muxas-world 7 months
They are flirting ; the boyfriends aslo luca whit his lollipod 馃槶
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topnotchquark 7 months
Alright I wrote some Luca x Pecco because I think we needed some. Yes it's boarding school au. Enjoy ~950 words.
Luca finds himself wide awake at the cool blue hour of the morning. The alarms have some time before they pierce the ephemeral cold quiet of the boys residence. Luca finds his body adjusting to sudden wakefulness, he takes a moment and listens. The warblers are chirping in the distance, Bezz sleeps a couple of feet away from him on his bed, his breathing rhythmic and deep, in sharp contrast with Luca's unsteady booming heartbeat that had woken him up in the first place.聽
He sits up and looks outside the window, it's promising to be a bright, sunny day. He would prefer remembering this day as clear and sunny rather than the unsavory alternatives. He doesn't have any obligation to turn up to the morning training session and while he is not one to skip team sessions, he wants a moment of solitude today. He leaves the room as quietly as possible despite knowing Bezz will sleep through almost anything.
He takes off into a slow jog towards the forest. Once he reaches the dilapidated small hut he slows down and starts looking around. It doesn't take him long to find the first time he had carved his name into the tree. He was 9, and the inscription looks about just as old. There are few others around the trees in this small clearing. He spots a sizeable one Bezz had made, and a small one Pecco had left. Luca fishes a set of keys out of his pocket and next to the oldest one carves today's date along with his name.
When he's finally back, the sun is up and Bezz has left for training. His bed is a mess so Luca straightens it alongside his own.
It's the day of the Investiture Ceremony. Luca is officially getting his Team Captain colors, and Pecco is finally being made Head Boy. Luca had known he would be made the team captain and pretty much had his duties already in place, but on this day, being felicitated in front of the whole school, he did feel some thrill deep inside him.
He showers and puts on a fresh crisp set of his uniform and sets out to find Pecco.
Pecco is sitting on his bed very still, shoulders tense in a way that Luca can tell it's been a while since he's been sitting like this.
"What's the hold up?" Luca inquires in his trademark steady voice.
Pecco takes a moment, presumably to gather himself, blinking at him slowly, "The tie".
Luca exhales a soft chuckle and holds out his hand.
Luca was 10 when he met Pecco for the first time. Boy from Turin with the dark curls, big brown eyes, and a distinct smattering of moles. It was the day before the new term was supposed to start and he found his bed had been assigned next to this new kid who very clearly looked on the verge of tears. Luca was prepared to see the weepy kids, he had been at the school for a year and had already dealt with all his homesickness related emotions.
When he tried to reassure Pecco he told him that he wasn't crying because he missed his mom. Pecco couldn't figure out how to get his tie to work. Luca remembered smiling then too and tying a half windsor for Pecco like his brother had taught him. They had been friends ever since.
Luca puts the tie around his neck and fashions a neat knot, adjusting it for Pecco's height. He can tell Pecco is different today. He's nervous, but much like that 10 year old boy, it's got nothing to do with any obvious reasons. It's not stage fright related troubles. Luca knows Pecco is stretched thin under the expectations of those around him. He's the headboy, he's on the nationals sports team, he still has his debating obligations, among other things. Luca knows that Pecco still does his best despite his emotional response to all this noise. Or maybe because of it. Luca is still trying to figure that one out.
Luca knows Pecco just about as well as anyone could, they had played with and against each other for years, had lifted trophies together and lost together, slept next to each other, trained and studied together. For all his bluster and bravado, Luca had seen Pecco at his most scattered. And he still liked Pecco. Had respect for him. Had fondness for him.
"Come here" Luca utters a request that sounds like a command out of his mouth. Pecco dutifully follows it.
Luca gently places the tie around Pecco's neck, adjusts the collar, his gestures controlled, his hands brushing against the smooth skin on Pecco's long neck.
Luca can tell Pecco's eyes are focused on his face. Once he makes sure the tie is fine, he gently places his hands on eithe side of Pecco's chest to smooth any wrinkles and finally meets his gaze.
In this moment, Pecco's face is open and tender, something a little insane in his eyes, the intensity of his small mouth almost too much for Luca.
Luca thinks for a moment and places a gentle hand on the side of Pecco's face and he imperceptibly leans into the touch. Luca bends down to press a kiss on his mouth. Momentary, because he knows how much Pecco can take for now. He doesn't want to overwhelm, that's the last thing Pecco needs right now. He can feel the heat from Pecco's face, he feels his plush lips. He can't allow himself to explore any further.
When Luca moves his mouth away he doesn't withdraw his hand. He gently rubs his thumb on Pecco's cheek.
"You will be alright." The words sounding as much of a command as Luca wants it to be.
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im-a-ghost666 3 months
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motocorsas 6 months
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motogp as pokemon: a presentation by me
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celestinovietti 13 days
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when you go bother your father at his race
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bezzplaining 15 days
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cursed conversations pt.1
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anitalianfrie 2 months
How likely is it for them to hit on you with "faccio una carbonara che non la batte nessuno" (i make an amazing carbonara)
Believe it or not, this is a thing Italian men use to flirt. Unfortunately.
Diggia: 10/10. I've never seen a man who looks like he's about to try and amaze me with his (mid) carbonara more than him in my whole life, ever
Enea: 9/10. No. Stop booing. Deconstruct the myth of soft boy Enea. Let's face it: he's truly too coatto not to.
Bez: 5/10. He's spiritually 10/10 but he is aware of his complete lack of culinary skills and his inability at making a carbonara. He offers you a piadina instead.
Pecco: 7/10. Does he have the skill to back it up? Debatable. Does he have the confidence? Oh, absolutely.
Luca: 3.5/10. Probably has the skills to back it up, seems socially aware enough to realize that it's a terrible pick up line.
Mig: 8/10. Too much of an Italian man to not get this rating. Probably undercooks the egg.
Cele: 6/10. Not as confident as Pecco, but I can picture him saying "faccio una carbonara da paura" in my mind and that's enough.
Franky: 5/10. Seems like a normal individual and the most well adjusted out of all of them. I was debating whether to give him a 3 or a 4 but unfortunately, he's from Rome.
Vale: 8/10. Does not have the skill to back it up in any way.
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misanocircuit 2 months
a mashup of lil Italian MotoGP riders' interviews 馃ス (Marco Bezzecchi, Pecco Bagnaia, Enea Bastianini, Fabio Di Giannantonio, Luca Marini, Celestino Vietti & Tony Arbolino)
Bez: "[the race] went really well, I've raced with an inferior bike which was prepared by Fabiano and I have to say that he's a genius because it has been a really nice race, I've managed to gain some advantage from the third rider and... It went well."
"My name's Bezzecchi Marco, BM bike, BZM engine, I thank Robert for the engine, my team and all my friends, especially Eddy, Pippo, Salvo, uhm... I thanks Loris and everyone else."
Pecco: "[I'm Francesco] Bagnaia, I race with the RMU [bike] in the RMU team, I'm quite happy about the race because at the first turn I was first, I've stayed in the front until the sixth lap, then I got overtaken firstly by Andrea Caravella then by Stefano Valtulini and they have been good too! I'd like to thank my team, Alessandro Rozzi and my parents."
"I am Francesco Bagnaia, I race with the RMU in the RMU team, I thank all of my mechanics, Alessandro Rozzi and then... I wish good to all the mothers for mother's day!"
Bestia: "I am Enea Bastianini on Honda, the race went... Race 1 went quite well and [makes the face of "boh" (meaning I don't know what to say) lol] the tyres slipped a bit at the beginning but then everything went smoothly and... I've tried to catch [Alex] Marzocchi but then I gave in a bit and I've fineshed 3rd..."
"My name's Enea Bastianini, I'm from Rimini, the race went quite well, I had fun, I had a great battle with Stefano Manzi... I race with the RMU bike and I thank all of my mechanics, my sponsors..."
Diggia: "Hello, I'm Fabio Di Giannantonio, ZPF bike, ZPF engine, I've finshed in second place, I did a great race: I started that I was second and I stayed calm and I've finished second. I thank everybody in the team and all of my family."
"Hello, I'm Fabio Di Giannantonio, Honda bike, the race went quite well: the first one because I had a great race, I had fun but I had a contact with [Nicol貌] Castellini and I fell... And I ended up eighth; instead the second race went quite well, I'm here in second place, and I wanted to thank my dad who's making some incredible efforts to let me race."
Maro: "I'm Luca Marini, on RMU [bike]; the race went really well, I managed to start immediately perfectly from Pole Position and from the first turn on I got away from the others and, after I've reached a certain gap, I managed the race and it went really good."
Celin: "[the race from] the European Championship has been beautiful because I managed to beat everyone... Quite... Uhm, because I managed to win, getting away from everyone and it has been really nice; here, instead... It has also been easy but maybe there were tougher opponents."
"So, I started quite good in both the starts but then there was my teammate who was there behind me trying to overtake me, but I hold on until the very end and I made it! I wanted to greet... to thank Polini, my dad and my brother who's at home."
Tony: "My name's Tony Arbolino, the race went amazingly, I was third and I started very good, uhm... I was waiting for the mistake of the two in front of me, who were battling it out, and they both fell and I went to win the race!"
"We're here with the winner of the rookie's category." - "My name's Tony Arbolino, I am of the Moto Club Pa- Pasini... Racing... [doesn't know what to say]... ZPF bike... [still has no clue of what to say and gets help]... I got two wins in the Italian Championship... and I thank my mechanic Ugo and my dad!"
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muxas-world 5 months
Ohhh pecco and luca got machint color bikes??? 馃樁馃え
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topnotchquark 6 months
Okay I wrote more Pecco/Luca. It started off with me just wanting to write a hazy dream but then I bit off too much and also ended up writing smut. I need to publish or I will go crazy so here is ~1700 words. Enjoy!
Luca can see the chequed flag just ahead of him. Adrenaline is coursing through him hard, he can nearly taste it's bitter metallic flavor in the back of his throat. He's finishing this one on the podium, his joy almost feels like an animalistic aggression. God, there is nothing quite like the taste of victory, won after so much dedication and precision, won through caring about everything more than anything. Knowing when to brake, knowing what racing line to take, knowing exactly at what point the front of his bike will give away at the sharp left hander on turn 6, knowing what mistakes which opponent will make under pressure has been the kind of mental balancing act that Luca needed to pull off to squeeze this podium. He feels light headed with joy.
Qatar is hot despite this being a night race. Humidity hangs in the air somehow. Luca's feet feel like they are burning up. He wants to take off his skin along with his leathers and just, cool down. He gets the bike to parc ferm茅 and runs into the arms of his team. They shower him with love and firm pats on his back and chants of "Grande Maro". He pours some water over his head and goes in for hugs and feels the adrenaline wearing off. He's suddenly filled with the sensation of bone deep tiredness but all this suffering is acceptable after the sheer triumph of today. Pecco and Diggia will be on the podium with him. Diggia pulling out a triumphant win and Pecco in P3. Towards the last 4 laps of the race Luca was just so aware of Pecco. He knew just the racing line Pecco would take at turn 9 and used that knowledge to his advantage. It's not fair to use years of familiarity like this but, Pecco would understand, you have to give it everything you have.
They make their way to the cooldown room and Luca feels the neon LED lights are simply too bright. He grabs a bottle of water and strangely enough, can't find the grip strength to unscrew the cap. He feels Pecco place a hand on his shoulder. Luca looks up, Pecco is mouthing some words but they feel like they are coming from very far away. Pecco's face is so bright, almost blending into the white walls of the room.
Luca opens his eyes and he's lying on soft warm grass. On his right many steel obelisks rise from the ground, sharp and shiny, beautiful and menacing. The sky above him is an inky maroon color with bright orange moving through it like wave. The ground is pulsating with a soft rhythmic thrum. He turns to his right and a small turtle looks at him, It's shell decorated with jewels.
"....and that was the last time I attempted to cook anything" Pecco's calm voice tells him.
Luca looks up, and Pecco is sitting at Luca side with his knees to his chest. Pecco's using his fingers to gently graze Luca's ribs.
"You somehow can't grasp that cooking is a process. You want to be perfect at it. It's like building blocks." Luca responds. Luca feels like he's so right. Cooking is like building blocks. Pecco knows nothing about building blocks.
"You can't eat building blocks, everyone knows that" Pecco responds. Luca can detect some hurt in his voice.
"You're right, you can't. But you can eat turtles right? Have you ever wanted to eat a turtle?"
"Depends. What kind of turtle?"
"This one?" Luca points to his right to show Pecco the turtle he had seen earlier.
Pecco straddles Luca's hips to get a better look at the turtle. Pecco's face is close to Luca's. He lets his eyes slowly wander over the smooth expanse of Pecco's chest.
Suddenly Luca feels something warm falling on his face. Pecco is weeping, liquid silver is running down his face and falling onto Luca's face in little droplets. Pecco looks so beautiful Luca wants to reach up and touch his cheek, wipe the silvery tears away, inspect the taut skin over his ribs.
Luca opens his eyes and immediately gets more water splashed on his face by a worried looking guy.
"Oh thank god" Luca hears a voice say.
It takes him a moment to collect his bearings. The unfamiliar ceiling belongs to the cooldown room, the lights are emitting a low noise that is irritating him. Pecco is standing at his side, a little like the weird dream he had just now.
"Maro, can you hear me" Pecco asks very gently.
"Yes.... Yes"
"Okay can you focus here and tell me how many fingers I'm holding up" the medic implores.
"Three. I'm fine, I just wanted to close my eyes"
"You collapsed" the medic emphasizes with some worry in his voice.
"How long was I out? We have to get to the podium. Just give me five I'll be up"
"Only about 5 minutes. Relax, the podium is delayed for a bit. You need to collect yourself" Pecco tells him in a steady, calm voice.
Luca emerges from the shower and lies down on the hotel bed after pulling on some shorts. Ultimately he refused to get a drip going and went and acted fine and happy and exuberant on the podium and then let his team and his medics fuss over him. They pushed various electrolyte balancing fluids in his hand and prodded and tested him. Ultimately they found nothing life threatening and told him to sleep it off before his flight the next day.
He's about to flip through something on the tv when he hears a knock on the door. Pecco dressed in night clothes comes in and sits down right on his bed and puts his feet up.
"How are you feeling now?"
"Good. Not that big of a deal"
"You crumpled like a rag doll in front of me"
Luca hears an edge in Pecco's voice. He wordlessly fluffs his pillow and lies down.
He's on his side looking up at Pecco. His hair curls around his ears. Luca can't stop his eyes from following the long column of his neck. He thinks about the Pecco in his dream that hasn't left his mind for a moment since he regained conciousness.
Pecco surveys him for a moment and slides down as well.
"I asked them to cut the camera feed from the cooldown room, I didn't think you'd prefer being seen like that."
"Thank you, I hadn't even thought of it till now, but thanks, it means a lot"
There is a beat of silence and Luca reaches out to take Pecco's hand that's just there on the bed. The shape of his long fingers. Luca remembered the make of Pecco's fingers so vividly even in his dream.
Pecco is looking at Luca with a warm steady gaze.
"You scared me for a moment there"
Luca meets Pecco's brown soft eyes and it suddenly feels so overwhelming. Pecco from his stupid dream, blinking tears onto his face, Pecco from this world, standing next to him when he came to his senses, Pecco here, right now, next to him, telling him he was afraid for a moment.
Luca swallows and before he can allow himself time to evaluate the pros and cons of his move, he closes the gap and kisses him.
Pecco offers no resistance and meets him with his mouth open, placing a gentle hand on Luca cheek and softly kissing him back. He tastes vaguely of toothpaste, Luca thinks as he lets the sensation of kissing wash over his exhausted body. He feels a little insane doing this, mostly because it feels so right that he can't imagine stopping. Pecco gets on top of him, taking a moment away from him to kiss his neck, his jaw, bite his earlobe, lick the skin on his collarbone. Pecco's small mouth intent on exploring as much of Luca as it can. They break away for a moment in which Pecco gets his t-shirt off. Luca touches his smooth back, his hands feeling the stiff column of Pecco's spine. He can feel Pecco's soft hand reaching down to his shorts, gently cupping his hard bulge. Luca feels animalistic. Desire courses through him with such overwhelming dominance he can't think straight.
Pecco's hand in his shorts stroking him slowly nearly makes him black out a second time within the space of hours. He pushes his own shorts off with an urgency and cups Pecco's small pert ass and pulls him closer, suddenly overcome by a desire to bite at the column of his neck.
When Luca let's his teeth get a bit aggressive a small whimper escapes Pecco's mouth that drives him closer to the edge. He rises up to hump into Pecco's hand, pulling him so close that they could fuse into one.
Pecco breaks away from Luca's arms and positions himself between his legs.
Before Luca can have a moment to catch his breath he feels Pecco's mouth on the head of his dick. His soft warm mouth. Luca can't help the loud groan that escapes him. He's shocked by the response of his own body. To feel this good while completely out of control is strangely euphoric. He has his hands in Pecco's hair as Pecco does his best to accomodate all of Luca's length. When Pecco makes a loud choking noise but doesn't stop what he's doing, it takes everything for Luca to not dig his fingers into Pecco's head and fuck his mouth. Pecco has his own hand between his legs, stroking himself, his moans vibrating against Luca's dick in his throat.
When Pecco pulls back to steadily suckle on the head of Luca's dick, swirling his to tongue around the tip, Luca's can't hold back anymore and spills into Pecco's mouth. Pecco swallows as he jerks himself to orgasm, his grip on Luca's thigh vice like.
While Pecco catches his breath Luca pulls him back up and wipes his messy mouth, when he leans in to kiss him again he feels a funny little jolt in the pit of his stomach. The knowledge that Pecco's beautiful small mouth was on his cock and swallowed his cum making him feel crazy.
When Pecco makes a move to leave after a little while of kissing and petting, Luca's only response is "No. No, stay."
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ray935sworld 10 days
For everyone thinking that rosquez was nasty fucking while Alex and the academy had no idea... No one is less subtle than Rossi and Marc. So are you actually thinking that a bunch of 16-19 year old boys full of testosterone and adrenaline think about anything else than fucking?
Have you met 16 year old boys?
They were making jokes about it the whole time. They just had to hide it better than rosquez did.
If Vale said 'Marc was great today at the race' someone made a blowjob gesture and they were cracking up. If Marc was in visuable discomfort to sit, they had to bite their cheeks not to start giggling or someone had to come up with an unrelated joke so they could laugh without being suspicious. If they randomly disappear they joked that Marc was fucking Vale on and now off track (that one was from Alex cause the boys would never admit that their boss was getting beaten)
The only thing that could stop them was the divorce Cele. Cause he's baby. They can't make sex jokes in front of a baby. Not after Pecco had to explain why they said Marc did a 1.69 time instead of 2.09 and Luca had to stop him from giving a 14 year old the trauma of his life by telling him the truth.
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fabioquartararhoe 2 months
they should use horses instead of bikes
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sebmaxrc 16 days
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the forgotten child franco F in the chat
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celestinovietti 2 days
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academy boys at mugello 馃挌馃鉂わ笍
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bezzplaining 1 month
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Vale: "i don't have a favorite child."
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raikkonens 8 months
michelangelo.....caravaggio......wish u were here babes 馃挃 you would've been obsessed with them i just know it
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