#lucnes being the chaotic youngest child of only brothers
sunbrightheart · 1 year
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With a face contorted perpetually into an expression that could only be best described as shrewd and stormy eyes to rival that of the clouding seas of the continent, Nesta Archeron was everything that any conscious being with half a mind should be terrified of. She stood tall with a steel-spined back and her head held high, looking eerily similar to the audacious female who had wielded three of the most ancient pieces of the dead trove.
The Queen of Queens, he had heard Cassian once say and he was inclined to agree.
Finding himself once again at an impasse regarding the eldest Archeron sister, Lucien merely remained silent. Did he simply bid her a hello, or was she more favourable to a bow? For some reason or another, his mind supplied the idea of dropping to one knee and kneeling before her.
He almost, almost, laughed out loud at the thought.
In the end, he settled for a combination of both.
Bowing slightly at the waist, Lucien responded with a simple, “Good evening, Nesta.”
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