#living in beaverton
shawnrealty · 1 month
Shawn's Pick
Well, I visited Toshi's again yesterday and realized that they have the best sushi ever. I'll be updating my favorite places in Oregon on this page. Follow for more...
Too good not to share. Here are my favorite places in the Portland Metro areas. Toshi Restaurant By far the best and favorite sushi place in town. I like their tonkatsu curry dish as well. Can’t think of better Japanese restaurant in town for sure. Toshi Sushi – the best sushi in Oregon (Shawn’s Pick)
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aftmartwork · 1 year
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Outdoor Kitchen in Portland Small transitional backyard concrete patio kitchen photo with a roof extension
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todaysbat · 5 months
1/7/2024 - Aviation safety is another passion of mine besides bats. I'm sure if you've been paying attention to the news lately you've heard about the Alaska Airlines flight that lost a plugged door. The NTSB held a press conference recently and have asked for the public's help in finding the missing door and any parts associated with it. The above video is a recap of that press conference, including information on who to contact and what to do if you think you've found what they're looking for. If you live in the area of Interstate 217, on Barnes Road, specifically around the neighborhood of Cedar Hills, in Beaverton, Oregon, please pay special attention to this information, this is the area where they think it landed.
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beesmygod · 2 years
look: the only arguments in favor of webtoons ive ever heard hinge greatly on the idea that the vastness of the audience on webtoons is crucial to one’s success in the “webcomic business” nowadays. people need money to live. to make money quickly in the entertainment business (and i would like to stress that this is the first time the artist makes a choice: when they decide to pursue art as a career. deciding to do this is not a choice that should be made lightly. additionally, i do not believe that people are being forced to turn to webcomics in order to make a living lol. can you even imagine), they turn toward the algorithmically curated and inflated numbers offered by webtoons.
i’ll start this off with my bone fides so i have to clarify any of this in follow up posts: i started workshopping my webcomic on tumblr in 2012 with doodles and by answering asks people would send me. i would also just post lore dumps for funsies. they are so barely related to the comic now, but they created interest and people asked me cool questions that made me think about the world i was creating. i started the comic in 2013. holy shit i really am coming up on a decade of webcomics. hold on i have to stand up and walk around for a second. picture to break up all these words so your eyes dont slide off the page:
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i made enough money on patreon (as a very early adopter) to live in beaverton, oregon (with first 3, then 1 other roommate[s]) living the most spartan lifestyle a person could manage in order to avoid having to go back to my hometown. now i live in confusing moderate comfort in a house my bf and i bought in a burst of sheer market based luck right before everything exploded. we used all of my savings i earned working from age 15-30 as a down payment.
i still try to take care of myself entirely and contribute a proportional amt of my income to the bills. i use government aid and use(d) it get a lot of medical help that i would not have been able to afford otherwise (medicare for all btw its unconscionable that this isnt the norm). i sincerely enjoyed my poverty and i felt like i understood how to live under those parameters with ease and comfort. i was poor but i was free. i do not like that i have to disclose this in order for people not to immediately dismiss me as coming from a place of monetary privilege. this shit is none of your business. im not interested being assigned a perception to my work and character that does not come from my words and deeds. i do not want “poverty artist” to be the signifier attached to me, forever, that people can scrutinize and obsess over whether or not i deserve the adjective i dislike.
but for things i do like: i like my audience very much, and i hope that they understand that they are under no obligation to care for me, keep me alive, finance me, etc. that is entirely my responsibility. but it is through their continued donations and support that i am able to draw my comic full time in a lifestyle i found comfortable, something that i sincerely imagined would not be possible while i was still working and in college. my audience of ~1.5k (i think, google analytics is kinda whack. lotta bots. this is with all that shit i could find filtered out) has been built up gradually over the past near decade and is comprised of funny, lighthearted freaks of nature who make me laugh very frequently. i just cant let them know that or they will become too powerful and use jokes to destroy me. i dont think i have a single bad thing to say about AGS readers. you guys are a hoot lol.
i do not have a discord dedicated to my work because i find the idea pretty unappealing and have had moderator experience in the past on other websites that i did not enjoy. i did not have comments on my comic until this year. previously the only way to contact me was via twitter, tumblr ask or email. i advertise my comic twice on update days, once in the morning and once at night, so i dont flood dashboards. i do not sign up for zines or jobs. i do not promote my work otherwise. well, there’s a link in my sa avatar, but let’s be real. no one’s clicking that.
i cannot empathize with the people who pursue the webtoons line of monetization and i find parts of (what must be) their reasoning morally abhorrent. im not even going to get into the predatory and laughable “pay per page” concept, an idea so blatantly evil that if it were pitched in any other medium it would get you laughed out of the room at best. im not going to talk about the ridiculous audacity of a comic host demanding you produce a minimum number of panels “per page” (im old lol bear with me) in order to be granted the golden laurels of “publication” (another choice the artist makes is the choice to pursue becoming a “webtoons original” as a financial goal. i think this is wildly unreasonable for every reason. but whatever. you might as well bet on winning the lottery). im going to talk about the bizarre mentality i cannot wrap my head around when it comes to what people are expecting when they sign up for a website that openly flaunts how disinterested it is in anything other wringing its user base financially dry.
if webtoons is not interested in anything other than financial gain and their purpose is to make more money every quarter at any cost, then why would that mentality not directly impact and poison the relationship between you and your audience, as well as your relationship with your art?
but lets put even THAT aside. god there’s so much i could hammer on. i will just focus on audience right now.
1. the quantity of an audience is not proportional to the quality of the audience. i dont think anyone is going to debate with me that the webtoons audience is good lol. this is because the webtoons userbase is comprised almost entirely of random teenagers and adults under 25. this age range is permitted to act like insane hooligans (to an extent) because that’s what the vast majority of us were like in some capacity or another at that age. i frequently hear complaints from creators about how their webtoons audience are frequently ungrateful, irrational, and impatient to them. this is the obvious outcome when two parties, especially parties that are doing business with each other, are shoved together due to algorithmic decisions and not by their own volition. both parties have been robbed of the opportunity of building up a relationship of trust and respect between the artist and the audience. however, building up this relationship takes time. and people want to be be making money as artists right now. presumably.
2. the primary purpose of an audience is not to obtain money from them. at least, dear god, i really hope this is not the idea driving people’s desire to do webcomics as a career. the creators entering the field with this mindset are DOA, straight up. even if you were capable of hiding your odious motivations, whose money are you willing to pursue? would you change your comic if it meant making more money from the audience? do the highest bidders influence the artistic choices being made? is that the relationship you want with your audience? in that case, why not just take furry porn commissions, a field which makes fucking stacks upon stacks of cash? why bother with webcomics and all this extra work?
3. why would an audience of teens and young adults have money to spare? lol for real tho. teens dont often have unfettered access to cash. college age adults are famously deeply in debt to the nightmare state we live in. to jump into this audience with your hands held open is going to result in disappointment when they’ve already prioritized giving what little they have to artists they already know. i dont know what people are expecting with this one. it’s like panning for gold in a swimming pool.
this doesnt even touch on the uglier stuff. but the choice to go all in with webtoon is foolish, selfish, motivated by greed and childish false promises of fame. i do not have any respect for the artists that line up in the hopes that they can simply “jump the line” and skip one of the most, if not the single most, important aspects of a career in art, as though it’s a tutorial mission they are simply too advanced and skilled to sit through. i am not going to feel bad for or comfort the people who saw a company strangling and smothering everything it touches, a company that is subjecting its customers into increasingly more incremental means of payment, a company that has objectively unreasonable demands for the art they host compared to what they pay out, AND WILLINGLY SIGNED ON TO SECURE THEIR OWN BAG.
so that they didnt have to build an audience! the fuck!
my assessment is that to use webtoons is to have a vast amount of disrespect for your audience.
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linseymiller · 9 months
The time has come - the marketing time.
The release of Prince of Thorns & Nightmares (preorder a SIGNED copy of Sleeping Beauty from Prince Phillip's point-of-view here) is only one month away now, and I'm going places to celebrate!
On Oct. 3rd, I will be in conversation with @rosieethor (Life is Strange: Steph's Story) at Powell's Books in Beaverton, OR.
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On Oct. 7th, I will be on a YA panel at the Southcenter Barnes & Noble with Rosiee, MT Zimny (The Apex Cycle), Lily Meade (The Shadow Sister), and Margaret Owen (Little Thieves) moderated by Hailey of wearecurrentlyreading.
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On Oct. 10th, I'll be celebrating the release of the Being Ace anthology at Jan's at 7pm.
The week of Oct. 10th will also feature multiple virtual events for the anthology that will be announced soon. Remember, the preorder campaign is live now if you order from select indies.
So if you have ever wanted a signed booky or to listen to fantasy authors talk, come see us!
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coquelicoq · 9 months
Powell’s Books will be closed on Labor Day, as its workers go on a one-day strike. About 300 workers represented by ILWU Local 5 voted to authorize a strike in mid-August. They’re asking for higher wages and more affordable health benefits. Workers at Oregon’s widely beloved tourist destination have been negotiating for a new contract for about seven months. The most recent contract expired in June after multiple extensions. The two parties are scheduled to meet again on Tuesday and Wednesday. Company executives issued a statement Friday saying they would be closing the company’s retail stores due to insufficient staffing. In addition to its flagship location in downtown Portland, the company has locations in Southeast Portland and Beaverton. Company representatives also said they supported workers’ right to strike. “We understand it can be part of the bargaining process, and we will honor and respect it,” they wrote on Facebook. Workers at the massive new-and-used bookstore franchise have been unionized for more than 20 years. They last authorized a strike in 2003. In a statement issued on Aug. 11, unionized workers said the company’s most recent “last, best, final offer,” included substandard wages and expensive health benefits. They said entry level booksellers start at $15.45 an hour, the area’s minimum wage, while about 85% of unionized workers make below the area’s living wage of $21.85. Many workers’ wages are capped below that rate, they said.
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rhythmic-idealist · 10 months
Hi all. Some of you know my partner @crimeronan - maybe for her original fiction, her fanfiction, or her assorted queer/polyamorous/chronically ill life blogging.
If you do know—or know of—Kitkat, you might know them as a resource, or as a writer, or as that person who has been known to sit down and write six paragraphs of advice to the scared young person in their inbox. Perusing their blog I see people trading autoimmune stories, younger queer and polyamorous people asking questions about what it's like to be in your mid twenties and settled into those things, and people who found stories who resonated in ways stories don't always succeed at.
Or maybe not! That’s my platonic partner of four years. Happy to introduce u.
If you ARE aware of Kitkat, you might know that she recently FINALLY got an initial appointment with a rheumatology clinic. This after a big medical mystery that’s spanned over two years and taken them to the ER more times than anyone can feel good about.
The good news is that things are FINALLY moving forward. Kitkat has posted a lot more about that entire saga, if anyone is interested, but the main thing right now is that there are test results that are usable in a diagnosis, there will be a diagnosis that is usable in treatment, there are follow-up appointments in the very immediate future that will do a lot of good. It's all kind of astounding after the amount of time it took to get here.
The bad news is that their car broke down.
To say the money situation is already tight would be, though I’m sorry to put it like this, understated. Kitkat makes most of her money from freelance writing, and, first of all, is a fucking wizard at it in ways I don’t understand. But she recently lost her biggest consistent clients when— and she was told this outright— those clients switched to ChatGPT.
Perhaps more to the point— they're often too sick to work. They've pivoted to gig economy delivery jobs, but that is an enormous physical demand on ANYONE’s body, let alone when you’re severely sick.
So that’s where the financial situation is at right now.
I do slot into this, so to give you the story on that: I’m moving to Oregon to live with my partners next month, and will be contributing to the household income then (which is why I'm moving so soon). But I was originally planning to finish trade school first and move in January 2024, so everything’s very last-minute, and a little haywire. I now have at least one job interview lined up in town, but I won’t even be in Beaverton until mid-August, and this auto repair bill is due now.
Basically: because of this auto repair bill, they’re not going to be able to make rent. I expect we as a group will probably be okay once I’m in Oregon and more established/able to help out with the household income, but things aren’t there yet, and this isn't money we're going to be able to make back later.
Kitkat's been too sick to work consistently for so much too long, and that's why they need to turn to community support right now.
(I know Tumblr is famously not a "meet every goalpost before deserving help" website, and I think a lot of fundraisers with less explanation than this deserve support. I'm just a very wordy person. Thanks for bearing with me.)
Kitkat has limited mobility and is going to need to get to upcoming appointments, and speaking honestly, also just really needs access to a car to make things like groceries feasible. She’s not the only one in the apartment with limited mobility or chronic pain. Add to that the gig delivery jobs as a main source of income right now, and this is a necessary bill, just one that is sky-high relative to the income trying to tackle it.
So, you know, hello. I've brought a couple of fundraisers onto Tumblr in the past on other people’s behalf. This time I’ve gotta ask on behalf of my own found family.
The bill has come out to $717.80.
As of now, rent money has been used to pay it—the car has been repaired now, but that money was for rent and daily expenses. There is already financial assistance in play, particularly Medicaid. As it stands, because of this bill, they're not going to make rent.
To account for GoFundMe's fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, the goal is set to $750.
If you’re in any way able to give, the link is here: https://gofund.me/c0f9d7fe
Otherwise, a share goes a really long way.
Thank you a ton for reading this far. Times are hard all around, so please know: this post is an appeal to those among us who have disposable income and are looking to donate some of it.
Thank you.
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Date posted: July 27th, 2023 Updated: July 28th, 2023
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merrock · 6 months
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face claim: Carlson Young
full name: Marianne Mae Fusselman
nickname(s) / goes by: Marnie
pronouns & gender: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual
birth date: September 22, 1995
birth place: Beaverton, Oregon
arrival to merrock: 2023
housing: She lives with her great-aunt in the rural countryside.
occupation: Barista
work place: Cobblestone Cafe
family: Her great-aunt Mae, parents out-of-state, one younger sister
relationship status: single
Marnie is serious — too serious, she knows . She often finds herself preoccupied with uncertainties, concerns, dreams, memories, and life’s bigger questions, mulling over thoughts until they’re smooth as river rocks. She fears vulnerability and, in the past, has evaded being known by others. Now, she’s arrived at a point in her life where she realizes she needs those genuine connections. Once you earn her trust, you will find a pragmatic, direct, and steadfast companion in Marnie. She’s someone who will help you purge your wardrobe and finally donate half your shit to charity, or insist on cooking you a hearty meal with lots of vegetables. At the bottom of it all, she wants to show up for the people she loves and take care of them as best she can. She would love friends with whom she can have a real, good, honest laugh — something she’s been missing for years.
WRITTEN BY: Rain (she/her) est.
Marnie spent a lot of her childhood moving around the country for her father’s job, and thus learned to be highly adaptable; the flip side of that coin is that she has felt unmoored for a long time. She’s fixated on the concept of “home,” and in the process of trying to find it for herself, has bounced around from state to state in her own right ever since she turned 18. She’s always been a very creative person, leaning heavily into writing short stories, plays and films during her high school years. For a long time, she felt that making it as a writer was what her entire life hinged upon. She went to college in Philadelphia and struggled hard through an entire undergraduate degree program in screenwriting just to discover that she just isn’t cut out for keeping pace with the intensely competitive film industry. Once so certain about her identity, she found herself freewheeling, and has spent years picking up odd jobs and temporary gigs, struggling with feelings of purposelessness but unsure about what she should commit to and so afraid of making a wrong choice. A consistent thread throughout her life has been food service, for a few reasons: the jobs are very easy to get and to leave, and she actually really enjoys the work. She steered toward working in coffee shops a few years ago, and takes great pride in her craft as a barista.
Now at the end of her twenties, broke, lonely and growing weary of the patterns her life has taken, she’s come to Merrock to live with her great-aunt Mae, who she lived with for a few years as a child and still remains close to. She seeks clarity and peace, community and companionship, routine and regularity, and work with meaning — at least, she thinks she does. A small part of her, so small she can almost ignore it, worries that even if all of those things are presented to her, she won’t be able to embrace them. But for now, she does her best to brush that aside, and step into her next chapter with an open mind and heart.
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"The Portland Anti-Capitalist Cat Cult House Rotating Polycule" fascinating. I mean this with 0 offense intended but I think I'll go live in Vancouver or Beaverton
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moonflower-alchemy · 1 year
WHAT HAVE I BEEN WORKING ON LATELY? Aside from having the website/online shop NEARLY ready to go live, I've been prepping for Beaverton Pride on June 25th, which is when all this pride flag bunting will make its debut! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💜
So far I have: transgender (last post), bisexual, pansexual, nonbinary, aromantic, asexual, and progress pride!
Agender & genderqueer are also on the docket with my current yarn colors, and maybe leather & polyamory depending on how much time I have. (I'm hoping to do more flags in the future, like lesbian, aroace, & the Gilbert Baker rainbow, but I hit my yarn budget for the month.)
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maternal-extinct · 6 months
i got a network technician job with intel, putting a fuck of a jumpstart on my career and found love with another girlthing whos the best thing ive ever known :3
when i lived in Beaverton i was only a few minutes away from the intel hq, i used it to navigate around town because there was always big yellow cranes sticking up out of the campus!
congratz on your killer job and newfound love, i hope shes the coolest critter you know!! im super proud of you sweetpea! 💞
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shawnrealty · 2 years
Beaverton Farmer's Market - Shawn's Saturday Vlog #1
Beaverton Farmer's Market - Shawn's Saturday Vlog #1 Featured vendors in this video: Mason Hill Cattle: https://www.masonhillcattle.com 2 Angry Cats Hot Sauce: https://www.2angrycats.com Puppernickel Doggy Bakery: https://www.puppernickel.com Golden D
Beaverton Farmer’s Market – Shawn’s Saturday Vlog #1 Checking out Beaverton Oregon Saturday farmer’s market! Every Saturdays April-November 19th, 8:30am – 1:30pm. https://www.beavertonfarmersmarket.com Featured vendors in this video: Mason Hill Cattle: https://www.masonhillcattle.com 2 Angry Cats Hot Sauce: https://www.2angrycats.comPuppernickel Doggy Bakery: https://www.puppernickel.comGolden…
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theehorsepusssy · 1 year
If I ever ended up buying property over near Tigard I want you to live rent free in my home. I won’t be there but I don’t want my bitch sister who lives in goose hollow to live there bc she made us watch avatar the way of water and made us pay for our own ticket
I used to live Goose Hollow in the early 90s. I would ride the 57 to Beaverton every morning. I once saw a jumpers body splattered all over Jefferson. I worked in Tigard for a couple years until the Cheesecake Factory took away all our customers. I had a bunch of Tigard cheerleaders as hostesses and I would have them do high kicks slutty dances and shit by the side of the road to try and get customers from the Red Lobster come over.
Avatar? Lol. That's fucking wrong.
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schizochroal · 6 months
It's so wild to me that ravens just live in downtown Beaverton, they must have moved in around 4-6 months ago , and despite my expectations have not only stuck around but seemed to have completely integrated with the local crow population. I saw one just a little while ago at the transit center while I was waiting for my train, just perched at a lamppost yelling at the flock of cackling geese in the adjacent field.
I've always heard that crows and ravens don't get along, but despite that it seems like whenever I've seen the ravens they are either peacefully coexisting with the neighborhood crows, or even perching/foraging alongside them. I know crows and ravens are capable of interbreeding in some rare cases, but based off of their size, appearance, and calls, the Beaverton ravens are fully ravens. I guess the Beaverton crows are just uniquely tolerant of new immigrants, even ones that are 3 times bigger and have much deeper voices. It sorta feels like something out of those warriors or guardians of gahoole books.
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pr-vistas-2022 · 2 years
Stage Round CSR- Corruption, Scandal, and Rancid
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The hallmark of a successful organization is not its profits or how many individuals they employ but rather the trust that the people have in them and the positive impact the companies have on society. Corporate Social Responsibility is undoubtedly one of the most popular and efficient tools to measure how companies have given back to society. In a nutshell, CSR is a model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. Companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
Companies like Infosys, Microsoft, The Tata group, and Rolex have proactively managed their reputation and delivered the messages their stakeholders were looking for via the right communication channels. By having done so, they can now enjoy the trust of their investors, employees, or customers, and they are seen as caring about many other issues apart from profit – like ethics, innovation, environmental causes, or well-being at the workplace.
While there are companies that have a good image in front of the public and are the torch bearers of the sound practices that an organization should follow, famous organizations like Uber, Meta, BMW, and others have come under scrutiny for following malpractices and exploiting their employees and the environment for their own benefits.
Take at hand You are required to make a Report and a PPT (of not more than 5 slides) consisting of
Executive summary
Defence strategies
PR strategies
A New CSR campaign for the company
A New product line to improve their public Image
Press release
SUBMISSION DEADLINE - 5:00 Am. Submit your Report and PPTs to [email protected]
Allegation 1 The Chinese government has held back more than one million Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will over the years in mass internment camps. In March 2020, a report from the Australian strategic policy institute revealed that hundreds of young Uyghur women were forced to produce Nike Shoes. Nike was aware about this yet they partnered with Chinese government run forced labour programs that are linked to crimes against humanity. After these workers finished stitching and gluing Nike shoes for the day, they would have to attend “patriotic education” night classes.
Allegation 2 Over the last 20 years, Nike has been consistently targeted regarding their poor labour conditions. These issues include forced labour, child labour, low wages, and horrific working conditions that were deemed “unsafe”. Most of their factories are in third world Asian countries like Vietnam, and Indonesia. Nike has been using sweatshops since the 1970s. In 2017, Nike severed its ties with the Worker Rights Consortium, which let labour rights experts monitor their factories. This was a huge disservice to the countless laborers who spend their days hunched over making their 200 dollar shoes. Their commitment to ethical labour practices is inconsistent at best. In 2017, they saw a new wave of protests organized by United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). USAS spoke up against the mistreatment of workers in several of their sweatshops, including one in Vietnam where workers “suffered wage theft and verbal abuse, and laboured for hours in temperatures well over the legal limit of 90 degrees, to the point that they would collapse at their sewing machines.”
Allegation 3 Nike also has a bad track record for not hiring minority workers. In July 2020, about 30 demonstrators lined up outside the Nike headquarters near Beaverton, Oregon to protest. Oregon
Lives says that despite Black athletes and Black culture helping make Nike their money, people of colour are not welcomed into their corporate culture behind closed doors. Recently, a former employee accused Nike of discrimination based on his Croatian origin.
Allegation 4 Former female employees also pointed out that sexual harassment and misconduct was very common in the company. The New York Times conducted interviews with 50 former and present Nike employees to investigate the company culture. Through the interviews, it was established that Nike did have a toxic working environment, where sexual misconduct was rampant. Multiple female employees reported that they had complained to the HR but saw no action being taken from their part. The women were left devastated and felt unsafe while working at Nike. Some even left their jobs.
Allegation 1 We are aware that cars being sold in America had a "defeat device" - or software - in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
Allegation 2 The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models.
Allegation 3 EPA has said that the engines had computer software that could sense test scenarios by monitoring speed, engine operation, air pressure and even the position of the steering wheel. When the cars were operating under controlled laboratory conditions - which typically involve putting them on a stationary test rig - the device appears to have put the vehicle into a sort of
safety mode in which the engine ran below normal power and performance. Once on the road, the engines switched out of this test mode. The result? The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in the US.
Allegation 4 A peer-reviewed study published in Environmental Research Letters estimated that approximately 59 premature deaths will be caused by the excess pollution produced between 2008 and 2015 by vehicles equipped with the defeat device in the United States, the majority due to particulate pollution (87 percent) with the remainder due to ozone (13 percent). The study also found that making these vehicles emissions compliant by the end of 2016 would avert an additional 130 early deaths.
Allegation 1 H&M has tried to position itself as a brand that cares about the environment by installing in store recycle bins. But according to environmentalist Elizabeth Cline only 1% of the clothes are being collected out of which only 25% of the clothes end up going into sorting plants. And 35% of the clothes which are sorted only are recycled.
Allegation 2 H&M on its website states that their recycle bins are a way to ensure that customers textiles are reused and don’t end up in landfills. But not all the clothes that have been collected are recycled and people who live in these areas where clothes are dumped and manufactured are affected by H&M’s actions.
Allegation 3 H&M is also accused for failing to ensure living wage for supply chain workers. It has been accused of failing to fulfil a commitment to pay all garment workers enough to keep them above
the poverty line, a week after claiming that almost one-million employees are covered by its "fair living wage" approach.
Allegation 4 They are also accused for child labour. According to a book published by Sweden next week H&M worked with clothing factories in Myanmar where children as young as 14 were toiled for more than 12 hours a day. It was also found that high prevalence of forced overtime and low pay by the company. When confronted with these allegations, H&M replied that they don’t consider 14-18 years old working as child labor.
Allegation 5 Chelsea Commodore filed a complaint against fast-fashion giant H&M on July 22 in New York. In the complaint, Commodore accused H&M of greenwashing with “‘misleading’ environmental scorecards” associated with clothing in the brand’s Conscious Collection. Commodore noted that “a majority” of H&M products that are marketed as being sustainable are “no more sustainable. H&M responded as:  “We are taking the allegations very seriously and look into them thoroughly. We kindly ask for your understanding that we have no further comment to share at this point.”
Allegation 1 On February 25, 2010 a lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight plaintiffs in the Supreme Court of the State of New York against The Coca-Cola Co. and Coke processing and bottling plants in Guatemala. This case involves charges of murder, rape and torture. The plaintiffs include union leaders and family members.
Allegation 2
In a district court the company was accused for generating 2.9 million metric tons of plastic each year, which they claim is the biggest producer of plastic waste in the world and they also mentioned that in contrary to  Coca-Cola's representations, the company has made no significant effort" to transition to an economical system that would lead to less waste from plastic.
Allegation 3 In a article written by Paul Brown, an environment correspondent mentioned that Coca-Cola plant in India is being accused of putting thousands of farmers out of work by draining the water that feeds their wells, and poisoning the land with waste sludge that the company claims is fertiliser.
Allegation 4 The company was also accused for cheating their California workers out of overtime wages, rest and meal breaks, a class action lawsuit alleges. Plaintiff Brian Simmons filed the class action lawsuit in a California state court against The Coca-Cola Company, alleging violations of California wage laws
VER 3 - H&M
VER 1 - Nike
VER 10 - Volkswagon
VER 12 - Coca Cola
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chimckingg · 20 days
Exploring Restaurants In Beaverton, Oregon: Industry Insights
With a wide variety of mouthwatering culinary experiences that entice the senses and leave you wanting more, Beaverton, Oregon, is a veritable foodie paradise. This dynamic metropolis offers something to satisfy every appetite, from hip food trucks offering creative fusion cuisines to real foreign restaurants honoring diverse flavors.
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This article will provide some industry insights on restaurants in Beaverton, Oregon. Keep reading to learn more.
Multifaceted Culinary Scene in Beaverton, Oregon  
Vibrant Food Truck Culture
Beaverton has fully embraced the food truck movement and is home to a wide variety of food trucks. These culinary treasures satisfy every taste, offering everything from authentic ethnic cuisines to gourmet burgers and fusion tacos. Where you can unwrap the vibrant food truck pods dotted about the city, where you can indulge in delicious fare and take in the vibrant environment,.
International Flavors
Beaverton is a city that is well known for its diverse population and its astounding array of restaurants. That offers cuisines from around the world. 
Take a tour around Asia to experience its colorful flavors, taste Latin America's robust spices, and appreciate Europe's traditional comfort meals. Restaurants in Beaverton, Oregon, provide a genuine feast for the senses that features everything from succulent Mexican tacos to authentic Thai curries.
Farm-to-Table Dining
It has very close proximity to affluent agricultural regions and lush farmlands. Beaverton has seen a boom in the farm to table dining sector as well. Many eateries place a high value on using seasonal and locally sourced products that guarantee that every mouthful is brimming with flavor and freshness. 
You can enjoy the abundance of the Pacific Northwest while also contributing to environmentally responsible and sustainable activities with your loved ones.
Craft Breweries and Taprooms
A trip to Beaverton cannot be considered complete without a stop at its lively craft beer spots. The city is home to an extensive list of microbreweries and taprooms where you can get taste of the local brews and pair them with delicious food. Whether on a hoppy IPA or stout, these bars accommodate any beer lover's taste.
Family-Friendly Eateries
Whether youngsters want to eat with the kids or you want to venture into food joints that offer a family-friendly atmosphere, Beaverton offers a wide variety of family-friendly restaurants. 
It is easy to find a place where you can get the favorite foods of your group, from a small and cosy diner serving classic dishes to a playful eatery with a fun menu, all ensuring that eating out together will be enjoyable.
Culinary Events and Festivals
Every year, Beaverton happens to hold culinary events and food festivals that are all about celebrating the city's food diversity. They could be in the form of a farmers' market exhibiting local products, food truck rallies, or cultural festivals, but these meeting places help you appreciate the unique flavors and traditions found in your area.
Beaverton, Oregon, offers a diverse range of experiences that will entice your palate and leave you wanting more, making it a veritable haven for foodies. 
This city has something for every taste, from hip food trucks to international cuisines, farm-to-table restaurants in Beaverton, Oregon, and artisan brewers. Take a culinary trip and enjoy the wide variety of flavors that Beaverton, Oregon, has to offer in eateries.Visit ChimcKing, a popular restaurant in Beaverton. Take advantage of their carefully selected lists, great offers, and delectable suggestions. Start a voyage of eating experiences that will last a lifetime by unlocking a universe of culinary delights!
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