#look at dat shit
morosemagick · 2 years
Children of The Unbroken | Chapter Six
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After Aethelsan becomes king, life goes on for everyone around her... except Ealflaed.
@solinarimoon ​ @emilyhufflepufftlk @magravenwrites ​ @lauwrite1225 @93xdiagonxalley @trenko-heart @illjustgositinthecorner @blah-blah-blah-bla @lizblogging @saint-helga @amuddleofnervouswords @medievalfangirl @persephones-journey
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sturnioloho · 25 days
more sly smiles
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ramdotexe · 2 years
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some kim and harry doodles
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blueparadis · 8 months
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bloodypeachblog · 1 year
Found a new guy to simp over
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angel-blitz · 5 months
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bionic-penis · 5 days
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trips and this spills out of my bag unceremoniously
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bimiio · 5 months
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Y'all remember how I said before that since I can't draw you'll just have to imagine what my oc looks like. Well now actually you'll have to imagine a little bit longer cuz This Ain't It™!
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(mfer gon' close her damn eyes when I'm taking a picture JAMSJDLSJSIS but you know what it fits. Good for them 💖)
So THIS is Holly Steelcry and my excuse for them looking Like That is that I haven't truly played the game and gotten new gear since Mirage came out (and this was before I really developed her as an OC rather than just an empty husk) so her appearance is pm outdated. Still that's like the general.... GIST of what they look like, I'm keeping the giant ass purple lightning sword and the glasses, I'm probably just gonna change everything else about em (and also removing her obnoxious ass Storm face stickers JAKAJSJD)
Although I think I got the hairstyle figured out, she probably looks more like This in my head than any other existing hairstyle in the game
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niuxita21 · 1 year
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One day I’m gonna write a book. Can you imagine? A novel about everything that you and I have gone through? [Mariana laughs] It would be called “Ana and Mariana.” We’re going to be free soon, and we’ll be able to reinvent ourselves. So I’m sure you’re gonna write that book, and it’s gonna be awesome. We’ll see what happens. We have to let things flow, right? I think your novel is gonna be one of those that are pretty dark. Maybe one of those that are so romantic that you can’t put them down?
#madre solo hay dos#ana servín#mariana herrera#shitty screencap posts (TM)#I.... I don't even know what to say man#this is... A LOT truly can't wrap my head around it yet idk if I ever will#but I'm gonna try to be coherent because I don't want this post to have very few tags lol#um... so let's start with the adorable drunk faces#I love how somehow ana's is just *hearteyes intensify* and mariana is just *adorable sleepy drunk* hee#once again highlighting the different places they are at feelings-wise#I mean you don't just DECIDE to kiss your bff out of the blue one night just bc you're drunk like that shit has to have been festering#(exhibit A: Tender Brushing of Hair Behind the Ear: Fake Dating Edition)#I also love ana's rudimentary flirting omg girlfriend has it BAD and she doesn't even realize it#'I'm gonna write a novel about our story and it's gonna be suuuuper romantic' WHO SAYS THAT LMAOOOOO ily ana#also I adore how even at the beginning of the scene when ana's drunk brain hasn't crossed over into thinking about romance yet#and she's talking about the novel and looking at mariana her eyes keep darting to her lips#as effortlessly as when she was high on choco-shrooms right before she told mariana she loved her and kissed her for the first time#(GAWD that seems like forever ago and yet look... the consistency is ASTOUNDING)#most importantly though... I was truly surprised about how enthusiastic mariana was about the whole thing#she was like 'ferrán? who dat?' lmao thanks for that show#I'm fascinated by what this says about her like it's canon that she's in love with ferrán and she will say as much I think in the next ep?#but given the opportunity (and setting aside for a moment the fact that she was utterly hammered)#she was 100% down for banging ana enthusiastically and without being at all conflicted#I hope it speaks to the fact that the feelings she once had for ana are maybe not completely gone?#I can already see the next few episodes are gonna be rough so maybe that's why they gave us this episode lol#I only just finished watching and I've already lost count of how many times I've rewatched those last few minutes god truly god-tier tv#unrelated but please wallpaper my tombstone with the last two caps lord they are just so pretty
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moon9931 · 2 months
uhm uh I wanted to give my opinion s
on pt ships- uh-
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as you can see im not necessarily judgmental when it comes to the majority of pt ships, uh...........uhm......sorry? ig???
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
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also. Before i go to sleep after the hsr Rollercoaster i just went on (LOVED ITT). chiori update + happy birth to me 1 last time wow :0
So heres where its at after i somehow slipped last week and after i came to uraku misugiri had mysteriously spawned on my account. And tragically it appears another comically slippery banana peel happened to find its way to me today as well so like c2? Who pulled that? Crazy 🫣 hehe
she used to be on husk (and now at c2 has even more reason to) but i ended up with better stats on GT for now and also bc of the tragic state of my geo goblets. like i have one good one and its on navia 😭 so all the skill dmg% bonus from GT will serve better to make up for the generally worse option of running def goblet instead. but i rly need to get a better husk set going and her on it lmao
kinu (c2 extra doll) is the funniest shit btw like. Its like a little ghost tamoto thats transparent and the way it spawns out of thin air next to enemies keeps making me laugh bc it just . nothing personal kid energy 😭😭 jumps them from behind
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ramdotexe · 1 year
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sorry for lack of art recently, hopefully i can keep u all fed with this sketch 🥸
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joyridingmp3 · 3 months
the only good thing about my job is that every now and then my coworkers will mention something about trauma that describes me that i didn't know i experienced due to cptsd and then i get to subtly be like OHH ✍️✍️📝 okay that's why im like that
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
DAMN I look good today ✨ Hottest creature in the grocery store fr in my Valentine fit 🥰
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pet-cemetery-emotes · 5 months
Hey man. Don’t send me requests off anon if your blog is about or makes heavy reference to syscourse. It’s way too 2014 aphobia for me and I will block you
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