#like the contrast and colors are nice and i've improved in painting a lot
thechibilitwick · 2 months
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i have drawn shidou. again. (uncensored under the cut)
(blood / gore warning)
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munku-collar · 2 years
can we see a picture timeline of your deme makeup evolution? only if ur comfortable showing off the old stuff lol, i know i get embarrassed doing that <3
Alrighty this one's kind of a weird ride lol.
So my original intention was to do a brand new demeter design for my cosplay, but I very quickly found out I was too stupid to make my own wig, so I decided to kind of combine mostly 98, and a tiny bit of vienna and asia tour for my complete costume aesthetic. I mention this because one of my first makeup looks is VERY different from where I'm at right now.
So the very first time I tried makeup at all I didn't have facepaint, I just used actual makeup I had in the house lol and as you can imagine it's REALLY BAD (I've also lost weight since then so hello chubby cheeks) but I still look back fondly on this pic because I took the leap and tried something at all. It was very exciting. Jan 2021.
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From there I bought facepaint, and for my very first time putting facepaint on I just improvised a design which I guess is kind of early US tour inspired? I still like this design but I don't think it would go well with my current wig, and it's about the look as a whole for me, so I never went back to this design. Naturally terrible application because I'd never used facepaint before haha. This is about a week after the first one.
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I really like this one too, but once again I wasn't quite happy with it. My facepaint skills improved really fast as you can see. It's really about confidence. I've gone back and forth borrowing elements from this one repeatedly. Still using the black nose literally only because I was too cheap to buy another color lol. Didn't have a wig yet either so thus far I didn't spend a lot of time working around my face like on my cheeks and whatnot. Feb 2021
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I got my wig so I shifted gears and tried to emulate the 98 makeup more but the crisp lines in that look are intimidating(they had a professional makeup artist after all) and so I left a lot of details out, but it was nice to see makeup combined with a wig finally. May 2021.
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On Halloween I added the rest of the 98 makeup details(but kept the bigger brows) and I wasn't happy with the fake eye crease shape in the end, and so much black and white close together on my lower eyelids was really difficult to keep crisp especially in warmer weather, because I have so many eye folds. Like my eyes just make the white paint straight up disappear lmfao. Overall I started getting more comfortable doing facepaint though. I went pretty bold with the cheek lines and whatnot that day. Also tried fake lashes. Oct 2021.
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From here I decided to tailor it more towards my features without sacrificing too much of the 98 vibe. My makeup application got a lot cleaner and I adapted the fake eye crease to fit my eye shape and simplified the lower eye territory to make up for my eyes constantly swallowing paint. It still takes LAYERS of white paint to get it to stick, but it's much more doable. I felt like the big brows were a little aggressive, and I was more focused on 98 like I said, so I went with the daintier brows this time. Overall there's nothing wrong with this look, but the second time I applied it (the time I went to the show) I just wasn't feeling it as much. I think it ended up being a tiny bit too simple. Jan 2022.
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So that brings us to where we're at right now. Same eye shape as above, but bringing back more black eyeshadow, elongating the inner eye corners, and extending the wings to meet the brows. Also brought back the stronger eyebrows. Also brought the cheek markings in way further/made them a bit more blockier to add to the contrast. It's a bit more dramatic/feels a little less juvenile but still has the same overall vibe as the previous one. I think I'm happy with it. May 2022. :)
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I do have some plans to do kind of random design applications when I get bored. Like I plan on doing a more heavily goth inspired look one day but I keep putting it off because I'm lazy lol. But yeah for my "official" look this is where I'm at right now.
Also I just noticed I kept flip flopping the direction of the whiskers on the muzzle hahaha interesting.
Also this is basically every single time I've put cat makeup on except like two or three other times times. So that's like, what, around 10 times in total? So clearly I got comfy using face paint very quick. Still takes me about an hour and 10 mins every single time though lol. I don't think I'll ever whittle the time down simply because I have to sit literally INCHES away from the mirror to see what I'm doing because my eyesight is so bad. But that's ok.
Also I’m really glad I started painting more around my face/forehead to really integrate the wig. It makes such a difference.
Anyway yeah lol hope this inspires some people to try out cat makeup I guess haha
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builder051 · 1 year
I'll take Sherlock and Glee for the asks game if you please.
Sherlock (2010s starring Benedict Cumberbatch)--100% of brain lights up in complete delight... until it all starts to go downhill
Firstly, as you all know, I am on the autism spectrum, and so is one of my biological parents. That is NOT an excuse for improper social behavior, but giving you the background information about possibly how and why happens (or happens to such an extent) could lend some context.
I love to create. Any kind of content. Writing, drawing, painting, photo editing, sewing, setting margins for business letters... the list could go on. It makes me so happy to take on a project that feels fun and feasible. Something I learned when I was young was, basically, if you don't have it, you don't necessarily have to buy it. Look at your materials, or at cheaper materials, and create what you want exactly the way you want it (like, if the beaded princess crown at the Busch Gardens gift shop is, in fact, too big for your head, we can hit up Walmart and get wire and beads and make a crown that fits you, in any color you want).
I've carried that attitude through most of my life. Like, nice-fitting jeans from Goodwill-- I can hem them, the length doesn't matter.
That's actually given me a lot of confidence in my abilities, and it brings out ingenuity with problem solving, especially when it's crunch time (like, signed paper needs to be delivered to the customer--whose office is in Montana--before a certain deadline in not-my-timezone? No prob. Run to my boss's office, hand him a pen, run to the fax machine, run to the phone, let the Montana contact know the doc has been sent, and bam. (Sure, the expectation may be for an engineering review, and the expected delivery method may be SharePoint link, but a signature from the maximum authority and the convenience of instant delivery? No one can complain about that.)
Things start to go south, though, when my efforts (which I consider to be "good energy," if that makes sense) don't wind up doing what I want them to do, or things turn out to be much more difficult than expected. For example, when using black paper and a white marker for a drawing, it will become clear, when one tests the quality of several white markers on a scrap paper, that some are better quality, or better suited to the tasks, than others.
But say I started with the Crayola iridescent paint marker (nice tool for outline/contrast, but not a great choice for linework or edges), and my drawing is not showing up. I must choose, then, to
1) scrap my drawing (and maybe do it again with something like a matte brush tip)
2) go over my drawing again (and again) with the Crayola in hopes of improving what I already have (though with equal probability of ruining it), or
3) become a frustrated mess of hopelessly selfish human and hide under my desk with all the dinosaurs and paper clay and other odds and ends I use for art with my kids.
More often than not, it's choice #3. I don't exactly know how to, like, have frustration for a thing, and, while still acknowledging it as important and real and meaningful (enough so that I still have desire to make the thing and make it in my own correct way), put it away in my brain's side pocket and move to perform different tasks. I tend to try and try and try to bulldoze my way through, risking breaking my supplies (because I so hate leaving projects unfinished, or with the current step/chapter unfinished), or I become sad and feel negatively about myself and my skills and the fact that I will have to put everything away in order to take a break (kids and cats, lol), then get it all out again for my next try.
Glee--cute and quirky, and then it was cutting edge, and then it was the BEST, and then it started tilting the other direction, and it ultimately fell on its own sword and became the absolute WORST
A lot of things, mostly books and classic television programs, that have been considered from, broadly, 1950 to 2020, as "things we will pass down to our grandchildren," including, but not limited to, the following:
Harry Potter-- and that's sad. That's a travesty. Some aged wine grows more precious over time. Some just goes off.
Dr. Seuss--Because he had an actual career, and writing nonsense books was only part of it. I respect that particular treasury. But he was a guy. With a life. And, in comparison, like, even if Bohemian Rhapsody is a glory film, it doesn't erase the bad choices that still stand, unchangeable, in their influence on modern history.
Mr. Rogers (ok, he helps kids learn to tie their shoes... but, I kid you not, one skit in the world of make believe had a puppet who identifies as a woman, performing in a (very fictional) talent show, during which she was dressed up as, and pretending to be, a kitten, who was singing (horrendously) an original song, in which the lyrics begged the Moon (cognizant, apparently, and generous) to give her a star as a birthday present. What the everloving fuck, here? Not to yuk anyone's yum, but... a grown man, who has created an OC 'verse for children (his main consumers) and those who watch with them. I'm seeing... possible ageplay x furry x accompanist? what accompanist? x personification of balls of rock x obvious greed and pestering as a method to be rewarded x light references to Wicca and Paganism (I don't care, but some people might. Could bring on some leading questions from the littles, too.
Magical family recipes that are actually on the back of a can of condensed soup
BMI (used as an indicator of health--Have you ever seen a male ballet dancer? Yeah, like, in jeans on the bus he just looks like a dude. In tights and a tank, he looks like Secretariat. Depending on his height, he probably weighs something like, 1.5x the expected--visually based--BMI. Put him in high-healthy, verging on overweight. He probably eats 3,000+ calories of healthy food on the daily, and regular deadlifts, eh, 100 to 130ish pound partners? See? V healthy. Chart means nothing.)
Binarily- segregated restrooms (Ok, have you seen a toilet stall in Iceland? They're mostly non-gendered, at least in big public places, like the airport. The regular stalls--usually, like, 20 of them in a row, with a couple of handicapped/accessible/baby-changing stalls on the end-- contain one regular toilet. The door and walls go from 1cm above the floor to 1cm below the ceiling. All have sliding locks that operate only from the inside, and outside hardware is barely visible; it's just the flat (no screwdriver marks) heads of the screws that brace the locks to the doors. Then there are sinks. That pour out water. And pumps. For soap. And paper towels. The entire population has a grip on what purpose bathrooms serve, as well as what people do in bathrooms, and the differentiation of both private and public spaces in order to meet most efficiently serve the population.)
Frosted Flakes is (are) the sugary sweet part(s) of a complete breakfast. (!) Conjugate that, Tony Tiger. and WTF is a "complete breakfast?"
Math problems about trains. Nobody cares about crossing paths anymore. It's all arrival time, landing time, time zone, jet lag, how late to your meeting you can be before it's considered rude (and how disheveled are you allowed to look before high fashion hits slobbiness)?
Filler foods, which is a ridiculous American ploy to short farmers and natural food producers by making those goods more expensive and then creating a "store generic brand" version of the same product that's cheaper. Yay, save 20 cents! But that packet of breakfast sausages you just put in your cart is made of mostly soy and meat... leftovers. The brand that's beside it, that has the "naturally raised" sticker on it, that one's made of humanely farmed meat and probably a few salts, spices, and safe preservatives."Far East" instant couscous? Made in America, it's heavily mixed with condensed powdered dairy and soy filler. Kosher couscous pearls, you know, from that tiny aisle with grape jelly and yummy crackers? One ingredient. One! Whole wheat. You do not need a chemistry lab to make couscous.
Why am I so passionately angry about this? I'm allergic to dairy, soy, cashews, and oats. The ONLY milk I can drink is almond. When I eat bites of oral food (usually for social fun), I have to ask for every last ingredient to make sure I will not cause myself to have an allergic reaction, which is different from a gastroparesis flare up, which need to be medically treated differently, lest further damage be caused by overtreatment or symptoms left to stew and spread. My big kid and I are also touch-sensitive to oats, so, in addition to not tolerating whole-grain bread, we cannot use many lotions and shampoos (marketed for sensitive skin, lol) because they contain colloidal oats. There are even exam gloves on the market, meant to help nurses with dry skin, which I do understand is a problem, that contain colloidal oat powder (inside) and have a regular silicone outside. There is too high a risk for touch-transfer, though, and we frequently have to ask and remind practitioners to NOT use the oat-poisoned gloves.
ADDITIONALLY, there are something like 3 or 4 types of formula in existence for sustaining us tubies that don't contain at least one of the major allergens (usually dairy or soy). Of those few, at least one has CORN SYRUP as its primary ingredient. Ok, yeah, fortify the tubies and give them easily accessible carbs to keep them running. But, um, nutrition? Like, the absolute and awful, yet hilarious, truth that pirates (yes, of the caribbean) were healthier than individuals of European military forces traveling by sea, because the pirates ate a more balanced diet--fruit, bread, alcohol (aka sanitary hydration), and the redcoats died of things like scurvy because nobody thought to bring a lemon wedge to go with their hardtack and tea... People don't subsist on corn syrup. They can't exercise. They can't gain lung capacity, the ability to walk long distances, the critical thinking to problem solve and maintain self-care and do work. There is ONE type of tubie formula our family depends on (well, 2, because there's grown-up and pediatric) on the market that is allergen-free, pea protein based, contains natural minerals, and mixes with water and other dissolvable powdered supplements. We're immensely blessed to have it. We have to bring our own if anyone's in the hospital, since it's "rare." But OMG, the stuff has saved my life.
Forgive the ranting. I like to explain myself.A lot.
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findsilver · 5 years
G'day, first of all - you're brilliant. Secondly, I'm getting back into drawing and one thing I've always been too overwhelmed by is colour. I really admire the way you colour your art, so I was wondering if you had any advice..? In any case, thank you and have a nice day!
Thank you so much for your kind words, they really mean so much to me! Honestly, I relate to you a lot because what I’m studying is more graphic design / media art related so I’m only just getting back into drawing too. I’m still looking for a good way to do things and improve my style and skills, however, there are few things that helped me that may help you get started!
1. Colour theory
This may be a bit of a boring point, but honestly, I think it’s really good to know your basics, because then you can use them to improve your art, and besides it’s always good to know the rules before you make an informed decision to break them. For example, using complementary colours can make something you want to pop. You also figure out how to use contrast. I recommend just googling it and going through it, the basic portion of it isn’t too long, or even finding a video on youtube. The color wheel is your friend!
2. Few more things to remember
I think the most important thing I learned in school when it comes to colours is to treat every colour not as a shade of your base, but as a whole other colour. For example, instead of drawing shades and shadows with a darker version of your base colour, choose a cooler colour instead.
Keep lighting in mind. Not only does the direction of light determines where the shadows and highlights are going to be, the colour of the light itself can also determine the colours of your shadows.
Don’t be afraid to use blending modes. They’re there for a reason and it’s an easy way to build your shadows if you slap an overlapping layer on multiply, or perhaps choose to add an illuminating glow to something on color dogde.
Using adjustment layers, textures, gradients. I know some people don’t like to use it in art, but I personally sometimes use them to create the sort of atomsphere I want. 
You can just as easily draw something in black an white and then build the colour on blending modes, but I only do that when I’m doing more of a painting style thing. With fanart I usually only make a black and white sketch and then fill out the lines and colour it.
3. Colour palettes
Generally what I find useful is keeping a separate layer for swatches of colour I used when I’m drawing. It’s a useful trick that can help you build a comprehensible palette you can build on as you go. It’s also good for actually seeing if the colours will work together at all, plus it’s an easy access to pick the same colour again if you want. 
As for actually choosing colours, I do often just choose what I think might work, but it’s a trial and error method, and it helps a lot when you already have experience (though not necessarily, some people have a lot of intuition with these things). But there are many other ways to get yourself started if you don’t feel comfortable with colour just yet.
First of all, you can find a plethora of palettes online. Just google color palettes and a handful of websites or google images will pop up. Some that I personally liked in the past are:
COLORMIND - generates palettes from scratch.
COOLORS - generates palettes from scratch.
PALETTON - generates palettes from a color wheel picker.
MYCOLOR - generates palettes from a color picker.
CANVA - generates palettes from an uploaded picture.
If you want to create your own palette from a picture you like and perhaps don’t want to upload it anywhere, you can always just do it yourself. All you really have to do is open your picture in Photoshop.
The first thing you do is go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and blur the picture.
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Then once again go to Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize and then you have your palette.
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Anyway, I’m sure there are more things but I honestly can’t remember them right now. I recommend just trying it all for yourself and finding your own way to do things. I believe that you can do it and it’s really fun to just experiment, even if it doesn’t end up looking exactly like you wanted. It rarely does for me, but it’s a learning experience! I hope this was in any way helpful and good luck to you!
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