#lumera fire emblem
xander-wolk · 3 months
FE Engage redesign series: Lumera
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Design notes:
Probably one of the characters with the most egregious clipping issues.. I find her design really overwhelming, so I went with something more elegant and simplistic! Also something she could actually sit down in..
I think her dragon form is really cool, so I wanted to incorporate design elements from that with the see through cape and scale pattern!
I considered making the dress completely white, but decided to keep the sun set colors since I like to imagine her dragon form would be reflective and rainbow colored when the sun hits her scales just right :)
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do you ever overthink the presence of an ellipses in a character's Japanese dialogue. Lumera. are you hesitating before telling Alear that their eyes are beautiful colors, which is a very similar line to Alear telling you your eyes were a beautiful color when you first met. Lumera. Lumera. are you trying to jog Alear's memory by repeating one of the first things Alear ever said to you back at them, but hesitating at first because what if Alear is better off not remembering. Lumera.
*shakes her like a cocktail* Yeah I'm normal
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New FEH 'A Day in the Life' Comic! With F!Alear, M!Alear, Ivy, Lumera, Veyle, & Sommie!
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yanderefairyangel · 6 months
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Someone on twittX suggested that I'd draw the meeting between Alear (M!) and Lumera and since I ... well, almost NEVER draw the poor M!Alear, I was like hey why not ?
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creativesplat · 7 months
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Alear's hair only gets bedhead on one side, the young Firene siblings braid it to make sure it doesn't get too matted. Also some Lumera.
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okonomi6 · 1 year
I love translating the engage manga bc i have the honor to put into English words such masterpieces as these
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feh-alt-battle · 20 days
Poll 229 - Lumera
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: HASUMI KAORU, Essual
Notes: Fallen Lumera is too new to qualify
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emblemxeno · 1 month
Kinda love Fallen Lumera tbh...
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
...I need fifty billion fics about Lumera taking in this young Fell Dragon and slowly teaching them about love and compassion and being a hero and all that good shit. Like I love that Alear was kind of messed up and did do a lot of fucked up shit and wasn't just a perfect sweet cinnamon roll from the start, the way they clearly had to unlearn that (and more so the way their behaviour post-amnesia suggests that "absolute sweetheart" may have been their initial state of being and they had that beaten out of them and then had to relearn it) and based on how they still wear Fell Dragon colours and talk about how much they want to come back as a good dragon as they're not-technically-dying in Lumera's arms suggests they really never got over that pre-amnesia is so good (the angst potential is A+), but also give me How To Rehabilitate Your Newly Acquired Semi-Feral Fell Dragon Kid.
Oh! Also! Give me Alear asking Lumera to re-summon Marth when they remember (or learn, no idea how common knowledge the difference between Fell and Divine Dragon Emblem summoning is) that if summoned by a Divine Dragon Emblems have free will and also can talk! ...I don't know if the last couple chapters will get into Alear and Marth's history more than we've already seen, I hope they do, but either way I want more.
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fe-engage-positivity · 2 months
Queen Lumera makes me feel soft, such a sweet mother
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
Please don't spam hate towards any characters in the tags! We're not here to choose an objective "best", we're just here to see who your favorite is! Don't forget that there's a can't choose/results button!
Bonus: Why do you like your chosen character? Tell me in the tags!
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candymoonstuff · 15 days
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Well this is interesting...
My three children and the corrupt mother, beautiful (one child is also murderous but we don't talk about that)
Also, the banner for roy and eliwood hadn't even been up for an hour (in my timezone, the day "restarts" at 2am) and I was like
"Imagine if I pull them on the first tr-"
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i love the new fallen lumera art but come on she was in the game for like. 10 minutes total. how does she have 3 different iterations meanwhile fogado is missing in action
hes busy fighting corrupted
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kplays · 21 days
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Appealing to Alear's feelings seems to have been a good attempt. Better then any other so far
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yanderefairyangel · 7 months
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Family time !٩(⑅´◡)۶٩( ´◡⑅)۶ᵋᵎᵌ⁎४*✧
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slyfire · 1 year
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transgender lythos character icons~
i personally headcanon clanne as trans, but i thought to make icons for the whole lythos crew!
feel free to use these icons without credit.
all artwork/renders used are from official sources.
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also bonus framme & clanne under the cut:
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from concept art.
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