#listen this has become apart of our daily vocabulary
Man down? No! Mandarb 🖤
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visionlanguage22 · 1 year
PTE Coaching Near Me: Unlocking Your Path to Success
Welcome to Vision Language Experts, your trusted partner in online pte classes and preparation. If you're searching for the best pte coaching near me, look no further. Our comprehensive and result-driven approach to PTE coaching sets us apart from the competition, ensuring your success in this highly competitive English language proficiency exam.
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Why Choose Our Online PTE Classes?
In today's digital era, online learning has become more prevalent than ever. Our online pte classes offer convenience, flexibility, and effectiveness, making them an ideal choice for students seeking to excel in their PTE exam. Here's why our online PTE classes stand out:
1. Expert Guidance and Support
At Vision Language Experts, we have a team of experienced PTE tutors who are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired scores. Our experts possess an in-depth understanding of the PTE exam format, scoring criteria, and strategies to maximize your performance. With their guidance, you'll receive personalized attention and feedback throughout your pte coaching near me.
2. Comprehensive Study Materials
We provide top-quality study materials designed to cover all aspects of the PTE exam. Our materials include pte online practice test free, sample questions, vocabulary exercises, and grammar resources. These resources are meticulously crafted to enhance your English language skills and familiarize you with the exam format.
3. Tailored Learning Experience
Every student is unique, and we acknowledge that. Our online pte classes are designed to cater to individual learning styles and needs. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our courses are tailored to your proficiency level. We identify your strengths and weaknesses to create a customized learning plan that accelerates your progress.
Free PTE Online Practice Test: Assess Your Skills
To assess your current PTE proficiency and identify areas for improvement, we offer a free pte online practice test free . This test is designed to simulate the actual exam conditions and provide you with an accurate assessment of your skills. By taking the practice test, you'll gain valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to focus your efforts on the areas that require improvement.
Experience the Difference: Join Our PTE Classes
When it comes to pte coaching, Vision Language Experts is the name you can trust. Our track record of success speaks for itself, with countless students achieving their desired scores and fulfilling their dreams of studying, working, or migrating abroad. Here's what sets our pte coaching near me:
Proven Strategies for Success
Our pte coaching program incorporates proven strategies and techniques that have yielded excellent results for our students. We equip you with the necessary skills to excel in each section of the PTE exam, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening. With our guidance, you'll gain confidence and proficiency in English, ensuring a remarkable performance on exam day.
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We understand that your daily life may be filled with various commitments and responsibilities. That's why our online pte classes offer flexible schedules, allowing you to balance your studies with other obligations. You can choose from a range of class timings to find the one that suits your availability
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sunshineimmi · 1 year
Secure Your Future: Enroll in Bathinda's High-Performance IELTS/PTE Courses!
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In today's increasingly globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become more crucial than ever before. Whether it's for higher education, employment opportunities, or migration purposes, a strong command of the English language is often a prerequisite. That's where standardized English language proficiency tests like the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and PTE (Pearson Test of English) play a vital role. Enrolling in Bathinda's high-performance IELTS/PTE courses is a wise decision to secure your future and achieve your desired goals.
Bathinda, a city renowned for its educational institutions and academic excellence, offers premier IELTS/PTE courses that are designed to empower individuals and elevate their performance in these tests. With exceptional scores of 7+ bands, our unparalleled strategies and techniques have proven to be highly effective in helping students succeed. By enrolling in these courses, you open up a world of opportunities for yourself, allowing you to pursue your dreams and ambitions with confidence.
One of the key advantages of joining Bathinda's high-performance IELTS/PTE courses is the tailored approach to learning. Our experienced instructors understand the unique needs and challenges faced by each student. The best IELTS and PTE coaching center in Bathinda provides personalized attention and guidance, identifying your strengths and weaknesses to create a customized study plan that maximizes your potential. This targeted approach ensures that you focus on areas that require improvement, allowing you to make significant progress in a shorter period.
Furthermore, our courses are designed to familiarize you with the format and structure of the IELTS/PTE exams. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the different sections, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Through rigorous practice sessions and mock tests, you will develop the necessary skills and strategies to excel in each component. Our instructors provide valuable feedback and constructive criticism, enabling you to refine your techniques and enhance your performance.
In addition to the academic aspect, Bathinda's high-performance IELTS/PTE courses also emphasize the development of overall language proficiency. Effective communication involves not only understanding the language but also expressing oneself fluently and confidently. Our courses focus on improving your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, ensuring that you can communicate effectively in various real-life situations. These skills are invaluable not just for the exams but also for your future endeavors, be it in academia, the workplace, or daily interactions.
What sets Bathinda's high-performance IELTS/PTE courses apart is the use of innovative teaching methodologies and resources. We employ modern technology and interactive learning tools to make the classes engaging and enjoyable. From multimedia presentations to online practice platforms, you will have access to a wide range of resources that enhance your learning experience. Our instructors stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the IELTS/PTE exams, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and effective guidance.
Enrolling in the Best IELTS & PTE classes in Bathinda not only prepares you for the exams but also instills in you a sense of confidence and self-assurance. As you witness your progress and witness your scores improve, you will develop a strong belief in your abilities. This newfound confidence will transcend the boundaries of the exam room, empowering you to face any linguistic challenge with poise and determination.
In conclusion, if you aspire to secure your future and unlock a world of opportunities, enrolling in Bathinda's high-performance IELTS/PTE courses is a decision that can significantly impact your life. With tailored strategies, personalized attention, and innovative teaching methodologies, these courses provide the ideal platform to enhance your language proficiency and excel in the exams. By enrolling today, you take a crucial step towards realizing your dreams and shaping a successful future.
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englishk11-blog · 2 years
How To Improve Your Spoken English
English is not an easy language to learn. It has many rules and exceptions. The reason why millions of people from different countries around the world are speaking English is that English is a lingua franca. If you fear speaking English then this article will definitely help you. Practicing speaking is one of the most fun and rewarding parts of learning English. If you facing these issues then you can also join English speaking course for better results. 
Here are some tips for speaking in English - 
Speak, Speak, Speak - Always try to speak in English. The more you practice and more comfortable you become with public speaking, the better you will be. This is not a skill that you master in a day. It is a skill you build over years of continuous practice. In your daily routine, you should practice this. 
Watch English movies - Many of us watch movies in English to improve our vocabulary and pronunciation, which is a great tactic. However, to get the most out of these movies, you should watch the movie with subtitles to increase the vocab and pronunciation you get. In addition, watching a movie with subtitles can help improve your reading skills. Try watching on with subtitles and then try watching it again (for the same movie) with the subtitles turned off. You'll be surprised at how much more you understand, and you'll find that it's much easier to follow along. 
Every day learn a new word - If you have been looking for a way to improve your English, then why not give one of these tools a try? Listening to English conversation, reading English articles, or just speaking to someone in English can help you improve your English skills. You don't need to learn words from a book you can learn them in an environment that you are familiar with.
Read English books and newspapers - If you enjoy reading then you should try reading books in English. Reading is a great way of practicing your English in your own time zone. It can help you with various aspects of your English such as writing and vocabulary.
Record yourself and then listen - A good accent is what can really set you apart in the workplace. If you are struggling with your accent, you can use the recorder on your smartphone. You can then listen back to what you've said and try to copy the pronunciation. This doesn't take much time but can really help your accent. It's also a good idea to listen back to your conversation and try to find out if you're pronouncing your words correctly.
So these are some tips for how you speak English easily. Also, many coaching institutes will help you in this you can join their classes for better results. 
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doppopoppo · 3 years
Bundle of Feelings
|| Uramichi Daily Headcanon ||
|| Warnings: married, minor cussing, angst, argument ||
|| Uramichi • F!Reader || 
Everything was silent. 
The only thing that could be heard were the trees rustling outside. The curtains swaying softly and hitting the glass door. The fridge is running in the background. And the heavy breathing of two adults. Hearts pounding in their chests. Both afraid the other may hear their heart wanting to explode into a volcanic mess. 
Otherwise, silence. 
Y/N hasn’t seen her husband this mad since she last saw him interact with his father. Uramichi was red in the face, a scowl permanently settled atop his facial features. The way he was holding her hand, squeezing it tightly for mental support. She doesn’t even remember what they were even arguing about, as her father-in-law bickered about the most minuscule of things. 
Today, however, Uramichi’s anger was directed at her. She had thrown out all of his beer and cigarettes. His wife was tired of having to deal with a drunk husband more nights than she wanted. Only sleeping when he was wasted and slurring out cuss words. The heavy smell of tobacco following his trail, making her scrunch up her nose in disgust. Coughing whenever she walks by as he puffs out smoke. None of these were healthy coping mechanisms. She genuinely wanted to help her husband figure out and find better alternatives. Healthier options. One that wouldn’t harm his health. 
As a gymnast, shouldn’t he know better? 
Little did she know, her actions would cause Uramichi to have an outburst. The most the two fought over what to eat for dinner, junk food or protein filled. He began the argument by yelling at her. Then proceeded to belittle her, what can she know? How stupid can she be? 
She cried and tried to calm him down, but he wouldn’t listen. “It's for your own good!” Y/N sniffled, “why can’t you see that?” She was hugging her own body. Unsure if it was for comfort or out of fear; maybe both? 
Uramichi sighed and rubbed his forehead, “I’m a grown man. I can make my own fucking choices for fucks sake, Y/N!” He’s never used such vulgar vocabularies with her before, this was a first. 
She didn’t want to change Uramichi, instead help diminish the fire inside of him. The one his father lit and kept throwing gasoline at it. 
“You won’t grow like this, dear. If you want a brighter future and to help your depression, we need to start fixing your bad habits.” She emphasized ‘we’. Because they were in this together. 
Uramichi had yet another strenuous day at work, all he wanted was to drink beer until he passed out. His wife’s cuddles no longer lulled him to sleep. Her sweet whispers felt meaningless. Only cigarettes could help him calm his mind down. Yet, she still tried to reason with him. Saying bullshit about seeing a therapist, hanging out with friends more often, or going outside that’s not the gym. 
“I know your fathers did horrible things to you. Such as forcing you into something you didn’t want to do. But you have to stop living in the past. Stop blaming your father for your future, which is your present now.” His wife tried to get close to him to bring him into a hug. 
Enraged at her words, “Oh my god, I could just hit you right now!” Uramichi threw the nearest dumbbell to him across the room. She heard a vase shatter, the one that was a hand me down from her mother. 
“What the hell do you know!? You’ve lived a nice and spoiled life, no inch of worries. No wonder you’re such a stubborn brat half the time.” His words were like a sharp knife cutting through her heart. 
She bent down over the broken pieces of vase. Shattered just like her heart. Uramichi’s eyes and mind were clouded in red rage. He hasn’t realized he broke an important item. One that was personally given to them by his mother-in-law. The woman who entrusted her daughters happiness to him. 
“Stop.” Y/N whispered. “Stop this right now!” She shouted at him. New, hot tears fell from Y/N’s eyes as she held into the broken vase pieces. She was in shock that her husband was willing to get physical over beers and cigarettes. This wasn’t what he promised to her on the day of their wedding vows. 
“You’re no different from your father, Uramichi.” She stood up. “An abuser raised another abuser. I can’t have this cycle continue.” Y/N went to put on her coat. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Uramichi was irritated that she had the audacity to leave in the middle of an argument. 
“Our child doesn’t need to witness what you witnessed your father do to you.” His wife glared at him. 
Those words flipped a switch inside Uramichi. Child? But they didn’t have any children. Then it clicked, his wife was pregnant. Was that the real reason she wanted him to stop? Why didn’t she say so in a better way then? It was too late to ask her these though, because she already left the apartment. 
The small apartment that used to be lovely thanks to his wife, now felt cold and lonely. The way it was before she came into his life. He took a look around the room and saw the mess he made. It might’ve been minor, but it left a big impact. Uramichi noticed the important vase he broke and ran out the door to catch up to his wife. Though she was nowhere to be seen. He sighed and went back inside and laid down on the couch. He screwed up big time. 
When morning came, it was raining but the smell of food tickled his senses and woke him up. He slowly got up from the couch and went towards the kitchen. He found his wife in her favorite apron cooking breakfast. 
“Morning.” She chirped. “I’m making American style sausage with scrambled eggs! Go sit at the table in the living room, I’ll be there in a minute.” 
Questions ran through his head as he sat at the table on the floor. The broken vase pieces are gone, but so is the vase. Y/N’s eyes looked empty, betraying the big smile she displayed. He saw his wife bring the food to the table. He quickly got up and helped her. Likewise, he went to grab some additional items to set up the table for breakfast. Was last night a dream? No it couldn’t be. 
The question was itching in Uramichi’s throat, he had to ask. “Why?” 
Y/N looked up from her place, “why what?” 
“Why'd you come back? I even broke your mother’s case.” He thought she walked out for good. He threatened to hit her. He vowed to never be like his father, and that’s exactly who he became last night. His nightmare coming to reality. 
Y/N put her fork down, “Listen, we are married, way passed the dating phase. On our wedding day we vowed to love each other until death do’s us apart. It is both of our responsibilities to make sure the other is doing okay. Physically and mentally. You’re always there for me, dear. I want to be here for you this time, in what I think will help you. I’m sorry I threw out your beer and cigarettes without discussing it with you. I just want  to see you make healthier choices for yourself.” she put her hand over his. “I found out about the baby after I made the decision a while back. It’s another reason now why I would like for you to stop, but the main reason here is you. This is about you and us helping you.” she stared at his eyes. “I don’t wish to change you, but help you. As for the vase, you can buy me another one.” She winked and giggled. “As long as we’re fine, it’s all that matters.”
It was a big change she was asking him to make. But he can take small steps. That’s what the couple decided on. To limit his alcoholic intake to certain days of the week. Same with his smoking. He didn’t have to quit, but he was trying not to be dependent on it. He has the strongest support laying next to him at night. Holding him tightly. Uramichi was truly excited to know he’ll become a father! He’s nervous, but he knew he’s not alone. He thinks about what he can do to be a better father than his was.
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Author’s Note:
He needs a hug. And a raise.
Remember, who your parents are don’t define you. If something happened in the past, don’t let it define you and who you are today. It might hold you back from growing. Just remember to take care of your mental health! 💜
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insomniacowl · 4 years
Thinking of anime - Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu by Haruko Kumota Part 2
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The first disciple of Yakumo, Yotaro. Often in Rakugo, the foolish characters are named Yotaro
In part 1, I gave you a general introduction of the series Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (SGRS). From here on, I shan’t explain in-depth the story and the characters as my intent here are not in recommending this anime. People who watch it will watch it and those who will fall in love with this story will share what they love. And it is this love that binds the community as a whole.
 I want to start off by having some working definitions of technical words that will be used.
 Let’s start off with culture. We use this word often in our daily lives and it is strongly ingrained in our vocabulary; it is something we know the meaning of, but not many can give the definition to. This tends to happen as culture is used as an umbrella term to encompass social behavior, norms, knowledge, beliefs, objects, and so on of a group of individuals. It is something that is fluid and changes over time.
 Cultural practices are performed largely to arrange the social relations and relations of production in a certain way. This method of arrangement can be of necessity or arbitrary and can be fluid but also cemented with something more solid then culture. When cultural practices are cemented it becomes comparatively unaffected and can resist changes brought on by the fluidity of culture around; becoming traditional practices. Often those practices lose meaning that was attached to it during this transition and it becomes a free ground for meaning to be created by its practitioners, and audiences.
 Performativity is a term that many will be familiar with through Judith Butler’s use of the term gender performativity. But I’ll use it here in the context of traditional practices; cultural performativity; that it is through the repeated performance that such practices, even after losing its function of social organization can it survive; it is the continued practice that results in the tradition being kept alive, rather the tradition dictating the actions that are performed.
 Framing tradition as something that is kept alive by repeated performance rather than a monolithic set of rules, allows us to find ways to alter it as the culture around it changes; co-existing with progress. There is a view in our world today that dims tradition as harmful to progress. There is also an opposite spectrum of this view that tries to use traditional value as a device to create us vs them divide and a different way of seeing tradition may help us preserve the meaning people attach to it, while it serves to better, not jeopardize our society.
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The two brother disciples, platonic but also loving relationship
 Let’s recap what is my belief that the author wants to convey to us which are: What does it mean to hold affection? And how does affection of the past influence our interaction with the world that changes?
The whole of season 1, except for the very first episode, depicts the life of Yakumo (or Bong at this point) in his earlier days. It starts with an introduction of him when he was seven years old and sent off to study Rakugo under the then seventh-generation Yakumo. On his first day as a disciple, he meets Sukeroku, who becomes his brother by discipleship. During their interaction, we learn of how Bong felt abandoned by his parents who sent him off to Yakumo as they did not want him as their son.
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Bong in his first romantic relationship
We then skip forward a few years to his teenage years, Bong, due to the fear of being abandoned again, desperately holds onto Rakugo, hoping that if he were to get good enough, it would become a place where he could belong. This becomes an obsession and he becomes blind to other places to belong; where he can find solace. Namely, this is shown as a girl that he meets and falls in love with, yet due to Bong’s obsession with his practice, they drift apart.
 After graduating from mandatory education, Bong receives the name of Kiku and along with Sukeroku, begins to perform properly on stage as a full-time Rakugoka. During this period, Kiku puts in great effort into his practice yet always lacks behind Sukeroku. Yet Sukuroku’s free nature prevents him from adhering to the restrictive rules of tradition and this makes him disliked by the elder members of the practice.
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The last chance for a simpler life
Japan soon becomes embroiled in various wars and this led to a period of restraint; a period where people avoid wasting resources so that it can be directed towards the war, this has a direct impact on entertainment industries, and Rakugo as well. As time passes and the war continues, Kikuhoko’s teacher and Sukeroku travel to Manchuria to perform for the soldiers on the front lines while Kiku is unable to follow them due to the problem of his leg.
 During this period, he moves to the countryside and works in a factory, this slow life allowing him to contemplate if he should just stay there and not return to the busy city to practice Rakugo. Here, he had a chance to find another way of life, free from his obsession with Rakugo, and try to find meaning in something else.
 The war eventually ends, and he returns to Tokyo. As society begins to recover from the damages of war, people begin to seek out entertainments and Kiku returns to practicing Rakugo to earn a living. Eventually, his teacher and Sukeroku make it back to Japan and everyone is happy and reunited.
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Miyokichi flirts with Kikuhiko, but Kiku is not sure
Here we are introduced to Miyokichi and she quickly takes a liking of Kiku, falling in love with him. This time Kiku does reciprocates, even if his priority is always with practicing Rakugo, and for a while, Miyokichi is okay with this, she is happy seeing the person she loves happy and knows what it is that they want to achieve in life.
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Different camera works are employeed to show the different 
While Kiku was devoted to his practice, Sukeroku’s disdain for tradition grows. In the words of the characters, the two are compared in their way of performance. For Kiku, he embodies the characters and brings the audiences into the world that is being told; he is fluid in his selfhood when performing and tells the story as it is, as close as possible to its intention. Sukeroku is the opposite. All the characters become Sukeroku as he tells the story. He follows the general structure, but his method of delivery is unique to himself and how he feels at that moment; he is unstable but his leads to uniqueness in his telling of the story. If people watch Kiku to listen to the stories he tells, they watch Sukeroku to enjoy Sukeroku’s performance.
 The audience loves them for their individual styles, but Sukeroku’s style makes him shine out compared to the older generations and this results in him increasingly losing favor from the senior practitioners. Yet he was kept around since the audiences liked him, but as his fame increased so did his ego. This eventually results in him being excommunicated from his teacher.
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Westernisation of entertainment in Japan, post-pacific war
And yet if we were to see his actions from a different perspective, we can see this as another form of struggle to keep the practice of Rakugo alive. At this point in history (and depicted in the series), Japan had been experiencing westernization of culture. Kiku works in a café, there is a jazz bar, and Rakugo has been losing its audience as time went by.
The two characters, Sukeroku and Kiku were the youngest practitioners; at least among those, we are introduced to. Thus the two promise each other to continue the practice, to keep it alive, and attempt to revitalize it. To them, Kiku who told the stories as they were would symbolize the tradition that has continued down for centuries, While Sukeroku would symbolize the constant change that is needed for the continued existence of the culture; thus they are not lost to the tide of time; they make a promise to both work together and keep the practice they love alive.
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Konatsu. The daughter of Miyokichi and Sukeroku. She shows us just how many years passed since they ranaway
Yet this promise is left unkept. After Sukeroku’s excommunication, and Kiku’s rejection of Miyokichi’s advances, the two run away from the city to the countryside, have a child and start a family together. However, due to her rejection by Kiku, Miyokichi prevents Sukeroku from practicing Rakugo, as he did not have any other skills, he was unable to earn a living and became a drunk. Fed up with this, she runs away, leaving him and their daughter Konatsu. This belief becomes an obsession and she becomes delusional that Kikuhiko will one day come to save her from this misery.
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Sukeroku: “No, I won’t drink this Sake. I don’t want this to have been just a dream”
 While this was happening, Kiku became better accepted by the senior members of the practice and built up enough fame to the point that there were people who wanted to be his disciple. However, to Kiku, Rakugo that has now lost Sukeroku to guide it to the future is only left to wither away and die. The more he believed this, the more convinced he was that his role was to see it off to the end.
 Yet he holds out hope that if he was just able to bring Sukeroku back, things might change. And after his teacher’s passing, he journeys out in search of him. He finds him eventually, and with effort was able to bring Sukeroku out of his drinking habit and bring him back to performing Rakugo, first at the nearby inn. The performance was successful and for a moment we see the possibility for their promise being kept. Sukeroku wants to go back to the city with Kiku, and start performing Rakugo again as a profession, the reason, not the least of which, the love his daughter shows for his performance.
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Did this really happen?
Yet all goes astray when Miyokichi returns that exact night for Kiku and her obsession with him results in her attempt to commit double suicide with him. Sukeroku saves Kikuhiko in the end but ends up falling off the balcony and into the river below, this taking away his and Miyokichi’s life.
 His final words being “I trust you”.
What was he trusting Kiku with?
To take care of Konatsu?
To take care of Rakugo?
Or to take care of himself?
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Our unreliable narrator begins to tell his story
Of course, we are later told that Kiku, or after this point Yakumo is an unreliable narrator, ironic, being that the person who is described in the series as the best storyteller being unreliable to us.
 There is one more concept we need to understand and use in understanding how to make tradition evolve and live on, and that is Repetition and difference from Gilles Deleuze; when used together with Butler’s performativity, it can help us greatly in this journey of understanding.
 That will be our focus in the next chapter.
 But to end this chapter, let us end it off with this consideration. With Sukeroku’s death, Yakumo completely lost his faith in Rakugo having a future. This leads to him both refusing to take any disciple, and also prevent Konatsu from trying to practice it. This obsession also leads to him being convinced that it was his destiny to witness the death of this practice, thus the title, to commit double suicide with Rakugo during the age of Showa Genroku.
 Role credits
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best-play-school · 4 years
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The first five years of your child’s life are full of rapid and critical development. Proper pre-schooling is an important foundation slab at this age. Apart from imparting physical, social, intellectual and emotional development in your child, Play School in Chennai will help boost self-esteem and social skills and will also foster confidence and independence.Attending a high-quality early childhood program prepares kids for primary schooling and beyond. However, finding the best option for your child takes time and research. If you are in search of a suitable preschool for your little one, you can get started with our list of top 10 pre-schools best play school in Chennai. These have been listed according to the rankings given by seedschool.co.in, that reviews and rates schools across the country.Preschool is the first step for your child without you, where they learn to stay independently, In pre-school, children learn they can actually do things for themselves. Children play school fees in Chennai at preschool learn to wash their hands, go to the washroom and take off their shoes without any adult’s help. Children get many jobs to do at the classroom and play school franchise in Chennai feel proud to do them on their own. Learning new skills helps builds confidence. Increase in working parents & the number of nuclear families left with an option to choose a good preschools in Chennai for childcare & learning. Parents are busy in today’s life, sometimes they are unable to spend much time on learning & extracurricular of the child. A quality preschool takes care of all the necessary things. Children learn a lot from play school fees structure in Chennai going to preschool/ daycare because they are exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes there. But more importantly, they develop social and emotional skills and many more important things that going to help them in future. Are you someone based in Chennai and looking for the right choice for preschooling of your child? seedschool will help you find the franchise for play school in chennai. As parents, we understand you want the best for your child, hence you can try our unique features like mom’s reference or counselling sessions for free of cost! Book a tour to school now.
seedschool will help you to simplify the process for you. In case you are searching for the Top Playschools in Chennai or preschools anywhere in the country, play school in chennai fees will help you make the best choice. While choosing the playschool every parent has their unique need for their child, so we have specifically crafted the features like “Advanced search on Facilities”, “Safety Features” and updated “Contact information”. We also book a play school in thoraipakkam Chennai visit for you and coordinate with preschools for your visit. So don’t wait; logon to https://seedschool.co.in/ and Play School in Perungudi select a daycare/preschool of your choice and request for a visit to the centre. Then leave everything to us after that. At Play School in Adambakkam we have a list of verified & tested play schools in Chennai which covers most of the areas of Chennai, which gives parents an opportunity to best play school in adambakkam choose the most nearby and quality option.
Research has proved that about Play School in Adyar of the brain develops before the age of five.  Pre-school lays the critical foundation of imparting a holistic learning for the child. A best play school in adyar overall development comprises of not only intellectual but also social skills along with inculcating the right values that will help your child go beyond horizons. Finding the Play School in Anna Nagar for your child is always a challenge. Considering the activities, quality of education, proximity from home, timings, value for money and several other factors, we have compiled a list of the play school in anna nagar west.
Many play school in anna nagar east also provide day care and after school care for the convenience of working couples.The right school fosters courage, self-determination & wisdom in your darling preparing him/her to face the competitive world. It is this period when the core of one’s personality, social being & etiquette and the child’s phenomenal physical development takes Play School in Ashok Nagar place.Three- and 4-year old learn through their experiences, and good teachers make time for those “teachable moments” by teaching children to manage frustrations or anger. They don’t automatically step in to resolve children’s conflicts for play school in ashok nagar Chennai they have a well-honed sense of when to let children work out their problems and when to intervene.A structured environment helps young children learn to best play school in ashok nagar chennai make friends and socialize. The structure of a high-quality preschool classroom is largely invisible to children. Classroom space is organized to encourage social interaction and minimize congestion and conflicts.In a high-quality Play School in IITM Research Park, children are introduced to the behaviors required to function successfully in a kindergarten classroom. For example, during group activities such as “circle time,” children learn to Play School in Iyyappanthangal attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking, and wait for their turn to talk.Children have several choices of activities; a child who is wandering is encouraged to choose one that interests him. Teachers help a child Play School in Kilpauk who can’t figure out how to play with other children and may offer him suggestions on ways to join the group. Play School in Kotturpuram  provides a foundation for learning both socially and academically that will help your child succeed in elementary school.Language skills preschool children are nurtured in a “language-rich” environment. Between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words, and their sentences become longer and more complex. Children have Play School in Madipakkam many opportunities to sing, talk about favorite read-aloud books, and act out stories.Young children have best play school in madipakkam good imagination and learn through make-believe play. The ideal play area in a high-quality preschool is well-stocked with costumes, “props,” and child-size household items such as stoves, sinks and cupboards. It’s often in this activity area that small-age children Play School in Madambakkam progress steadily from solitary play to one-on-one play, to complicated group play.
Physical coordination improves, allowing the child to explore the environment and to challenge themselves in new ways. High-quality Play School in Keelkatalai programs provide several opportunities daily for children to run, climb, and play active games. Activities are offered to Play School in Manapakkam help children develop excellent motor skills, such as threading beads or cutting with scissors. And children are challenged through a variety of activities to build their motors skills like hand-Eye coordination and balance.Young children show Play School in Medavakkam great interest in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. To Play School in Nanganallur sustain children’s excitement and motivation for learning, high-quality preschool and child care programs introduce early literacy and math skills not as isolated exercises, but in the context of activities that are interesting and meaningful to children.
Many good preschool franchises are being run in the country, one of them being best play school in nanganallur which has a great staff and provides the best in class services to the students.What does good education give you? A store of useful facts needed for navigating the world of Play School in Pallikaranai work and get a handsome package? Or a set of soft skills to manage change in future and familiarize themselves with changes susceptible in future? Educationalists and politicians argue to and for between knowledge and skills. Truth be told a good education gives you both: one (knowledge) providing the other (skills) contexts to develop.
Research indicates that teaching and assessing students or any individual is much effective than listening to Play School in Porur the lecture-based teaching. If this is true then Play School in Perumbakkam it’s a good rationale for skills-based learning: teaching and assessing one another needs planning, group work, creativity, enquiry, evaluation and self-confidence
“Having growing numbers of students with A + grades is all well and good, but it doesn’t tell schools and employers much about them and what they can do to get lucrative. A Play School in Ramapuram schools, we need to emphasize on Skill-based training which is going to be the backbone of the Make-in-India initiative too and the best way to Play School in Saligramam ensure that vocational training serves its intended purpose is through PPP, i.e., private and public collaboration. For instance, Aptech would attempt to Play School in Selaiyur train more than 2.33 million people nationwide over a period of 10 years in sectors such as banking, financial services, insurance, entertainment, organized retail and many more.
Given the sheer size of our 500 million plus workforce, India can be the driving force behind a global skills-based economy. The one Play School in Sembakkam challenge that is repeatedly tabled at every industry/employer forum is the acute shortage of skilled workers that the I Play School in Velachery ndian industry is facing.
Skills-based learning at play school in velachery 100 feet road helps in developing and applying specific skills that can then be used to obtain the required knowledge. The classroom environment will encourage independence, as well as combining active-learning and collaboration to Play School in Thiruvanmiyur help the children retain the knowledge. This process allows the students to ‘access, process and then express’s the knowledge they have gained rather than merely writing it down. If you want to play school in thiruvanmiyur Chennai find the best school near you then searching on google and having a look at Play School in Narayanapuram the schools is the best option available.
Skill-based education is most appropriate from Play School in K.K Nagar Class VIII onward. It could even begin earlier to prevent school dropouts. Vocational training in schools helps push up student’s interest, attendance rates and encourage broader participation from Play School in Madurai students.
Skill-based education, if promoted seriously, can empower our vast, unemployed labor force and help India emerge as a critical contributor to international play school in Madurai a global skills-based economy enriching itself in the bargain.While a robust skill-based education in how to do something specific – in teaching or engineering, in plumbing or computer science – goes a long way towards supporting students’ employability, there’s been a best play school in Madurai recent burst of awareness for just how vital so-called “soft skills” are for success as well.
Incorporating soft skills into your curriculum will give Play School in Bengaluru your students an advantage in completing their education. Additionally, they will be better prepared to meet workplace expectations, increasing their confidence as they embark on careers. These less tangible traits fall under many titles: Soft skills, noncognitive skills, employability skills, character, social and emotional learning, 21st Century learning, and more. Each of Play School in Mylapore these addresses similar and overlapping sets of strengths. These characteristics go a long way in supporting success in nearly any field, yet they are generally learnt on the job or around the dinner table rather than in the classroom. Your guidance and classroom activities can reinforce the importance of these skills and enable students to play school in mylapore Chennai practice behaviors sought by employers.
Inspire curiosity and Make it okay to say “I don’t know” within a classroom and admit when you as a teacher don’t know an answer. Provide just a bit of information on Play School in Chrompet something new to spark more profound interest. Introduce contradictions and ask students how we might understand them. Ask open-ended questions.
Ask students to best play school in chrompet reflect on challenges they’ve overcome on their path to achievement and share the rough track to success others have taken, as the obstacles, others have overcome often go unseen.
Encourage optimism and be mindful when giving negative feedback, redirect students towards positive behaviors, and help students to play school in chrompet chennai keep their focus toward the positive.
Provide real-world work experience to the students such as apprenticeships, job shadowing, and volunteer roles give students a chance to Play School in Kottivakkam learn from mentors; see and emulate career-relevant skills including timeliness, self-presentation, social awareness, and cooperation; and help build networks to draw on for future roles.Assign students to groups in which every student has a role (e.g., director, presenter, scribe). This requires each student to be independently responsible while also depending on team members to carry out their roles well. Teaching teamwork in this way is part of interventions like Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, which serve to teach collaboration and written communication, this also helps them in becoming a good entrepreneur.Often when designing lessons, teachers are deliberate about playschool near me identifying and communicating cognitive skill goals to students. We should be equally cautious with non-cognitive skills and consider incorporating student self-assessment into lessons. While a student can readily measure their cognitive gains in pre- and post-testing, they do not always take time to playschool near by me reflect on their work, be it successes or challenges, in specific non-cognitive skills.
Having students judge their grit and persistence or highlight an area where they exercised effective failure helps them understand that resilience is potentially more important than memorizing the state capitals. Deliberately adding reflection on soft-skill challenges and growth to best playscool near me lesson design allows students add goal-setting and self-reflection to preschool near me their educational experience and helps prepare them for long-term success.
Seedschool can be the right choice for your child if you are looking for the best preschool near me it has a staff which has all the qualities to help your child build a better future.
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coolobjectives · 4 years
best play school in chennai
The first five years of your child’s life are full of rapid and critical development. Proper pre-schooling is an important foundation slab at this age. Apart from imparting physical, social, intellectual and emotional development in your child, Play School in Chennai will help boost self-esteem and social skills and will also foster confidence and independence.Attending a high-quality early childhood program prepares kids for primary schooling and beyond. However, finding the best option for your child takes time and research. If you are in search of a suitable preschool for your little one, you can get started with our list of top 10 pre-schools best play school in Chennai. These have been listed according to the rankings given by seedschool.co.in, that reviews and rates schools across the country.Preschool is the first step for your child without you, where they learn to stay independently, In pre-school, children learn they can actually do things for themselves. Children play school fees in Chennai at preschool learn to wash their hands, go to the washroom and take off their shoes without any adult’s help. Children get many jobs to do at the classroom and play school franchise in Chennai feel proud to do them on their own. Learning new skills helps builds confidence. Increase in working parents & the number of nuclear families left with an option to choose a good preschools in Chennai for childcare & learning. Parents are busy in today’s life, sometimes they are unable to spend much time on learning & extracurricular of the child. A quality preschool takes care of all the necessary things. Children learn a lot from play school fees structure in Chennai going to preschool/ daycare because they are exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes there. But more importantly, they develop social and emotional skills and many more important things that going to help them in future. Are you someone based in Chennai and looking for the right choice for preschooling of your child? seedschool will help you find the franchise for play school in chennai. As parents, we understand you want the best for your child, hence you can try our unique features like mom’s reference or counselling sessions for free of cost! Book a tour to school now.
seedschool will help you to simplify the process for you. In case you are searching for the Top Playschools in Chennai or preschools anywhere in the country, play school in chennai fees will help you make the best choice. While choosing the playschool every parent has their unique need for their child, so we have specifically crafted the features like “Advanced search on Facilities”, “Safety Features” and updated “Contact information”. We also book a play school in thoraipakkam Chennai visit for you and coordinate with preschools for your visit. So don’t wait; logon to https://seedschool.co.in/ and Play School in Perungudi select a daycare/preschool of your choice and request for a visit to the centre. Then leave everything to us after that. At Play School in Adambakkam we have a list of verified & tested play schools in Chennai which covers most of the areas of Chennai, which gives parents an opportunity to best play school in adambakkam choose the most nearby and quality option.
Research has proved that about Play School in Adyar of the brain develops before the age of five.  Pre-school lays the critical foundation of imparting a holistic learning for the child. A best play school in adyar overall development comprises of not only intellectual but also social skills along with inculcating the right values that will help your child go beyond horizons. Finding the Play School in Anna Nagar for your child is always a challenge. Considering the activities, quality of education, proximity from home, timings, value for money and several other factors, we have compiled a list of the play school in anna nagar west.
Many play school in anna nagar east also provide day care and after school care for the convenience of working couples.The right school fosters courage, self-determination & wisdom in your darling preparing him/her to face the competitive world. It is this period when the core of one’s personality, social being & etiquette and the child’s phenomenal physical development takes Play School in Ashok Nagar place.Three- and 4-year old learn through their experiences, and good teachers make time for those “teachable moments” by teaching children to manage frustrations or anger. They don’t automatically step in to resolve children’s conflicts for play school in ashok nagar Chennai they have a well-honed sense of when to let children work out their problems and when to intervene.A structured environment helps young children learn to best play school in ashok nagar chennai make friends and socialize. The structure of a high-quality preschool classroom is largely invisible to children. Classroom space is organized to encourage social interaction and minimize congestion and conflicts.In a high-quality Play School in IITM Research Park, children are introduced to the behaviors required to function successfully in a kindergarten classroom. For example, during group activities such as “circle time,” children learn to Play School in Iyyappanthangal attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking, and wait for their turn to talk.Children have several choices of activities; a child who is wandering is encouraged to choose one that interests him. Teachers help a child Play School in Kilpauk who can’t figure out how to play with other children and may offer him suggestions on ways to join the group. Play School in Kotturpuram  provides a foundation for learning both socially and academically that will help your child succeed in elementary school.Language skills preschool children are nurtured in a “language-rich” environment. Between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words, and their sentences become longer and more complex. Children have Play School in Madipakkam many opportunities to sing, talk about favorite read-aloud books, and act out stories.Young children have best play school in madipakkam good imagination and learn through make-believe play. The ideal play area in a high-quality preschool is well-stocked with costumes, “props,” and child-size household items such as stoves, sinks and cupboards. It’s often in this activity area that small-age children Play School in Madambakkam progress steadily from solitary play to one-on-one play, to complicated group play.
Physical coordination improves, allowing the child to explore the environment and to challenge themselves in new ways. High-quality Play School in Keelkatalai programs provide several opportunities daily for children to run, climb, and play active games. Activities are offered to Play School in Manapakkam help children develop excellent motor skills, such as threading beads or cutting with scissors. And children are challenged through a variety of activities to build their motors skills like hand-Eye coordination and balance.Young children show Play School in Medavakkam great interest in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. To Play School in Nanganallur sustain children’s excitement and motivation for learning, high-quality preschool and child care programs introduce early literacy and math skills not as isolated exercises, but in the context of activities that are interesting and meaningful to children.
Many good preschool franchises are being run in the country, one of them being best play school in nanganallur which has a great staff and provides the best in class services to the students.What does good education give you? A store of useful facts needed for navigating the world of Play School in Pallikaranai work and get a handsome package? Or a set of soft skills to manage change in future and familiarize themselves with changes susceptible in future? Educationalists and politicians argue to and for between knowledge and skills. Truth be told a good education gives you both: one (knowledge) providing the other (skills) contexts to develop.
Research indicates that teaching and assessing students or any individual is much effective than listening to Play School in Porur the lecture-based teaching. If this is true then Play School in Perumbakkam it’s a good rationale for skills-based learning: teaching and assessing one another needs planning, group work, creativity, enquiry, evaluation and self-confidence
“Having growing numbers of students with A + grades is all well and good, but it doesn’t tell schools and employers much about them and what they can do to get lucrative. A Play School in Ramapuram schools, we need to emphasize on Skill-based training which is going to be the backbone of the Make-in-India initiative too and the best way to Play School in Saligramam ensure that vocational training serves its intended purpose is through PPP, i.e., private and public collaboration. For instance, Aptech would attempt to Play School in Selaiyur train more than 2.33 million people nationwide over a period of 10 years in sectors such as banking, financial services, insurance, entertainment, organized retail and many more.
Given the sheer size of our 500 million plus workforce, India can be the driving force behind a global skills-based economy. The one Play School in Sembakkam challenge that is repeatedly tabled at every industry/employer forum is the acute shortage of skilled workers that the I Play School in Velachery ndian industry is facing.
Skills-based learning at play school in velachery 100 feet road helps in developing and applying specific skills that can then be used to obtain the required knowledge. The classroom environment will encourage independence, as well as combining active-learning and collaboration to Play School in Thiruvanmiyur help the children retain the knowledge. This process allows the students to ‘access, process and then express’s the knowledge they have gained rather than merely writing it down. If you want to play school in thiruvanmiyur Chennai find the best school near you then searching on google and having a look at Play School in Narayanapuram the schools is the best option available.
Skill-based education is most appropriate from Play School in K.K Nagar Class VIII onward. It could even begin earlier to prevent school dropouts. Vocational training in schools helps push up student’s interest, attendance rates and encourage broader participation from Play School in Madurai students.
Skill-based education, if promoted seriously, can empower our vast, unemployed labor force and help India emerge as a critical contributor to international play school in Madurai a global skills-based economy enriching itself in the bargain.While a robust skill-based education in how to do something specific – in teaching or engineering, in plumbing or computer science – goes a long way towards supporting students’ employability, there’s been a best play school in Madurai recent burst of awareness for just how vital so-called “soft skills” are for success as well.
Incorporating soft skills into your curriculum will give Play School in Bengaluru your students an advantage in completing their education. Additionally, they will be better prepared to meet workplace expectations, increasing their confidence as they embark on careers. These less tangible traits fall under many titles: Soft skills, noncognitive skills, employability skills, character, social and emotional learning, 21st Century learning, and more. Each of Play School in Mylapore these addresses similar and overlapping sets of strengths. These characteristics go a long way in supporting success in nearly any field, yet they are generally learnt on the job or around the dinner table rather than in the classroom. Your guidance and classroom activities can reinforce the importance of these skills and enable students to play school in mylapore Chennai practice behaviors sought by employers.
Inspire curiosity and Make it okay to say “I don’t know” within a classroom and admit when you as a teacher don’t know an answer. Provide just a bit of information on Play School in Chrompet something new to spark more profound interest. Introduce contradictions and ask students how we might understand them. Ask open-ended questions.
Ask students to best play school in chrompet reflect on challenges they’ve overcome on their path to achievement and share the rough track to success others have taken, as the obstacles, others have overcome often go unseen.
Encourage optimism and be mindful when giving negative feedback, redirect students towards positive behaviors, and help students to play school in chrompet chennai keep their focus toward the positive.
Provide real-world work experience to the students such as apprenticeships, job shadowing, and volunteer roles give students a chance to Play School in Kottivakkam learn from mentors; see and emulate career-relevant skills including timeliness, self-presentation, social awareness, and cooperation; and help build networks to draw on for future roles.Assign students to groups in which every student has a role (e.g., director, presenter, scribe). This requires each student to be independently responsible while also depending on team members to carry out their roles well. Teaching teamwork in this way is part of interventions like Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, which serve to teach collaboration and written communication, this also helps them in becoming a good entrepreneur.Often when designing lessons, teachers are deliberate about playschool near me identifying and communicating cognitive skill goals to students. We should be equally cautious with non-cognitive skills and consider incorporating student self-assessment into lessons. While a student can readily measure their cognitive gains in pre- and post-testing, they do not always take time to playschool near by me reflect on their work, be it successes or challenges, in specific non-cognitive skills.
Having students judge their grit and persistence or highlight an area where they exercised effective failure helps them understand that resilience is potentially more important than memorizing the state capitals. Deliberately adding reflection on soft-skill challenges and growth to best playscool near me lesson design allows students add goal-setting and self-reflection to preschool near me their educational experience and helps prepare them for long-term success.
Seedschool can be the right choice for your child if you are looking for the best preschool near me it has a staff which has all the qualities to help your child build a better future.
1 note · View note
trafficnews · 4 years
Tumblr media
The first five years of your child’s life are full of rapid and critical development. Proper pre-schooling is an important foundation slab at this age. Apart from imparting physical, social, intellectual and emotional development in your child, Play School in Chennai will help boost self-esteem and social skills and will also foster confidence and independence.Attending a high-quality early childhood program prepares kids for primary schooling and beyond. However, finding the best option for your child takes time and research. If you are in search of a suitable preschool for your little one, you can get started with our list of top 10 pre-schools best play school in Chennai. These have been listed according to the rankings given by seedschool.co.in, that reviews and rates schools across the country.Preschool is the first step for your child without you, where they learn to stay independently, In pre-school, children learn they can actually do things for themselves. Children play school fees in Chennai at preschool learn to wash their hands, go to the washroom and take off their shoes without any adult’s help. Children get many jobs to do at the classroom and play school franchise in Chennai feel proud to do them on their own. Learning new skills helps builds confidence. Increase in working parents & the number of nuclear families left with an option to choose a good preschools in Chennai for childcare & learning. Parents are busy in today’s life, sometimes they are unable to spend much time on learning & extracurricular of the child. A quality preschool takes care of all the necessary things. Children learn a lot from play school fees structure in Chennai going to preschool/ daycare because they are exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes there. But more importantly, they develop social and emotional skills and many more important things that going to help them in future. Are you someone based in Chennai and looking for the right choice for preschooling of your child? seedschool will help you find the franchise for play school in chennai. As parents, we understand you want the best for your child, hence you can try our unique features like mom’s reference or counselling sessions for free of cost! Book a tour to school now.
seedschool will help you to simplify the process for you. In case you are searching for the Top Playschools in Chennai or preschools anywhere in the country, play school in chennai fees will help you make the best choice. While choosing the playschool every parent has their unique need for their child, so we have specifically crafted the features like “Advanced search on Facilities”, “Safety Features” and updated “Contact information”. We also book a play school in thoraipakkam Chennai visit for you and coordinate with preschools for your visit. So don’t wait; logon to https://seedschool.co.in/ and Play School in Perungudi select a daycare/preschool of your choice and request for a visit to the centre. Then leave everything to us after that. At Play School in Adambakkam we have a list of verified & tested play schools in Chennai which covers most of the areas of Chennai, which gives parents an opportunity to best play school in adambakkam choose the most nearby and quality option.
Research has proved that about Play School in Adyar of the brain develops before the age of five.  Pre-school lays the critical foundation of imparting a holistic learning for the child. A best play school in adyar overall development comprises of not only intellectual but also social skills along with inculcating the right values that will help your child go beyond horizons. Finding the Play School in Anna Nagar for your child is always a challenge. Considering the activities, quality of education, proximity from home, timings, value for money and several other factors, we have compiled a list of the play school in anna nagar west.
Many play school in anna nagar east also provide day care and after school care for the convenience of working couples.The right school fosters courage, self-determination & wisdom in your darling preparing him/her to face the competitive world. It is this period when the core of one’s personality, social being & etiquette and the child’s phenomenal physical development takes Play School in Ashok Nagar place.Three- and 4-year old learn through their experiences, and good teachers make time for those “teachable moments” by teaching children to manage frustrations or anger. They don’t automatically step in to resolve children’s conflicts for play school in ashok nagar Chennai they have a well-honed sense of when to let children work out their problems and when to intervene.A structured environment helps young children learn to best play school in ashok nagar chennai make friends and socialize. The structure of a high-quality preschool classroom is largely invisible to children. Classroom space is organized to encourage social interaction and minimize congestion and conflicts.In a high-quality Play School in IITM Research Park, children are introduced to the behaviors required to function successfully in a kindergarten classroom. For example, during group activities such as “circle time,” children learn to Play School in Iyyappanthangal attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking, and wait for their turn to talk.Children have several choices of activities; a child who is wandering is encouraged to choose one that interests him. Teachers help a child Play School in Kilpauk who can’t figure out how to play with other children and may offer him suggestions on ways to join the group. Play School in Kotturpuram  provides a foundation for learning both socially and academically that will help your child succeed in elementary school.Language skills preschool children are nurtured in a “language-rich” environment. Between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words, and their sentences become longer and more complex. Children have Play School in Madipakkam many opportunities to sing, talk about favorite read-aloud books, and act out stories.Young children have best play school in madipakkam good imagination and learn through make-believe play. The ideal play area in a high-quality preschool is well-stocked with costumes, “props,” and child-size household items such as stoves, sinks and cupboards. It’s often in this activity area that small-age children Play School in Madambakkam progress steadily from solitary play to one-on-one play, to complicated group play.
Physical coordination improves, allowing the child to explore the environment and to challenge themselves in new ways. High-quality Play School in Keelkatalai programs provide several opportunities daily for children to run, climb, and play active games. Activities are offered to Play School in Manapakkam help children develop excellent motor skills, such as threading beads or cutting with scissors. And children are challenged through a variety of activities to build their motors skills like hand-Eye coordination and balance.Young children show Play School in Medavakkam great interest in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. To Play School in Nanganallur sustain children’s excitement and motivation for learning, high-quality preschool and child care programs introduce early literacy and math skills not as isolated exercises, but in the context of activities that are interesting and meaningful to children.
Many good preschool franchises are being run in the country, one of them being best play school in nanganallur which has a great staff and provides the best in class services to the students.What does good education give you? A store of useful facts needed for navigating the world of Play School in Pallikaranai work and get a handsome package? Or a set of soft skills to manage change in future and familiarize themselves with changes susceptible in future? Educationalists and politicians argue to and for between knowledge and skills. Truth be told a good education gives you both: one (knowledge) providing the other (skills) contexts to develop.
Research indicates that teaching and assessing students or any individual is much effective than listening to Play School in Porur the lecture-based teaching. If this is true then Play School in Perumbakkam it’s a good rationale for skills-based learning: teaching and assessing one another needs planning, group work, creativity, enquiry, evaluation and self-confidence
“Having growing numbers of students with A + grades is all well and good, but it doesn’t tell schools and employers much about them and what they can do to get lucrative. A Play School in Ramapuram schools, we need to emphasize on Skill-based training which is going to be the backbone of the Make-in-India initiative too and the best way to Play School in Saligramam ensure that vocational training serves its intended purpose is through PPP, i.e., private and public collaboration. For instance, Aptech would attempt to Play School in Selaiyur train more than 2.33 million people nationwide over a period of 10 years in sectors such as banking, financial services, insurance, entertainment, organized retail and many more.
Given the sheer size of our 500 million plus workforce, India can be the driving force behind a global skills-based economy. The one Play School in Sembakkam challenge that is repeatedly tabled at every industry/employer forum is the acute shortage of skilled workers that the I Play School in Velachery ndian industry is facing.
Skills-based learning at play school in velachery 100 feet road helps in developing and applying specific skills that can then be used to obtain the required knowledge. The classroom environment will encourage independence, as well as combining active-learning and collaboration to Play School in Thiruvanmiyur help the children retain the knowledge. This process allows the students to ‘access, process and then express’s the knowledge they have gained rather than merely writing it down. If you want to play school in thiruvanmiyur Chennai find the best school near you then searching on google and having a look at Play School in Narayanapuram the schools is the best option available.
Skill-based education is most appropriate from Play School in K.K Nagar Class VIII onward. It could even begin earlier to prevent school dropouts. Vocational training in schools helps push up student’s interest, attendance rates and encourage broader participation from Play School in Madurai students.
Skill-based education, if promoted seriously, can empower our vast, unemployed labor force and help India emerge as a critical contributor to international play school in Madurai a global skills-based economy enriching itself in the bargain.While a robust skill-based education in how to do something specific – in teaching or engineering, in plumbing or computer science – goes a long way towards supporting students’ employability, there’s been a best play school in Madurai recent burst of awareness for just how vital so-called “soft skills” are for success as well.
Incorporating soft skills into your curriculum will give Play School in Bengaluru your students an advantage in completing their education. Additionally, they will be better prepared to meet workplace expectations, increasing their confidence as they embark on careers. These less tangible traits fall under many titles: Soft skills, noncognitive skills, employability skills, character, social and emotional learning, 21st Century learning, and more. Each of Play School in Mylapore these addresses similar and overlapping sets of strengths. These characteristics go a long way in supporting success in nearly any field, yet they are generally learnt on the job or around the dinner table rather than in the classroom. Your guidance and classroom activities can reinforce the importance of these skills and enable students to play school in mylapore Chennai practice behaviors sought by employers.
Inspire curiosity and Make it okay to say “I don’t know” within a classroom and admit when you as a teacher don’t know an answer. Provide just a bit of information on Play School in Chrompet something new to spark more profound interest. Introduce contradictions and ask students how we might understand them. Ask open-ended questions.
Ask students to best play school in chrompet reflect on challenges they’ve overcome on their path to achievement and share the rough track to success others have taken, as the obstacles, others have overcome often go unseen.
Encourage optimism and be mindful when giving negative feedback, redirect students towards positive behaviors, and help students to play school in chrompet chennai keep their focus toward the positive.
Provide real-world work experience to the students such as apprenticeships, job shadowing, and volunteer roles give students a chance to Play School in Kottivakkam learn from mentors; see and emulate career-relevant skills including timeliness, self-presentation, social awareness, and cooperation; and help build networks to draw on for future roles.Assign students to groups in which every student has a role (e.g., director, presenter, scribe). This requires each student to be independently responsible while also depending on team members to carry out their roles well. Teaching teamwork in this way is part of interventions like Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, which serve to teach collaboration and written communication, this also helps them in becoming a good entrepreneur.Often when designing lessons, teachers are deliberate about playschool near me identifying and communicating cognitive skill goals to students. We should be equally cautious with non-cognitive skills and consider incorporating student self-assessment into lessons. While a student can readily measure their cognitive gains in pre- and post-testing, they do not always take time to playschool near by me reflect on their work, be it successes or challenges, in specific non-cognitive skills.
Having students judge their grit and persistence or highlight an area where they exercised effective failure helps them understand that resilience is potentially more important than memorizing the state capitals. Deliberately adding reflection on soft-skill challenges and growth to best playscool near me lesson design allows students add goal-setting and self-reflection to preschool near me their educational experience and helps prepare them for long-term success.
Seedschool can be the right choice for your child if you are looking for the best preschool near me it has a staff which has all the qualities to help your child build a better future.
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webtrademe · 4 years
playschool in chennai
The first five years of your child’s life are full of rapid and critical development. Proper pre-schooling is an important foundation slab at this age. Apart from imparting physical, social, intellectual and emotional development in your child, Play School in Chennai will help boost self-esteem and social skills and will also foster confidence and independence.Attending a high-quality early childhood program prepares kids for primary schooling and beyond. However, finding the best option for your child takes time and research. If you are in search of a suitable preschool for your little one, you can get started with our list of top 10 pre-schools best play school in Chennai. These have been listed according to the rankings given by seedschool.co.in, that reviews and rates schools across the country.Preschool is the first step for your child without you, where they learn to stay independently, In pre-school, children learn they can actually do things for themselves. Children play school fees in Chennai at preschool learn to wash their hands, go to the washroom and take off their shoes without any adult’s help. Children get many jobs to do at the classroom and play school franchise in Chennai feel proud to do them on their own. Learning new skills helps builds confidence. Increase in working parents & the number of nuclear families left with an option to choose a good preschools in Chennai for childcare & learning. Parents are busy in today’s life, sometimes they are unable to spend much time on learning & extracurricular of the child. A quality preschool takes care of all the necessary things. Children learn a lot from play school fees structure in Chennai going to preschool/ daycare because they are exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes there. But more importantly, they develop social and emotional skills and many more important things that going to help them in future. Are you someone based in Chennai and looking for the right choice for preschooling of your child? seedschool will help you find the franchise for play school in chennai. As parents, we understand you want the best for your child, hence you can try our unique features like mom’s reference or counselling sessions for free of cost! Book a tour to school now.
seedschool will help you to simplify the process for you. In case you are searching for the Top Playschools in Chennai or preschools anywhere in the country, play school in chennai fees will help you make the best choice. While choosing the playschool every parent has their unique need for their child, so we have specifically crafted the features like “Advanced search on Facilities”, “Safety Features” and updated “Contact information”. We also book a play school in thoraipakkam Chennai visit for you and coordinate with preschools for your visit. So don’t wait; logon to https://seedschool.co.in/ and Play School in Perungudi select a daycare/preschool of your choice and request for a visit to the centre. Then leave everything to us after that. At Play School in Adambakkam we have a list of verified & tested play schools in Chennai which covers most of the areas of Chennai, which gives parents an opportunity to best play school in adambakkam choose the most nearby and quality option.
Research has proved that about Play School in Adyar of the brain develops before the age of five.  Pre-school lays the critical foundation of imparting a holistic learning for the child. A best play school in adyar overall development comprises of not only intellectual but also social skills along with inculcating the right values that will help your child go beyond horizons. Finding the Play School in Anna Nagar for your child is always a challenge. Considering the activities, quality of education, proximity from home, timings, value for money and several other factors, we have compiled a list of the play school in anna nagar west.
Many play school in anna nagar east also provide day care and after school care for the convenience of working couples.The right school fosters courage, self-determination & wisdom in your darling preparing him/her to face the competitive world. It is this period when the core of one’s personality, social being & etiquette and the child’s phenomenal physical development takes Play School in Ashok Nagar place.Three- and 4-year old learn through their experiences, and good teachers make time for those “teachable moments” by teaching children to manage frustrations or anger. They don’t automatically step in to resolve children’s conflicts for play school in ashok nagar Chennai they have a well-honed sense of when to let children work out their problems and when to intervene.A structured environment helps young children learn to best play school in ashok nagar chennai make friends and socialize. The structure of a high-quality preschool classroom is largely invisible to children. Classroom space is organized to encourage social interaction and minimize congestion and conflicts.In a high-quality Play School in IITM Research Park, children are introduced to the behaviors required to function successfully in a kindergarten classroom. For example, during group activities such as “circle time,” children learn to Play School in Iyyappanthangal attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking, and wait for their turn to talk.Children have several choices of activities; a child who is wandering is encouraged to choose one that interests him. Teachers help a child Play School in Kilpauk who can’t figure out how to play with other children and may offer him suggestions on ways to join the group. Play School in Kotturpuram  provides a foundation for learning both socially and academically that will help your child succeed in elementary school.Language skills preschool children are nurtured in a “language-rich” environment. Between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words, and their sentences become longer and more complex. Children have Play School in Madipakkam many opportunities to sing, talk about favorite read-aloud books, and act out stories.Young children have best play school in madipakkam good imagination and learn through make-believe play. The ideal play area in a high-quality preschool is well-stocked with costumes, “props,” and child-size household items such as stoves, sinks and cupboards. It’s often in this activity area that small-age children Play School in Madambakkam progress steadily from solitary play to one-on-one play, to complicated group play.
Physical coordination improves, allowing the child to explore the environment and to challenge themselves in new ways. High-quality Play School in Keelkatalai programs provide several opportunities daily for children to run, climb, and play active games. Activities are offered to Play School in Manapakkam help children develop excellent motor skills, such as threading beads or cutting with scissors. And children are challenged through a variety of activities to build their motors skills like hand-Eye coordination and balance.Young children show Play School in Medavakkam great interest in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. To Play School in Nanganallur sustain children’s excitement and motivation for learning, high-quality preschool and child care programs introduce early literacy and math skills not as isolated exercises, but in the context of activities that are interesting and meaningful to children.
Many good preschool franchises are being run in the country, one of them being best play school in nanganallur which has a great staff and provides the best in class services to the students.What does good education give you? A store of useful facts needed for navigating the world of Play School in Pallikaranai work and get a handsome package? Or a set of soft skills to manage change in future and familiarize themselves with changes susceptible in future? Educationalists and politicians argue to and for between knowledge and skills. Truth be told a good education gives you both: one (knowledge) providing the other (skills) contexts to develop.
Research indicates that teaching and assessing students or any individual is much effective than listening to Play School in Porur the lecture-based teaching. If this is true then Play School in Perumbakkam it’s a good rationale for skills-based learning: teaching and assessing one another needs planning, group work, creativity, enquiry, evaluation and self-confidence
“Having growing numbers of students with A + grades is all well and good, but it doesn’t tell schools and employers much about them and what they can do to get lucrative. A Play School in Ramapuram schools, we need to emphasize on Skill-based training which is going to be the backbone of the Make-in-India initiative too and the best way to Play School in Saligramam ensure that vocational training serves its intended purpose is through PPP, i.e., private and public collaboration. For instance, Aptech would attempt to Play School in Selaiyur train more than 2.33 million people nationwide over a period of 10 years in sectors such as banking, financial services, insurance, entertainment, organized retail and many more.
Given the sheer size of our 500 million plus workforce, India can be the driving force behind a global skills-based economy. The one Play School in Sembakkam challenge that is repeatedly tabled at every industry/employer forum is the acute shortage of skilled workers that the I Play School in Velachery ndian industry is facing.
Skills-based learning at play school in velachery 100 feet road helps in developing and applying specific skills that can then be used to obtain the required knowledge. The classroom environment will encourage independence, as well as combining active-learning and collaboration to Play School in Thiruvanmiyur help the children retain the knowledge. This process allows the students to ‘access, process and then express’s the knowledge they have gained rather than merely writing it down. If you want to play school in thiruvanmiyur Chennai find the best school near you then searching on google and having a look at Play School in Narayanapuram the schools is the best option available.
Skill-based education is most appropriate from Play School in K.K Nagar Class VIII onward. It could even begin earlier to prevent school dropouts. Vocational training in schools helps push up student’s interest, attendance rates and encourage broader participation from Play School in Madurai students.
Skill-based education, if promoted seriously, can empower our vast, unemployed labor force and help India emerge as a critical contributor to international play school in Madurai a global skills-based economy enriching itself in the bargain.While a robust skill-based education in how to do something specific – in teaching or engineering, in plumbing or computer science – goes a long way towards supporting students’ employability, there’s been a best play school in Madurai recent burst of awareness for just how vital so-called “soft skills” are for success as well.
Incorporating soft skills into your curriculum will give Play School in Bengaluru your students an advantage in completing their education. Additionally, they will be better prepared to meet workplace expectations, increasing their confidence as they embark on careers. These less tangible traits fall under many titles: Soft skills, noncognitive skills, employability skills, character, social and emotional learning, 21st Century learning, and more. Each of Play School in Mylapore these addresses similar and overlapping sets of strengths. These characteristics go a long way in supporting success in nearly any field, yet they are generally learnt on the job or around the dinner table rather than in the classroom. Your guidance and classroom activities can reinforce the importance of these skills and enable students to play school in mylapore Chennai practice behaviors sought by employers.
Inspire curiosity and Make it okay to say “I don’t know” within a classroom and admit when you as a teacher don’t know an answer. Provide just a bit of information on Play School in Chrompet something new to spark more profound interest. Introduce contradictions and ask students how we might understand them. Ask open-ended questions.
Ask students to best play school in chrompet reflect on challenges they’ve overcome on their path to achievement and share the rough track to success others have taken, as the obstacles, others have overcome often go unseen.
Encourage optimism and be mindful when giving negative feedback, redirect students towards positive behaviors, and help students to play school in chrompet chennai keep their focus toward the positive.
Provide real-world work experience to the students such as apprenticeships, job shadowing, and volunteer roles give students a chance to Play School in Kottivakkam learn from mentors; see and emulate career-relevant skills including timeliness, self-presentation, social awareness, and cooperation; and help build networks to draw on for future roles.Assign students to groups in which every student has a role (e.g., director, presenter, scribe). This requires each student to be independently responsible while also depending on team members to carry out their roles well. Teaching teamwork in this way is part of interventions like Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, which serve to teach collaboration and written communication, this also helps them in becoming a good entrepreneur.Often when designing lessons, teachers are deliberate about playschool near me identifying and communicating cognitive skill goals to students. We should be equally cautious with non-cognitive skills and consider incorporating student self-assessment into lessons. While a student can readily measure their cognitive gains in pre- and post-testing, they do not always take time to playschool near by me reflect on their work, be it successes or challenges, in specific non-cognitive skills.
Having students judge their grit and persistence or highlight an area where they exercised effective failure helps them understand that resilience is potentially more important than memorizing the state capitals. Deliberately adding reflection on soft-skill challenges and growth to best playscool near me lesson design allows students add goal-setting and self-reflection to preschool near me their educational experience and helps prepare them for long-term success.
Seedschool can be the right choice for your child if you are looking for the best preschool near me it has a staff which has all the qualities to help your child build a better future.
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studiousbees · 6 years
Language learning when busy
Hello, everyone! This post is not about any language in specific but about learning languages in general. A lot of us have a lot to do in our daily lives! Work, school, family, friends... what about study time? Today, I'd like to talk about making a study schedule that fits in your schedule and, most importantly, works for you.
Multiple intelligences
Before we actually talk about scheduling, let's talk about learning. To maximize your studies, you need to know how you learn the best. For this, you should know which of the multiple intelligences suit you best. The theory of multiple intelligences was created by a man called Howard Gardner. He suggested that there are many ways of taking in and processing information, and some work better for some people than others. The multiple intelligences are:
— People with high visual-spatial intelligence are good at tasks that require manipulation of things in space, and things related to images. Art might be their thing! Things like making webs to show related vocabulary and drawing pictures or otherwise using images and charts to link with next concepts are helpful here.
— Kinesthetic intelligence is related to being in tune with physical motion of the body. Manipulating physical objects, relating words and terms with motions, and doing activities that require movement like acting things out are all helpful for people with high Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
— This one is of course related to one's musicality and sense of rhythm. Using audio materials, using music to help learn and remember concepts, and even just having some music playing while studying can help!
— If you have high interpersonal intelligence, you learn well when you interact with others. Getting involved in language exchanges or study groups could help you a lot.
— High intrapersonal intelligence is related to knowing and being at home with oneself. More quiet, solitary, reflective study might be your thing.
— High verbal-linguistic intelligence is related to being good at manipulating words. Of course, this does not mean that people with high verbal-linguistic intelligence are automatically good at languages! If you fall into this category, try to use the words and grammar you use in more creative ways, such as creative writing. Also, your natural skill will words might help you draw more information from written sources.
— If you have high logical-mathematical intelligence, you are probably good at reasoning and finding trends and patterns. It's important to build concepts up upon each other to understand the big idea and then get into the detective work of investigating grammar and vocabulary more closely to see how they're related.
— This eighth intelligence was added after the first seven had already been published. Nature-related intelligence is concerned with how in tune one is with the world around them. I honestly am not too familiar with this one as a concept. However, I think that finding ways to naturally encounter language would help people with high naturalistic intelligence. Also, I think that their sensitivity to things around them would help them to pick up on body language and pragmatic nuance.
Of course, these multiple intelligences are not absolute, and everyone has all of them in a variety of degrees. Still, thinking about which categories you fit into best can help you to start thinking about what might help you to learn best.
Setting aside time for study
One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when studying on a schedule is time. Studying a little bit each day is more effective than studying a lot just once every few days! Try to get a big study session or two in at least once or twice a week. On other days, you can do shorter sessions to review the words and grammar you encountered in your main study sessions. The important thing is to set aside the time for it. If you do not make an effort to set aside the time for something, then chances are you just will not do it, especially if you're already pressed as it is.
I personally have a planner in which I write down my goals, study-wise and otherwise, for the day. I check each item off the list as I complete it... and I hate having to mark an X for incomplete on anything! This works for me. However, if you need more structure, set apart a designated block of time for study. I recommend at least 30 minutes, but that is ultimately up to you. Mark down your study time somewhere—maybe you think 8 to 8:30 is the prime study time. C0mmit to that time and make it a habit!
Study time does not have to be pure study time
Don't feel too pressured to make every study session a real bring-out-the-big-books session! Your study time can be time spent doing other things as well—listening to dialogues or doing flashcards during your commute, listening to a foreign podcast in the background while doing math homework, watching a show in your target language as your nightly TV time... any way you can fit in that exposure!
If the thought of studying becomes stressful, take a break
If you find that you are actively avoiding study for whatever reason or that your study schedule is stressing you out, take a step back and reevaluate. Your health, both physical and mental, are more important than your studies! Make sure to take some time for yourself every day in the midst of your busy life!
Remember that missing a study session is not a failure
Learning is not a race! Life happens and sometimes we get off track a bit. When it happens, on those days you can't check your study off of the to-do list, don't feel bad about it! As long as you can commit to getting back on the study train, a few days down here and there won't hurt :)
As always, happy studying~!
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youdecode · 4 years
21 Things to do to be Productive | what to do when bored at night at home?
Wondering Things to Do to Be Productive at night? Who said that only mornings are made to be productive?
You can take most out of night.
Many times, with the sinking of the sun, people will be lethargic.
They repeatedly question what they should do until sleep overtakes.
If you are looking for some things to do to be productive then this blogpost has got you covered.
Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.
How to Wake up Early & How to get up Early?
How to Manage Time Effectively?
How to create a Powerful Action Plan?
  PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !
 21 Things To Do To Be Productive
Let’s dig into 21 things to do to be productive:
#1 Think about a side hustle
One of the best Things to Do to Be Productive is jotting down the ideas of side hustle.
Most of the creative ideas hit us all at night. Why?
Because our subconscious mind is most active.
If you ask about me then I have this separate spreadsheet where I type in all the business ideas that strike.
You can start a profitable blog too.
So, you might not be in the best position of working at night but you can surely plan for business ventures ahead.
 #2 Design your inspiration board
 Have you tried crafting an inspiration board yet as a productive thing to do?
If not then now is the time!
You need to realize that visualization is a strong tool.
Yes, it will never go in waste.
By making an inspiration board , you will become more successful, driven, and focused. 
#3 Try a productive online course
 My favorite thing to do to be productive!
Now girl, let me reinforce a fact.
This world has gotten a lot more competitive.
Yes, more than you think, so you need to run with the rat race.
Invest in yourself and boost your skills so that you have a competitive edge over someone who shares the same degree as you.
There are several platforms like udemy, coursera.
If you are not interested in the course which will boost your resume then choose the other fun courses.
Girls there do several paintings , calligraphy, coding and other courses.
Excuse me for including coding in the fun section but indeed it is a productive thing to do.
 #4 Find a volunteering gig.
 This is one of the fun things to do to be productive before dozing off!
Find yourself a volunteering gig.
Let me tap my tale, I was randomly finding volunteering gigs two years ago.
And guess what?
I found one near my locality. One random browsing activity enabled me to help some awesome people.
I made great friends while feeling the utmost satisfaction.
So browse the internet for good. 
#5 Craft your five year plan
 This is such a helpful way of decluttering your mind. And yet a productive thing to do when bored.
Sometimes thoughts related to the future do not let you sleep.
The best way in this regard is to make your mind exercise for clarity.
Yes, design a clarity plan of five year.
Where do you see yourself?
 #6 Reconnect with an old friend
 If you will be reconnecting with an old friend then i will term it as a productive act.
So what to do when bored at night?
Make this heartwarming gesture and relive the old times.
Cherish the memories before it gets late.
 #7 Write a letter to your future self
 I remember writing a letter to my future self in the beginning of my freshmen year.
Ah. . . have not read it yet!
The thought alone is exciting to me.
If you are wondering what to fill in the letter to your future self then just fill it with emotions, random questions and advice.
Most important thing is to seal and hide it.
My letter is still with my university!
 #8 Maximise your planner
 Question yourself: are you making use of your planner to its full potential?
This without doubt is one of the effective things to do to feel productive.
This is the everyday planner for making your product productive.
 #9 Scrap booking?
 It might seem outdated but it is one of the great ways of creating wonderful memories.
Next time when you question yourself that what to do when bored at night in your room then answer “scrap-booking”!
 #10 Learn Vocabulary for productivity
 I am fond of creating cards . . . vocabulary cards.
Yes, I do not know why. Now I realize that those phrases have made my academic writing a lot better.
So what’s the drill for you to feel productive?
Learn at least five words each night! Or three to begin with.
 #11 Learn a new language
 You clearly know that learning a new language takes time.
You would not be able to learn another language in a day or two.
So why not incorporate such an act in a daily night routine as one of the things to do to be productive?
Because consistency will thrive results. Learn a few phrases every night.
Just expand your vocabulary.
 #12 Watch a TED talk
 It is fulfilling to sleep each day with full motivation.
TED talks provide great wisdom.
You can get rid of the tiredness of the whole day by consuming the content of the ted talk.
Take 15 minutes out to get super inspired & to feel productive.
 #13 Clean up your Laptop to feel productive
 When was the last time you got time for cleaning your laptop?
Don’t remember it right? Same pinch!
Well, it is time for tidying your laptop. I enjoy the title of owning the most disorganized laptop.
Do you too? Well, now is the time to get rid of the crazy cluttered.
Take a few minutes out and try organizing the folders. Let’s do it !
 #14 Backup Everything and I mean everything
 Another productive thing which you can do apart from organizing your laptop is creating backup of every device you possess.
I cannot cry enough!
I have lost my phone’s data thrice . . .
I have learnt the very hard way but it is vital for higher productivity.
Backup your college files and other vital stuff.
 #15 Go for a homemade face mask when bored
 Another productive thing you can try right now is the application of a homemade face mask.
Utilize your time girl by treating your skin in the best possible way.
If you do not have time for preparing homemade masks then then shop online.
 #16 Dump electronics to be productive
 The best gift which you can give yourself is unplugging and disconnecting. What?
All the electronics. Keep all the electronics away, else you will be mindlessly scrolling for hours.
I never check my emails at night as they have the potential of boosting my stress levels.
 #17 Read a book/listen an audiobook
 I love reading books at night. For me, the book has to be of self-development and this can surely vary.
I never watch tv at night because the word productivity keeps swinging in my head.
Or simply because I do not have a habit of it! I re-read the book and grow rich until I doze off!
You can find a favorite book and make the night more productive.
 #18 Update your resume for productivity
 It is a great time for updating your resume.
Throughout the day just work on gaining new skills and by the time night strikes: just fill up your resume.
Yes, update your resume so you could keep track of what is yet to accomplish and has been accomplished.
 #19 Apply to jobs/internships
 Night time is generally a great time for advancing your career.
Even if you have just started college, make it a habit of applying to different places.
You can land up into a great internship or a permanent job.
Just think, you are applying to two places each night . . . this adds up to 14*4= jobs application in a month.
Super productive tactic. It is a great way to check what is hot in the market.
 #20 Carry a Manifestation Journal
 I am here talking about journaling for manifestation. You do not have a manifestation journal yet?
Missing a lot on then girl. What is it?.
Well, what if i tell you that whatever you script within has the potential of becoming true? Amazing isn’t it?
Learn more about it here. 
#21 Start a Bullet journal
 Are you that creative artist who wants to maximize productivity?
Bullet journal is for you.
Establish this activity in your night routine and you will not look back.
You can track your moods . . . habits and what not girl.
  Final Words For Things To Do To Be Productive . . .
Before you go know these resources to Supercharge Your Productivity.
Girl do you have big goals to accomplish?
Big dreams?
It is time to manage time better.
Do not overwhelm yourself and rather learn from the experts.
This Ultimate Productivity Bundle is for you if you have ever wished to get more than 24 hours in a day.
What is in it there for you?
73 e-Books, e-Courses, printables, workbooks, access to membership sites, and more.
Girl, you’ll have a ton of resources at your disposal.
If you are goal oriented one then avail these necessary strategies to conquer your to-do list, crush your goals, & free up more time for activities that you actually enjoy!
Are you wondering if it’s a HUGE number of resources eisha! (Well, the bundle is valued at $2,837.06 after all!), but here’s the thing…
Out of this massive bundle if only 4 products could make a difference in your life then it is worth the investment.
Time is money and you are just paying for time.
You will have lifetime access to these resources.
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Productivity Powerhouse – e-Course Valued At $200
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Booklet #2 - Focus
Booklet #3 - The Entrepreneurs Guide To Focus
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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Spain
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Although we have been living on earth for millions of years, we still don’t know a lot about it. We have made plenty of assumptions about our surroundings. There are cities that have so much to give us countries full of history, but we don’t spend the time to learn about them and prefer to trust our assumptions. This is one of the reasons why there is such a huge divide between humans. Although people travel to different countries, their knowledge about them still remains surface-level. They never figure out the true spirit of a nation. One of the places that have been ignored for a long period of time is Spain.
The Kingdom of Spain is the fourth largest state in the European Union by area. It is also one of the most populous states of the continent. It was first inhabited 35,000 years ago. The region has seen many cultures. Iberian, Greeks, Phoenician, and Celtics were the most popular settlements on the peninsula. But things began to change when the area came under Roman rule. The cultures and languages of Spain underwent great changes during the reign of the Romans. After the end of the Roman Empire, German tribal confederations moved to the peninsula and divided into different parts. The Umayyad Islamic Caliphate rule over the Iberian Peninsula began in 711. Over time, Christians began to take back the land from the Muslim rulers until the last of them were defeated in 1492. In modern history, when Britain was colonizing different parts of the world, Spain did not sit idly either. It went on to establish one of the largest empires in history. Even today, the state governs some cities and regions outside of Spain. It was during this time that the language of the Spaniards began to gain popularity throughout the world. The oppressed nations had to learn the language so they could communicate with the colonizers and express their demands. Today, Spain is an economically and politically stable country. It is a high-income country and has one of the world’s largest economy by nominal GDP. It is also a very popular tourist destination. In the year 2017 alone, it welcomed more than 80 million foreign tourists. Its beaches and UNESCO World Heritage Sites are some of the biggest attractions for tourists.
Facts About Spain:
Although looking up what are some interesting facts about Spain will not suddenly make you an expert on the country’s culture, it can still help you learn a lot about it. You would also get to know about the cultures practiced by the Spaniards. Here are the top 10 interesting facts about Spain: Art & Literature: The country has had a tremendous influence on the world of art and literature. The first modern novel, named Don Quixote, was written in facts about Spain. It was written in the year 1605 by Miguel de Cervantes. The novel is adored by literature lovers all over the world. Many writers have been influenced by the novel. It is also considered the founding work of Western Literature. However, the influence of facts about Spain is not limited to the world of literature. The country was also home to various artists in the past. A significant number of well-known artists of the past lived in this country. Picasso, Salvador Dali, and Velasquez were all excellent painters of Spanish origin. Their works are studied to this day by art lovers and history enthusiasts. They continue to influence modern art in one way or the other. They have also influenced countless other artists of the past and present. Tolerant: Spain is one of the most tolerant places on earth. Its citizens are more accepting of people’s beliefs and sexualities than various other European nations. This is the reason many people who are struggling in their countries wish to immigrate to Spain so they can live freely. The culture of the country overall is quite tolerant of people who are different from the majority. Peaceful: Despite being a very powerful state with strong political system, facts about Spain has never taken part in wars. It has stayed neutral in international conflicts and worked towards making the world a better place. National Anthem: The unique national anthem of Spain has no words. So, if you are thinking of becoming a citizen of this country, you won’t have to worry about learning the words of the national anthem. All you have to do is listen to the anthem respectfully. African Cities: It is the only European state that has its cities on African soil. The cities of Ceuta and Melilla are under the control of the state of Spain. It is worth remembering that the country managed to rule over a huge portion of the world during its colonization period. Various cities and regions from that era are under Spanish control even today. UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The historical importance of this country can be measured from the fact that it has the third-highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Alhambra, Sagrada Familia, Real Alcazar, Pirineos, and Las Medulas are a few examples of the various World Heritage Sites that can be found n facts about Spain. Diverse Culture: The country is known for having one of the most diverse cultures in the world. The roots of these cultures can be traced back to the days when Iberian, Greek, and Phoenician tribes used to inhabit the region. Enjoying Life: An interesting aspect of the culture of Spain is the lifestyle of its people. For Spaniards, enjoying life is very important. They believe that things will work out if they don’t stress out about them. They take enough time out of their daily schedule to have fun with their friends and family members. Olive Oil: Andalusia is the region that produces most olive oil in the world. If you love olive oil and the dishes made from it, you should definitely try the variety that is produced in Spain. Spanish: The number of languages in the world is a little over seven thousand, but out of all of them, only a few are spoken by hundreds of millions of speakers. The world’s second most spoken mother tongue originated from facts about Spain. It is also one of the most widely spoken vernaculars in the world.
What Are the Four Official Languages of Spain?
If you are wondering what do people in Spain speak, the answer isn’t just Spanish. In fact, it isn’t even the only official tongue in the country. Since the country is culturally diverse, it only makes sense for its people to speak multiple vernaculars. The state has recognized various vernaculars officially to give minorities the importance they deserve. This is why bilingualism is very common in the country. Most people learn their regional language first and then acquire Spanish when they start going to school. So how many official languages does Spain have? Apart from Spanish, there are four other co-official languages in the country. But if the question was how many languages are spoken in Spain, the number would be a lot higher. Here are the co-official vernaculars of Spain: Catalan: Spoken in different regions of Spain, Catalan is another Romance language that originated from Vulgar Latin. It has different names depending on the regions where it is spoken. Valencian is the most common name of this tongue after Catalan. The majority of its speakers can be found in Catalonia. People of the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands also speak this vernacular. The territories where it is spoken are often called the Catalan Countries. The vernacular began to lose its importance before the 19th century, but it made a comeback after that. Since then, it is one of the most popular vernaculars in Spain. Galician: Spoken by 2.4 million people, this is another co-official language from Spain. The majority of its speakers can be found in Galicia. However, small communities of Galician speakers can be found in different parts of the world, including Switzerland and the United States. The Galician of today originated from Galician-Portuguese, which itself originated from Vulgar Latin. The division between Galician-Portuguese happened over a long period of time. Even today, the two continue to grow apart from each other and develop more features that make them unique. Basque: Spoken by one million citizens of Spain, the tongue has six different dialects. The most common variety is known as the Standard Basque. Although it is spoken in different regions of the country, including the Basque Country, it is quickly losing importance among its native speakers. The majority of Basque speakers prefer to use Spanish in their everyday conversations. They only use Basque at home or in private conversations with friends. However, since the language still enjoys official status in the country, it is not at risk of getting forgotten. Aranese: Spoken in the Aran Valley, this tongue has only 2,800 speakers. The majority of the population of Aran Valley speaks Spanish. However, most of these people are not natives of the Valley and have moved there from different parts of Spain. More than 34% of the population of the Aran Valley is a native speaker of Aranese. Catalan is the third most popular vernacular in the region. It is considered a variety of Gascon. However, the status of Gascon is controversial. But one thing is for certain that Aranese belongs to the group of Romance languages.
Spanish Language Family:
Spanish originated from the language of the Romans. Its popularity is proof that Latin isn’t completely dead. However, Vulgar Latin isn’t the only tongue that Spanish has taken words from. A huge portion of the Spanish vocabulary is made up of Arabic words. This merger happened during the time when the Muslims ruled over the land. Over the years, many different varieties of Romance languages have emerged in the region. Although they aren’t mutually intelligible with Spanish, they do share a close connection with it. The similarities between them are due to their common origin from Vulgar Latin. Most of the popular languages in Spain have their own daily newspapers. Interestingly, despite the many numbers of tongues that are spoken in the country, Spanish continues to be spoken by 99% of the Spaniards. It is the binding force that helps the people of the country connect with each other despite the differences between them. It is also an important part of the country’s culture. The Royal Spanish Academy from Spain regulates the use of the language everywhere in the world. It also issues dictionaries regularly to inform the speakers about the additions of new words in the language. But it is interesting to note that the vocabulary of the vernacular varies from one country to the next. Do you know how many countries have Spanish as their official language? For now, there are 20 of them. But it is spoken in many more states around the world, which is why it continues to be a very important tongue. Read the full article
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
07/20/2017 DAB Transcript
2 Chronicles 1:1-3:17 ~ Romans 6:1-23 ~ Psalm 16:1-11 ~ Proverbs 19:20-21
Today is the 20th day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we take the next step forward in this week in the scriptures and in our lives. In the Old Testament we're beginning the book of second Chronicles today and there isn't really an overview to give about second chronicles that isn't the same as when we talked about first Chronicles. We're just kind of moving forward. First and second Chronicles were all one text and they we're just broken apart for the ease of locating things at a time where we didn't have word processors and search engines and stuff like that when we needed to go to the right scroll to locate what we were looking for. But, generally speaking, first Chronicles ends with the end of David's reign and second Chronicles begins with the beginning of Solomon's reign. We saw this same kind of pattern in the books of the Kings and so we begin. Second Chronicles chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 verse 17 today.
Okay, so, Paul is laying out his argument and his argument is reframing their understanding of their faith as they’ve traditionally known it. Paul is bringing Jesus into the mix and saying, look, this revelation, what Jesus did, that God came here in the flesh and dwelt among us, this is a big deal. And, so, we have to reframe what we think we know because we know more now and here's how this works. And that's basically what Romans is doing. And it can get tedious. Paul is packing, like, every sentence with theological understandings and it’s like, wow, slow down a second. I need to process this. So, a few days ago, Paul begins with Abraham. He's like, let's go back to the beginning and work our way forward. And let's remember, because this was his first reframe, let’s remember that it was Abraham's belief that was counted as righteousness in God's eyes, not his following of a recipe, because there was no recipe. It was his belief. Let's start there. It was his belief in what God said that was counted as righteousness to him. All the other stuff that we've been kind of stuck in under this law came later.
And then, yesterday, he talks about the law and he talks about mercy. Right? He talks about Grace that overcomes the deficiencies that we find in the law because the law shows, it reveals, our hopelessness and powerlessness to achieve righteousness in our own strength. We cannot get there on our own but God is merciful. He is a Father. He has grace that He extends to us through Jesus and that changes everything.
And, so, what Paul is going into today, and you can sort of see this build. It's the entire faith that we ascribe to. What he is saying today is, so, now that we know this that we have a merciful kind graceful God that would come and, while we were still enemies, while we were still sinners, He would die to offer freedom to us. Now that we know that he's that kind and now that we know that that kind of Grace exists and is extended toward us, does that mean we can just do whatever we want? Because every time we do something wrong there is grace and it multiplies and multiplies. So, should we intentionally just do what we know isn’t right so that we can receive this grace even more and more? Absolutely not, he says. Because when you become a slave to something you are obeying it and you have died to who you were. The waters of baptism are a representation of this. You go into the water declaring that who you were without Christ is dead, is going to be left behind in those waters, and you will come back out a new creature.
But the whole thing that we've come to this far is beautifully summarized today at the end of our reading. And the very last verse that we read is one of the very famous verses in the Bible, right? For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Absolutely astounding, the truth in that verse. But it's even more powerful when we just go back a couple verses and understand the entire paragraph, the narrative that he was saying that led to that statement, because it applies to us all. So, what fruit was produced from the things that you are now ashamed of? Right? So, you can look back over your life and go like, man, college was not so good of a season for me, or man, you know, some of those things that I did to and against my spouse, or some of those things that I did to against my parents and my friends, or the way I betrayed, the way I did those things that I knew were wrong, I'm ashamed of those things. So, Paul’s just simply saying, where was the fruit in that, did you get what you were looking for, was there a bunch of fruit produced from the things that you are now ashamed of? Right! Because the end of those things leads to death. But that's not you anymore. You've been liberated from those things. You can let them go. That was an earlier version of you. That was the version of you separated from God. That's not your story anymore. You are intertwined with God now. You are a new creation. Those things that you were enslaved to before that we're leading you toward death. That's gone. You've now changed yourself. You are now slaves to God and as you obey your master that will only lead to fruit, which will result in your sanctification. And the end of that story is eternal life because the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
So, Father, we thank You for the book of Romans. We thank You for your word. We thank You for this truth washing into our lives. We thank You for this opportunity to remember what it was like without You. It's nothing we really want to relish in but it's good to remember that that old person is gone now and it was leading nowhere and You intervened and came and rescued us. And now every day, we march forward deeper into sanctification. Every day we are being made set apart and holy. Every day we are being transformed into Your likeness. We are looking more and more like You, Jesus, every day. And the end of this story is the beginning of forever and ever and ever and ever with You, Eternal Life. So, we thank You, God, for the gift of mercy and grace and, like Abraham, we believe. That's what we bring to the table because that's all we have to bring to the table. And You supply us with everything we need. You indwell us and fill us. It's no longer us. The person that we were without You is gone. Now it's a new creature intertwined with You. It's a collaboration in life, moving us deeper into restoration and wholeness and sanctification and eternal life. What do we even say to that? Thank You…is…is…it’s flat…it's not enough. This is the point where our vocabulary fails us. This is too good to articulate. And, so, we just simply worship You, walk with You, enjoy this life with You, and share the light and good news of it everywhere we can in every way we know how. So, come Holy Spirit, show us what that looks like as we walk with You today. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the web site. It's home base. It’s where you find out what's going on around here.
Couple things are going on around here.
Tonight at 7 p.m. we’re going to do a Facebook Live inside the Sneezing Jesus discussion group and I'm just going to share some thoughts. And it's great forum for us to get together, like, to be together, all in one place at one time when we can kind of fellowship. Even though we are all over the place and maybe even spread out in all kinds of different time zones, we can be together in the same place at the same time, a little bit. So, that's going to happen at 7 p.m. tonight. That's Central Standard Time, which is the time zone for the rolling hills of Tennessee. And you'll just have to, maybe, look up wherever you are in the world, the difference. I know what it's like here in the United States. I know that that's 8 p.m. on the east coast and I know that's 5 p.m. on the west coast and I know that it's 6 p.m. mountain time. But I don't know where it is all over the world. So, you can just Google that. I hope to see you there. You'll need to be in the Sneezing Jesus group, discussion group, to see that. So, you can find a pretty easily facebook.com/groups/sneezingjesus. So, we'll see you there tonight.
Other thing that I've been telling you about this week is that all the formats of Sneezing Jesus have been released, including the audio addition, so, you can get it at Audible or iTunes or wherever else you get audiobooks. So, it's out there. It's out there in all kinds of formats. And if you haven't had a chance, be we sure to check that out.
We’ll be doing the Sneezing Jesus tour beginning this autumn and into the new year. If you would like to see that come to your area, there's a form you can fill out - small one, just a couple things, just a way to get in touch.  Go to sneezingjesus.com, scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll find it. Boom! Piece of cake. You’ll find it in 1 minute. And we’ll see if that can happen.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, in the common mission that we share -  to bring the spoken word of God fresh every day to anyone who will listen to it, anywhere on this planet, anytime of day or night and to continue to build community around that rhythm that we share each day - so that we know, that no matter what, we're not alone. There's somebody, no matter what, we’re not alone. If that has brought light and life and good news into your life, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner or if you prefer the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request for comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian, I love you, and I'll certainly be waiting for you here tomorrow. But I'll also be waiting for you here, tonight, at the Sneezing Jesus page. So, I'll see you there or I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayers and Praise Reports:
Hello. Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Jay calling from New Jersey. It has been a little while since I’ve called in. Well, allot has happened this while that I haven’t called in. I am now married and I'm enjoying the honeymoon phase of life. So, let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you so much God for life. We thank you for health. We thank you for strength to call in to the DAB and listen to our brothers and sisters and to pray with them. God, we love You so much, there's no possible way that I could even begin to fathom. You're awesome. So, we praise You now. We lift You up. We glorify Your mighty name. In that God, thank You for the many blessings that we’ve been able to experience the last month, getting married. Many people have had children, others are getting engaged, some are even having birthdays, and celebrating anniversaries, so, God, we thank You for that. Father, we thank You for the new jobs, and we thank You for the new cars, and we thank You for our homes. God, we thank You for being able to satisfied with what we have, because I know it's so easy sometimes to get caught up in what others have and what we don't have and where we want to be and how we want to get there and then we can forget to be satisfied with what we have. So, thank You Father. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible. This is Lauralee and I have received my 10 Sneezing Jesus books and that was Saturday, and its Monday and oh boy…I had...anyway…I'm just going to lift up the names of the people to our heavenly Father with this community. Thank you, Brian and Jill and the Hardin family for your faithfulness. Lord Jesus, your word says draw near to you and you will draw near to us. So, I pray for pastor Dwayne, Joanne, Robert, Cheryl, and Matthew, that those small little books will draw their eyes to you, draw them by your spirit to you, and open new days and new ways to live your life out in and through you. We come to you in Jesus’s name Lord, God, our Father and mention His righteousness only to call on Your obedience and Your sufferings. You magnify the law in its construction and its cost and made it faithful. May we be secured by your blood, saved by your light, joined by your spirit. Let us pick up your cross and follow you. May your grace prepare us for your appointment and make us willing that we should choose your inheritance for us and a point that we will keep or loose, suffer or enjoy. If blessed by prosperity, let us be free from its snares and use, not abuse, its advantages. And may we cheerfully and patiently submit to those afflictions, which are necessary…
Hello DAB family this is Marsha from Colorado. I'm a member of the Sneezing Jesus Facebook group and I feel so compelled to share a post I made this morning, July 17th, for those of you who are not on Facebook. So, here's my post. Something very powerful is happening deep within me today. I have power read Brian Hardin's new book, Sneezing Jesus, and now I am going back through, slowly listening on audio and taking notes. It is obvious to me that God has placed a powerful anointing on this book and I feel God's presence as I listen and read. It's deep, it's wide and it's having the effect the author desired and prayed for. Thank you, Brian. All the sudden I find myself navigating through some very troubled waters that God brought to my attention just yesterday. If I handle this through the knowledge of good and evil without God's guidance, it has the potential for great destruction. Had I not received this book last week and devoured it, and made the decision to wake up and see what's it’s like to be fully human, intertwined with God, I know I would not be sharing this post today. God's timing is impeccable. I was literally on my knees in prayer last night about this and awake all night in turmoil, but today God specifically showed me how to proceed, which was opposite of how I was going to handle it. I am tremendously thankful for His intervention. I went from turmoil to peace in a short amount of time and I can't wait to see the restoration God has in mind for this. I am almost giddy in anticipation. Now that's powerful, and I think this is the stuff that sneezes are made of.
Hi, this is Nadene from Michigan and I want to say first of all, that I have never been much of a reader of the Bible or even very spiritual. And, so, I was trying to get rid of some fears that I have of death and a lot of…I have panic attacks. And I asked my dad and he suggested this. And on my breaks, at work, because I work at a factory, I've been listening to it. And now, for at least 2 weeks, they're letting us listen to music at the factory and I've just been listening to this on my own personal speakers. And I've become quite addicted to listening and it’s changed my life a lot, in the fact that I actually feel like I want to learn more and I'm asking questions. And I wanted a prayer request because my husband is not a believer because of a church we went to. And I want to be firm in my faith so he can see what Christianity is supposed to look like. And I'm not feeling like I'm doing a very good job. With two young kids, two full-time jobs, and college split between the both of us, it’s pretty hectic to even get out the door to go to church. But I wanted to thank you all for being such a wonderful community. Thank you very much. Bye.
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How to Develop a Distinctive Artistic Voice
Whether creativity is part of your profession—you’re an artist, an author—or your passion—you love to paint, take photos, sculpt, write—it helps to develop your artistic voice.
After all, your artistic voice is your one-of-a-kind perspective. And cultivating that isn’t only invaluable for nurturing and refining your craft; it also can be a fun, fulfilling process.
According to artist and author Lisa Congdon in her new book Find Your Artistic Voice: The Essential Guide to Working Your Creative Magic, your artistic voice is ultimately “what makes your work yours, what sets your work apart, and what makes it different from everyone else’s—even from artists whose work is similar.”
Your artistic voice is your style, skill, subject matter, and medium, Congdon writes.
Your artistic voice, she adds, reflects your unique point of view, life experiences, identity, values, and what matters to you.
It’s also simply part of you.
As artist Andy J. Miller told Congdon in an interview in the book, “Your voice is part of your DNA recipe, which is in your blood and the code that makes you who you are. The combinations of little proteins in your blood are so infinite that scientists say there could never possibly be another combination like you. Even as humans evolve, the DNA sequences will change, and there will never be another one like you.”
Even though your artistic voice stems from who you are, a highly unique human being, you still need to develop it, to coax it out, to explore its various intonations. Here are three ways to do just that from Congdon’s inspiring book.
Make art every day. The more you create, the closer you get to developing your distinctive style. Because your perspective inevitably starts peeking through. Plus, when you create something every day, your desire for perfection, fear of making mistakes, and fear of failure quiet down, and you can actually play and experiment. Which is typically when the magic happens.
As Congdon writes, “your voice is formed over time through continuous experimentation and intentional practice, and from following spurts of inspiration and intuition down long paths of development” (more on the latter below).
For example, early in his career, Miller drew a new character every weekday for an entire year. According to Congdon, “He knew that if he made a giant volume of new drawings, he was bound to break away from his influences and make stuff that ended up becoming ‘habit and interesting and different and mine.’”
What can you make every single day? What sounds fun or fascinating?
If you’re pressed for time, give yourself just 5 minutes. This limit will likely spark even more creativity (as limits often do).
Create a challenge for yourself. Congdon notes that personal challenges are the backbone of artistic voice development because they help you to hone in your skills and style. A personal challenge could be creating a body of work around a similar theme. It could be a daily or weekly project. It could be trying a new medium, or creating something in 10 minutes or less. Having constraints is a great way to sharpen your problem-solving skills and innovate, she writes.
For example, in 2016, Congdon worked with the color blue. For an entire year. She created over 75 works of art, including paintings and collages.
Here are a few other challenges to try: Come up with one word, and use that same word to pen a poem every morning for a month. Participate in National Novel Writing Month in November. Write a 50-word story every evening. If you take the bus or train to work, jot down silly snippets of overheard conversation, or draw something that catches your eye: a bright-colored purse, a kind gesture, a delicious breakfast sandwich. (The mundane counts, and can absolutely be extraordinary.) Take photos of the same tree outside your window for 6 months—or 2 years.
Develop your vocabulary. Artist Sean Qualls told Congdon that our voice gets stronger when we “develop our vocabulary.” This refers to our “interests, knowledge, and ideas,” Congdon writes.
What does this look like? It’s about learning and exploring. It’s about reading books, listening to podcasts, watching movies, traveling, and meeting new people. Then it’s about finding what resonates with you and digging deeper.
For example, artist Martha Rich, who likes to research “weird” stuff, became interested in church snake handlers in the Appalachian Mountains. This inspired her to create an entire series of art based on the topic. She told Congdon, “I’ll find some weird little thing that I think is cool, and then from there, something else comes out of it.”
Congdon suggests becoming “an expert by consuming knowledge, then expand your imagination and channel what you learn into your work as an artist.”
Discovering and developing your artistic voice takes time and, like anything, is a process. The key is to keep going, even when it feels annoying or confusing or overwhelming or like you’ll never finish or be “good enough.”
As Congdon writes, “the process of creating almost anything (and not just paintings) has a messy period where things feel like they are falling apart and we want to rip up the piece and throw it in the trash. But if you can work through that period, you are more likely to make a more refined, more complex piece of art in the end.”
And, as Congdon adds, frustration is simply part of the process. It’s simply part of being an artist, and the more you practice moving through it, the more you’ll learn and grow. And the more distinct and powerful your voice becomes.
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/33nvlBM via IFTTT
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limejuicer1862 · 5 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Adrian Ernesto Cepeda
is the author of the full-length poetry collection Flashes & Verses… Becoming Attractions from Unsolicited Press, the poetry chapbook So Many Flowers, So Little Time from Red Mare Press. Between the Spine is a collection of erotic love poems published with Picture Show Press and La Belle Ajar, a collection of cento poems inspired by Sylvia Plath’s 1963 novel, to be published in 2020 by CLASH Books.
His poetry has been featured in Glass Poetry: Poets: Resist, Cultural Weekly, Frontier Poetry, Yes, Poetry, 24Hr Neon Magazine, Red Wolf Editions, poeticdiversity, The Wild Word, The Fem, Pussy Magic Press, Tiferet Journal, Rigorous, Palette Poetry, Rogue Agent Journal, Tin Lunchbox Review, Rhythm & Bones Lit, Anti-Heroin Chic, Neon Mariposa Magazine, The Yellow Chair Review and Lunch Ticket’s Special Issue: Celebrating 20 Years of Antioch University Los Angeles MFA in Creative Writing.
Adrian is an LA Poet who has a BA from the University of Texas at San Antonio and he is also a graduate of the MFA program at Antioch University in Los Angeles where he lives with his wife and their cat Woody Gold. You can connect with Adrian on his website: http://www.adrianernestocepeda.com/
My links:
http://www.AdrianErnestoCepeda.com twitter.com/PoetNotRockStar instagram.com/thepoetnotarockstar/ facebook.com/poetnotarockstar/
The Interview
1. What inspired you to write poetry?
It was listening to Jim Morrison and The Doors. When I was younger in my mind Jim’s songs were the essence of poetry. He was my gateway drug to the verse. I was lucky to have visited his grave at Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. I actually left Jim a poem and a rose to say thank you. He spoke to me, I felt his voice at his grave. urging me to return to America and follow my destiny to become a poet. True story, it was a life changing moment that day at the cemetery it snowed as I walked out of Père Lachaise. I owe my career to Jim Morrison.
2. Who introduced you to poetry?
Good question, when I was in elementary school I had a teacher Mr. Babcock who would have us memorize poems. We would then have to recite them in front of the class. This is I was first introduced to poetry and the first poet I loved was Robert Frost.
3. How aware were you of the dominating presence of older poets?
Frost was the first poet I learned about in elementary school. Later it was the Beat poets, Kerouac and Ginsburg that channelled the spark that Morrison and Frost had first glowed inside me. It wasn’t till I discovered Pablo Neruda and Sandra Cisneros that I found my true voice as a romantic love poet.
4. What is your daily writing routine?
Since I work as a Writing Specialist/Tutor at my MFA alma mater Antioch University Los Angeles, I set my alarm clock and wake up extra early to write. I always start my day with writing poetry. Something I learned from the late great Leonard Cohen. When he was at the monastery in the hills of Los Angeles, Cohen would wake up and write in the early morning in the dark. It’s the perfect time to write, so thanks to Leonard Cohen, I discovered my daily writing routine. I also have notepads around our apartment and in my car. So, if a line comes to me, I always write it down. I always say, if inspiration calls, you always have to accept the charges.
5. What motivates you to write?
It’s my calling. What I was born here to do: write poetry and inspire others to write, create and share their verses with the world. Mostly, I write now to transcribe memories that come to me from my past. Passions and fantasies that arrive from my carnal subconscious. Sometimes I write a poem as an ode to writer, artist or someone who inspires me. Lately, current events and the travesty that this administration has brought to our beloved country inspired some poems. At Antioch Los Angeles, for my MFA, one of the tenants of this program and the main reason I attended AULA was their focus on social justice. Some of my best poems have this theme. One of my poems “Invisible Tan” published in 2018 by Rogue Agent Journal was inspired by Alejandra Sanchez’s MFA student presentation Words dipped in Honey in 2014 at Antioch LA and Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s Borderlands. Alejandra’s presentation was so inspiring that I remember writing down the first lines as she spoke. Still it took over four years and so many revisions and best of all, Rogue Agent Journal has nominated “Invisible Tan” for Best of the Net 2019.
6. What is your work ethic?
For me it’s all about the poem. When an idea strikes me, I stop what I am doing and write it down. Eddie Vedder said it best: “I just try to always remember where that initial spark came from, and it’s like a pilot light, and I try to make sure that thing doesn’t go out.” Like I said before, I always have notepad’s around me around the house and even by my bed. Some nights the best lines and poems come to me before I fall asleep. Anytime is the right time for a poem. One time in 2011, I was camping with my wife and her family and I had this idea for a poem while we were at Point Mugu in Malibu. I remember being on the beach and seeing the lines in my head. I instantly ran back to our campsite. I recall while I was running, I began editing the lines in my head. When I made it back to the campfire I wrote down those lines. Not only was “Cell phone dying near Point Mugu” published by Inscape Magazine in 2011, this poem was included in my first poetry collection Flashes & Verses… Becoming Attractions.
7. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
I see the writers who I read when I was young as trailblazers who lead me on the path to other writers who have influenced me along the way. Frost led to Dickinson, which leads to Woolf. Jim Morrison lead to Baudelaire and the Beats. What I realized during my MFA program at Antioch Los Angeles the more I read, the better I wrote. Reading makes the poet. It opens doors to syntax, vocabulary and imagery. And the best writers inspire me to want to write my own poems.
8. Who of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
Latinx poet’s like Anna Suarez’s erotic and empowering collection Papi Doesn’t Love Me No More published by CLASH Books,, Ariel Francisco who specializes in literary translation has a new poetry collection A Sinking Ship is Still a Ship from Burrow Press coming in 2020 and his poems are truly inspirational, Leza Cantoral is one of the founders of CLASH Books and I connect with her emo/pop culture inspired her poetry collection Trash Panda and Chris Campanioni who is hybrid writer, who has a very motivating TedTalk “Living in Between.” Campanioni writes essays, poetry and fiction, who’s latest book is Drift published by King Shot Press, this multi-layered writer is fearless on and off the page. I connect with writers like these who are courageously rousing that their mastery of the language and la lengua make you want to immediately write your own poems after reading their masterful work. Coincidentally, Anna, Ariel, Leza, Chris and I will be on a panel at AWP 2020 in San Antonio. Our panel Latinx Poets: Speaking from El Corazon are looking forward are looking forward to sharing our experiences on how being a modern Latinx poet in today’s poetry community.
9. Why do you write, as opposed to doing anything else?
Any other career path I have attempted I’ve hit walls. Poetry is the one vocation that not only empowers me and gives me strength, writing poems inspires me to speak out and want to read my poems to students, other would be poets and those who have an affinity for the craft. Poetry is necessity as an art form that we need today now more than ever. Nothing feels better than crafting a resistance piece and having resonate with an audience who feels the creative fury I am challenging on the page. This is why I write to reflect, connect and inspire others with my gift of writing poetry.
10. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
Although I love it, being a writer is not as glorious as it sounds. To be successfully published and have a career as a writer you need to be 1000% devoted to your craft. Writing must always come first. You also need to surround yourself with likeminded creatives/artists/writers along with friends/loved ones who support you on your quest to become a writer. For me being a writer, no matter how many books or poems I have published is never ending, I am rarely satisfied with what I write. I know and I want to write better and challenge myself every day on and off the page. Being a successful writer is that, always not settling and challenging oneself on a daily basis. Making time for writing, reading, researching along with having time for your personal/family life. It’s a balance. I know so many writers that have children and I am amazed and have respect for them, because I don’t know how they do it. I have so much respect for those with a large family. Because  I know how hard enough it is for me and I am lucky to have my cat and my wife. That’s the key, my wife supports and believe in me. You need to have that support system that believes in you when you have those down days. Most importantly is keeping an even mindset, Benecio Del Toro said it best, “Turn down the volume of your Expectations, and Turn up the volume of your Perseverance,” not to get too low with rejections or too elated with publications. I love being a writer. It’s the hardest and most fulfilling job I’ve had in my life. And every day I wake up, I am excited about what I am going to write today.
11. Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment.
I have my third book La Belle Ajar, a collection of cento poems inspired by Sylvia Plath’s 1963 novel to be published summer 2020 by CLASH Books. I am working on a collection of poems inspired by mi Mami who passed away two years ago. I also have a chapbook of political poems that I would love to publish to inspire students and other young voters to cast their ballots before the election in 2020. Like I mentioned before, I am moderating a panel with Anna Suarez, Ariel Francisco, Leza Cantoral and Chris Campanioni for AWP 2020 in San Antonio. Our panel Latinx Poets: Speaking from El Corazon is one that I have dreaming of moderating for years. I was one of the lucky ones to have their panels chosen by the Association of Writers & Writing Programs. It’s a full circle moment for me. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in English at the University of Texas at San Antonio so presenting at AWP in the city where I first started my career as a writer is emotionally significant for me. I am looking forward to 2020 and beyond to see where my poetry takes me.
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Ernesto Cepeda Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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