#luke glanton is our husband
lifeiskentastic · 9 months
gn!Reader and Luke agree to quit smoking (at least one of them)
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A/N: I know it's weird but god look how many cigarettes he smoked in the whole movie I can't he need to take care of himself he's our husband after all 😭😭
Summary: gn!Reader makes a deal with Luke that they will quit smoking. But it looks like Luke has found a way around the rules…
Word count: 759 words;
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: as you might have noticed, there are quite a few references to smoking, but if you okay with it - go on!
Take care of yourself!
'You know, you need to stop smoking.' You turned to Luke as if you were seeing him for the first time. Still, it was strange to hear such words in the smoking room and from a man who was burning a cigarette between his lips at that very moment. 'It's bad for health'
As far as you know: Luke had never thought about the health hazards of smoking until you started to take up the habit yourself. And that was a little unfair. If you have to take care of yourself, it's better to take your boyfriend with you.
'I'll stop.' Your gaze grew more sarcastic as Luke smiled at you naively. But you still had something to add. 'Right after you.'
Your boyfriend raised his eyebrows and looked sadly at the burning cigare clutched between his fingers. With the most crushing exhalation possible, he threw it to the ground. As he should have done a long time ago, actually.
Of course, your health was more important to him than some tobacco smoke. He will manage, for your sake! Or at least he will try very, very hard.
And Luke did try hard. He tried very hard to avoid your eyes while he smoked. And for a while, he even managed to wrap you around his finger, riding his motorcycle into the most desolate corners of the city, when the desire to feel the smoke in his lungs became stronger than any agreements and arrangements. Perhaps he would have continued to outsmart you if one day he hadn't become too safe and decided to carelessly smoke one innocent cigar on the balcony of your house. What could have happened? You were sleeping soundly, so there was nothing to stop Luke's nefarious schemes from going ahead as planned.
At least, that's what he thought.
Until the balcony door behind him creaked.
All Luke could do was to stare in confusion as your not at all sleepy figure stood in the doorway. That is, your absolutely furious figure.
Of course, you knew that Luke was not honoring your important agreement, but you didn't want to believe it completely...
He hadn't even bothered to throw the cigar away, even after your threatening look! You were outraged by this. So, in the end, you just couldn't leave your boyfriend alone after what you just saw.
After exhaling a frustrated breath, you walked closer to the lightly relaxed Luke, forcing him to back away a few steps until his back was against the balcony railing.
And Luke just smiled guiltily, even though he knew perfectly well that smiling in this situation was life-threatening. But what could he do with himself? Watching your irritated face was one of his favorite things to do.
And when there was only the distance of a smoldering cigarette between your faces, you slyly laughed and moved closer.
- If you broke the rules, then I can do it too, right?
Your fingers deftly snatched the cigarette from Luke's relaxed lips and brought it to your own mouth. Luke's brow furrowed, but he didn't argue with you. And he was right to do so, because at that moment you had the upper hand. Right?
He gently stared at his cigar clamped between your lips, occasionally looking up at you. And something in his gentle eyes made you shudder involuntarily. Luke knew exactly what he was doing, and this became especially clear when he gently took the butt from you and leaned closer.
The cigare flew away in an instant, and Luke's eyes, even if you refused to admit it, held you in place.
He didn't say anything, because you could have realized without any further ado what was going to happen the moment Luke's warm breath touched your lips. Something told you that he was trying to distract you from the fact that he had just broken the terms of your agreement. However, you could not stop him from fooling around with you as his lips slowly descended on yours. You certainly could not stop him when one of his hands gently wrapped around your weist and the other lovely touched your cheek.
You could sense the obvious trickery in his actions, but your boyfriend forgot to take into account one important thing: you could be sneaky, too. And when this mind-blowing kiss is over and Luke is drawn to cigarettes again, he will be out of luck. By then, you'll be ready to catch him in the act again and bravely prevent his lungs from being damaged (and end it with another kiss)!
P.S. I have a picture of Luke on my wall and he was staring at me while I was writing this… I finally lost my conscience…
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