#lol i do love making kelsa go through terrible angsty things
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Hehehe 😈 Kelsa has three biological kids that she didn't even know about!
So after her identity as the eldest daughter of the Alliance Commander (and granddaughter of Vitiate) was discovered by the Hutts, Kelsa was “rented out” to wealthy clients that were interested in her strong connection to the Force (in addition to the Hutts selling off samples of her blood and other genetic material with high midi-chlorian counts).
One of the most frequent clients was a Sith Lord, Avaraxi Dagan.
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The only thing that Avaraxi wants is to understand the mysteries of the Force and its role in the universe. If they knew that tearing the universe apart would grant them the understanding they seek, then Avaraxi would pull the universe apart atom by atom. So, poor Kelsa (granddaughter of perhaps the most powerful force user in all history) was subjected to many horrific Force experiments all so Avaraxi could better understand the Force.
During those experiments, Avaraxi harvested various genetic materials from Kelsa, including some of her eggs. With those eggs, Avaraxi grew children and continued their experiments on those children after Kelsa escaped from Hutt captivity. Not all of those children would survive the experiments.
Eventually, Kelsa discovered that someone was selling midi-chlorian rich genetic material on the black market and she became suspicious that it might somehow be related to her. She followed the samples back to their source and discovered that the Sith that had haunted her nightmares for years was behind it. She also learned that there were three children still alive and being experimented on by Avaraxi. Realizing that these were in fact her children, Kelsa set out to rescue them.
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