#literally so scared to post this bcs Ik im gonna get harassed by blinks
stevecoregirly · 1 year
A not so friendly reminder that this acc will never be pro Blackpink or a fan of them. The girls, their music and their entire career is literally the definition of anti feminism, rich privilege and capitalism. I could go on and on about how their skills as idols are sub par - musically - and only Rose is the one who has musical talents or skills (And I’m only basing these opinions from what I’ve seen and researched, from what the group has shown the audience). The girls are great nice friends and all, but their music and the way they’re promoted is what I’m mainly against + their live performances. They’re this perfectly constructed group with the image of ‘badass independent girls’ and once you peel off this image, you realize that they’re pretty average (skill wise) and not so empowering, like many people claim them to be. Their songs are all about how they’re better than other women, richer than them and practically calls them ‘liars’ in one of their songs. There’s nothing empowering about flaunting wealth and fame in every song - no boasting of their singing, their awards, their musical capability. No all songs are about boasting money/fame and shaming other women. That’s just plain misogyny, not like other girls and pick me vibes. I’m not gonna go on the topic of them being racist and not apologizing for it because then it’s gonna be a crazy long post and people are gonna argue that all k groups do racist shit, which yea they all do so I’m not gonna villainize them alone. I’m not even gonna get into their toxic fandom who attacks everyone, is constantly exposing people’s addresses and have sent death and rape threats to a FUCKING BABY. There is a reason why blinks are so arrogant and toxic - when bp’s entire music revolves around the fact that they are better than other women and are fighting non existence ‘haters’, their fandom is expected to turn out toxic. When all you teach is anti feminism disguised as ‘empowerment’ and rich privilege, the people that follow you are bound to turn out toxic as well. Plus the way the company constantly promotes them is a reason too. I just wish the girls admitted to their and their fandoms faults. 
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