sandwich. All sandwiches are served on their signature quinoa flour bread. There is also the option of having your sandwich heated on the panini press. Try a rotating daily soup or the favorite Green Goodness made with cauliflower, kale, spinach, onion, garlic, and vegetable stock.
When it comes to salads, Pure Fare has plenty of options like the Chili Chicken Salad with
romaine, tomatoes, avocado, cucumbers, onion, garlic, cilantro, chili paste, and Citrus Lime Dressing. The Zucchini ‘Noodle’ Salad is an ultra-low calorie and low carb option made with zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, edamame, chives, lemons, miso paste, fresh chives, and Lemon Miso Dressing.
Pure Fare is also serving up their own sushi. Try the Spicy Carrot Roll made with carrot, spinach, daikon, avocado, scallion, and tahini or the Salmon Broccolini Roll with baked wild salmon, broccolini, cucumber, and nori.
Satisfy your sweet tooth with their signature Sweet Potato Brownie, or maybe try a Zuchinni Bread Muffin, Homemade Peanut Butter Cups, or an Avocado Cookie. Kriti loves snacking and wanted to offer items that customers ca enjoy between meals or when they’ve got a craving for a sweet treat. Kale Brittle was one of our favorite snacks made with kale leaves, walnuts, almonds, raisins, sesame seeds, coconut oil, maple syrup, honey, cinnamon, and salt.
What else is there to say? Stop by Pure Fare and enjoy the option to BYOB with your meal or order some delivery via Caviar and Grubhub. MealPal customers can also enjoy Pure Fare options for lunch. Pure Fare also offers catering options for your office or next big event.
Pure Fare Eating clean isn't a fad but rather a lifestyle for Kriti Sehgal, owner of the fast-casual spot 
0 notes
vegancookbooks0 · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/ from http://easyveganbreakfasts.blogspot.com/2020/02/vegan-brownies.html
0 notes
vegancookbooks0 · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/ from http://easyveganbreakfasts.blogspot.com/2020/01/vegan-brownies.html
0 notes
easyveganbreakfasts · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/
0 notes
easyveganbreakfasts · 4 years
Vegan Brownies
You won’t believe how delicious these vegan brownies are! They’re incredibly fudgy, moist, and chocolatey. Plus, they’re so easy to make!
And they’re also a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes. The tahini doesn’t only add a lot of nutrients, it also gives them an awesome texture and taste!
Chocolate heaven, here I come! I topped the tahini brownies with some melted chocolate and chopped cashews. Soooo good!
These vegan tahini brownies are also pretty addictive. I mean who could say no to vegan brownies with chocolate chips AND melted chocolate on top? Definitely not me! Haha!
I made these for a little get-together with some friends and they couldn’t believe they were vegan. They were gone sooo fast! 
Making vegan brownies isn’t more complicated than making regular brownies. All you need is one bowl, a baking tray, and of course your oven. No mixer needed!
What You Need For These Vegan Brownies
all-purpose flour
almond milk
brown sugar
agave or maple syrup
cocoa powder
baking powder
natural vanilla extract
ground flaxseeds
unsweetened apple sauce
coconut oil
vegan chocolate chips
dark chocolate (make sure it’s vegan)
As always, you can find the full ingredient list and the recipe instructions in a separate, printable recipe box at the end of this post.
How To Make Vegan Brownies
The recipe is super easy and the brownies are ready in a little over half an hour! 
STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
STEP 2: Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
STEP 4: Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
STEP 5: Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
Why Applesauce?
The applesauce makes the vegan brownies super fudgy! I used unsweetened apple sauce for my vegan brownies.
Why Tahini?
The tahini adds a lot of richness and it gives the brownies a deeper flavor, which we really love! And it makes the vegan brownies so fudgy!
Besides, it’s super healthy! It’s high in healthy fats and it’s a great source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.
And don’t worry the brownies won’t be bitter at all and you can’t really taste the tahini.
How To Make A Flax Egg:
Soaked flaxseeds, also called flax eggs, are probably the vegan egg substitute I use the most. You can use them for all kind of baked good: vegan brownies, cakes, cookies, and even pancakes.
Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let it sit for about 5 minutes to thicken. One flax egg equals one egg.
You can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill.
I usually just use my blender and pulse for about 3-4 times. It’s super easy!
If you‘ve got some leftover flaxseed meal, just store it in an airtight container in the fridge and you can use it for your next flax eggs.
More Vegan Brownie Recipes You Might Like: 
I hope you like these vegan brownies as much as we do around here.
If you give them a try, I’d love to know what you think about them. Just leave me a comment and a star rating below. Your comments really make my day!
You like my recipes and want to see more? Then follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest! 
Vegan Brownies
These vegan brownies are incredibly fudgy and SO chocolatey. Plus, they are a little bit healthier than most brownie recipes.
5 from 1 vote
Print Pin Rate
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vegan brownie recipe, vegan brownies
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 12 brownies
Calories: 303kcal
Author: Sina
For the vegan tahini brownies:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup agave
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds + 3 tablespoons of water)
3 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
2 1/2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/2 cup tahini
For the topping:
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup dark chocolate, melted
Preheat the oven to 350 °F.
Make the flax egg: Grind one tablespoon of flax seeds in a food processor or use store-bought ground flax seeds. Add 3 tablespoons of water and set aside to thicken for about 5 minutes.
Then make the batter: Combine all ingredients (including the flax egg) in a large bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Lightly grease a baking tray (10″ x 8″) and pour in the batter. Spread evenly.
Put two tablespoons of tahini on top of the brownie batter and swirl with the tip of a butter knife. Sprinkle with the chopped cashews and bake for 25 minutes.
Let the brownies cool down in the baking tray. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on the stove top. Drizzle on top of the brownies. Cut them into 12-18 pieces, depending on how big you want them. Enjoy!
For the flax egg, you can either buy flaxseed meal or make your own at home. To do so, you could either use a high speed blender, a good food processor, or a flax mill. I usually use my blender to make a bigger batch and I pulse for about 3-4 times.
These brownies freeze really well. Let them cool down completely after baking and then transfer them to freezer bags. You can store them in the freezer for several months. 
I haven’t tried to make these brownies gluten-free. However, I think you could just a store-bought gluten-free flour blend instead of the all-purpose flour. I’ve done this with many other baking recipes and it worked just fine. 
Calories: 303kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 7g | Sugar: 20g | Vitamin A: 1% | Vitamin C: 3% | Calcium: 18% | Iron: 19%
Rate the recipe!If you like this recipe, please leave a good rating! This will help other readers.
from http://easyveganrecipes.info/vegan-brownies/
0 notes