#lost in halloweentown
lunastar92 · 2 years
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wimsigotik · 2 years
90s movies to watch on Halloween
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Left to right:
The Craft (1996)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Dracula (1992)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Casper (1995)
Halloweentown (1998)
The Addams Family (1991)
Practical Magic (1998)
La Cité des Enfants Perdus (1995)
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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yen-sids-tournament · 8 months
Our Halloween Villain Mini Tournament!
We are excited to get underway with our Halloween tournament!
There is just one more thing we need: we have six entries that qualify but only three spaces left in the 16!
Below is the preliminary bracket of all 6 and the top 3 will advance to the official bracket!
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I lost my job last week and until I can find a new one, I thought why not try to make some income from my shop.
I rarely do sales. If you know anyone interested in purchasing one of my Jack Skellington bow ties please share this link. 20% off my whole shop.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
Your top 5 movies <3
im like sitting here desperately trying to remember if ive seen a movie in my life
barbie princess charm school (its the best barbie movie. i will not be taking any sort of critique for this. it IS the best barbie movie)
meet the robinsons (did things to me)
the transformers: the movie (1986 movie. we used to watch it on repeat a lot & and my dad would play the ost constantly. stan bush should owe me money. anyway unfortunately it is dear to my heart)
encanto (it was a fun movie. got kind of awkward because one of the characters has my dead name but its a sweet story with catchy music)
jumanji (the 1995 one. it was one of my favorite movies ever)
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Kingdom Hearts Lore is So Funny a.k.a. Uh-Oh Sisters I Looked At the Kingdom Hearts Tag For A Milisecond and Caught the Brain Rot Again
Imagine many hundreds of thousands of years ago you wake up bright and early in your undersea kingdom. It is another sunshiny day for you, King Triton, ruler of the vast oceans of the Land of Fairytales. You gain word as you sit down for breakfast that there’s a civil war breaking out somewhere on the overlands. 
Ah, yes, those silly mortals on that one island with the giant key-things and the tower. Whatever they’re quarreling over, you’re sure it has nothing to do with your territories. You resume your kingly duties. It’s a fine, effective day- Kelp productivity rates are up. Seashell imports are happening as scheduled...
A shadow sets in over the castle, and you frown and look up. Odd?... The sun doesn’t set for another three hours, and there’s no eclipse scheduled. It becomes obvious that this is not some regular lunar eclipse when a GIANT HEART-SHAPED MOON appears way above the waves in a blood-red sky. This is about when the shaking starts.
By the end of this crisis, your vast kingdom of oceans will have been cut down to the size of a Super Mario Galaxy planet, and about 1/20th of the country of Denmark. Beyond that is the vast empty darkness of space. What in the absolute fucking Poseidon just happened?
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femslashspuffy · 2 years
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Decided to watch a movie...
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catboygirljoker · 3 days
[video transcript: a scene from the 358/2 Days movie. Roxas: Hey, what happens when Heartless are destroyed? Xigbar: The hearts remain. And then those hearts gather together to form the great Kingdom Hearts. Roxas: Then, can you tell me what remains if a Nobody is destroyed? Xigbar: What's there to leave behind? We're not even supposed to "be" in the first place. Roxas: And the members at Castle Oblivion, where'd they go? Xigbar: Nothing's left of them. Roxas: In which case, I'll never see them again? Xigbar: That's right. You coming? Roxas: Huh? Oh, yeah. end transcript.]
this scene is so funny to me because if you watch it by itself you assume xigbar is being a total asshole for no reason. just random unmotivated callousness and cruelty. but the DS version of this scene comes at the end of a whole mission, and with that context, you can see that xigbar actually has a reason for...being an asshole.
(transcripts below are fetched from this text of ancient times, a GameFAQ so old that it mistakenly describes xigbar as seeing roxas when he sees xion with ventus's face.)
Xigbar: What's wrong? Dazzled by the new scenery? Roxas: Do you think it's true—about the members stationed at Castle Oblivion? Xigbar: Ha ha, is that seriously what's eating you? Roxas: We might have lost a comrade. Maybe multiple comrades. That doesn't bother you at all? Xigbar: As if. Look, the faster we get this mission done, the sooner you can RTC and get your answers.
Xigbar: Still with me there? I've seen you spaced out before, but this is ridiculous. Roxas: What? I'm fine. I'm fine... Xigbar: Let me guess. Castle Oblivion? Like I said: the longer we take here, the longer you're gonna have to stay in the dark.
Roxas: Good, then we can go home? Xigbar: Why, Roxas? Did you leave the toaster plugged in? Roxas: You know why. Xigbar: Heh heh. C'mon, let's RTC.
then the scene from the above clip plays. like, xigbar is absolutely being a jerk, privately making fun of roxas for thinking his best friend is dead (when it seems pretty clear to me from the above transcripts that xigbar at the very least knows axel is fine, and i think probably knows that a nobody getting defeated just turns them back into a human).
but he tries, repeatedly! to get roxas to not jump to conclusions. this is an issue he tries to help him out with on another occasion as well, in a later mission in halloweentown, and takes a similar "tough love" kind of approach where he doesn't correct roxas (though worth mentioning that he also goes out of his way to save roxas's hide in that situation).
in the end he tells roxas that axel's totally dead, gone forever, nothing left. still pretty callous and mean. but with the context of the mission, it's less "xigbar can obviously tell roxas is upset and doesnt give a shit" and more "xigbar has put up with roxas's moping for this whole mission and TRIED to hint that maybe he's jumping the gun, but at this point the kid can think whatever he wants, no skin off xigbar's back"
Bonus Xigbar Fact: tte hanashi spotted! if you watch xigbar's mouth at the end of the line "And then those hearts gather together to form the great Kingdom Hearts," you may be able to see him saying the phrase "tte hanashi"!
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au-sonic-smackdown · 4 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 1, Right Side
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Halloweentown AU belongs to @colorfulplasma
Words Hurt AU belongs to @oddogoblino
Read more about them under the cut!
Halloweentown AU-
Long ago, Sonic used to be the heroic speedster everyone praised, constantly feuding with his rival, Eggman. But on one fateful day, Robotnik triumphed that day. They both couldn't believe it. Sonic's defeat led him to be prisoner beneath the ocean surface. Next day, he woke up in the chaotic dysfunctional afterlife known as Halloweentown. Sure he might be intimidated for a big behemoth like him but he's a very welcoming goof around town.
Words Hurt AU-
In this au, Earth is decaying, the planet slowly losing its ability to sustain life due to mankind's lack of care to it. To try and survive, they attempted to move people to planet mobius as it held similar conditions as earth. The mobians at first welcomed them happily, happy to help those in need. Eventually, the humans began trying to repeat their old mistakes and began digging into mobius and setting up machines to harvest from it to try and save Earth. The planet didn't handle this as well as earth once did, machines quickly backfiring and any mobians nearby during the incidents quickly falling ill. That's how the infections started.
Sonic's parents were one of the few first mobians infected, having lost them due to them going into the second form of the illness that's caused from starvation. They'd been "quarantined" and left without food or an energy source for too long. He was only a toddler when this happened. He's now part of Vanilla's secret organization that helps infected mobians survive outside of the homes they'd been kicked out of due to fear. Sonic himself works as a secret delivery boy and tends to travel to make sure infected mobians have access to food and water and even just simple pleasantries like games and toys. He met Tails as a 4 yr old who'd been born from infected parents, taking care of him when they weren't. Currently Sonic is 17 and Tails is 8.
Sonic is mostly his same ole usual self except he's a lot less social. He doesn't talk to anyone except for Tails, Vanilla, and sometimes Cream. He was naturally born with his super speed but keeps it hidden due to not wanting to be mistaken as an infected. He still has to fight Eggman as the mad doctor tries to manipulate both uninfected and infected mobians' fears and resentment toward each other. He has a civilian disguise named Nicky so no one recognizes him as the superspeedy hero. He's a bit more easily agitated but only because he doesn't get enough sleep with his work.
Sonic's right eye is always tearing up, not because he's emotional but because of repeated exposure to infectious spores. The spores can only infect others if inhaled or through exposed open wounds. Hes naturally immune to the illness, but he doesn't know that, and wouldn't ever take chances on it. Whenever he gets injured, he disinfects the wound immediately and patches it up like others would in hopes to avoid spore-infection.
Infected mobians tend to live in abandoned spaces that their cities and towns assigned for them to live. Infected mobians feed off energy, whether that be electricity, emotions, powerful items, etc, but can also eat normal foods just fine. They need normal food to keep sane and prevent them from going into the second form that attacks anything with energy in it. Only the second form can infect others directly, making it the most dangerous and is an automatic kill-on-sight if seen. No one knows yet if you can change infected back to normal after they've transformed. Vanilla takes care of transformed infected when Sonic reports the incidents.
Mobians aren't the only things infected, plant and wildlife have been mutated by the illness aswell. The symptoms of the infection is body mutations, a blue tongue, and increased hunger and thirst. Mobians born from infected parents can't go into the second form but they become feral without food. Bites from hostile born-infected mobians are less likely to spread the infection but it isn't impossible.
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fosterwhat · 9 months
7:45pm - it’s dark out, not quite pitch black, but probably would be if I didn’t live in a neighborhood with street lamps. Even with them, it’s dark. Our neighbor decided now would be the time to mow their lawn. Wearing a headlamp and pushing a gas guzzling mower that is spouting plumes of exhaust and will likely wake up the kids. I know they probably have to work, I respect that, I suppose this may be their only chance? But it’s frustrating, particularly because of the noise and air pollution. It’s making taking the dog outside irritating.
Other than that it’s a nice night, crisp and clear and the beginning of fall. Fall is my favorite season; I love apple picking, I love hayrides, I love sweatshirts, I love apple cider and warm blankets on cold nights. I love being cozy and cuddling in front of a fire with my kids to watch Halloweentown. Fall also has my favorite holiday: Halloween.
I hated Halloween as a college student. Drunken parties with forced ridiculous costumes. Not my scene at all. I love our Halloween now. Making it magical for my kids, trick or treating in the nearby (rich, let’s be honest) community where people on an entire street decorate their houses with huge displays complete with dry ice and animatronic spiders and even the people handing out candy are witches and vampires and maybe try to trick you just a little. The street we go to every year is closed to traffic (only on Halloween) and so the kids and adults roam in hoards of glowing costumes. Last year it rained and people still came out in droves, tossing ponchos over their costumes and carrying umbrellas decorated in bats. It’s ridiculous. It’s the best.
We also hit up the business district where we live. The shopkeepers (antiquated British word but I can’t think of another) that we see during the week come to the doors of their shops and hand out candy, complimenting the kids’ costumes. We see our barber, the coffee folks, the dentist (who hands out toothbrushes, of course). They normally dress up too, and a couple are really committed to decorating their stores. We walk through the business district for over a mile until we reach the local Y, where there’s a big free party, complete with bouncy houses and pizza. It’s chaotic. Bright lights compared to outdoors, pounding Halloween music, kids running wild, covered in paint and glue from the crafts, stuffing hastily decorated cobweb cupcakes in their mouths.
I don’t know how or why I got so lucky as to have kids who can do all that. Who somehow, despite the trauma and pain of the past, can regulate in the fun chaos of Halloween and just be kids. It’s a joy to watch, it’s the only night I let the kids stay up past bedtime. The only night they somehow manage to not meltdown and to have fun. Sure, sometimes feet get stomped or someone screeches because an animatronic spider touched their shoulder, but they love it.
I don’t think I’m doing it justice, the fact that for one night a year my kids get to be kids. I don’t know how I did it, but every year I counted and planned to ensure that post-visit behaviors wouldn’t impact Halloween. The years we lost to COVID and residential treatment still pain me. But regardless, every single year since my kids came home we have been together on Halloween, and it’s one of the few things that is ours as a family.
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starlite-sin · 9 months
Highlights from the Louisville show last night:
The one person getting flash-banged during a VV song
VV damn near killing all of us with those flashes like good LORD
Dark Divine's soul leaving when they realized NO ONE knew who they were (Halloweentown fucks btw)
"You better move during this". No one moved.
Seriously I felt SOO bad for Dark Divine
"Okay bye!"-The one random guy behind me when BVB just...left before Lost It all played
"Sorry I'm just looking at all the whiskey over there"-Andy
CC's Cajun accent
Lonnie looking homeless
Multiple requests for Freebird
"We don't know Freebird"
"An enthusiastic no from the upper levels."
The people from Florida and Pennsylvania. Like how and why
Just add anything if you can
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October Masterlist
(Horror and Halloween related content in no particular order.)
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Dating Max and Thackery
Luke dating a witch
Caspar McFadden
The Addams Family
Gomez Addams
Pugsley crushing on Wednesdays “relatively normal” friend
Adam Maitland
Lydia Deetz
Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands
Falling in love with Edward
Dead Poets Society
Spending Halloween with Knox
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler (Not completed yet)
Andy Cavenaugh
Forbidden Zone~
The Devil
Paul Sheldon
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
The Fly
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Herbert West
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!s/o
Daniel Robitaille
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
Carrie White
Being married to Hooper and going to Amity with him
The Thing
R.J. MacReady
The Shining
Jack Torrance
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Spike having a crush on you
Having a bad fight with Spike
Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
The Stand
Harold Lauder
Freddy Renfield
Steve Boswell
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Poly Modern!Lost boys
Getting Drunk with the Lost Boys
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys having a curvy mate
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
- NSFW  
Group Sex with the Lost Boys
Skinny dipping with the Lost Boys
David (Not completed yet)
David having a crush on you
David taking your virginity
Laddies older sister
Sins of the Flesh and Matters of the Heart
Dwayne having a crush on you
A Little Stevie Nicks
Sins of the Flesh and Matters of the Heart
Paul having a crush on you
Marko (Not completed yet)
Marko having a crush on you
Edgar Frog
Making out with Edgar
Michael Emerson (Not completed yet)
Sam Emerson (Not completed yet)
Near Dark
Interview with the Vampire
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Lestat de Lioncourt (Not completed yet)
Lestat with a Trad Goth Witch s/o
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Armand (Not completed yet)
Armand with a s/o who’s never been in a relationship
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Martin Mathias
Night Of The Creeps
Chris (Not completed yet)
Produce Joe
Poly Billy and Stu
Helping Billy and Stu on their murder spree
Billy Loomis
Bringing Billy to a big family Christmas party
Stu Macher
Stu dating a goth girl
Randy Meeks (Not completed yet)
Randy Meeks with an sfx artist s/o
Idle Hands
Anton Tobias
The Faculty
Zeke Tyler
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Sarah Bailey (Not completed yet)
Being a witch and getting close to Sarah
The Crow
Eric Draven
The Hitcher
Jim Halsey
My Best friend is a Vampire
Jeremy Capello
Trick or Treat
Sammi Curr (not completed yet)
The Company of wolves
The Huntsman (not completed yet)
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werewolfsister · 8 months
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Just in case you’re looking for something to do this spooky season, look no further! Please submit suggestions and additions if you have them 🎃
Begin reading A Night in the Lonesome October, by Roger Zelazney
Choose an Inktober Challenge
OCTOBER 1st-31st
Put together a scary playlist, or check out a pre-made one! ( https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKkteYcz3WqtSTWxrid5ioJMJGLZGsZnj&feature=shared )
Go to a haunted house
Have a festive fall drink—pumpkin spice latte, Halloween-inspired cocktail, apple cider?
Watch a scary movie—like Get Out, Psycho, or Hereditary
Watch a Halloween special— like It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
Go to a Halloween/scary movie trivia night
Order a Halloween or fall themed mystery/subscription box
Bake Halloween cookies
Go on a ghost tour
Attend a dumb dinner
Buy your Halloween décor
Decorate the house
Compete in a costume contest
Buy Halloween candy
Pick your pumpkins
Carve your pumpkins
Burn a campfire
Tell scary stories
Read some scary stories—like H.P. Lovecraft, Steven King, or Anne Rice
Get lost in a corn maze
Visit a graveyard
Go apple picking
Visit a fall festival
Send old-timey Halloween postcards
Go on a hayride
Do a pumpkin-head photoshoot
Visit a Halloween attraction or theme park—like Halloweentown, OR; or Disneyland, CA
Take a walk to crunch fall leaves
Drive through town and play Halloween decoration bingo
Attend Oktoberfest
Listen to a horror podcast— like The Magnus Archives or Sherlock Holmes Radio Mysteries
Watch a spooky play—like the Rocky Horror Picture Show or Little Shop of Horrors
Watch some haunting cartoons—like Spooky Month or Villainous (Villanos)
Giant pumpkin regatta/race
Go to some Museum/Zoo Halloween events
Stay overnight in a haunted hotel—like the Skirvin Hotel, OK; or the Overlook Hotel, OR
Get the latest Pokemon Trick or Trade Halloween card packs
Visit a Hot Topic or other ghoulish store
Go ghost hunting
Vote in Katmai National Park’s Fat Bear Week! ( https://explore.org/fat-bear-week )
Go on a costumed bar crawl
Play a scary videogame—like Cry of Fear or Resident Evil
Play a scary boardgame—like the JAWS boardgame, Shaky Manor, or Betrayal at House on the Hill
Take a (respectful!) tombstone rubbing
Draw for Inktober
Do an old-timey lover’s Halloween premonition
Visit a creepy museum exhibit—like the Museum of Death, CA; or the Jack the Ripper Museum, London
Get a tarot reading or some palmistry
Attend a séance
Try out a Zombie Run or Zombies vs Humans
Enjoy Samhain traditions
Visit a spooky person’s grave—like Lovecraft’s in Providence, RI; or the Paris Catacombs, Paris
Go on a nighttime nature walk and spot some creepy critters—maybe an owl!
Do some history of Halloween research
Make fall themed crafts
Go on a labyrinth walk
Dress up your pets for a photoshoot or a pet parade
Play a trick on someone
Trick or treat!
Hand out candy!
Halloween decorations clean up!
Eat your candy!
Celebrate Dias de los Muertos
Do some calavera painting
Put up an Ofrenda/altar
Enjoy a little ancestor remembrance
Walk in a Dias de los Muertos parade
Put up marigolds and other décor
Go to a church service
If you’re crazy, start putting up the Christmas decorations <.< (we all know you gotta wait until at least Thanksgiving!!!)
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yen-sids-tournament · 8 months
Just Curious....
Now that we are half way done; these are the next 12 on our villain list and we're just curious who gets all the hate out of them:
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The List
This is just a list of all the contestants, now I must go make the round one matchups (I have no idea how long that will take, bear with me please)
There’s 186 contestants so putting it under a read more
Papyrus - Undertale
Sans - Undertale
Jack Skellington - Nightmare Before Christmas
Brook - One Piece
Skelly -Hades
Skeletor - He-Man
Skeleton - Minecraft
Lewis Pepper - Mystery Skulls
Grim - The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Héctor Rivera - Coco
Itward - Fran Bow
Ghost Rider - Marvel Comics
Skulduggery Pleasant - Skulduggery Pleasant
Death - Discworld
Lord Hater - Wander Over Yonder
Smitty Werbenjagermanjenson - Spongebob Squarepants
Skelita Calaveras - Monster High
Señor Hueso - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Mr. Skully Pettibone - Scary Godmother
Gaster - Undertale
Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
Real Magic Skeleton - OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Dry Bones - Mario
Spooky Scary Skeletons - Silly Symphonies: The Skeleton Dance
Dr Bones Cookie - Cookie Run Ovenbreak
Manny Calavera - Grim Fandango
Kravitz - The Adventure Zone
Bonejangles - Corpse Bride
Benrey - Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Harrowhark Nonagesimus - Harrow the Ninth
Sans - Deltarune
Dry Bowser - Mario
Mamá Imelda Rivera - Coco
Houndstone - Pokemon
Rexy - Night at the Museum
Ainz Ooal Gown - Overlord
King Clawthorne - The Owl House
Clackula - My Singing Monsters
The Lich - Adventure Time
Skeletons - Skyrim
Benny - Halloweentown
The Skull - The Last Unicorn
Skellinore - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Dinosaur Skeleton - Dog Man
Zans - Going Under
Skul - Skul: The Hero Slayer
Ernesto de la Cruz - Coco
Royal Dominguez - Inscryption
The Skeleton Appears - The Skeleton Appears
Bonehilda - The Sims
Scraps - Corpse Bride
The Titan - The Owl House
Hector Barbossa - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Skeleton Horse - Minecraft
Samukai - Lego Ninjago
Oshare Bones - Puyo Puyo
Master Warden Palamedes Sextus - Harrow the Ninth
Skull Man - Mega Man
Cubone - Pokemon
Trazyn the Infinite - Warhammer 40,000
Death - Soul Eater
Lady Bone Demon - Lego Monkie Kid
Bone Fairies - Meme
Twelve Foot Skeleton - Twelve Foot Skeleton
Mr Death - Adventure Time
Bone Dragon - Dragonvale
Skeleton Horse Jockey - Minecraft
Skull - The Daily Object Show
Skeletons - Spy Kids 2
Skeletons that tried to kill Mr Krabs - Spongebob Squarepants
Skull on the Mantelpiece - Sherlock
Lerexus Novation - Elder Scrolls Online
Bone Monk - DUSK
The Augur of the Obscure - Elder Scrolls Online
No Name - Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon
Mortis - The Clowns SMP
Skull with Party Hat - It's Time For Comics
Yorick - Hamlet
Skeleton - The G Keyboard
Environmentally Storytelling Toilet Skeleton - Various Post-apocalyptic Games
Skeleton - Oblivion
Atavist - Slap City
Gravelord Nito - Dark Souls
Xykon - The Order of the Stick
Death - Puppet History
Bones Malone - Tumblr
Stallord - The Legend of Zelda: Twilgiht Princess
Santa Claus - Puppet History
Poco - Brawl Stars
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra - The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
Just Walk Out! - The Meme
Nakarkos - Monster Hunter
Skeleton - Morrowind
Caged Skeletons - Stardew Valley
Arc - Skeleton Knight in Another World
Banjaw - My Singing Monsters
Pip's Skull - South Park: The Stick of Truth
Gregor - The Adventures of Puss in Boots
Heisenbones - Breaking Bad
Death - Gregory Horror Show
Greg the Grim Reaper - Conker's Bad Fur Day
Skeleton - Crypt of the Necrodancer
Skeleton - Danny Phantom
Pariah Dark's entire skeleton army - Danny Phantom
La Muerte - The Book of Life
La Calavera Catrina - Mexican culture
Mr. Holbrooke - Little Witch Academia
Bart without his flesh - The Simpson's
Honda - Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san
The Boneraiser - Boneraiser Minions
David S. Pumpkins' Backup Dancers - Saturday Night Live
Bonesy - Gorillaz
Skeleton - "What's a skeleton's favorite snack?"
Décor and his husband - Tumblr user liquidstar's brother's room
Toumaï - Paleontology
Princess Rita - Once Upon a Tower
The Grim Reaper - The Sims
Elias Ainsworth - The Ancient Magus' Bride
Fabro the Necromancer - Slim Gretina's Grumpy Shark - Absurd Extravaganza
Death - Horrible Histories
Mind-Boggling Effects - Playstation
Mortaccio - Vampire Survivors
Halloween Novelty Pencil  - Halloween 2016
The Skeleton Head - Lockwood & Co.
Captain Bones - Crashbox
Skullastic Superintendents - Monster High
Wither - Minecraft
Stray - Minecraft
Skelly - Monster High
Bonesy - Monster High
Grim - DanTDM
Bone - Aib
High Lord Wolnir - Dark Souls 3
Christmas tree skull - Real Life
Skeleton - Gravity Falls
Me the poll maker - The Near Future
Mr Bones- Mr Bones
Lego Skeleton - Lego
Kruncha and Nuckal - Lego Ninjago
Spider Jockey - Minecraft
The Lernaen Hydra - Hades
Skeleton Champion - Oblivion
The Skulkin - Lego Ninjago
The Nightmare King - Dimension 20: Fantasy High (Sophomore Year)
Queen Elizabeth 2 - England
Stalnox - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Stalkoblins - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Skeletons - My Closet
Lord Death Man - DC Comics
Cadaver Cain - Skulduggery Pleasant
Your Own - Your Body
Righty - The Lone Necromancer
Count von Dy - The Mystery of Greveholm
Skull and Bones - Skull Chapel in Czermna
Sedlec Ossuary skeletons - Real Life
Gary the Necromancer - DnD campaign
Manolo Sanchez - The Book of Life
Death - Cultural
Boneknapper - How to Train Your Dragon
Hooty - The Owl House
Monk Gyatso - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Skullgreymon - Digimon
Inaccurate Animal Skeleton Decoration - Home Depot
Skeleton - Bones Album Cover
Skeleton-T - Puyo Puyo
Skeletron - Terraria
Mr. Saturday - Skeleton Boomerang
Da Vinci - Ghost Stories
Milo Belladonna - Monster Camp
Bones the Skeleton - Skyrim Mod user jarrodrey99
Reaper (Gabriel Reyes) - Overwatch
Szarekh The Silent King - Warhammer 40,000
Calliope - Homestuck
Jared Hopworth - The Magnus Archives
Hexxus - FernGully: The Last Rainforest
Rem - Death Note
Grimm - Grimm's Hollow
Decay Dragon - Dragonvale
Melting - Nuclear Throne
Duskull - Pokemon
Bona - My Singing Monsters
Death Phantom - Sailor Moon
Charon - Hades
Necrodeus - Kirby: Mass Attack
Jimothy - Elsewhere University
Blight - Batman Beyond
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ordin-arily · 2 years
Ghosts, Goblins, and Good-for-Nothings
i was intending to keep my tumblr for requests alone but please enjoy this halloween drabble in the spirit of spooky season! 🎃🖤
Notes: fem reader, 2nd person pov, language, mentions of street harassment 
Halloween is on a Monday this year. It’s not great for trick-or-treaters—never is on a school night—but for every other enthused fan of the holiday? This means three days of non-stop festivities.
Saturday in its entirety is booked to the brim with plans for pumpkin carving, hayrides, costume contests and, later in the night, throwing back October 31st-themed shots 'til you puke orange and purple sparkles.
Sunday morning is for recovery and what Leo dubbed Boo-zy Brunch in the group chat. Pumpkin Pancakes, Candy Corn Crêpes, Witch’s Brew (re: coffee), AHH-vocado Ghost, and Devilled Eggs are all on the revamped menu at Pepe’s for the season—and how could you possibly do without a few Bloody Marys? (The words come from Mikey because you can fair just fine without that tomato juice concoction monstrosity. And, come to think of it, you’ll probably be so hungover the mere smell of alcohol will be enough to deter you regardless of the potion it comes mixed in.)
Sunday afternoon is reserved for horror movie marathoning and engorging on the candy meant for some infant-sized ghosts, goblins, and ghouls ringing your doorbell the following evening, which is a dangerous game because they promise tricks without the tempting of treats.
These plans had been months in the making and you couldn’t have been looking forward to it more. Still, this left you with a vacant slot on Friday night. The spot blinked at you on your calendar mockingly, like a neon sign on its last leg. How could you not have plans with anyone else?
In hindsight, you probably should have begun asking around a little earlier than the day of. You love the Mad Dogs—obviously—but two back-to-back days are probably about all the celebrations you can manage.
You send out a few texts after class and plan to try some more on your commute home.
Nothing of the sort transpires.
You end up walking through your front door sort of dazed and out of it, lost somewhere inside yourself.
You’re not sure how much time passes where you sit motionless on your couch, feeling just as trapped as you did on the subway fifteen minutes ago. Eventually, you get up to change clothes. You fish out your favourite seasonal crewneck from a bottom drawer. It’s soft and comforting and it has the words Halloweentown University plastered across it with an outline of the famed pumpkin at the centre. It’s your best attempt at saving face, if only for yourself.
You peel out of stiff jeans next and replace them with plaid sleep shorts. It’s not the most cohesive outfit—especially not with a full face of makeup and all your jewelry still on from the day—but it makes you feel better than you did before so you leave it on.
Your feet shuffle slowly, numbly, one foot in front of the other until you reach your living room couch again and smooth your fingers over your phone screen absently. It’s already dark out with only one sliver of teal haloing the horizon. You mull over sending out another text.
If you’re being honest with yourself, there’s only one person you really want to see. It’s becoming more and more of a regular occurrence and you try not to beat yourself up over it too much. He’s good at making people laugh and you like to laugh.
The odds of him being free this short notice are slim but you shoot him a message anyway and stare off into space until his response comes.
Miraculously, he thinks an early movie marathon at your place is an awesome idea and asks if you’ve already eaten. You lie and he tells you great, he’ll just bring snacks then.
Somehow, that little text bubble makes it easier to breathe (and think and move) and you get up to toss a bag of popcorn in the microwave. You wonder if he’ll beat the timer.
Leo, never one to lose a challenge, indeed proves successful. His circle of cerulean light appears just six seconds before your microwave bellows at you.
You're pouring the bag out into a large bowl as you greet him in the most uplifting manner you can muster. You fall into light, engaged conversation—mostly about the snacks he opted to bring—and, before long, the two of you end up buried alive in wrappers, Cheeto dust, and popcorn kernels.
You try to keep concentration on the TV screen, you do. Leo's laughing and making comments that you would find downright hysterical—possibly some of his best material yet—if you had it in you to listen, but your mind continues to derail, veer off course, sink into terribly murky waters below.
You’re drowning by the time he pulls you up to surface.
The screen is paused and you have to focus on it for a few seconds to remember you’re supposed to be enthralled in the campy 80s thriller he picked out. Leo’s eyes are trailed on you, like he’s gathering all the info he can just by sizing you up.
“Sorry, what?” you have to ask.
Leo’s brows knit further. “I asked what was wrong. You seem… I dunno, distracted.”
He’s right. You hadn’t even noticed him grab the remote to pause the film, forget trying to recount any of the plot.
He’s been observing you for the last little while—the way you seem so far away.
Hollow stares don’t suit you.
You shrink a little. “No. Sorry. I’m good. Just, uh… It was a long day, you know?”
He throws an arm around the back of the couch and angles his body more openly toward you. A silent invite.
You sit there in the dark for a long moment. The silver glow reflecting off the colour of his skin makes for something supernaturally beautiful but this observation is merely a form of stalling.
A small, defeated breath wilts your posture. “Some guy kept taking pictures of me on the subway today and, honestly, I’ve just been kind of mentally fucked by it. It’s so stupid but I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“He did what?”
You have to fixate your gaze on one of the empty bowls on your coffee table to keep your face from twisting, but the tears are already forming and they don’t yield for anyone.
April is tougher and more resilient than you—you know this—but you kind of take pride in coming in a close second. You’re loud about injustice and rant and rave about pet peeves all the time. Mostly for comedic purposes, sure, but you like to think you’ve got a backbone built from the same stuff as hers. A similar brand of gall that has the two of you teaming up to fight… whatever it is that needs to be fought, really. Suddenly, you wonder, not without a payload of shame, if maybe April’s been doing most of the heavy lifting this whole time.
“I should’ve put my hand around his neck and told him to delete them but I just sat there like an idiot until it was time for me to get off."
You can feel the mascara and eyeliner getting into your eyes and it makes all of this a lot more uncomfortable. Though, still not quite as uncomfortable as you felt today so you decide this is fine.
Your fingers reach high to tug at the elastic holding your half-up bun in place, if only to give yourself something to do.
You don’t get to fuss a ton before Leo’s wrapping you up in a hug. “Don’t call yourself that."
You blink slowly and heave a shattered sigh into his shoulder.
“That’s messed up,” he continues. “And if you can paint me a portrait, I’ll hunt that creepo down and kick his ass.”
“I wish I’d done something,” you mumble.
He pulls back and doesn’t say anything for a long moment, sort of like he’s weighing the words in his mind. “That’s not... your responsibility. You don’t have to manage the shitty things people do to you.”
You're not anticipating that out of him but, weirdly, it's what you need to hear. You nod, unexpectedly entranced by all this.
“Don’t worry about him, okay? Donnie’s insane with this kind of stuff. He’s got facial recognition tech better than the CIA's and he can tap into any electronic device in the state, probably the country. He'll track the phone and wipe it clean in under an hour without even moving from that stupid-comfortable gaming chair he never lets any of us sit in.” His voice goes sort of bitter at the tail end there and it makes you giggle.
Leo smiles at you.
“C’mere.” And then he’s hauling you in close, incentivizing you to lie down with him, willing some of that tension out of your shivering frame. (You hadn't realized you were shaking so badly until his palms came up to rub warmth up and down the length of your arms.)
You stay there for a little while as Leo starts the movie back up. Neither of you is really watching but that’s okay. You feel better knowing justice is afoot, even if that makes you some vindictive low-road traveller.
“I wish I could go everywhere with you. Be your little bodyguard.”
You snicker. “You just want to wear aviators and an earpiece.”
“Come on…!” Leo whines. “I’d look so cool! And you’d get 24/7 personalized security. All I’m seein’ are wins here.”
You hum. “I’m inclined to agree, Nardo.” There’s a space of silence where you have to keep from replaying the incident in your mind per Leo’s request. (He told you not to worry and you intend to follow through on that.) He must sense your labours, though, because he goes on with his scenario.
“Eh, scuze me, Mr. Sleazy Scumbag, sir, no flash photography,” he proclaims, voice getting somehow more nasally than usual. “I know it’s hard to resist capturing such model-like energy but I’ll have to ask you to exercise some self-restraint.”
You put on your best manly impression, voice descending somewhere that is comically deep and husky. “Uh, I’m trying to exercise my personal liberties, here, my dude. It’s my constitutional right—nay, my duty—on this earth to harass women and be a colossal piece of shit.”
“Sir, I won’t ask you again.”
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, tough guy?”
You’re not sure what kind of response you’re expecting but it is nowhere near one that includes being tackled to the floor and pinned down in an ambush taking the form of hellish tickles. You laugh and squirm, only marginally resentful over how easily this boy manages to lift your spirits.
He shows you mercy quickly enough, declaring, “See, I don’t even have to use violence to take down my opponents. God, I’m good.” And then he’s leaning down, whispering secretively to you: “But I wouldn’t be nearly as friendly with that clown. Trust me.”
“I do,” you tell him, and Leo has to hide the surprised elation that glosses over his face.
You grin and grab for his cheeks with your palms. “You’re so important to me.”
For someone who talks all the time, it's unbelievable that he can’t find the right words to reply. In lieu of anything verbal, a chaste peck finds its way to your forehead. (Well, it’s not like that isn’t a welcome response.)
“I should go wash my face,” you shrug sheepishly from under him. “Bet I look like a raccoon right now.” (You might have to play the lottery if it turns out your undoubtedly smudged makeup has somehow slid itself back into place.)
“Prettiest raccoon I’ve ever seen.”
“You’re sweet.”
Leo pauses the TV once again as he waits for you and the screen goes into sleep mode, transposing stock images of landscapes he’s finding it difficult to trust are real places that exist.
In this lapse, he takes the opportunity to look around. Tiny pumpkin fairy lights are strung up along the cupboards in your kitchen. Next to him, the napkins are patterned with ghosts and bats. Your bowls are colour-coordinated. The one harbouring the Doritos he brought is forest green, sporting the cartoony face of Frankenstein’s monster. There’s another with Dracula and a third violet one that doesn’t at all fit in with the others. There's just some random, unknown witch on it. Leo’s bottom lip juts out disappointedly.
A platter of chocolate-covered pretzels sits off to the side of your small table and Leo helps himself to one. And then another and a few more, until he ends up unveiling the eyeball motif on the ceramic. There are scarecrows on the matching one on the other side of the table, that one brandishing the fluffiest sugar cookies he’s ever tasted.
You’ve got werewolf coasters and pumpkin pillows and, upon further inspection, Leo finds that even your throw blanket is littered with dancing skeletons. He grins. It’s just so like you.
And then, while you’re still in the bathroom, he sends out a few texts.
You’re at the lair bright and early on Saturday morning and you come bearing orange-frosted cupcakes and pumpkin-spiced lattes. The turtles and April cheer in unison when they spot your goodies. It doesn't take very long at all before you're learning they’ve got surprises of their own.
The first is impossible to miss; the Hamato home is thoroughly decked out in Halloween memorabilia, including a few extravagant displays that look like they belong in the annual fun fair’s haunted house (an event that was, at the last minute, added to tomorrow’s evening agenda).
“Guys!” you squeal excitedly, taking it all in. “The lair looks incredible!”
You’re, like, fully hopping from one foot to the other, bouncing on the tips of your toes, and Leo could not find it more adorable.
Donnie outs his brother almost immediately. “It was Leo’s idea.”
Mikey’s parading around the kitchen with oven mitts on. “We’re baking pumpkin bread too!”
“Also Leo’s idea!” Donnie interjects, sliding his way over.
“And we managed to swap tickets for the forest hay ride,” April announces buoyantly from her seat, picking at the bowl of kettle corn in the centre of the table. You’d tried for those tickets initially but they’d been completely sold out so you’d had to settle for the farm route instead.
You’re about to ask how they managed to swing that when:
“Leo was on the phone with them for over an hour…” Donnie volunteers.
Raph, who’s sitting on the floor hunched over a pumpkin and getting a head start on carving offers yet another headline of terrific news: “Oh! And we’re VIP tonight. Drinks are free and we get to judge the costume contest.”
Leo’s hand wraps its way over Donnie’s mouth before the boy can so much as inhale. “I think she gets it,” he bites out through gritted teeth.
Even behind Leo’s hand-muzzle, Donnie looks entirely too smug.
Raph and April glance at you, grinning from ear to ear. Judging by this reaction, you’d say your expression has to be somewhere between awed and flabbergasted.
You don’t know what to say.
April helps you out. “Donnie’s being annoying about it but, yeah, Leo really does deserve all the credit for this.”
You watch Leo’s head turn mechanically in her direction, the stiffest grin etched into his face. It takes everything in you not to laugh. It’s strange, though. Leo’s the type to seek credit even where it’s not due so this feels suspiciously out of character.
“Oh, Leonardo…” you singsong jubilantly. “Might I have a word?”
His gaze whips up at you and he nods, shyer than you know him to be.
“Don’t take too long!” Mikey calls, removing the pan from the oven as you branch off to another room. “It’s better when it’s still warm!”
You end up in the projector room near the pile of pumpkins you’re set to carve today. Leo sucks in a pitted breath but you start before he can.
“I don’t even know how to thank you. You didn’t have to do all this.”
Leo’s shoulders come up to his jaw and fall back down slowly. “I wanted to make up for what happened. And I know you love Halloween so…”
“That’s insanely thoughtful, Leo. Thank you.”
“Oh, and I made sure Donnie caught the guy. Saw the pictures with my own two eyeballers. They were gorgeous, by the way, as always, but they have been eradicated from that perv's cellular device along with his entire camera roll and every password, contact, song, and app." He gives you a little bow. Theatrics are always in full bloom with him. It makes you smile. "We also may have leaked his bank information online but that's because Donnie's cynical and I have no self-control.”
“How am I supposed to return this kind of favour, huh? I’m gonna be buying you pizza for the rest of my life.”
Leo waves you off before picking up a pumpkin. You do the same, mostly to give yourself something to fidget with.
“You could… uh, go on a date with me instead. Like a… yeah, a date.”
Your head tilts to the side. You’ve always felt there might be something more between the two of you but you weren’t confident either of you would ever act on it. It’s hard to tell if he’s being sincere now.
You venture an answer: “One measly date in exchange for a whole weekend of fun? You’re not making this a very tough decision.”
Leo smirks at you, lip caught by his teeth. “Then say yes.”
“Yes. On one condition.”
“I get to plan it. You’ve done so much, let me take this one.”
Leo slumps in relief and nods at you, eyes filled with stars. You giggle and tap your pumpkin to his, an extra pep in your step as you start off on a walk back to the others.
The rest of the weekend might just be the greatest of, like, your whole freaking life. It’s impossibly fun and chaotic, and you go home each night with your cheeks hurting from smiling so wide and your throat raw from laughter.
Everything is wonderfully spooky and delightfully festive and, come Monday night, you and Leo spend a rooftop dinner on a decorative picnic blanket mottled with broomsticks and pointy hats. You laugh and chat and cling wine glasses together, watching the sun go down and the streets below fill with costumes. Later, you’ll hand out candy and watch family-friendly classics but, for now, you dither in the wind and kiss underneath the stars.
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