#look at the source material but damn my brain is constantly bamboozling itself
bardicious · 2 years
Okay last one last one, promise, but okay, showing how silly superhero movies are and how it’s just a bunch of people in Halloween costumes (as one reviewer praised Love and Thunder) is actually such a reductive fucking take?
Like??? Have y’all watched old superhero movies? They never took themselves seriously. (Okay some did and those were the good ones!) That’s why those particular movies sucked! They couldn’t commit to the idea of superheroes in the real world.
The beauty and originality of Marvel used to be that it felt like our world but what if Superheroes were real. They felt grounded yet magical!
“magic is just science we don't understand” I live and breathe that quote from the OG Jane Foster. I love it. It makes me dream again in a world that’s complete shit!
There’s nothing in current MCU that offers that. It’s just become the same boring superhero movies of the past. Unrealistic. Formulaic. And the worst part are the heroes that aren’t worthy of their hero title.
What a sad opportunity squandered by greed once again.
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