#love rd’s hot wheels shirt
nothin---g · 5 years
June 29, 2019
My family attended my goddaughter’s baptismal in Pampanga. My father made a decision that before we go to my Lolo’s house, we should visit Uncle M’s house first. One of my cousins questioned me if I am a lesbian or a bisexual one because of my hair then later on he advised me about how I should understand my father's sentiments about boys, love, and relationship. Actually, I disagree when it comes to educating me about boys’ behavior because boys should be the one educated when it comes to respecting girls. I just want to share that our family barely visit my father’s side (Pampanga) and I am really not close with my cousins there that’s why I appreciate 'that' cousin that I've mentioned above because he really tried reaching out to us.  
My goddaughter is so cute!!! I already have 4 goddaughters but I think I suck as a godmother. I told myself that I will spoil them if I became a doctor in the future regardless of their age knowing that they will be teens at that time. I didn’t expect that at the end of the day, I will wish that we should have stayed longer. This time, I feel like I’ve gotten closer to them and I actually miss being there right now. We bought Silvanas (my favorite!!!!) before we travel back in Laguna. My father stopped by my auntie’s house and we ate at a restaurant near their apartment. 
July 3, 2019
MMI chatted me if I wanted to catch up with her and JG. To be honest, I feel something is suspicious and off since it is unusual for someone like her to invite me. Anyways, I agreed to meet up with them since I miss JG so much because the last time I was with her, she is so quiet and busy with her phone. We chose a milk tea place (Sediento) and stayed for 3-4 hours? MMI told a lot of stories about herself and how is she and RDG got into a fight(?) which is not really my story to tell. She also said that I was mentioned by JCV because her girlfriend(?) asked if I was the one who told MMI about her tweets and I won’t deny that because before I wanted to know MMI’s side but then JG and AMM clarified that JCV’s girlfriend is just like that. The part that really touched me the most is that JMN cleared my name by saying that I’m not like “that” because maybe JVV and his girlfriend doesn’t like that I know such things. MMI and JG were blaming me for knowing too much information about our batch, as if I wanted this!!! 
JG and I accompanied MMI who bought medicine for her mother(?) then let her ride a jeep first before we go home. JG and I were waiting for her jeep to come when she mentioned Sef, an omegle(?) guy, then I asked her if she wanted to tell the story somewhere (more like 7 11). She was irritated and then blamed me for offering MMI that we should accompany her. She told me that MMI was obviously wanted to catch up so that she can tell a lot of things about herself. I told her that I knew that there was something suspicious when MMI let us know about her little situation with RDG, MMI looked like she needs our sympathy. All in all, I really love this day because I cleared some misunderstanding I’ve had with JG .
July 10, 2019
I really promised myself that this summer, I will be able to visit at least 5 museums before school starts but I guess the last one will be in December. I am with my two sisters and we decided to visit National Museum of Anthropology first before National Museum of Fine Arts. National Museum of Anthropology has 5 floors that has 3-4 exhibits/gallery per floor if I remembered it correctly. We always start at the top floor and my siblings were already tired when we were about to reach 3rd floor. While waiting for a grab driver, there’s a couple (boy-boy) that I noticed outside the building and they are so cute!!!! They also have hickeys motherfu- !!! I really whispered to myself that famous line “sana all.”
We decided to eat at SM Manila and I give up on thinking that we can also visit National Museum of Fine Arts at the end of the day because we really have to be at the terminal before rush hours to avoid traffic. I really think that I spoiled my sisters because I let them taste Macao Imperial Milk Tea's best seller and bought them Whatta-Box from Wendy’s for lunch. I hope that next time, the money that I would spend comes from a job that  I love and I also hope that my parents would be there too. We were all tired when we arrived at our house but it was all worth it! 
July 11, 2019
Overnight with two of my favorite peeps!!! First, we headed to Puregold to buy drinks and snacks then we were about to go to JG’s house, AMM asked JG at the counter (non-verbatim) “bat ka ba layo nang layo? mabaho ba hininga ko?” After this scenario, JG and I can’t stop laughing out loud.
I am so weak when it comes to “purong” empi! I’m already drunk at my 5th or 6th cup. AMM and I were a mess! We shared the same bowl just to puke. I crawl into the bathroom. AMM was continuously saying a phrase that I forgot while typing this. JG took care of us but she has a lot of videos of ourselves! One thing that I regret from that night is that I embarrassed myself to JG’s younger brother (i have a crush on him). I giggled loudly when he came home the fuck. Honestly, I don’t remember everything that happened that night since I just sleep whenever I feel drunk.
The next morning, I blamed empi for everything! My head hurts (fuck). We all love what happened to us last night. We ate breakfast and continued sharing stories about ourselves until I plead that I have to go home because my sister is alone at our house. 
July 15, 2019
Enrollment day! I thought that I can go home early but there’s a lot of procedure when enrolling and what sucks is that it is in different buildings ugh. My batchmates were shocked because I cut my hair short but I am really thankful that they are complimenting it because I am so done with people who always tries to drag my confidence down. At the bus, I decided to meet up with my barkada. 
Another milk tea place again! The place is so far from where my bus dropped me off. Two of us walked and that's why we both laughed at each other when we met because we fucking know the struggle just to be there. We tried to play Jenga but it is so noisy that’s why we stopped. All of us hooted with laughter when AFDR told RDS, "sa akin ka na magpay." We are also happy because RDS treat us. We stayed a little bit longer and we didn't expect we will experience brownout inside a cafe. To be honest, there's a lot of things that happened this day and I tried asking my friend for that tiny moments that made me happy but she can't also remember. I really wanted to type those things but I won't push myself because the important thing is that I don't think my day was wasted. I just want to add that JNG is so funny when she persuades me to have an overnight.
July 20, 2019
Our plan to come by at Enchanted Kingdom finally happened!!! I AM PROUD THAT I'VE EXPERIENCED ALL THE EXTREME RIDES!!! Even though the weather is really hot, I really loved the fact that we didn't fall in line that long. As far as I remember, we rode Flying Fiesta ▶Rialto ▶Space Shuttle ▶Anchor's Away ▶AGILA ▶Roller Skater ▶Bump Car ▶Jungle Log Jam ▶Disc-o Magic ▶Rio Grande ▶Air Race ▶Ekstreme Tower ▶Wheel of Fate ▶Air Race ▶Space Shuttle. Believe it or not but I only have one photo (Ferris Wheel) on my phone because of extreme happiness that I felt this day. Mostly, our topics were about AFDR's flings. She even mentioned that she met NB's boyfriend there. Frankly, my friend and I (single) planned to find handsome men inside but sadly they were only few. AFDR found one and she named him Eleven. LRM found someone too but that guy has a girlfriend. I found someone too after we watched the fireworks because he is wearing a white shirt + he looks so tall.
July 23, 2019
Even though we were incomplete, we managed to continue having an overnight before our vacation ends. First, we went to SC's house (specifically rooftop). We tried to guess her cat's name and we laughed so hard when they mentioned ~toptop liagibma~ JNG told us that she is one of the reasons why RA broke up with DR then we shared our sentiments about the way he chats us. We also cornered RDS if he still have feelings for NB and when he said no we asked him when. We stayed at SC's until eight o'clock because: 1) we played mafia and I am flattered because they praised me and they said that I am a good mafia and a good doctor 2) it's hard for us to decide where to eat 3) the rain won't stop 4) we pleaded to SC's mother to let her join with us.
We ate at Onyang's and oh boy the foods are delicious!!! I really loved the chicken even though it is spicy. We arrived at our house around 10 and start mafia game again around 11. Boy, we are so serious to catch the mafia. I just want to brag that I think I just failed 2 to 3 times to catch a mafia. I JUST WANT TO SHARE THAT WE WERE ALL HAPPY THIS TIME TO THE POINT THAT I CAN'T REMEMBER THE REASON WHY WE LAUGHED SO HARD WHILE PLAYING THIS. We also played kindat killer and it is so funny too. I never thought that I would be this happy again even though there's no liquor. We decided to sleep around 3 AM? The next day, we just watched Escape Room and they go home right after because 1) i think we were still sleepy 2) they don't took a bath.
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sweet-pea-channie · 6 years
Wind in my hair - Dylan O’Brien Series (Part 5)
Part 5: holding hands and bonding
Author: @herscrunchiehairtie
Summary: Dylan takes Y/N out on their first date.
Warnings: fighting, 
Want to be tagged? Send me a message!
Part 1 - Part 4 - Part 6 - Series Overview - Masterlist
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25th May 2018
You always loved talking to your brother on the phone or via facetime. It was a real struggle to keep in touch with him on the other side of the country, but you figured a way out to communicate more often. Andrew was free most of the time on Fridays, so you called him every week.
“Gem just ordered the flowers,” your brother told you when you had asked him about the wedding and how far they were with the organization.
“That’s great. Let me guess, lilies?”
“You know her too well” Andrew sighed as he said there with his fiancé at the dining table with dozens of magazines on the table.
“At least one of the Y/L/N’s knows me” Gemma laughed.
Andrew had his phone on speakers so you could talk to Gem as well. “Did you pick your plus one yet?”
“Uuuum, not really” you mumbled, crossing your feet on the couch, “I think I know who I wanna take with me, but he doesn’t know yet. I’ll ask him tomorrow.”
“Who is he? Is he nice? Is he good looking? Tell me about him!”
“I met him a month ago, he’s really nice. Grandma likes him so that’s good, I guess.”
“How come I haven’t heard of him?” Andrew asked you. “You never mentioned anything when you talked to me on the phone.”
You groaned and rubbed your forehead, “Why should I? He’s just a friend, Andrew.”
“Is he?” Andrew and Gemma asked in unison and snickered.
“Yes… well I don’t know, he’s taking me on a date tomorrow-“
“He’s what?” Andrew exclaimed.
“Relax Andrew, he’s probably nice and good for her, right Y/N?”
“He is really nice. We spend a lot of time together and I feel like I’ve known him for much longer than just a few weeks. He makes sure that I’m okay and that I take my pills, he sends me a reminder every day” you told them about Dylan.
It was true, Dylan made you feel special in a different way. He called you almost everyday and if he couldn’t he made sure to text you, asking how your day was. Sometimes you spent hours of the phone with him until you fell asleep and he had to end the call when he heard your soft breathing.
“You never told us his name.”
“It’s Dylan… O’Brien” you muttered, knowing that your brother would freak out when he realized that you were dating a celebrity. And you were right, he freaked out. “Dylan O’Brien? You mean THE Dylan O’Brien? Dylan O’Brien aka Mitch Rapp? You’re kidding Y/N, right?”
“No, I met him at the hospital and we kept in touch and somehow he asked me out on a date. There’s nothing to worry about, Andrew.”
“There is, Y/N! He’s famous! He could drop you any second!”
“You don’t even know him!” you yelled at your brother.
“I don’t need to know him to know that he is no good for you! You’re vulnerable, Y/N!”
“So what? I’m not allowed to go on a date with him? Should I ask you for permission first? Well, tough luck for you, you’re living on the other side of the US and you can’t change it! Whether you like it or not, I’m going on a date with him tomorrow and I’m taking him with me on your wedding. He’s gonna be my plus one!”
“Y/N,” Andrew said softly, knowing that he overreacted but all he ever wanted was to see you happy. “I’m sorry, okay? You know I just want the best for you and I don’t have a good feeling but as long as you are happy, I am. I just want to meet the kid first.”
“I know and besides, he’s not a kid anymore,” you acknowledged and rolled your eyes at your older brother even though he couldn’t see it. “I’ll try my best but he’s busy most of the time so I don’t think that there’s enough time to visit you before your wedding in four weeks, but maybe I could come and visit you before the wedding. I could come on Thursday and help with the location.”
“That would be wonderful, Y/N” Gem queried. Her mom was out of town as well and couldn’t help with the decorations so Gem and Andrew were on their own. “Bring Dylan as well, if his schedule isn’t too full. I’d really like to meet him.”
You smiled to yourself as you thought about him. You knew that he wasn’t the best when it gets to decorating but you knew that he’d try his best. “I’m going to ask him right away when he picks me up tomorrow.”
While you took a while to answer Gemma, she wrote a note on one of the magazines and slipped it do Andrew who just rolled his eyes as he read her words “I think she’s going to fall for him.”
“Where is he taking you tomorrow?” Gemma asked after she realized that you had answered. “Is it a surprise?”
“I don’t know, he just said to dress casual, nothing special, so I’ll just wear what I wear everyday” you said and took a bite of your sandwich that you had made before you called your brother. It was cold by now but you didn’t care, your stomach was crying for food.
“Andrew, could you leave us girls alone for a minute please?” Gem asked on the other side of the line. You hear your brother groaning but eventually he left the dining room.
“What’s wrong?” you questioned the blonde woman.
“Do you like Dylan?”
“I knew it. I knew that either one of you would ask me that” you sighed and put your feet back on the ground before you put your elbows on your knees. “Well, I think so. He’s really nice and he takes care of me in a way no one has ever done, so yeah.”
Gemma smiled on the other side of the line before she said, “Just be careful, okay? We don’t want you to get hurt again. We just want the best for you. But you better call me tomorrow after your date, got it?”
“I will, Gem. Now go back to organize your beautiful wedding. And tell my brother that I love him, okay?”
“Will do.”
The following day, you woke up early to have enough time to get ready for your date with Dylan. You made yourself a big breakfast with scrambled eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon and sausage, of course. During your breakfast, Dylan had called and stayed on the phone with you for an hour. He told you that he’d come and pick you up at 2pm so you had plenty of time left before you had to shower and make yourself more presentable.
At 11am, you took a long and hot shower. Some people would say that a ten minute shower wouldn’t count as a long shower, but since you never really had to wash your non existing hair, a ten minute shower was quite long for you.
You decided to wear your wig today, even though Dylan never really cared, but you wanted to look nice. So you brushed your wig before you put it on and took your curling iron out of the cabinet to curl your hair.
After you put on a decent make up, you walked over to your dresser and looked through the mass of clothes you owned. You choose your black linen trousers with white thin stripes and a cute bow at the waistband, combined with a lace black shirt and your favorite oversized denim jacket. You applied a light colored lip balm to your lips to make them look fuller.
By the time you put on your white sneakers with the wide white laces, your doorbell rang twice. Dylan always rang twice, so you knew that it was him. You rushed to the answering device and told him that you’d be down in a second. Grabbing your purse, you closed the door behind you and locked it before you walked down the stairs to the entrance of the building you lived in.
Dylan was still standing in front of the doors by the time you got there. He saw you walking to the entrance through the glass doors and smiled at your beauty. As soon as you opened the door, Dylan’s smile grew wider. “You look beautiful, today.”
You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around his body to greet him. “Thank you,” you mumbled when Dylan pressed his lips to your cheek. Dylan was looking as fresh as you were, even though he wasn’t really paying any attention to what he was wearing. His hair was hidden under his black Mets cap, a black sweater with a white shirt sticking out of it and kaki pants combined with his favorite grey Adidas. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Dylan.”
“Well, thank you my dear. Are you ready to go?”
“I am” you replied and grabbed his hand and you walked to his car. “I told my brother that, you know, I am going on a date with you. And now he really wants to meet you.”
“From what you told me about him, he seems like a nice guy,” Dylan said and opened the passenger door for you. You thanked him and hopped in, ready to buckle yourself in. “So why not?” he added when he sat down in front of the steering wheel.
“Also, I have to ask you for a favor?”
“What is it?”
“My brother’s wedding is in a few weeks, the 23rd of June to be exact and I still don’t have my plus one. Gemma, his fiancé is getting on my nerves, so would you like to be my plus one? If you’re free of course?” you asked him. Dylan thought about it for a moment before he started the car, looking at you, “Sure. I don’t think that there are any other plans for me, so I’d be honored to be your plus one at your brother’s wedding.”
“That would be great” you smiled at him before you watched the trees pass by. The rest of the car ride wasn’t too spectacular. Dylan had a few questions about your brother, what he should expect. “Oh and by the way, it’s a traditional wedding at the church, that’s what my mom would wish for.”
“So I have to dress a little more classy, I guess?”
“It depends. They’re celebrating at Gemma’s parents hotel. It’s a small but cozy and nice hotel. And speaking of hotel, I am going to stay at the hotel a few days before the wedding day to help decorating and if you want to, you can come, too” you jested, hoping that he would come with you.
“Sure why not? I’ll check my calendar and let you know. I haven’t been to New York lately and I’d love to go there and just spend time with you,” he told you and placed his hand on your knee. Your gaze went from his face to his hand on your knee and back to his eyes that were locked on your face when he stopped at a red light. “I love spending time with you. It’s so easy with you and I don’t feel like I have to pressure myself to meet you and spend time together.”
“I feel the same, Dylan.”
Twenty minutes later, Dylan stopped at the traffic light right in front of a stadium that you knew too well. Your head flicked around, gasping when you stared at Dylan who had the biggest smile on his face. “Are you happy? The look on your face isn’t what I was hoping for.”
“Yes! Yes, of course. The last time I went to the Stadium of Anaheim was with my dad and Andrew right before he passed away. I haven’t been here since then. I just… watched the games on TV” you explained and forced a smile on. “But I love it, Dylan. I am happy to be back here.”
“You sure you don’t want to turn around? Grab something to eat somewhere?”
“ Let’s get our cute little asses in there, shall we?”
“You know, you didn’t have to buy me the cap, Dylan” you told his as you took your seats and put the cap on that Dylan bought for you. Dylan sat down next to you and placed the bucket full of popcorn in front of you on the ground. “I know, but you looked so lost without in on a baseball game,” he laughed.
“True,” you agreed and took a sip from your coke. “So, I guess we already missed a few minutes. The Angels are already on their 3rd run.”
“We’ve got plenty of time left, no need to worry.”
As the game went on, Dylan and you had a really great time. You could barely focus on the game because Dylan wouldn’t shut up. He had tons of questions for you, mostly about you and your family, but you answered them all. Dylan really liked it. He was getting to know you better every day and soon he felt like you’ve been with him for his entire life time. “Can’t believe you really did that!”
“Why not?”
“I mean, when I’m looking at you… I can’t really believe that you did that because, you know, you are a woman and-“
“Burping into someone’s face is something  only guys can do?”
“Yeah” Dylan mumbled and rubbed the back of his head. “You just have to know that I don’t care if you  burp in front of me or not.”
“Okay, enough. I don’t want to talk about me burping anymore” you laughed and wrapped your arms around Dylan’s left arm. “The game is almost over and I haven’t seen a minute of it.”
“Probably because I am distracting you with my beauty” Dylan asserted with a mischief smile on his lips.
“Oh you wish!” you boasted and pulled your arms away from him, only to give his shoulder a good slap. “No one can beat me and my beauty.”
Dylan rolled his eyes and laughed at you before he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his chest. “Who is even playing?” you joked and felt his chest vibrating due to his sudden outburst of laugh.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“But you still like me.”
“So do I.”
Part 6 is right here!
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Back in the Christmas Spirit
Mariah Carey’s song, “All I Want for Christmas is You” never failed to get me into that festive Christmas spirit, even if it was the middle of July (and I was a hardcore wait-until-December person). That is, until I endured the worst breakup of the century right before the holidays.
Brian and I met in college at our dorm’s welcoming event, and were immediately drawn to each other. We had only been dating for six and a half months, but I honestly thought we would be together forever. He wasn’t perfect, but the fact that we could work through our differences made me believe we could make it work long term. Call me cliché, but I was completely in love with the boy, and I was convinced there would be no one else like him.
“Mija, come look at this tree,” my mom gestured toward a Douglas fir.
“Coming, mami.” I sighed. Of course the Mariah Carey song was playing on a speaker at the little Christmas tree farm. I was so not in the Christmas spirit these days.
“I really like the size of the trunk, and it would fit just perfectly right in the corner of the living room, don’t you think?” my mom asked. I nodded robotically. As she continued to drone on about the tree, I pictured Brian and me shopping for our first Christmas tree. It would have to be small, because we were both practical people, and wouldn’t have too big of a starter home. We would take it home and decorate it with our dog or cat (he loves cats, I love dogs). Then we would cozy up on the couch and watch Netflix or maybe play some video games. I smiled, and then groaned.
“Are you okay, Camila?” my mom inquired, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Yeah I just….drank too much hot chocolate,” I lied.
The ride home consisted of my mom thinking out loud about where the Christmas decorations would go, and me scrolling through my camera roll for the fifth time that day. There were so many pictures of me smiling, and Brian doing that crooked half smile he did for the camera.  There were a few candid ones of him naturally smiling, and I swear his smile could light up a room. My eyes started to well up. I kept scrolling anyway, and landed on one from Halloween. I was dressed up as Batgirl, my costume consisting of an old, almost too small Batman shirt, and a mask from Goodwill. Brian was Nightwing. He was the kind of guy who actually put effort into his costumes, and referred to them as “cosplays”. He looked so good in his black leather jacket with the painted on Nightwing insignia and his black skinny jeans that I loved so much. There was someone else in the picture, Gina. Gina was dressed as Wonder Woman. She had found the cape, the boots, and the corset herself, and I had helped her find a cool skirt at a nearby thrift store. Her hair wasn’t brunette, but her large, thick mess of strawberry-blonde locks were epic enough to be for Wonder Woman. Gina was with us so often, we called her our third wheel. She also happened to be the girl Brian left me for.
I helped my mom bring the tree inside, and after much deliberation, she decided to put it to the left of the television. When my dad and sister got home, we put on some Michael Buble, and decorated the tree. My family sang along joyously to the music, while I grumbled and hung up the ornaments. The song “Blue Christmas” came on and I thought now that’s more like it.
Afterwards, I crawled into my bed and relived the moment in my head, as I did quite often. It was the morning after his roommate, John’s birthday party. The party wasn’t especially fun for me, because there were a lot of younger, louder kids there, but the food was good, and Brian seemed to be enjoying himself. We played one of those really strategic board games that I wasn’t very good at, but it was right up Brian’s ally. He could tell I wasn’t having that much fun, so he occasionally squeezed my hand and gave me a sympathetic smile. I responded by affectionately running my hand through his soft, almost wavy, brown hair, and burying my face in his neck. I usually hated being one of those couples that couldn’t keep their hands off each other in public, but for some reason that night I didn’t care.
The next morning out of the blue, he texted me “I need to tell you something. Meet me in the lounge?”
We sat there for a couple minutes in silence, while he looked at the table and tried to gather the words. Finally, in a small voice, he said “There’s no good way to say this, but…I have feelings for Gina.”
My breath caught in my throat.
I often use humor as a defense mechanism, so I said “Yeah you’re right, there’s no good way to put that,” with a fake chuckle.
Still looking at the table, he uttered one of those laughs that aren’t quite laughs, more like quick exhales.
“What kind of feelings are we talking about?” I asked, hoping that this was just a little crush that he would get over quickly.
“It….feels like I want to be with her. Actually it kind of feels like I’m already with her, just not officially.”
My heart sank, and my eyes started to sting. This was no silly crush.
They started dating two weeks later.
I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. Just thinking about them together made my chest constrict and the tears flow. I sobbed until I ran out of tears and drifted off to sleep.
It was December 23rd, and because I was wallowing in misery, I had neglected to buy any Christmas presents for my family. I drove to a local boutique that I knew would have a lot of knick-knacks for me to choose from. After browsing the shop for about ten minutes, I decided on a mug for my dad that had a Washington State logo on it, a bottle of goat’s milk lotion for my mom, and a teddy bear for Sofi. As I was standing in the long line, “Mistletoe” by Justin Bieber came on. The familiar pang of sadness hit me in the chest. I wouldn’t be kissing Brian under the mistletoe like I had planned this year.
“You okay?” a voice asked.
I turned my eyes to the voice. It belonged to a girl about my age that had the prettiest , and most captivating pair of green eyes I had ever seen, and long, wavy, dark brown hair under a black beanie. She looked nice, but her stare was so intense I dropped my gaze a split second after I looked up.
“Um…I’m alright,” I stammered, still not making eye contact. “Why do you ask?”
The girl chuckled. “Well, you kind of winced just now.”
My cheeks got hot. Was I really that obvious? “Oh, yeah I don’t really like this song,” I said, shrugging.
“Why not?” the girl asked.
“I….” I trailed off. I don’t usually like telling strangers my business, unlike my mom, who could tell her entire life story to a random person on the street. But there was something about this girl that made me want to tell her everything.
“I’m just going through a tough breakup,” I admitted.
“Ah,” the girl nodded. “That makes sense.”
When I finally looked up at her eyes, they were sympathetic, and yet still curious. I was so busy staring I didn’t notice it was my turn in line.
“Oh right, I’m coming,” I said hurriedly, and quickly put my stuff on the counter in front of a frazzled looking employee.
The girl laughed quietly, and my face flushed again.
After we had both purchased our gifts, we walked outside together. The downtown street was filled with last minute shoppers, and there were tiny trees on the sidewalk that were covered in twinkling lights. I had always dreamed of walking down one of these streets in the winter with Brian.
“There you go with that sad look again,” the girl pointed out.
I sighed. “I guess I’m one of those people who wear their heart on their sleeve,” I said.
“I’m Lauren by the way,” she stopped, and held out her free hand.
“Camila,” I replied, shaking it.
She smiled, and I swear that smile could bring a puppy back to life. I found myself gawking again. Only two smiles had ever affected me this much.
Lauren gestured down the street. “Where are you parked?” she asked.
I blinked. Snap out of it, Camila I told myself. “Uhh, a ways down,” I responded. It was hard to find parking anywhere close.
“Cool, me too,” Lauren said with another smile.
“So tell me about this breakup that’s making you dislike amazing music,” she said as we walked down the street.
“Basically he left me for one of my friends,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.
Lauren winced. “Ooo that sucks,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, “I replied. “To make matters worse, we live in the same residence hall at school.”
“Yikes,” she said. “Where do you go to school?”
“Seattle Pacific,” I replied. “What about you?”
“I actually go to Oregon State, and I’m from Oregon, but my family just moved here,” said Lauren.
“Oh wow, why did you guys move to this tiny town of all places?” I wondered aloud.
“Well, my mom actually grew up here, and she really missed it”, she responded.
We had reached my car, but I didn’t want to stop talking to Lauren. There was something about her that made me want to get to know her. It could be because she was so easy to talk to, but her good looks didn’t hurt either.
“Um, since you’re new here, how about I give you a little tour of downtown?” I asked.
Lauren smiled one those earth-bending smiles. “I would love that,” she replied.
I think my heart fluttered a little bit.
We ended up not caring too much about the town, and got to know each other a little bit. We found out we both had Cuban descent, we both loved to sing, and we had practically the same taste in music and books. 
“You saw The 1975?” Lauren exclaimed. “I am so jealous!”
“Yeah they were sooo good,” I told her. “Definitely one of the best nights of my life. However, my dream is still to see Coldplay live,” I said wistfully.
Lauren stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. “Oh my gosh, me too!”
I smiled. “Wow we are so alike,” I said.
“We really are,” she said, staring at me with a grin. “You know….that guy really made a mistake.”
For probably the fifth time that night, I blushed and looked at the ground. Lauren didn’t know I liked girls. Actually, only a few people knew. Even so, I didn’t know how to like someone other than Brian. The thought just seemed wrong. But Lauren was looking at me with those eyes, and it looked like she was getting closer. I looked up, and her face was suddenly inches away from mine. Her eyes were darting from my lips to my eyes, almost silently questioning me. My heart was racing, but I slowly closed the gap between us, and our lips connected. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Her lips moved against mine ever so slightly, and for the first time since Brian and I broke up, I felt alive. I slowly pulled away, and opened by eyes. Lauren was smiling. I smiled back shyly and looked at the ground.
The kiss was amazing, but…
But what? My mind asked. An amazingly attractive, intelligent person just kissed you and you’re questioning it?
I can’t jump into a new relationship when I’m still hurting from the last one I thought back to myself.
Oh my gosh, she’s waiting for you to say something and you’re standing here awkwardly having a conversation with yourself in your head!
“Look, Lauren…I really like you, but-“
“You need more time,” she finished.
I sighed. “Yes,” I said.
She smiled understandingly and asked “Can I still have your number?”
I laughed. “Yeah,” I said, and pulled out my phone. She put her number in my phone, and I put mine in hers.
“When you get over that guy, give me a call,” Lauren said as she gave me my phone back.
“I definitely will,” I promised.
She flashed me a grin, and then turned and walked to her car. I stared for a few minutes as she went, before getting into my Honda. Lauren and I had only spent about an hour together, but I got the feeling she would be an important part of my life. As I drove home, “All I Want for Christmas” came on the radio, and I smiled.
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mollyshaj · 7 years
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Walking out of the courtroom Tristan and I were all smiles, happy all of this bullshit was finally over. Today we were granted full custody of Damien, his mother couldn’t come near him unless she had Tristan’s permission. Her visitation was two Saturdays of every month and that was only if he wanted to go.
“We’re celebrating tonight.” Tristan told me as we walked down the hall.
We were about to make our way outside when Carmen outside yelling like a damn banshee. I wanted to turn around and cuss her ass out but I just left it alone. Plus Tristan damn near started dragging me when she started that shit. He already knew what it was and what was going to go down if she got anywhere near me and that can’t happen in a courthouse especially when I’m pregnant.
When we got in the car he looked at me while shaking his head. “Don’t shake your head at me like that. I didn’t do anything.”
“I’m not shaking my head at you, I was doing it because of that bitch. I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with her ass.”
“I’m with you on that one. Oh well, what you wanna do tonight since you wanna celebrate this shit.” I chuckled. Tristan is the only asshole that would celebrate some shit like this.
“I wanna barbecue; we’re going to do that. You had me buy that expensive ass grill and shit. We’re using that shit tonight.”
“Cool with me, I hope you don’t plan on telling Damien you’re having a damn cookout because he’s not with his mother anymore.”
“No, I mean I am happy I don’t have to deal with her like that but this is about a new beginning baby. We have custody of him; we’re married, got my little nigga on the way. We’re good, I’m trying to celebrate that shit.”
“Mhm yeah okay just two things.”
“I need to go food shopping and I need to go by my store so I can do the deposit and everything tonight. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and I don’t feel like waiting.”
“So you want me to drive you around to do it?’
“Nah I can handle it by myself. Just get us home so I can change clothes. What do you want at this damn barbecue of yours?”
“I’ll write you a list.” He smirked at me. I already knew that meant he was about to be a complete fat ass but it’s cool. He can have that, he’s just lucky I’m in a good mood.
When he got us to the house he got Jayce and Damien up so they could clean up. They weren’t doing anything but sleeping damn near all day since they were officially out for the summer. Shit if it was up to me both of them would have summer jobs.
While Tristan handled Chase I went and changed out of the uncomfortable ass pencil skirt and blouse I wore to court, into a t-shirt, a pair of leggings and sneakers. After brushing my hair up into a bun I grabbed my stuff and left the house so I could handle everything I needed to.
The first stop I made was at my store just to check on things. My store was definitely doing great business, so well I was thinking about opening up another store in a new location. Even though I had a lot of designer things in my store I made sure to have affordable clothes too. I’ve been through too much in my life and struggled too hard for me to turn my back on off brand clothing. I wanted to make sure any and everybody could shop here and it was making me a lot of money.
I got the money for the deposit then went to the bank before making my way to the grocery store. That’s when I called Tristan and told him to text me everything he wanted to eat and this nigga had a laundry list of things.
He wanted steaks, chicken, pork chops, ribs, shrimp, and some more stuff. The only reason I didn’t have a problem getting everything is because I want all of that stuff too. I was about to hit 12 weeks and this little boy has me eating everything in sight.
Ebony and Nicole swear I’m going to have another girl but I already know I have a boy. With Jayce and Chase I barely had any cravings, I really didn’t even feel pregnant until way after I found out. This time I’m hungry every five minutes, even when I’m not hungry I’m eating and all of the symptoms of pregnancy are on full blast this time.
Tristan is ecstatic about this pregnancy and that makes this whole situation better for me. We were about to have four kids in the house and from the way Tristan talks we won’t be done any time soon. This nigga actually wants to have three more after this one. Talking about seven is God’s lucky number. He’s lucky I don’t mind having all the babies he wants to. I actually love being a mother. We could go up to ten if he wanted to and I wouldn’t mind.
When I got home I went straight to the kitchen and cleaned then seasoned the meat so Tristan could start putting everything on the grill. After the meat was out of the way I got started on the sides.
“Ma,” Jayce came in the kitchen looking like she went on a shopping spree in my closet. “Can I use your charger?”
“Where is yours and why the hell do you have my clothes on? Stay out of my closet and you might as well change because I know for a fact Tristan is going to bitch about those shorts.”
“He bitches about everything I want.”
“Watch your mouth; we’re close but we’re not friends. Don’t curse when you’re talking to me. Go change into your own clothes and no little ass shorts either.”
“Can I invite somebody?”
“Who? Erica?”
“She’s coming but I was talking about Lucas, and his friend Derrick. I don’t want Erica feeling like a 3rd wheel.”
“Oh boy,” I shook my head. I personally didn’t have a problem with the boy, I think he’s a good but Tristan is a different story. He’s very protective over Jayce so seeing a boy here with her will not be easy for him to swallow. Then on top of that Kaylin and Rashad are going to be over here too and they’re no better.
“Are you sure you want him to come over? I don’t have a problem with it but you know how Tristan is.”
“Yes, and it’s not going to change anytime soon so why not get it out the way today. Besides, Lucas has been fully warned about him and his friends. Can he come please?”
“Fine Jayce, he can come. Don’t get mad when Tristan is damn near jumping down that boy’s throat. I already warned you.”
“I’m good mama trust me.” She came over and kissed my cheek. “What should I wear?”
“Something appropriate for a 15 year old that’s what. Stay out of my stuff while you’re doing that. Oh and let Erica know I don’t expect her to come over here with her ass all out either. If I don’t like what she has on I’m sending her ass straight home.”
“I know that and I already told her. She’s on her way right now but thank you ma.” She ran out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face while I went to the backyard just to give this nigga some warning about them boys coming over here.
“Tristan, Jayce invited her friends over.” I went over to where he was working behind the grill.
“That’s fine with me, we got enough food. How many?”
“Three. It’s Erica and two boys.”
“Hold the fuck up,” he looked at me like I had two heads. “Boys? Who told her she could bring boys over here?”
“She asked if they could come and I told her they could.”
“Why would you do that? I’m trying to celebrate and have a good time tonight Mariah and now you about to have me out here watching some little nigga smiling all up in my daughter’s face.”
“She likes the boy, it’s not like they’re going on a date. They’re going to have their asses right up in this backyard where everybody can see them. Don’t sweat it, she’s the one who asked if they can come. She wants you to meet the boy, keep that in mind.”
“Yeah aight, that little nigga got one time to do or say some bullshit and I’m kicking his ass like I’m his daddy around this bitch.”
“Just chill out, keep your eye on her but give her some space too. She’s a smart girl alright, she knows what to do and what not to do.”
“I know that, you raised her right but I don’t know that little nigga and I’m not really feelin’ this idea but I’ll let it go.”
“Thank you, just relax yourself. She knows how to act and she knows what type of company to keep.” I kissed him on the lips then went back in the house.
Jayce was a brave one for even wanting her little friend to come over here because if I was in her position I would’ve been hiding him from Tristan’s mean ass…Then again hiding shit and sneaking around is how I got pregnant with her so young anyway.
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“Help me find something to wear.” I told my best friend Erica while we were in my room. I’ve been looking for the perfect outfit for what seems like forever but I kept coming up with nothing.
“What’s wrong with the shorts you have on? You look cute.”
“My mother told me to change, which I don’t mind doing because if I bring my ass down the steps with these shorts on and Lucas comes he’ll be right back out the door before niggas even eat.
“Yeah your parents don’t play. Well, it’s not that hot outside so you can just wear some jeans.”
“True, I’ll figure it out…You know he’s bringing Derrick right?”
“Yeah I know, that nigga text me telling me he was coming. He is so fine but he is so annoying.”
“I know what you mean. I just hope Lucas doesn’t clam up in front of my dad. Plus his friends are going to be here too and they’re just as bad.”
“And sexy, I’m sorry I know you hate when I say it but your pops is so damn fine. Oh my God…It should be a sin to be that damn fine.”
“That’s my daddy you’re over there lusting over. Eww.”
“Sorry,” she laughed. Erica is my girl. I met her as soon as we moved over here.
Our high school was majority white kids, it had to be about ten black kids in that school in total. The only girl that didn’t hate my ass was Erica, maybe it’s because she couldn’t really give a fuck about Lucas liking me. The rest of those broads were thirsty as hell for him so they turned into supreme haters when he started chasing me, the new girl.
“Yo you saw Naomi talking shit on twitter again? I swear to God I wanna punch that bitch in the throat so bad.”
“I don’t know what she said because she blocked me. It was about me again?”
“Yup, hating on the picture Lucas put up of y’all on the last day of school.”
“She acts like it’s my fault he doesn’t like her.” My biggest hater was this girl Naomi. Before I moved here Lucas was her boo, or so she says but he ended up dropping her ass like a bad habit after he met me. Now she pretty much hates me and talks shit every chance she gets.
“Haters are always going to be haters. It’s our jobs to embrace them and be proud of the fact that they hate. You think I give a fuck about Ashley’s boney ass liking Derrick? Nope. I don’t.”
“They can do whatever they want. As long as they don’t come at my neck stupid we’re fine.” I went through my closet until I figured out what I was going to wear. After I got dressed Erica and I went downstairs. Before I could go to the backyard Lucas was calling my phone telling me he and Derrick were outside so we headed out there to meet them.
“What’s up?” He hugged me before kissing me on the cheek causing me to blush.
Lucas was so damn fine it actually makes no sense. He was light skin, nice full lips, plus tall with a body like a basketball player. He kept his hair curly but he always made sure to get a good line up every other week. He was definitely a pretty boy but I liked it.
“Nothing, you ready to get grilled by my dad?”
“Not really but I gotta get ready I guess.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him around to the backyard where everybody already was.
Before heading over to where Tristan was standing by the grill talking to his friends I wanted to make him feel comfortable with people that wouldn’t jump down his throat.
“Ooh look at this one bringing a boy over here.” Nicole smiled at me. “Who is this Jayce?”
“My friend Lucas, and the other one is his friend Derrick. Lucas these are my mother’s friends, Nicole and that’s-“
“Ebony Martin, I follow you on instagram.” He smiled at her making her laugh.
“Thanks. How old are you and what grade are you in?”
“17, I’ll be a senior next year.”
“Alright, are you going to college?”
“Damn Ebony, why are you interviewing the boy?” My mother asked. “He’s already going to go through hell with Tristan.”
“You know what you’re right. I’m going to fall back but Jayce baby, you might want to go handle that. Your step daddy over there looking like he’s ready to kill somebody.”
I looked over at Tristan and he was glaring in our direction. If looks could kill Lucas would be six feet under already. “Alright come on.” I started to pull him over there but he put his hand up and went over by himself with Derrick right behind him.
“Ooh shit, little nigga got some balls. That’s a good sign, good job Jayce.” Nicole winked at me.
I watched Lucas and Tristan talk and Tristan looked pretty much bored and unimpressed the whole time. I for sure thought we were doomed until he held his hand out for Lucas to shake. When they shook hands Tristan smiled. “Is that nigga smiling?” I heard Ebony ask.
Confused I walked over to see what happened because Tristan went from looking like he was ready to murder this boy, to smiling. I know he’s crazy but I need an explanation. “So, what’s going on over here?”
“I like these little niggas. They got their shit together, he knows what he wants to do and he’s going for it. I respect it and I respect y’all little situation or whatever but we got some rules.”
“Yes Rules Jay. First off, you’re not allowed at his house until your mother and I meet his parents. He can come over here but if you’re up in your room the door will be open at all times. No cuffin’ in this bitch, and as long as you keep your head in the books, keep your grades up and don’t fuck up on curfew or whatever else we’re good.”
“Thank you.” I gave Tristan a hug then pulled Lucas and Derrick away. We got our food then sat down around the pool. “So what did you tell him?”
“He asked me what was going on with school and stuff.”
“That’s why he likes you.” Lucas was a straight A student, captain of the basketball team plus he’s already pretty much a scholarship to go anywhere he wants to go. The boy has a bright future in front of him as long as he does what he needs to do. “That’s all he asked you?”
“Nah he asked if we were fuckin’.” Lucas laughed like it was funny. I couldn’t do anything but shake my head, I wish I could say I was shocked but I wasn’t. Tristan has no filter and doesn’t bite his tongue for anybody.
“He got the answer he wanted if you’re still here. That man is too much.”
“Yeah but he cares about you, so just deal with it.”
“I know he threatened you.”
“Yeah, and if I don’t want my head blown off I need to do right by you.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t even worry about it, that’s how fathers operate. So what’s up? Your mom likes me, I got pops seal of approval. You have no more excuses.”
“Talking about the whole girlfriend thing?”
“You know what I feel about that.”
“What? Are you scared of Naomi or something?”
“Hell no, I just don’t like drama. As soon as she finds out about us being together for real, she’s going to be running her mouth.”
“It’s the summer time, I’m not encouraging you to fight here. I would rather you didn’t but it aint shit stopping you from beating her ass if she tries you is all I’m saying. Fuck her, she’s salty I don’t want her.”
“You were fucking with her though.”
“Yeah because she was throwing that pussy at me, but that bitch is foul. She fucked Derrick and a couple of other niggas from my team.”
“That’s some hoe shit honestly.”
“Exactly, plus she just wants me because she thinks I’m making it to the NBA. I know you’re not impressed by that shit.”
“I have no reason to be, I mean congratulations if it happens but whatever.”
“That’s why I like you. You don’t care about the extra stuff. Shit, you played me for three months straight.”
“Man,” I laughed. “You were annoying when I first got to that school. You grew on me though.”
“So what’s up? I got a girl or not?
“Yes you have a girl.” He leaned in like he was going to kiss me but I turned my face so he only got my cheek. “Don’t kiss me out here, he doesn’t like you that much.”
“My bad. I got you later though.”
The rest of the day went without a hitch. Tristan wasn’t all down my back like I thought he would be. I guess Lucas talking to him right off the bat really impressed him.
After everybody left I helped my mother and Tristan clean up and put everything away. Before I could go to my room so I could block everybody out for the rest of the night I went to the kitchen so I could bring snacks upstairs with me.
When I got in the kitchen Tristan was sitting at the table eating a big ass plate of ribs like he wasn’t eating meat all day.
“Keep eating like that you’re going to get fat.” I told him.
“Nah I work it off.” He chuckled. “I’m glad you came down here, I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“Your little boyfriend.”
“I thought you liked him.”
“I do but I love you so I need to make sure your head is in the right space. I’m going to assume and pray that you’re still a virgin.”
“Yes I’m a virgin,” I laughed at him. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“This is your first time with a boyfriend, and I want to make sure you know certain things.”
“Tristan my mama already had the sex talk with me. I think we’re good.”
“Your mother is not a man so she can’t tell you everything. Jayce niggas will tell you any and everything you wanna hear if it means getting what they want aight. You’re a beautiful girl so you’re going to have boys chasing behind you like crazy and I don’t want you out here getting played left and right.”
“Alright so what’s your advice for me?”
“My advice to you is to always put your self-respect first. If you don’t want to do something, say no. Don’t let these knuckle head boys talk you into doing some shit you know is not right. I’ll put it like this…Don’t be out here busting it open for every little nigga smiling in your direction. Don’t fall for that I love you and if you really loved me bullshit.”
“Anything else?” I laughed again.
“You’re laughing but I’m dead serious.”
“I know you’re serious and I appreciate you telling me this because I know you care. I know all of this already. I didn’t see my mother every single day for a couple of years but we talked every day. We still talk about everything, all the time. There isn’t really much she doesn’t know about me and the same goes for you. I see how you are with my mom, and even though I do think you have a slight temper problem.” I chuckled before continuing, “You’re a good man and you make her super happy. She’s walking around here with a smile on her face just about every day. Y’all are like real like relationship goals.”
“Relationship goals? What type of shit is that?”
“Something some of us young people say,” I teased him. “You wouldn’t know anything about that of course but I’m just saying.”
“Well I just want what’s best for you. You already know that though.”
“Yeah I know.” I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, grabbed some oreo’s from the pantry then started to make my way out the kitchen.
“Good night Jayce, damn you and your mother rude as shit.”
“My bad,” I laughed. “Good night Tristan.”
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The First Timer’s Guide To Drinking In Austin added to Google Docs
The First Timer’s Guide To Drinking In Austin
If you’re coming to Austin for the first time, you need to know a few things: where to find the best tacos, barbecue, and this thing called queso people keep telling you about. Possibly even more important to know? The best drinking spots.
Whether you’re here for a bachelor/bachelorette party, a college reunion, or finally visiting that friend who moved from LA/NYC/SF and won’t stop saying “y’all,” you know you want to hit some excellent bars, but getting a grasp on where people actually drink in this city can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in - with our list of all the bars perfect for anyone who’s new to Austin. One disclaimer: you will not see “Dirty Sixth” bars on this list. Unless you truly love the smell of sewage, mechanical bulls, and $5 bubble gum-flavored shots, this is your Austin drinking starter pack.
Editor's note 5/21/20: We have a constantly-updated list of bars that are reopening in Austin tomorrow, on Friday, May 22nd.
the spots  Lucille $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 77 Rainey St
Rainey Street is getting dangerously close to resembling Dirty Sixth when it comes to being overcrowded with drunk people wearing Hawaiian shirts. But Rainey is still an important drinking destination, especially if you’re going to Lucille. Inside the little bungalow, you can grab a cocktail in the AC and play checkers. Outside, there are hammocks, lawn games, and another bar for getting the round of shots a group of people in aggressively-floral shirts just talked you into.
Scholz Garten $ $ $ $ German  in  Campus $$$$ 1607 San Jacinto Blvd Not
There are always new bars popping up and there are plenty we’ve added to our regular rotation. But one spot that’s been around longer than anyone on the planet is Scholz Garten - it’s one of the oldest bars and landmarks in the city dating back to the late 1800s. It’s a German beer bar that’s great for tailgates, day drinking, and maybe even dusting off the old lederhosen you bought at Wurstfest because they made your calves look good. This is the kind of place you order pitchers of whatever’s on draft - there are German, local, and other American options - to share with a group of friends, though you can also get a cocktail if that’s what you’re looking for.
 Hunter Townsend Nickel City $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Hot Dogs  in  East Austin $$$$ 1133 E 11th St Not
Sometimes being able to find a place to sit at a bar is just as important as how strong the drinks are. It doesn’t seem like too much to want a little personal space and lumbar support on your night out, so you can avoid constantly having to box out everyone around you while fighting to order a drink. Nickel City has seating at both the bar and all along the back wall, along with beers, cocktails, and frozen drinks. While it’s typically pretty full with regulars as well as new people who stumbled in, it doesn’t get overcrowded. Plus, there’s a pinball machine and food truck serving Detroit-style coney dogs.
Ego's Lounge $ $ $ $ Bar  in  South Congress $$$$ 510 S Congress Ave
At the end of a night out, there are three important things to worry about: where to get good late-night food, who has to take Jared home, and how quickly you can find a stage to sing K-Ci and JoJo’s “All My Life.” For the latter, head to Ego’s. On a weekend, there can be a long wait to sing, but the crowd stays consistently excited and high energy even if it gets late. Plus, there are beers, well-drinks, and shots in addition to the quality entertainment to pass the time - as long as Jared doesn’t get up there for a tearful rendition of the song his ex used to break up with him.
 Dirty Bill's Dirty Bill's $ $ $ $ Bar  in  Downtown Austin $$$$ 511 Rio Grande St
Dirty Bill’s is a bar with no sunlight or windows, and that’s no bigger than the seltzer aisle at Whole Foods. While it might sound like somewhere you should take shelter rather than drink, it’s actually the ideal spot for showing up with a friend or two and trying to blend in with the regulars. For a bar of its size, though, it’s surprisingly rowdy. The bartender will take a shot with you, turn on your favorite ’90s hip hop song, and happily help you up onto the bar to dance. Maybe you should take shelter here after all.
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plus more restaurant intel you won't find anywhere else. TRVL ATL ATX BOS CHI LDN LA MIA NYC PHL SF SEA DC Subscribe Smart move. Excellent information will arrive in your inbox soon. Do you have friends and family who also eat food? Enter their emails below and we’ll make sure they’re eating well. (Don’t worry, we won’t subscribe them to our newsletter - they can do that themselves.) Help Your Friends No Thanks Well done. You’re a good person. All good. We still like you. Want to quickly find restaurants on the go? Download The Infatuation app.    The Roosevelt Room $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 307 W 5th St
This is Austin’s cocktail mecca. But despite what you might think based on the fancy drinks and private waiting area, there’s a surprisingly low-key Cheers-ish vibe once you’re inside. Roosevelt Room is a great option if you’re looking to sit and hang somewhere over drinks downtown. Their excellent menu is organized by decade, and the bartenders are walking beverage encyclopedias - so you’ll inevitably end up happy with what you’re drinking.
 The White Horse $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 500 Comal St
Maybe you just moved to Texas and desperately want to feel like you understand this place, but you’ve never been to a honky-tonk and don’t have someone to take two-stepping at The Broken Spoke (the world-famous South Lamar dancehall). The White Horse is your training wheels. It’s rare that you’ll come here and not find a fantastic cover-free bluegrass or country band playing. Dancing is optional, of course, but feel free to pound some shots, start a conversation with a stranger, and take a stab at it. Afterward, catch your breath from all the twirling with a beer on their patio. Even if you’re a local, The White Horse is always worth a visit to mix up your routine and make you remember why you live in Texas.
 Small Victory $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 108 E 7th St
Per the name, this spot isn’t big. But if you’re hanging out downtown, Small Victory is an excellent escape from the noise of Dirty Sixth. The bar is located inside a generic-looking office building and at the top of a creepy stairway, but once you’re there, you’ll find a charming, windowless bar with low ceilings, an intimate vibe, and well-made cocktails.
Hotel Vegas / Volstead Lounge $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 1500 E 6th St
These two East Side dive bars always have live music and share one enormous backyard filled with picnic tables and cheap drinks. Volstead has more of a hip-hop DJ scene, while Hotel Vegas is one of the best garage/psychedelic rock venues in town. There might be a cover of up to $5 but it’s worth it.
 Stay Gold $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 1910 E Cesar Chavez St
Sort of a music venue, sort of a beer garden, and sort of a dive bar. Oh, and they have food trucks. In other words, Stay Gold is basically Austin in a nutshell. If you’re on the East Side, this spot is a reliable place to hang out for a while, and a good way to dip your toe into the Austin live music waters.
 Spider House Patio Bar & Cafe $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  Campus $$$$ 2908 Fruth St
Einstein said that when things on Earth are so bad that bees go extinct, human beings will also die off within five years. We’ve long believed that when Spider House closes, the soul of Austin is no more. It’s hard to explain this place other by saying that it’s many things crammed into one colorful space - a coffee shop with OK food, music venue, tattoo parlor, stand-up comedy venue, and small makeshift arcade, all with a slew of pop-up vendors - but at night it’s a fantastic laid-back bar and beer garden with outstanding people-watching opportunities.
 Deep Eddy Cabaret $ $ $ $ Lake Austin Blvd $$$$ 2315 Lake Austin Blvd
Are you looking to close out your evening atop a bar stool with an ice-cold mug of Lone Star watching people shoot pool? Since 1951, Deep Eddy has been in the same spot just a skip away from downtown, and it’s never too crowded. It’s the kind of place where you feel at home right away. And when you get hungry, stumble across the road to Magnolia’s - they’ll be ready and waiting for you at all times (literally - they’re open 24/7).
 Kitty Cohen's $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 2211 Webberville Rd
Kitty Cohen’s is a very cool spot with a patio built around a (sadly unswimmable) miniature pool. If you’re under 35, have at least one tattoo sleeve (or are attracted to those who do), and/or you just moved here from Brooklyn, then this is a great place to start your evening on the East Side before plotting your next move.
Barbarella $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 615 Red River St
When you just need to dance, you go to Barbarella. To be clear: Barbarella isn’t a music venue. It’s the place you go to comfortably bump and grind in a worry-free environment. It stays open a little after most other bars close - so don’t worry too much about last call and just enjoy embarrassing yourself on the dance floor before you call it a night.
 Bryan Flannery Whisler's $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 1816 E 6th St
In addition to the big indoor/outdoor main space that’s always filled with people (but somehow never cramped), Whisler’s has a mezcal bar on the second floor. The alcohol selection up there is enough to fool a group of friends or someone you hope to impress into thinking you’re incredibly worldly at least for a little while.
The Townsend $ $ $ $ Bar Food $$$$ 718 Congress Ave Ste 100
The Townsend is a solid drinking option perfect for anyone who finds themselves on Congress. Located in the only standalone bar downtown that actually feels historic, it’s a great place to catch up with someone while you try to prove how well you’re doing after all these years. It’s a bit more expensive than most other bars in the area, but that extra money will certainly buy you a more upscale experience than anywhere else in the surrounding Dirty Sixth vicinity.
 Garage $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 503 Colorado St
A dressier place (for Austin) where you can enjoy quality cocktails while escaping downtown. You have to go inside a parking garage to get to this place and you’ll know that you’ve found it when you see people looking too fancy to be spending their entire nights surrounded by cars and cement.
Drink.Well. $ $ $ $ American ,  Bar Food  in  North Loop $$$$ 207 E 53rd St
If you’re looking to go to a place that takes its food just as seriously as its cocktails, you should head for Drink.Well. Also tremendous: their Happy Hour (Mon-Fri 4-6pm), which involves $7 cocktails and discounted appetizers. Ask about their daiquiri of the day and pair it with their burger.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/austin/guides/the-first-timers-drinking-guide-best-bars-in-austin Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created May 21, 2020 at 11:42PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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A weekend away in the Green Mountain State
Every road in the Woodstock area features rolling hills, quaint farmhouses and trees of every color. (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
Hot apple cider. Warm flannel. Fresh maple syrup. Aged cheddar. New England Americana. Blazing foliage.
This is what comes to mind when I think of Vermont in the fall. I found all of it and more in the small town of Woodstock, VT, on a recent weekend trip.
The Drive Up
Departing Long Island in a 2019 Chevy Traverse on a Friday afternoon made the five-hour drive as enjoyable as could be. Sirius XM provided the playlist that accompanied the time-honored ombré shift from green to orange alongside the Taconic State Parkway.
Roughly at the midway point to Woodstock is the historic village of Chatham, NY, which I recommend a stop at. Chatham Brewing was a great choice for dinner. The menu extends beyond the typical pub food with seasonal options and a particularly good vegetable chili, and there’s live music on the weekends.
Chevy’s built-in navigation system was incredibly helpful mapping the best route to my destination, but the Traverse easily pairs with Android and Apple smartphones if Google Maps or Waze is your preference. Charging your phone is not a problem with the wireless charging tray and seven, count ‘em, seven USB ports.
The car is also connected to OnStar, which is handy for more than just emergencies. OnStar is like a personal concierge that can give you restaurant recommendations or help you find the nearest rest stop by sending turn-by-turn directions to your car. If you find yourself desperately in need of coffee or a bathroom break, OnStar has you covered.
506 On The River Inn encapsulates everything you love about Vermont
Breakfast extravaganza at 506 (Photos courtesy of 506 on the River Inn)
Sink into the comfortable beds
The lounge is the place to be morning, noon and night
Enjoy the offerings at the bar and bistro
Woodstock is full of inns and bed & breakfasts, but 506 On The River Inn is especially charming. Nestled beside the Ottaquechee River, the 40-room boutique inn boasts gorgeous views during every season. You’ll never want to leave!
After the long drive, crawling into a comfy bed with fluffy pillows was heaven. Every part of the property is inviting—from the rocking chairs on the patio that overlook the river to sumptuous leather armchairs in the seating areas. Quaint farmhouse décor and antique artifacts welcome guests from every direction.
506 even allows pets in select ground-level rooms. Think of all the smells your dog can smell in Vermont! The Chevy Traverse is just as pet-friendly as the inn, with a spacious interior and seating for up to eight.
In the morning, 506 serves a full country breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, French toast, oatmeal, yogurt and all the trimmings. It’s out of this world.
Also out of this world is the gorgeous salvaged wood bar. You’ll definitely want to spend some time with a few cocktails or a nice craft beer at that bar. Pro tip: Hot rum and apple cider is the perfect drink on a cool autumn evening.
Finally, make time for a meal at the bistro. The fall menu includes delights like cheddar bacon soup, Bosc pear and blue cheese salad, maple chili wings and local squash & chickpea curry.
Exploring Woodstock
Exploring Woodstock’s quaint downtown in a versatile 2019 Chevy Traverse (Photos by Kimberly Dijkstra)
Mon Vert Cafe has excellent food and beverages
They source their ingredients locally
And they serve Vermont Coffee Company coffee
It’s nice to spend time walking through town
Danforth Pewter sells handmade ornaments, charms and jewlery
When in Vermont, shop for flannel
A chainsaw artist carved this sculpture at Vermont Flannel
The Village Butcher is where the locals eat
FH Gillingham & Sons has aisles that go on forever
And they have a heft candy department
Woodstock is decked out for fall
The Kedron Brook runs straight through town
Getting on the road to see the scenery
Billings Farm & Museum is picturesque
Visit during fall to see the beautiful foliage (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
Some leaves burst with vibrant color
Billings Farm is an operating dairy farm with animals all around
Take a stroll around the heifer pasture (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
Pretty colors in every direction
Sometimes you’ll come across a gorgeous view like this one (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
Moore’s Orchard was a great find while exploring the Woodstock area (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
They bottle their own maple syrup there (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
As well as sell pumpkins (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
Find Moore’s Orchard at 109 Johnson Rd, North Pomfret, VT 05053 (Photo by Kimberly Lovisi)
Taftsville Covered Bridge
Dusk at Quechee Gorge
Many attractions throughout Vermont
Just down the road from 506 is Central Road, the “Main Street” of Woodstock. The town has a strong Stars Hollow vibe, with a tree-lined courtyard called The Green, stately brick buildings, Colonial style homes, an old church and library—and I haven’t even mentioned the independent shops and eating establishments yet.
There’s a yarn shop called The Whippletree and custom jeweler called N T Ferro. Danforth Pewter offers beautiful handcrafted items and Unicorn is a magical variety store. The Yankee Book Shop is Vermont’s oldest independent bookstore. Not for nothing, but Chevy’s surround vision and backup camera made parallel parking in town a piece of cake. I wondered if strategically placed cameras could really create a virtual bird’s eye view or if the car actually came with its own personal drone.
Finding the perfect souvenir is easy if you spend some time shopping around. I recommend a stop at The Village Butcher for local Vermont products like meats, cheeses and wines. Next door is F.H. Gillingham & Sons, a deceptively large general store that puts Walmart to shame.
No visit to Woodstock is complete without a stop at The Vermont Flannel Company. The small storefront is packed with plaid shirts, hoodies, jackets, blankets, scarves, hats and the list goes on, all made from the softest brushed cotton.
Take a break from shopping at Mon Vert Café for an amazing selection of coffees, teas, breakfast, lunch and bakery items. Ingredients are organic and locally sourced and there are many gluten-free options. Try the butterbeer latte if you’re lucky enough to catch this special seasonal item on the menu.
Even when it’s cold, it’s never too cold for ice cream. That’s where Mountain Creamery comes in. The offerings are all homemade and use farm-fresh local ingredients.
A ways down the road you’ll find the Woodstock Farmers’ Market, which is quite possibly the best place to enjoy all of Vermont’s fall flavors. Its mission is to make fantastic food accessible to everyone. Between fresh organic produce, prepared meals, specialty products, deli provisions and coffee counter, I declare mission accomplished.
Woodstock is a family-friendly destination, so if you’re bringing the kids, plan for at least a half day at Billings Farm & Museum, a nonprofit institution that highlights Vermont’s rural heritage. The 200-acre property is actually an operating dairy farm as well as an educational resource to the community. Kids will love the livestock, children’s programs, workshops, films and fascinating exhibits depicting what life on a farm was like in 1800s. Before you leave it’s essential to hit up the Dairy Bar for Vermont-made ice cream and snacks. (It’s vacation. No one is keeping track of how much ice cream you eat!)
If you venture a bit further in either direction, you’ll find covered bridges in that quintessential Vermont style. Cross the 1836 Taftsville Covered Bridge to get to Sugarbush Farm and see a working maple syrup farm. Quechee Gorge, aka “Vermont’s little Grand Canyon” is not far. Just park in the gift shop lot and walk across the bridge for the best view from above, then pop down the trail to see the gorge from the ground level.
In search of cheese
Arrived at MKT Grafton with the help of Chevy’s nav system (Photos by Kimberly Dijkstra)
Many wax-covered cheeses to choose from
MKT Grafton doubles as a gift shop
On the road again
Cheese is not exactly scarce in Vermont, but Grafton Village Cheese Company makes a mean cheddar that’s worth making a special trip for. Their headquarters are in Grafton, a lovely town with several artist workshops and galleries, antique shopping, a history museum, the Vermont Museum of Mining and Minerals, farms and farmers markets and access to recreation year-round.
MKT Grafton is one place where you’ll find Grafton Village Cheese for sale and a lot more. This modern country store has locally made snacks, wares and tasty sandwiches at the café. However, for the full selection of Grafton’s handmade, raw-milk cheddars, you’ll want to visit the Brattleboro retail store.
On a chilly autumn day, it was such a pleasure to have heated seats and steering wheel in the Traverse. You don’t even know what a luxury this is until you have it and realize cold fingers are a thing of the past!
Navigating the winding roads of Vermont once the sun goes down can be challenging, but the Traverse’s lane assist feature really does work! If you start to drift out of your lane, the car gently nudges you back into it. Between lane assist and collision alert, which alerts you when other cars are getting too close, these features are more than just convenient, they are potentially life-saving.
Make Grafton Village Cheese Company your first stop in Brattleboro.
On the way back to Long Island, your route will likely take you through Brattleboro, an awesome town in southern Vermont worthy of a separate vacation.
Start with the Grafton Village Cheese Company where you can not only pick up edible souvenirs from your trip, but also watch cheese being made and learn more about the cheesemaking process. Did you know cheddar is a verb? The building is right next door to Retreat Farm, another historic farmstead you can easily spend the better part of a day exploring and another day on the woodland interpretive nature trails.
In town, there are old bookstores, bike shops for adventurers and a bunch of offbeat independent shops and restaurants.
This place is home to a tiny house festival, an international puppet festival, various food, drink and music festivals throughout the year and the “Strolling of the Heifers”—if that doesn’t pique your interest, what would?
Vermont is the ideal vacation destination from New York in the fall. I’m certain to return for beautiful scenery, engaging activities and delicious things to eat. So long for now, Vermont!
As the leaves change from green to orange, now is the perfect time of year to visit Vermont. Read our insider's guide to Woodstock, VT, and all it has to offer, including a stay at 506 On The River Inn, Billings Museum & Farm and the Woodstock Farmers' Market. Plus, take an excursion to Grafton and Brattleboro for Grafton Village Cheese Company delights. A weekend away in the Green Mountain State Hot apple cider. Warm flannel. Fresh maple syrup. Aged cheddar.
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