#lost tides
ikkosu · 2 months
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colored it!! gosh I made Roddy more ominous here 😭 @lovenotcomputed
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nikkis-best-set-poll · 10 months
👗 Round One 👗
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Arionus: Lost Tides
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Designer's Reflection: Lost Tides
Obtained: Tides and Flames hell event
Rarity: UR
Attribute: Purple/Sexy
Awakened Suit: Moon Gazer
Story - transcript from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - Drooping Raindrops
Chapter 2 - Tide and Flame
Chapter 3 - Eternal Promise
Chapter 4 - Flames at Dusk
Chapter 5 - Edge of the World
Story - summarized
Arionus is the only Elf God to be born in the sea, closest to the Abyss. Because of that, They have always had a fragment of that power surging and causing immense pain.
However, Pigeon Forest thrived with Arionus' power over water and rain. And after each pain-racked episode, the Fire Elf God Hephaes would come to make sure They were okay. While other Elf Gods refused to understand Arionus, Hephaes did everything They could to help quell the Abyssal Power and its agony.
But as the Elf Gods grew in power, so, too, did the Abyssal Power. Each ache that shot through Arionus' body became a torrential storm for the mortals. It finally got to the point that Arionus had to separate the Abyss from the Tree of Life, to protect the source of the Elves' power and to prevent any more destruction in Miraland. It would be dangerous, and it would mean They would lose immortality, doomed to die one day.
While Hephaes kept guard, Arionus entered the Source Spring, home of all the Elven Power. In a matter of minutes, the Source for water was destroyed, and the crack leading to the Abyss was sealed. All seemed well.
Until Arionus returned outside. Hephaes was gone, and the other Elf Gods confronted Arionus. None of them would listen, and they all immediately jumped to accusing Arionus of trying to attack the Tree of Life. The hurt and fury brought on by the "betrayal" triggered another painful episode for Arionus.
...Only it never stopped. Storms and tsunamis attacked the continent. Not even Hephaes' comforting fire could quell this turmoil. Arionus was alone.
-We first hear of Arionus during the Fallen Kingdom Sorrows event: Krista becomes a holy maiden, praying to Them for blessing and prosperity to come to Delmond. Her magic gift of crying tears of crystal came from Arionus - and so did the power to plunge Delmond into the sea.
-In Chapter 3, Arionus is surprised that Hephaes got a Holy Grail instead of a weapon. But in the memories from Dusty Fresco, Arionus and Hephaes talk about their Holy Instruments before they were even made, so They should have known about the Holy Grail by that point.
-Arionus says They will one day die. In Leonid's memories in Prophecy, he reveals that while all gods can die, they will eventually come back - except for the God of Styling.
-Arionus was worried that a tsunami would destroy Miraland. Nikki tells us this was how Miraland was destroyed in all her other timelines: a tsunami from the Ocean of Memories.
Fun Facts
-The game and event treat Arionus as gender-neutral, but the voice actor is feminine.
-While the storms came from Arionus' power, they were also caused, however indirectly, by the scorn and ostracism from the other Elf Gods. Their bigotry led them to shun Arionus and stay ignorant about the truth of the Tree of Life and the Abyss.
-So far, every time we see the power of the Abyss, it tries to consume and obliterate Miraland: the Angel/Demon hell event where the Goddess of Desire attacks Ninir, and now the Tides/Flames hell event where the Abyss surged inside Arionus and tried to force Them to destroy the land.
-The New Moon is tied to the Abyssal Power, most likely because that is when the moon is in darkness. Interestingly, the new moon rises during the daytime, not at night. And unlike in Miraland, you can't see the outline of the new moon.
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dragondreamers · 6 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Having the Pool Dream again, handsome?
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rene-darling · 9 months
Whenever I read bl manhwas I never fall for or like the top. I always like the bottoms more😭 does anyone else relate??
Like jooha from pearl boy is SO MHM. He's so pretty please give me a man like that I LOVE pretty men.
My red flag is that I read killing stalking and had a crush... On YOONBUM
KIM DAN FROM JINX IS SO KHHDSASGJK- come here bbg let me spoil you and give you the aftercare you deserve
I never read Painter of the Night only the first few chapters a few years ago... BUT NAKYUM KJJGDSSHJ omg, omg, omg I need him. He's so cute I need a man like him HES SO PRETTY
I read a married man and like LEE GEOM!!...UHG I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM kkjhfdashjkk I wanna have soft sex with him and treat him right. Like, take him on dates and shi...
I'm a straight woman btw.
THE BOTTOM FROM NIGHT BY THE SHORE!!!! Ughhhgg I need him. It's not a want I need him, like let me be your sugar mommy and ill pay all your depts off.
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marypsue · 8 months
In that vein (hah), I just have to take a moment to gush about the costuming in The Lost Boys because. Have you seen the costuming in The Lost Boys. Like each costume standing on its own without anyone in it still gives you a sense of a whole character, which is important because some of these characters don't get, uh, lines. We have to be able to distinguish them immediately by visuals, and the thing is, we can, because they're not just dressed to look attractive, they're dressed with the purpose of establishing character.
Like, consider Michael. They kept it very simple for him, on purpose, he's a regular everyman kind of guy thrown into a Situation. But also, he's trying too hard. The white t-shirt, jeans, and leather jacket call back to James Dean, Rebel Without A Cause, but the leather jacket's brand new without a scuff or a crack, not broken in, and it sits uncomfortably on his shoulders. The earring doesn't suit him - it belongs to somebody else, a funhouse mirror version of himself that he's tempted by, but also it literally belongs to somebody else. Who gave him that earring? Star's implied to have done the piercing, for him, which also tracks - the earring's a little piece of someone else, someone darker and wilder, that's been dug right down into his flesh by his association with Star. It's tasted his blood.
It's also a little piece of the boys' uniting aesthetic bleeding over onto him. There's a magpie sensibility to all of them, but then each of them are visually distinct as themselves within it.
Star's clothes have 80s cuts but form a 60s hippie silhouette, solidified in time. She's the most colourful of them all, her white tops signifying a flash of innocence, but at the same time as she climbs on David's bike, she pulls on a big black jacket that almost envelops her, a little piece of his shadow falling over her and devouring her light. Again, it doesn't quite fit her, like she's playing dressup as a darker, wilder self just like Michael is.
And speaking of David. That boy is chin to toe wrapped up in black. The coat references batwings, which is a great detail. And those gloves! He doesn't touch Star; he doesn't touch Michael; he doesn't touch the world, except through a layer of darkness. It's real Old West, white-hat-black-hat level symbolism. Except.
The real villain of the piece isn't the dangerous, sharp-edged boy in black - although of course you need to look out for him, they don't call him 'dangerous' for no reason. The real villain of the piece is the most perfectly conventional, middle-class, unassuming, don't-look-twice take-him-home-to-mother normal guy imaginable. Grey and beige. Business casual.
It's the perfect camouflage for a predator.
(And then also like. I can't wax as poetic about it right now because my brain cells are otherwise occupied. But please consider how much character is there in, like, the Frogs' army-surplus duds and Sam's terrible, incredible shirts.)
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relaxxattack · 1 month
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yet another “quadrant understanding” post ten years too late to actually affect how anyone understands quadrants 💔
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tully-blue · 2 years
My daughter may do whatever the fuck she wants, actually.
-Viserys I Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, leaping up from the brink of death to defend Rhaenyra and her babies, or something, I fuckin guess
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seawing-vibes · 9 months
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Some images of my Tsu plush from Creep Cat Toy Co. !!! I love her lots one of my fav plushes <3 !! Her glow spots are glow-in-the-dark fabric ,, its super neat !
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 months
I lost Too Much in round 3 of @hotvintagepoll (Olivia de Havilland! BETTE DAVIS!) and will in consequence plan to vote early and be maximally obnoxious in support of my preferred Hot Vintage Ladies from now on.
To all my followers: I am sorry; you are welcome; you have been warned. To my fellow disappointed voters: do you want to cry and rewatch The Letter about it?
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remyfire · 3 months
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The fervency Trapper jumps up with!! The concern and alarm in his voice! YES these men only appear on screen together in meaningful ways maybe five times over the course of three seasons, YES I think they're in love, in this essay I will—
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Arionus: Moon Gazer
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Awakened Suit: Moon Gazer
You can find the original suit here.
The Heart Bloom pose, Roiling Tides!
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puppyeared · 5 months
3 new cardinal sins: playing tiktoks in public without headphones, not coughing into your elbow, using chatGPT and midjourney
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spacessie · 1 year
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average t4t couple at the beach tbh
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pumpkin-magpie · 4 months
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New little hobby: Cleaning up trash in the park with gear on. It’s a good way to go outside and interact with the environment, plus it’s a way to keep it clean. I started yesterday when I remembered this cool place to hang out in that was filled with garbage (at least two piss bottles found :[ ) and decided to clean it up. No one came to talk to me (I was off the trail, anyways) but hopefully if someone does, I can teach them about the community! Might also get the added bonus of alterhumans being associated with stuff like cleaning in the area.
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