#luniise ask
luniise-kel · 4 months
I don’t know if you remember this post:
But since they’re just children would zenkichi or maruki be their teacher/babysitter/caretaker?
i actually had an au i j never shared but basically the au was just all of the pt grew up in the same small town w the similar living arrangement in canon. In m head zenkichi takes in akira after his parents drop him off and goro is taken in by sojiro.
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luniise-kel · 2 months
idk jack about vat7k or tts but i love seeing bits and pieces of it from your blog. so if you want to post about it then i think you should to your heart's content
i was definitely planning to still post my vat7k art, but no so much my silly thoughts on them,,, but but since you guys love my little rambles about them i suppose i will continue to yap more often ^_^
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luniise-kel · 3 months
So I might be pushin it but we saw Joker, Futaba, Akechi, Ann, and Haru together as childhood friends thevies could we see something with Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto, and Yoshizawa?
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sorry for taking so long 😭 i was battling some bad artblock these past few days, getting out it slowly
anyways of corse i love my childhood bestie au, these guys r so fun and silly. makoto is constantly trying keep them out of trouble, also included kasumi in this
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luniise-kel · 8 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well. I really like the way your art looks, and wanted to ask if you have any advice on how to stop the endless ctrl+Zing that happens when you're doing lineart? (Was gonna post a gif showing it but it won't let me send links in asks) -- Have a good one o/
ah thank you ^_^ !!!!
some advice is defiantly gain confidence in your own lines and try to do one continuous line for as long as possible. also zooming out help a ton. to gain confidence you could practiced by drawing and not using the undo button (or sketch irl w a pen),
the best way to put it is rather than undo the line try to use the eraser. also try not to care so much about the little things in your lineart because more often than not people wont noice the tiny mistakes you see when zoomed in like these guys
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i have a lot of tiny lines that look gross or overlap each other unnaturally that i dont erase bc you dont see it when zoomed out (this can help from spending hours on lineart)
what can also help is to follow the motion of the drawing with the linework
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this can help with lines that are technically right but look wack. It can also help if you dont know where your hand should be moving when doing lineart. also simplify poses! it can keep you from looking way to closely at the details of each and every line. this leads me to the sketch (very important for lineart!)
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my sketches can range very wildly from neat to messy to nonexistence. It depends on what your preference is but for my comics i like to sketch just to plan the comic layout ahead of time so i can quickly rearrange everything if i dont like a part of it.
another key part of going from sketch to lineart is the opacity !
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keep that sucker low! i like to keep it around the 5% to 15% range. idk why but it helps with looser and smoother lines. Also another tip, if you always like the sketch better than the lineart you can change two things: sketch with your lineart pen/ink with your sketch pen or just clean up the sketch. I tend to sketch in whatever lineart pen i use, or at the very least use a similar pen to the one ill lineart with.
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this can help with keeping the lineart looking similar to your sketch! but also most of the time my sketches turn into my lineart :3 best thing for you to do is whatever makes you happy! also dont focus on making it perfect
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luniise-kel · 1 year
really curious about the ghost phantom thieves au! what are haru and morgana?
Haru is also dead! shes a little ghosty gal, at the moment she haunts makoto and tries to protect her from all the near death experiences Makoto gets into
For Mona im not too sure, i know i want him there still as a speaking cat bc thats kinda funny but im still kinda on the fence. current moment Mona is a ghost who was able to possess a cat and is desperately trying to het Futaba to necromance him back to life (it is not working)
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luniise-kel · 5 months
drawing tablet recommendations?
I'll take literally anything
i draw on an ipad ! all my art is made on procreate if ur curious about app too lol
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luniise-kel · 2 years
I finished playing YTTD this weekend and would love to hear any of your Headcannons / ideas for this AU! :)
thanks for the ask ^^
ooooh boy i do have a few however it has been like almost year since i played the game (never finished tho TT) so forgive any mistakes i make, i am replaying tho so maybe ill drop another list of hc once i finish ^^
also this au is not a 1:1 ratio, its like vaguely that but also not
oki for starters akiren is the protag, he’s the one being stalked and while hanging out with ryuji gets kidnapped :(
same green key puzzle etc etc
Akiren had his cat mona with him but when he wakes up he realizes the kidnappers took his cat
Futaba is Kanna in this au :3
Sojiro fills the role of Kanna’s sister……so um dead…..rip
Futaba has ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*trauma✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Kamoshida is here and appeared with Ann
Everyone is like Wow sir. you sure are a Mega Creep
Akechi Goro is still an ace detective! A celebrity! and still works under Shido
Shido is also here
Akechi and Shido appeared together and Akechi is trying to not so subtly kill him
during the Russian roulette game in the blue room Akechi is trying to convince everyone that he is Very Good at a gun and No He Does Not Want To Kill Anyone
ofc everyone is like “um look mr. celebrity you tweet about pancakes all day lets let DIFFERENT HIGH SCHOOLER SHOOT ^^”
jk Iwai is there and vouchs that he taught Akiren how to shoot very realistic but fake guns and hes Decent at it
Anyways Akechi is Mega Pissed that he didnt get to “”accidentally”” shoot Shido
during the practice trial (i forgot the name rip. the one in the pink room) akechi tries to convince akiren to vote for Shido and while Shido gets two votes ultimately almost everyone votes for Kamoshida
Akechi watching Kamoshida die: that could have been Shido
Ann watching Kamoshida die: im not sad but i am traumaized
Anyways Ryuji is the replacement for Joe! isnt that great :)
idk who Akechi would be but Futaba def gets manipulated by someone
idk where Yusuke would fit so for now hes just there
everyone, freaking out, becoming traumatized:
Yusuke: holy shit i wonder how this experience can help me find motivation to create ART
during the first trial Akechi is fighting for his life, everyone is like dude u mega sus
During the first trial Ryuji unfortunately leaves with 1.5 gallons less blood (dead rip)
Akiren is also ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*traumatized✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Akiren crying in the bedroom bc hes misses his bestie:
Akechi trying to comfort his crush new friend: my mother died of suicide
Akiren, still bawling his eyes out: cowabummer
anyways thats all of my current headcannons / ideas for this au bc thats also where i stopped playing in my og playthru lol
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luniise-kel · 1 year
Your art tastes like pomegranate cheesecake and there's no other way I can explain it
Tysm for making my days better with your publications
this is once of the strangest and nicest compliments ever thank yew so much <3 im so gald u like my art ^^
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luniise-kel · 1 year
Have you ever
yeah sometimes i just and othertimes ill
not often tho
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luniise-kel · 1 year
I love how you draw Morgana
ty <3 hes just a little guy, a fella
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luniise-kel · 1 year
what is a hotbox?
"(slang) To smoke marijuana in a small confined area, such as the inside of a car, until it is full of smoke, thereby purportedly intensifying the drug's effects." (source)
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luniise-kel · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to say I enjoy your art and I hope you’re having a good day
awe thank you anon <33 i love ur having a good day too !
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luniise-kel · 1 year
Is it okay if I write something based on your phantom pt au?👉👈 I started to have some brain rots and it's safely locked inside my phone notes. I may finish the thing or send you what have so far if you are okay with it of course!!
ofc !! dude that sounds super awesome i would love it see it :D
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luniise-kel · 1 year
hi im too shy to go to dms but i loooov your art so much its such a joy to see it on my tl
waaaaa !! tysm <3
dude i love ur art so much !!!! it always is always so scrumptious and yummy and it brings me so much happiness when it see it <33333 im so happy u like my art ^^
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luniise-kel · 2 years
helloeeoeoror are you okay with ppl using ur art as pfps / headers (with credit ofc ^_^)
yep ^^ ofc !!
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luniise-kel · 1 year
Would Futaba and Goro debate over Featherman? Like which season was better or why Featherman Red x Featherman Blue is better?
yes, absolutely. they rewatch it every month together and complain to akiren about why the other is wrong and why their otp is better
(( also lpslizzy (my sister) says yes. ))
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