#maavel: sam wilson
@maavel​​ (sam) continued from here
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“Consider this another training exercise.” Maria shoots back immediately. Ooh, super spy. She likes that. Maybe she should try and convince new SHIELD that’s how she should be referred to.
Hmm. Unlikely. Oh well. At least someone appreciated her skill set.
“You’re trying to avoid notice in a small town, from the locals and from anyone that might be coming looking for you — what do you do first?” Maria continues, looking at Sam out of the corner of her eye. She might be quizzing him, but there was no sense in not looking around for their prey at the same time. They could always get lucky and find him in the middle of the street. (Also unlikely, but it has happened before so Maria keeps hoping.)
“No shock you’re good at picking out a perch,” she teases. It’s a joke that works on multiple levels, and she has no doubt that he’s already done the calculations for the possibility of jumping off said chair lift with the wings, even though Sam doesn’t have them on him right now. Maria’s even lowered her usual arsenal in deference to the whole tourist ruse. “We’ll need skis. Or boards.” Going up without them would look pretty suspicious. It’s a great plan, and there’s a rental shack at the bottom of the lift for just that reason. Liechtenstein sure is nicer than the last place she had to track a fugitive. “What’s your poison?” She asks, coming to a stop in front of the booth. “Two lift tickets, one pair of skis, and —?”
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whitesuited · 1 year
A finger jabs at the centre of Sharon's forehead, pushing her back onto the bed she was attempting to rise from. ' Nah uh. You can bat your eyes at Barnes all you like, but you're not getting past me. ' Sam is all too familiar with dealing with stubborn injured soldiers. Some of them — the easier bunch to deal with — took being injured as an opportunity to actually get some rest. Most of them had something in their blood that made staying still a foreign concept. He’ll be making no comment as to which category he fell into — all that he’ll say is that he has seen how much more damage a poorly healed injury could do to not only the person, but the situation as well. ‘ How’re those ribs feeling ? ’
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her head's already pretty upset with her, so what's another dull pain square in the middle of her forehead? the only problem is, of course, that the newest addition to the headache from hell comes attached to a whole other person hovering over the edge of her bed. still ---------------- she stays in that position for a few moments; wondering if she leans into @maavel's finger long enough he'll just give up and let her go.
no such luck.
"c'mon, sam," she grimaces in defeat as she tries to find a way to lay back down that feels comfortable ( nothing feels comfortable right about now save for maybe the tips of her toes and a lucky pinky finger ), the sour expression on her face twisting just a little bit more when sam suggests she's found a way to get barnes to go easy on her. "i thought you were supposed to be the fun one."
maybe he can redeem himself by letting her sit up instead of having to lay all the way back down -------- now she just has to get the rest of her to agree. specifically, those ribs he's asking about. "they aren't the best they've ever been," the backs of her fingers brush along the edge of the bandage she can feel through fabric. "but let's go with whatever answer gets me out of here quicker, how's that?"
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youxmove · 2 years
" i'll walk you home. " from sam
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"You don't...Sam you don't have to do that..." A small scoff of a laugh leaves her, her head bowing almost shyly as she tucks some blonde curls behind her ear. Truth was, she wouldn't mind the company, and Sam Wilson was far from bad company. "Fine- but only if you have time."
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entrepy · 2 years
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#maavel is an independent & private MULTIMUSE ROLEPLAY BLOG , containing canon and original characters from the marvel universe/s ( earth 616  &  199999 inconclusive )   as told by c, she / her, 25 +, gmt + 11 .
QUICK LINKS :     carrd.    /    prompts. ( always open   &   accepting )    /   mobile muse list  &  rules under the cut . . .
orron ( fandomless, marvel affiliations present )
rebecca barnes ( headcanon based )
sam wilson ( mcu based, 616 influences )
thomas raymond ( 616 based, mcu verse available )
thor odinson ( mcu based, heavy emh influences, mild 616 influences )
isha bansal ( fandomless, marvel affiliations present )
henrietta bouquin ( fandomless, marvel affiliations present )
daisy johnson ( aos based, 616 influences )
karla sofen ( 616 based, mcu verse available )
margaret carter ( mcu origins, what-if influences, headcanon based )
robbie reyes ( aos based ) 
will daniels ( aos based )
lance hunter ( aos based )
INTRODUCTION: this is an independent & semi - private multimuse rp blog for characters from marvel’s comic and cinematic universes. please let me know which muse you wish to interact with as i will not assume. written by c, she/her, 25+. blog is 18+ only.
SELECTIVITY: i only follow / follow back people i intend to write with. i reserve the right to unfollow / soft block / hard block if at any point i no longer see myself interacting with you. i will usually assess whether our muses have a basis for interaction and whether our writing styles mesh before following. i will only write with fellow 21+  years old writers. i discourage anyone under the age of 18 to follow this blog at all. i use this platform to write only, and to make friends if the opportunity presents itself.
INTERACTION: i frequently post memes / prompts which are a wonderful ( and preferred ) method of breaking the ice. i also occasionally post starter calls but they are few and far in between so you’re better off hunting the prompts tag and sending something in as these are always open and available. likewise, if the option is available to me, i will send in a meme / prompt as a way to initiate interaction. feel free to continue any memes / prompts that i fill out for you ( in fact, i highly encourage it and try to answer most memes with a segue for you to continue if you so wish, no pressure ! )
ACTIVITY: so i’ll get the cons out of the way first : i am very very very slow, i usually don't get past more than like 3 notes on a thread, and i extrapolate the hell out of each line you give me meaning i can pull 3 paragraphs out of your muse breathing at mine. however, i’d like to think the pros of writing with me are : love big plots and overarching verses, so even if our threads don’t continue forever, our muses can still grow and develop with each other and i’m always up for talking ooc, and always accepting new stuff whether that’s new verses or picking up at a different time point / location in existing verses.
THE BULLSH*T: i know there are some persisting people & culture issues in the tumblr rpc and i just do not get involved in any of it. my opinions stay with me and my nearest and dearest, and i use the block / unfollow buttons liberally. i trust my gut instinct when it comes to people because it hasn’t failed me before and the screen is more transparent than you’d like to believe.
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