#lmao I weighed myself in the morning and I lost a literal pound despite low key binging and I weighed myself not
yourmomismymom-twed · 2 years
Relapsing and then promptly getting sick a few days later is so fun bc now u practically have to eat normally for a bit and watch the fucking numbers climb up fright back to ur starting point and ur helpless but only to an extent.
Logically, I know that I shouldn’t feel bad about literally not being physically well and then eating to feel better but I can’t fucking help feeling like secretly, I wanted this. I wanted a guilt free way to let myself eat normally. I wanted an excuse, but I don’t deserve it.
Same applies for eating in my room. If I’m in my room alone, eating food, even if it’s on a weekend which I’ve deemed “unavoidable”it is fucking avoidable. I’m just too fucking stupid to treat it as is
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