#like there's no videogame soundtracks in my playlist why the fuck is that there
mokeonn · 5 months
I think the frustrating thing about Spotify recommendations is sometimes it really does introduce me to lots of cool Indie Bands that I really vibe with and allow me to try some new stuff and sometimes it keeps telling me that I need to Listen to Mother Mother (I have not listened to Mother Mother ever and at this point I never will because it is a pride thing.)
Or a random unfunny tiktok joke song from 3 years ago/ a viral YouTube song from over a decade ago.
#simon says#will probably delete this later#but yeah my recommendations are all mother mother and my spotify weekly is a mix between sweet ass new bands and unfunny bad joke songs#my spotify weekly has Cherry Bomb by the Runaways which is a good recommendation and then the Creative Song from don't hug me im scared#which is a bad recommendation to be clear#i know I have a couple of odd songs from things like shows or cartoon bumpers in my playlist (i got whats new scooby doo on there)#but that doesn't mean that I need to be recommended fuckin Death By Glamour??#like there's no videogame soundtracks in my playlist why the fuck is that there#If I wanna listen to Undertale music I would just listen to the vinyls I own!!#anyways this is just a vent against spotify#my weekly seems to have a LOT more indie stuff so imma check it out real fast#i want to discover more music because I do eventually want to just swap to mp3s and an mp3 player instead of spotify#that is one thing I like about Spotify the most is that it helps me find more bands that I like#but I could probably find stuff via looking up youtube playlists as well#so it's not worth paying for anymore#I asked for an mp3 player for Christmas so hopefully I get one and I can just start using that instead#i miss my mp3 these last 7 years without it have sucked I miss my designated music device#anyways dont have to worry about going ad free if you just have the digital files on your computer and put them directly in a player#😎👍
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cgtg · 4 months
Always wanting 2 expand my music knowledge but can’t grasp genre differences well. how do u find new music?? im relying on recs from other people most of the time but stuff like ur davekat music post is so specific and right I’m curious
i getch i getcha, i go thru dry spells where i listen 2 trhe same music over and over and over haha. i struggle with grasping genre diffs too, so i constantly compare artists 2 each other, and try to find music relevant to specific examples of shit i alrdy like. the only genre ive ever explored BY its genre n not specific artists is future funk. good genre.
im a music rabbithole-r by habit bc i just dont fucking understand genres. a lot of my music tastes r based on foundational shit i got into as a kid, like videogames or movies soundtracks, that i dragged out as long as i could.
as an e.g. , i was introduced to "why?" as a kid by an older relative. i got into "odd nosdam" because why? mentions him directly in a song on their first album. n i was like "whos that". i got into "clouddead" because its a collab between yoni wolf ("why?") and odd nosdam ("odd nosdam"). i got into "sole" cus he has a feat on that album. etc etc
got into "tmbg" because of homestar runner. got into "og maco" bc of the 12 bricks meme. got into "anamanaguchi" over a decade ago bc of this video.
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it's a rlly fun way to find music🙂
i like to find out what artists are related 2 artists i already like, or what their inspirations are, or who they inspired, and move on 2 them, and do that ad nauseam til i cant anymore. i also do this with music rec'd to me by other people which is sumth u mentioned, which is how i found ppl like pinback/rob crow and lemaitre who are some of my fav artists ov all time.
if u find a single song u like, id recommend sample the entire source album in order, and then the first album by dat artist, or just which ever one has the most interesting album art. maybe. or just click on song titles that look interesting.
if u find a cool ytpmv or mashup, check their channel, check the recs on youtube and open 10 in separate tabs and go thru them one by one bc it doesnt hurt 2 be thorough. and theres so much music out there to listen to. if a band's name, song title, cover art grabs you, listen to it. at worst u frown for a minute and move on, at best u find a lifelong fave.
id rec getting shazam on ur phone so u can grab songs u hear in public.
spotify's smart shuffle is also prety good actually. if u have spotify try making a playlist of songs u like and turning that on also.
if a character you like in something references a song or artist, check them out ASAP. very very fun 2 do can provide so much context 2 the characxter as well.
if you do this kinda shit enough on youtube, your recs start to fill up with <1k view videos from independent artists. that is when you have struck gold
thats such a fun thing 2 ask, i love music so much. thank you a lot 4 asking me such a fun thing. also if anyone is reading this reply with a song u like so i can absorb more music
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neonstatic · 2 years
it's just. every time it's: get high, drink, play. i'm far from the sober-prude type alright but there's barely any space for actual talking? and some part of me is sooo starved for some deeper connection rn and ofc my own needs are my responsibility and i have to consider my difficulty to open up and yadda yadda yes but i've hung out a total amount of three times w these same ppl and omg why are we always playing mario party. i'm so sick of mario party. and it's not even the game's fault, it's just that it's their favourite thing and they never bothered to teach me fairly what the game was, first time we played they threw me in w not even base knowledge of what i'm supposed to do and ofc i was losing and very confused anyway wow this isn't making sense
but ykno what i'm gonna talk shit abt mario party for a second. fuck this game. i won last night's round with 3 stars and there was nothing gratifying abt it. it's largely a game abt luck bc i SUCK at the minigames but every dice roll of mine is blessed by the gods. ykno what's a game that i like and haven't ever gotten the chance to play? scrabble. i'd love to play scrabble. get me crossfaded and start a game of scrabble now THAT will bring me joy.
but also maybe i should just. stop getting crossfaded. i don't think i'm made for that. i can get a lil tipsy and a lil high, but both at once is a 100% guarantee that i'll feel like shit the next day. emotionally, i mean. like rn. i'm not in a good mood and i wanted to stay in bed forever. i'm finishing a pint of ice cream in one sitting and just because it's non-dairy i'm rly unhappy w it. as someone who's prone to depressive moods it just seems glaringly obvious that getting high and drunk isn't, like, the ideal combination for me. OR. or. maybe the issue isn't necessarily the mixed comsumption, but the fact that i'm in this vulnerable state in, um, not to be unkind but... subpar company.
like i have a feeling that if i were crossfaded at home, headphones on listening to my stupid videogame soundtrack playlist, volume cranked up to hell, eating poutine... that'd be good. or watching a thriller w my sister while we're both shitfaced. or i'm tipsy w my sober friends and we're watching a movie of their choice. idk. i think that'd be fun. but these ppl... idkkkk there's smth abt being in their company that makes me moody like I'll be staring in the distance thinking to myself "i wish i was on a walk rn" like a damn dog lmaooo
in conclusion: 1) sometimes my version of fun and someone else's don't match. it's no fault of theirs or mine. i just have to learn to communicate it. 2) i should find out what exactly IS my version of fun and how to make it happen instead of going w the crowd lest i become an unbearably passive aggressive big baby
3) i can drink a lil. i can get high a lil. i probably shouldn't do both.
4) whether i consume or not, i should do it in Good Company always. nothing less than Good, not even Okay. turns out that intoxication doesn't necessarily make things more fun.
5) almond ice cream can't and will never compare to dairy. read the label next time
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marvellouslymadmim · 2 years
1, 8 , 22 and another of your choice
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Calibri 11pt. I do actually care. Any other font looks fucking weird. I used to write exclusively in Times New Roman and anytime I open an older doc I'm like WHAT. IS. THIS.
I do have a fantasy novel I'm working on that is in Adobe Garamond Pro, because it just...fits. I'm a very aesthetic individual.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
I'd choose action of dialogue because actions speak louder than words. It would actually make a great tiny oneshot. A little snapshot of what love looks like in mundane moments or something like that.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Depends on the story. One shots, under 5 or 6 chapters: no organization. We just rolling with it, baby. Multi-chaps or a series: so. much. organization. I usually write out the plot line multiple times, evolving as the story evolves during the writing process. I also have a master page, which has to do boxes for every single chapter (start, finish, edit, post), plus fic addendums, like creating, finishing, and organizing the playlist, making a masterpost on tumblr, etc. I even schedule when to answer tumblr posts and AO3 comments. As far as tools: Evernote for keeping track of resources/articles for any technical details, Lightroom and Photoshop for playlist/masterpost graphics, pen and paper for outlining whole fic and each single chapter, the notes app on my phone for brief bits of dialogue, Word for writing and the Word mobile app on my phone for writing on the go (obviously I save on the cloud for access purposes). Google docs for when I want to share previews. Spotify for motivation music (seriously, ALWAYS play a videogame soundtrack when you need to concentrate on writing--it's literally designed to help you focus!!!).
3. Dealer's Choice (fitting, given our cursed correspondence): What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
My writing ritual is to write first thing in the morning, before life and everyone else barges in. This is cursed for numerous reasons: if I'm not actually awake enough, I make RIDICULOUS typos and grammatical errors, it's embarrassing. If I don't wake up in enough time before work/other activities, I generally don't write. So if I don't get to bed at a certain time, no writing will happen the next day. If I start writing on a weekend morning, I may spend 6+hours just sitting in bed, writing. My joints HATE this (as does the rest of my weekend to-do list). Sometimes I end up a bit late to work bc I start writing and I absolutely have to finish this thought/scene/whatever so I keep going and then it's like oh. Whoops. We'll just blame Los Angeles traffic.
Ask me a Weird Writer Question.
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stylessemantics · 6 years
15, 16 & 1 dear 🌼
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
This is torture. I don’t even understand myself. I guess check out my multiple Spotify playlists as to what to hear, which include anything from death metal to bubblegum pop so just have an open mind to music. Things with meaningful lyrics, and fun OMG metaphors, also orgasm inducing chord transitions. Delicious.
To Read? IDK maybe “the solitude of the prime numbers” or “the perks of being a wallflower” which are both listed in the next question for obvious reasons. I don’t think “the solitude…” would help you understand me, instead its more of a thing that I felt that book and it sorta defined/changed me, it was also recommended by a person that changed me and at a moment that changed me. The perks might help you understand me. Also something else depressing, idk what else to add there… And something soft and feminist? Maybe Rupi Kaur? IDK.
To Watch? I wish I had some awesome audiovisual that marked me but I’ve yet to find it. K-pop videos cause they are very aesthetic heavy and what ended up pushing me to want to add “art direction” to my dream job definition. Also super hero movies, Jacksepticeye videos, specially if he goes off tangent talking about sound production and game design. Videogame’s art books go here, cause they are more visual than to read. GMM as well. 
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.
This is hard, hence why there’s only 4.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen ChboskyThe Solitude of Prime Numbers - Paolo GiordanoThe Book of Lost Things - John ConnollyThings Are What you Make of Them - Adam J. Kurtz
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
100% No. I’m the kind of person that believes that no matter how small a decision, they mark you. I also believe in parallel universes and shit like that in which my dad taking a different route to his house one day when he was 23 could have made me not exist rn. If I think that things like that could change INCREDIBLY LARGE outcomes, how am I not gonna think that if I’d grown up - literally THE defining events of all our lives - in a different place, I’d be a tonne different. In a different environment I would of never discovered Tumblr, or Harry Styles, or spoken English or liked reading books. So no, I would NOT be who I am today if not for every small and big decision that has been made by me and others these past 22 years (and waaaay beyond that, but I don’t want to get onto time theories and such)
Ask me more things from this list here if ya want:)
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anigraham · 7 years
Random Questions Time: Music Edition
Because I’m taking a break from work, I’m burnt out, I need something mindless to look at.  It’s long.  I stole this from somewhere. Doesn’t matter where.
1. What are your 5 most played songs? My best guess would be (and yes I am picking 6):
Goo Goo Dolls - Big Machine
Goo Goo Dolls - Not Broken
Goo Goo Dolls - Ain’t That Unusual
Kamelot - March of Mephisto
Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance
Britney Spears - Work Bitch
2. How many albums do you have? According to my music program, 421.  But there is no easy way of checking he accuracy of that so let’s just say a lot.  On top of I have albums that I don’t have digital copies of. 3. Which artist do you have the most songs for? Goo Goo Dolls by far.  All time favorite band who has been around since 1986 and they are still producing music.  Which is also why I am sure they would be in my “most played songs” list. 4. What your first song in alphabetical order? Last? #SELFIE - The Chainsmokers Zombie Nation - Ministry of Sound 5. How many songs do you have with the letter O? Z? K? O - 97 songs. First song is a techno remix of O’Fortuna lol. (Close to what I have.) Z - 5 songs. First song is Zero Gravity by Kerli. K - 46 songs. First song is Kaleidoscope by Tiesto. 6. How many songs do you have? On my computer. . .3,506.  There are probably some duplicates. 7. Spell out your name with songs that you have. A - Affliction - AFI N - Need You Like a Drug - Zeromancer I - Imperial Throne - Jeremy Soule G - Good Day - Angels & Airwaves R - Real World - Matchbox 20 A - Are You In This? - Stroke 9 H - Hate This Place - Goo Goo Dolls A - Avalanche - Walk The Moon M - Maybe Someday - Splender 8. What's your least played song? I honestly have no way of telling that.  Maybe Jackie Greene.  Someone gave me a CD of his and I didn’t care for it. . .yet it is still on my computer because I’m lazy. 9. A song you always skip. Give a Little Bit - Goo Goo Dolls 10. 3 songs you have with a name in the title. Stacy’s Mom - Fountains of Wayne Where is Micah? - Five Iron Frenzy Mary’s in India - Dido 11. What song makes you cry every time? Oh geezus. Stay With You - Goo Goo Dolls 12. What song means so much to you? Ignoring the last answer... Hey Ya - Goo Goo Dolls Let Love In, Stay With You, and Hey Ya by the Goo Goo Dolls are songs I was listening to constantly during a very rough time in my life.  A lot of the lyrics I really related to at the time and so. . .those songs tend to remind me of that time.  They kind of helped me in keeping my sanity. 13. What song gets you pumped the most? Britney Spears - Work Bitch. lol.  There’s a reason why I assume it’s one of my most played songs.   14. 3 songs you have with cities in the name. Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons San Francisco - Vanessa Carlton N.Y.C - Kevin Rudolf 15. What album will you always listen to all the way through? Goo Goo Dolls - Boxes 16. What song do you have on repeat right now? The last song I did that with was Walpurgisnacht - FAUN 17. Make a story with 6 song titles. One day I’ll fly away.  Runaway.  Over the hills and far away.  I have nothing in this world. Goodbye. 18. Do you have a rainy day playlist? What songs are on it? No.  I have a cocktail hour playlist?  I imagine what I have on there is what people would have on a “rainy day playlist”?  It’s a lot of soft/slow world music, jazz, and trance music. 19. Using one song, tell me how your life is going. Alive - Goo Goo Dolls 20. Do you make playlists? Trying to.  I use to just have only two.  “CD” and “Repeat.”  All the music I wanted to listen to at the moment I would throw into repeat.  CD was obviously to make CDs for my car... Currently I have the following: Ah-knee-may, Bollywood Bun, CD, Chorus, Cocktail Hour, College Bun, Dance Party, Elder Scrolls, Emo Bun, Fantasy Bun, Graham Rumarin (shutup), High School Bun, IDEK, Instrumental, Metal Bun, Nostalgia, On The Radio, Pop, Project Runway, Puremood Ish, Remixed Bun, Repeat, Revelations, Rock Alt, Rock Fun, Rock Soft, Sing-A-Long Bun, Sountracks (Intrumental), Sountracks (Lyrical), Steam Powered Giraffe, and Vocaloid. 21. What's your favorite playlists? Currently, Metal Bun.  Has artists like Amaranthe, The Birthday Massacre, Leave’s Eyes, and Within Temptation. 22. Do you have any songs with colors in the title? Blue Comb ‘78 by Five Iron Frenzy comes to mind. 23. Put your phone on shuffle, what song comes up first? Do you know every word to this song? Can’t Say - BBMak LOL.  Wow.  Nope.  Maybe back in 2000 I knew all the words, but I Can’t Say, because honestly this is one of their songs I didn’t care for.  I know the chorus? 24. How many artists do you have? According to my music program. . .740. 25. How many songs do you have? Have another song from pushing “random” for repeating yourself Leaves’ Eyes - Leaves’ Eyes 26. 3 songs you listen to when you're feeling kinda down. It really depends on what is making me feel “kinda down.” Nostalgia got me down: Let it Die - Three Days Grace  Family got me down: Unbreakable - Fireflight  Life got me down: Some Nights - Fun. 27. 3 songs you listen to when you're feeling hopeless. Let Love In - Goo Goo Dolls Stay With You - Goo Goo Dolls Hey Ya - Goo Goo Dolls Basically the songs I answered with in 12.  These songs I tend to imagine the person I wish I was singing them to me.  If I am listening to these on repeat I’m not okay. 28. 3 songs you listen to when you wanna dance. Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon Honey, I’m Good - Andy Grammer I Wanna Go (Smash Mode Remix) - Britney Spears (I have an absurd amount of Britney Spears remixes...lmao.) 29. 3 songs you blast out the car speakers, with the top down in the summer. I would never do that.  BUT IF I WAS to do that it would be totally random stuff to confuse people like: Blue - Eiffel 65 Buttercup (I’m a Super Girl) - Shonen Knife Knight Rider Theme (Techno Remix) - Happy Hardcore 30. A song you're ashamed to have in your library. I am not ashamed to admit that I have things like Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Power Puff Girls, Ke$ha, Sandstorm by Darude, and the like on my computer.  BUT.  The two bands I don’t outright admit to enjoying is Evanescence and Nightwish.  
Symphonic Metal (and other similar branches of metal) is probably one of my favorite genres and I think some of Evanescence’s music can fall into that.  It seems like whenever I go to the internet wanting to find a new metal band to enjoy, there is always some dick who is like “Let me guess.  You like Evanescence/Nightwish.”  Like who gives a fuck.  I like a LOT of things.  Epica, Leaves’ Eyes, Dream Theater, Krypteria. . .but it seems like the moment I admit to enjoying either Evanescence or Nightwish I just get written off.  Which makes no goddamn sense because if my taste is such “shit” tell me something else to try?  Ya know.  The whole reason why I’m there!  /rant 31. Do you have any movie soundtracks? Hell yeah!  300, Stardust, Rent (yes, I have both the movie and Broadway versions), Requiem For a Dream, The Lord of the Rings, Pitch Perfect and Moulin Rouge.  I also have videogame, tv, and other broadway musical sountracks. 32. What's the oldest song you have? I have music by The Beach Boys which is early 60′s.  Surprisingly, I don’t have any classical music on my computer. . .which I do enjoy.   33. Pick a song and tell a story with it. On The Way Down by Ryan Cabrera was the inspiration to my fanfic about Mr. Bushido (Graham Aker) struggling to kill himself.  The lyrics “On the way down. I saw you and you saved me from myself.” is the theme behind it. . .it’s the idea that he was seeing his life flash before his eyes while slowly losing oxygen (and while trying to convince himself that seppuku is his only option.)  Those memories reminded him of the man he use to be and it’s the desire to go back there. . .to go back to the man he use to be. I said it months ago that I would like to do videos where instead of just music over it. . .I talk about a subject.  I plan on making my first one a drawing of a scene from my fic when I discuss what Graham Aker means for me.  I plan on making the speed paint use this song as well. 34. What song reminds you of yourself? There are a lot.  I would just refer back to questions 12 and 27 for the most meaningful ones.  35. A song you have that you have because you heard it on a commercial and liked it. HA!  Well, I don’t actually have the song anymore before, well, I am sure you can guess why but it was... Forever - Chris Brown.  Heard it as part of a Doublemint gum commercial.
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