#like sure we can throw angst in there with some of the staple incidents like the stabbing or even just prolonged absence
lavenoon · 1 year
Mom said it is my turn to spark a timeline fkdjhgjkhd
Very curious about what you have planned hehe XD
(also no need to answer this today since it's almost sleepy times for you I just saw your tags and had to share my first thought about it fkjghkjldh)
So for context, yesterday dear Chaotik tagged me in this post, and, well...
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What if they did know each other sooner?
First of all I want to lead with the disclaimer that this was just a pre-bedtime idea I’m kind of fleshing out, no promises I’ll do anything with it. I don’t even have a solid name for this timeline (yet) (kicks “Nestlings AU” under the couch where no one can see)
For this, I’m jumbling the circumstances a good bunch again - Sun, Moon, and Eclipse live in the same city as Y/N. Also there’s more but I’m not telling you yet (: 
Eclipse gets Sun and Moon a job at the agency - and they begin their training period, hesitantly hopeful that maybe this job will be more fun than the others they’ve had. Maybe this will be something they can settle for. I’ve mentioned it before, but these two used to job hop a lot - staying at most a year at any given place before they become dissatisfied and look for something more. 
The agent job only feels different because it’s something so out there - good luck finding that job listing online! And perhaps it’s something the brothers can use to connect to each other, in this very rough phase where none of them dare to address deeper issues because they don’t know how to even breach much less vulnerable topics. If they could come home and gossip about the same workplace and people, well… That would be nice, wouldn’t it? They could feel like a family. 
So the two start their training, pick out their code names, and… and it’s not terrible. It’s not quite what they had hoped for, still missing something, and yet they can’t say just what it is they would need to truly accept the job. It’s even kind of fun, whenever they forget that strange restlessness spurring them on. 
Dawn excels quickly at the more social aspects of agent work - pleasant smiles, polite conversations, he’s got one of those faces, you know? He starts leaning into it, dressing up and giving off the best “Me? A secret agent? Surely you jest” vibes known to man. That’s just Dawn, the nice, sunny animatronic, who likes to dress fancy! As far as agents (in training) go, he’s eccentric, but effective.
Dusk hates that kind of stuff, but no one tops his speed when it’s about training courses within and outside of the building, and handicaps like the trainer deciding to change the light/ sight conditions barely bother him with his access to night and thermal vision. He’s somewhat quiet, but everyone else already clocks him as a menace as soon as he grins like a Cheshire Cat upon completion of a parkour. 
Eclipse meanwhile continues to work his way up the ranks, no longer an assistant by the time Sun and Moon start their training, but he’s eyeing that lead researcher position and there’s very little that could deter him from trying to get there. 
As for the family vibes… It works, a little. Eclipse gets a huge kick out of asking “So, how was training?” in the most parental tone he can muster. Sun and Moon pretend to be bothered, but deep down they don’t begrudge him a bit of teasing. They may grumble a bit, and then eventually sigh and lean into it too. Shrug and a “Well, training, y’know?” They can all squabble a bit, with Eclipse nudging them more because they’re all laughing and yeah maybe it’s silly and all just jokes, but at last he feels like part of the circus after being trapped in the audience for too long. Do I say this to make a jesters reference or because it’s accurate to how ridiculous they are? Yes. 
They still have bad days, and fights - and the transfer they were already “threatened” with looms in the distance. That’s when they start thinking maybe that’ll help, actually - they can call, and text, and just stick to the fun bits and not lash out at each other anymore. That’s where in canon, too, their relationship starts freezing. 
In this timeline though? 
One day there’s a commotion - something about HQ being “infiltrated” by a civilian. 
The next night, a new recruit starts training, and suddenly things become actually interesting. The newbie is a bit wide-eyed, and seems to not quite know what to make of things. They chat up a couple people and seem not very impressed, which only earns them a few stink eyes. 
Dusk suddenly can’t slack off anymore. He had that perfect balance between staying on top of everyone while putting in as little effort as he can get away with. But then suddenly there’s someone keeping up with him, and starting up a casual conversation. 
“Hey, uh, is everyone here a stick in the mud?” 
He nearly trips when he starts cackling. 
The newbie slows with him in concern, but he just grins at them like the menace he is. 
“You’ll want to use that head start. I’ll catch up.” 
“Oh, bet.” 
To his absolute delight, they win. 
They shrug off an introduction, saying they haven’t picked a code name yet. Dusk proceeds to call them random words as “code name suggestions”, but it’s all things like “Hey, Broom!” “Carpet, watch out!” and the newbie swears up and down if they weren’t faster than him and couldn’t outrun his stupidity they’d have to kill him. 
And then the idiots race again.
And again - a good bunch over time. Moon comes home after that first time and seems unusually eager to talk about work, though Eclipse doesn’t complain. Sun just jokes how he’s curious if he’ll meet them too.
And he does! But unlike their already trained talent in parkour, their acting skills are a bit lacking. He watches them fumble for a bit before he approaches them, introduces himself as Dusk’s partner, and then asks them if they’re alright - those new job jitters sure are something! And they sigh, ignoring the out he’s giving them, and explain that no, they just really don’t know how to act in these scenarios.
Well, don’t mind if he does, then. 
“Well, who are you right now?” 
“What role are you playing? Any character needs to be crafted first, then you can start thinking of what script you’re working with.” 
There’s a small pause as they look at him (perfect poker face - well, at least they got that down), and he starts to fidget. But then they huff, and crack a smile. 
“That’s the cheesiest way anyone’s ever successfully explained something to me. Got any other pointers?” 
And boy, does he! 
Eclipse hears a lot of stories about the newbie, then. He’s drawing his own conclusions <3 
(And he’s not really wrong)
Robin first introduces themself to Dusk, who immediately has to be funny about it.
“Like the bird?” 
“No, you imbecile. Robin Hood.”
“Imbecile yourself. Why him?”
“Dude lives in the woods with his friends and steals from the rich, what’s not to admire?” 
“You’re thinking of corvids, little bird.” 
“I’m going to kill you.” (They don’t <3)
Dawn at the very least respects their namesake, though he earns himself a withering glare when he declares that their pickpocketing skills are a sight to be seen, and they’d make for an adorable little thief. That sticks, too <3 
“But Luce,” you say, “Where’s the fun in this timeline if they all know each other from the start?”
We still get a reveal, some time down the road, after enough of the early stage shenanigans. 
Eclipse likes to shop around, buying things he can reasonably acquire in local stores to then dissect them and figure out how they work. Little pet projects for improvements, and to practice and keep himself sharp in those phases when he’s stuck only doing paperwork at work.
Y/N meanwhile starts frequenting some stores selling home security and other “spy gadgets”, always looking for novelty items and thus forcefully learning how to deal with disappointment. 
One day they grab a little pen camera - only to hear someone cheerfully suggest they pick another one, that one really isn’t worth the money. 
After they startle, they turn, and blink - another celestial animatronic. Huh. Who would’ve thought those are so common? 
He introduces himself, and then explains he dissected one of them before, and the camera is unfortunately functionally useless. The wiring’s too fickle, he had to fix up quite a lot to get his in working order - 
“But you got it? In working order?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure!” 
“Do you take commissions? Or, uh, actually, would you teach me?” 
He never really had to think about that - but boy is he on board! Sure, he’d love to walk them through it! 
They buy two then, one for him to demonstrate and one for them to follow along with. If they mess up, they have the one he worked on, and if they manage, well, guess they have - … friendship spy pens?
Eclipse loves the idea of friendship spy pens. 
Y/N doesn’t mention that they know two other (or, well, one other?) celestial animatronics, because they do take the secrecy seriously now that they have a civilian friend - they feel all cool and mysterious about it, dork. 
Eclipse usually visits them - he’s eager to go out, and really enjoys finding new routes to their place. Workshop hangouts often stretch into movie hangouts and, after Y/N insists on buying a charging cord for him after his first crash at their place, sometimes sleepovers. 
He gets to brag about his friend now, too - and this is where all brothers are idiots, and no one connects the dots. 
For a while! And we’re keeping up with the trend that Eclipse makes any reveal a speedrun - he finds out first. 
He visits them at home so often,  gets to casually talk to them all the time, and hears so many stories from Sun and Moon, he just starts becoming more and more suspicious as time goes on. 
And when one day Moon bemoans his little bird stealing his hat, just for said hat to lie on Y/N’s couch? Eclipse blinks, and then nearly gives them a heart attack. 
“So you are Robin. My brothers simply cannot shut up about you.” 
He makes quick work of quelling any panic though - it’s fine, really, after all, if they didn’t know that just means that Sun and Moon are doing their job right! 
Then there’s the prompt invitation to mess with the two, and frame it as an accident to HQ. Eclipse simply invites his friend home, whom he couldn’t have known is also an agent, because both Y/N and Sun and Moon took the secrecy so seriously! (: 
Sun/ Moon get the shock of a lifetime and, for a moment, have no clue how to feel about it - but then Y/N exaggerates an innocent shrug before breaking into a grin, and suddenly they feel a little calmer. Still grumble and shoot Eclipse a glare, but it’s on the same level as their usual bit.
HQ lets them get away with it, but Agent River already feels like these new recruits are going to test her nerves. 
She’s right.
By the time Sun and Moon are done with their training and thus supposed to be shipped off, Dusk, Dawn, and Robin have already become a set, “do not separate.” The higher ups begrudgingly indefinitely postpone the transfer after Robin makes it clear they aren’t leaving their home any time soon, even after they finish their training.
HQ, at some point, demands one of them at least move. 
Sun/ Moon, Eclipse, and Y/N, Looking At Each Other: … We can do that
HQ is tired. River feels like she needs three baby leashes, and one of them isn’t even under her command. She just gets another coffee in her “World’s best Mom Supervisor” mug.
It’s the fast burn timeline (as far as I will ever be able to write anything “fast” relationship wise), because they have the least walls up, and are all very eager to fix things/ enjoy things as they come <3
37 notes · View notes
milliebeeweasel · 6 years
Draco Veritas: the anticlimactic conclusion to the fanfics that made Cassie Claire famous
This is the worst one. The worst one.
You can read my adventures through Draco Dormiens and Draco Sinister through those links.
And thus begins my spork, as promised.
Before anything else, there’s a small detail I forgot from the end of Draco Sinister: at the big finale party, a ~mysterious benefactor~ gifted Harry a magic red bracelet, called a runic band.  That turned out to be kinda plot important, so yeah.  Sorry about that.
Draco Veritas, it beginneth thusly.
Harry Potter and da Crew are all back at Hogwarts for their last year, sitting in a potions class that immediately gives me flashbacks to Draco Dormiens, back when I was young and naïve and had no idea what shit I was getting into.
But I actually like this opening!  Draco and Harry are abusing this psychic connection they’ve developed since the first fic to cheat through the class.  Snape gets annoyed as Draco keeps secretly giving Harry the answers, until naturally Draco gives him a very wrong answer to mess with him, and … IDK it’s funny and in-character, and a sweet callback to the first fic to show character development.  It’s good.
Draco has a dream/vision about Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy, who’re nattering about “four worthy McGuffins”. I mean OBJECTS.  Four worthy objects.  Yeah.  (Take a brief moment to celebrate because holy shit, Voldemort is actually IN this fic!)
However, the plot rapidly dissolves as we discover that, despite the heavy Draco/Ginny shipping at the end of Draco Sinister, Draco is now dating Blaise Zabini.  Blaise, in this fic, is a redheaded girl and not …
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Hindsight is 20/20 when a character’s gender isn’t confirmed until several books in, I guess.
So Harry and Draco are now captains of their respective quidditch teams, and—because for some reason they don’t want anyone to know they’re friends, because god forbid anything possibly ever unite the houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor—they stage regular arguments and fistfights in order to keep up appearances.  And by “stage” I mean “actually knock the stuffing out of each other”.
Despite the sweet, fluffy Harry/Hermione ending of Draco Sinister, it turns out Harry and Hermione are now having relationship problems for nonspecific, aggravating reasons, and spend all their time moping or having wild domestics.  Draco and Ginny also kinda hate each other, and basically act like bitter exes despite having barely dated, and Harry’s feeling constant, generalised RAEG and … look, if you’re wondering about Voldemort and the four worthy McGuffins, buckle up because we have several hundred pages of this soap opera bullshit before the plot is even remotely addressed.
But don’t worry.
Rhysenn Malfoy is here to make it all worse.
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(Screenshot straight off my phone of the fanart included in the fic.)
This Amy Lee looking motherfucker pops up throughout the fic to bother everyone, pass on cryptic messages from Lucius, and grope at Draco.  Her “cousin”.
Anywhoo, Draco realises Harry is having a bad time, and goes to his staple solution for everything: alcoholism.  By which I mean a trip to a wizard strip club called the Sleazy Weasel.  This isn’t even close to the weirdest thing to happen in this fic.
While they’re getting merrily wankered, it turns out Ron has a ~secret girlfriend~, with whom Cassie plays the pronoun game for half the fic so we can’t guess who he’s illicitly fucking in every other POV swap.  Make your guesses now.  If you get it right I’ll … I dunno, write you a ficlet or something.
Meanwhile, Ginny reads a trashy romance book called Passionate Trousers, the text of which takes up huge chunks of the fic.  (Uh, Cassie.  I, uh, I don’t think you’re in a position to parody or criticise trashy romance stories.  Just saying.) She also starts dating Seamus Finnegan, aka the only decent person in this story, and meanwhile Harry asks Sirius if he can visit James and Lily’s grave but Sirius says it’s too dangerous and Harry storms off in a huff, and …
Nope, still more soap opera.
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A random Slytherin catches Ron doing the sex with his ~mystery girlfriend~, but then passes out and suffers an immediate bout of amnesia, so that comes to nothing. Rhysenn keeps pointlessly bothering Draco, and reveals that, on top of being goffick and beautiful, she’s also immortal.
You could say … My Immortal.
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Harry and Hermione’s domestics get to such a ridiculous point I start to long for Order of the Phoenix Capslock Harry, as Hermione screams at him in the Great Hall for not paying attention to her, and Ginny falls off her broom and hurts herself—
And finally, a tiny wee bit of plot shows up, when someone shoots Draco Malfoy with an arrow, throwing him off the Astronomy Tower.
You’d think this would kick-start the plot in earnest but … no.  Draco’s up and about in time for the Yule Ball (which is now apparently a yearly occurrence, and not just an event for the Triwizard Tournament), and apparently he’s feeling perky enough to be a cheating whorebiscuit and snog Ginny in the rose garden.  Not a euphemism.  Honest.
Meanwhile, the golden trio go to the pub and have a snowball fight and general, wholesome fun, and Hermione makes them promise to always be friends, which is fanfic code for “we’re about to be totally fucked”.
250 pages in, and we have barely scraped the edge of an inciting incident.
By this point in Draco Dormiens, Draco and Harry had swapped bodies and were wreaking havoc.  In Draco Sinister, Salazar Slytherin had kidnapped and date rape drugged Hermione.
This is supposed to be the grand finale.  The epic third episode in this trilogy.
And it’s just … relationship drama.  It’s slow and it’s boring.
So Harry and Draco sneak off to visit James and Lily’s grave, a scene which sounds good but is actually dull and stupid and utterly pointless.  In Deathly Hallows, Harry seeing his parents’ grave at Godric’s Hollow breaks my heart, and guarantees a little tear every time.
‘And tears came before he could stop them, boiling hot then instantly freezing on his face, and what was the point in wiping them off or pretending? He let them fall, his lips pressed hard together, looking down at the thick snow hiding from his eyes the place where the last of Lily and James lay, bones now surely, or dust, not knowing or caring that their living son stood so near, his heart still beating, alive because of their sacrifice and close to wishing, at this moment, that he was sleeping under the snow with them.’
In Cassie’s version?
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She literally says he “feels nothing”.
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Yeah, Cassie.  I’m sure Harry would suffer all this melodramatic angst over his love life, and not feel a single scrap of pain or loss or regret at seeing the graves of his parents.  His parents, whom he wanted to know so badly in Philosopher’s Stone, he saw them in the Mirror of Erised—the “deepest and most desperate desire of [his] heart”.
And of fucking course, Rhysenn Malfoy then shows up and proceeds to molest Harry a few feet from James and Lily’s grave.  And since Harry goes to putty in her presence, and immediately throws up after Draco chases her off, you can probably guess what Rhysenn is long before Cassie deigns to explain.
She’s a succubus.
Yeah, gasp, ahh, whatever.
Dear Cassie,
Where are the stakes? The carefully interwoven mysteries? What is the goal of this fic?  I thought you were good at plot, Cassie!  I praised you for it!  Where did it go?  Where is Voldemort?  Is he knitting socks to go with Nagini’s jumper from Draco Sinister?  She doesn’t need socks, Cassie!  She’s a snake!
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(Just let me stare at this adorable tiny snek until I’ve calmed down.)
OK.  Draco realises his wound from the arrow is now glowing, and his blood’s turned silver.  That’s … healthy.  And left unaddressed for another fifty pages.
Hermione realises the plot probably should’ve kicked in by now, so she researches the four worthy McGuffins from Draco’s dream.  It turns out, in the time they’ve been pissing about doing nothing, Voldy’s got his act together and already collected the Mirror, the Scabbard, and the … something else?  IDK the third item wasn’t important.  The important thing was there was one item left: the Cup.  So Harry P and da Crew decide they need to get it before Voldemort does, by stealing it from the wizarding museum where it’s on display at Stonehenge.
Several pages of build-up are wasted on planning this heist, but I’m so glad plot’s arrived I’m willing to be forgiving.  At the museum, Draco causes a distraction by kissing Ginny, prompting Seamus to punch him in the face.  While their fistfight ensues, the golden trio replace the McGuffin Cup with a fake.
And it all goes down flawlessly.
Because god forbid we might get some external conflict.
When they get back to Hogwarts, Hermione hides the McGuffin Cup.  Meanwhile, Draco becomes seriously poorly from a combination of whatever that weirdass arrow’s done to him, and the thorough shit-kicking my boy Seamus gave him.
Harry shows Ron the Christmas present he’s got for Hermione: a ring.  Ron freaks out because you CAN’T give your girlfriend a ring, she’ll assume you’re PROPOSING and that’s CRAZY.  (And here I sit, wearing the two rings my boyfriend gave me on separate occasions, howling with laughter.)
Anyway, Ron’s epic bitchfit comes to a dramatic end when he reveals the identity of his ~secret girlfriend~.
(Those of you raising your hands for your ficlet right now … just hold on a second.  You’ll see.)
Because Hermione is completely dumbfounded by this reveal.  She insists it’s not true, while Ron gets angrier and more distraught. Harry finally uses the veritas spell to make Ron tell the truth, and Ron confirms that yeah, he’s for defo been fucking Hermione on the sly.  Hermione screams that it isn’t true and Harry storms out in a rage.
If you, like me, are currently shrieking, “POLYJUICE POTIONS EXIST YOU FUCKING MORONS!” … I am sorry. I am sorry for all of us.
Hermione goes to Draco in tears, and Draco once again falls back on his reliable solution of alcoholism. They get drunk and snuggle up in bed together because, uh, that’s … not cheating?
Ron meets up with his ~mysterious girlfriend~ again, and strangely, she has no clue about all the domestics that just occurred.  At this point, Ron finally twigs that this isn’t fucking Hermione.  Draco and the real Hermione also burst in, but because everyone in this fic is an idiot, the imposter gets away.  Following this is even more relationship drama, as Harry and Hermione break up and everyone now hates Ron for backstabbing them in spirit, if not technically in reality.
Hermione and Ron toddle off to their separate homes for Christmas, and Draco, apparently the only one with two brain cells left to rub together, works out who the fake Hermione is:
Pansy Parkinson.
So, if you guessed “Pansy Parkinson, with the Hermione Polyjuice potion, in the Astronomy Tower”, you may now request your fanfic.  Please be patient, as I have to pause every time I remember this detail, and nearly crack a rib laughing.
Meanwhile, Ginny tells Seamus about the events of Draco Sinister and he is … one hundred percent accepting and supportive, and gives Ginny a magic bracelet for Christmas, and invites her to visit him in Ireland.
I maintain Seamus is the only decent person in this fic.
The only one.
Harry and Draco get up to shenanigans at Christmas at Malfoy Manor, in which for once Harry is the one getting plastered and not Draco, and … I swear, this fic feels like it’s aiming towards a Harry/Draco ship 90% of the time. Harry spends so much time waxing lyrical about Draco’s beauty, his elegance, his perfect perfection, and it’s weird, because when Sirius and Narcissa get married they’re basically going to be stepbrothers so—
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Sirius and Narcissa throw a wedding rehearsal dinner, and it turns out both the entire Weasley family AND the entire Parkinson family are invited, so Draco decides to be a vindictive little shit and announce to everyone that HEY, PANSY AND RON HAVE BEING DOING THE NASTY.
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By which I mean Lucius Malfoy and all his cronies crash the party, kidnap Harry, Ron and Draco, and magically boot everyone else out of the manor.  And just a sec, I might need to go lie down and weep after slogging through that entire crappy first half of the fic.
So Lucius locks Harry and Draco up on some balcony, and demands they give him the McGuffin Cup. He even offers to trade it for an antidote to that poisoned arrow currently fucking Draco up in all kinds of ways.  Unfortunately, Hazzer and Drazzer don’t have a clue where Hermione hid the Cup.  So Draco basically yells, “I don’t want your stinking antidote, and fuck you anyway,” and smashes the antidote to pieces.
He’s a … smart boy.
Meanwhile, Ginny uses her time turner from Draco Sinister to do some convoluted time travel, including going to Malfoy Manor in the past and meeting baby wee twelve year old Draco.  She also takes Tom Riddle’s diary from Lucius’s desk (which has a fat hole in it from where Harry stabbed it with the basilisk fang) for … some reason?  She also nicks another book of dark magic, because in for a penny I guess.  Then she finally travels into the present, where she rescues Harry and Draco.  They’re chased out of the manor by hellhounds, and Harry uses that plot-important runic band to scare them off, and there are actual stakes and there’s pacing and I’m practically sobbing with relief at this point.
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If you’re wondering where Ron is …
Ron gets to play chess.
With Voldemort.
For basically the whole of the rest of the fic.
See, apparently the reason Ron is so good at chess is because he’s a seer, so he unconsciously reads the future and predicts his opponent’s move.  And Voldemort needs like, a really, really powerful seer for this ritual he wants to do.  So he takes Ron to a secret castle in deepest darkest Eastern Europe, and essentially forces him to grind his seer ability up to level 100 as fast as humanly possible.
So the whole crew, except Ron, head back to Hogwarts, where Dumbledore tells Snape to make a fresh antidote for Draco.  Which Draco SHOULD HAVE DONE as soon as he realised he was POISONED.  I don’t care how “independent” you are, if you are seventeen and you suspect you might be dying of a fucking glowing wound inflicted by a wierdass arrow from nowhere, you get help.
Meanwhile, in Voldemort’s secret castle, Ron is tortured in the most horrific manner imaginable.
He is made to listen to Rhysenn’s backstory.
Allow me to sum it up for you:
RHYSENN: “Dad’s a Malfoy.  Mam’s a succubus.  Bit of a shock for him when he found out.  Also now I’m doomed to servitude in the Malfoy family forever.”
See?  That doesn’t need to take twenty flipping pages.
The fic goes back to Draco lounging dramatically in bed contemplating death, interspersed with other characters waxing lyrical about how beautiful Draco looks even when he’s dying and—
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On Christmas day, Harry gives Draco the Marauder’s Map, and Draco gives Harry a copy of the Malfoy Family Code of Conduct—a running joke throughout the Draco Trilogy stolen directly from Red Dwarf’s Space Corps Directives. (The joke was better in Red Dwarf.)
Hermione does more book-reading (specifically, that dark magic book Ginny nicked), and realises why they haven’t seen Ron in effing forever.  Voldemort’s going to drain Ron’s blood for his evil plan.
After everyone falls apart with even more friendship drama, Seamus decides he’s too good for these assholes and breaks up with Ginny, who immediately fucks off back in time. Gotta love that coping method. “Yeah well screw you, time travel!”
So Ginny goes back to when Tom Riddle was still at Hogwarts.  Tom turns out to be an unapologetic sadist (no surprises there) and follows up breaking Ginny’s wrist with … weird, rapey advances.
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Then, in the ONE AND ONLY Moment I Unironically Enjoyed in this whole shitfest of a fic, Ginny spits in Tom’s face and gut-punches him.  Satisfied with her fistfight, Ginny lets Dumbledore take her away and returns to the present.
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However, this begins a reoccurring trend in this fic: everyone being an absolute fucking shitweasel to Ginny Weasley.
Dumbledore proceeds to tear Ginny a new one for her time travel shenanigans and for daring to try and change the past.  Ginny points out she wasn’t going to change the past—she only wanted to take one of Tom’s hairs so she could make an epicyclical charm and use that to kill Voldemort in the present.  Dumbledore then rips her another new one because apparently an epicyclical charm requires a soul to work, and Voldemort doesn’t have one of those.  Also, Ginny accidentally left that dark magic book in the past, giving Tom the whole idea to do this ridiculous blood ritual in the first place.
So to punish Ginny for this mistake, which was technically preordained and had to happen somehow since time travel in Harry Potter is a closed loop, Dumbledore tells Tom Riddle in the past Ginny’s full name, so Tom can go gunning for her in Chamber of Secrets.  Because of course eleven year old Ginny totally deserved to be punished for shit she hadn’t even done yet.
Ginny runs up to her room and smashes everything in sight, and then collapses sobbing on the floor. In the process, however, she manages to cut herself, and her blood and tears get on Tom Riddle’s diary.
I’m sure that won’t come to anything.
Meanwhile, Snape orders Harry to leave Draco once he gets his antidote, because he thinks their psychic connection is super unhealthy for poor woobie Draco.  Harry reluctantly agrees, and shortly overhears Snape telling Dumbledore he’s got an antidote.  Then, because no one ever sticks around to eavesdrop on an entire conversation, Harry legs it before Snape points out the “antidote” is only temporary and just gives Draco a few more weeks to live rather than curing him completely.
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So Harry leaves goodbye notes for Draco and Hermione, and fucks off to finally go and fight Voldemort.
You know, that thing this whole fic was supposed to be about.
Later, Ginny’s sulking in the Gryffindor Common Room when Seamus finds Tom Riddle’s diary—and is instantly possessed by the ghost of Tom Riddle.
“The ghost that Harry killed with the basilisk fang?” I hear you say?
Yes, that ghost.
No, no.  But nothing.  Cassie has finally realised this fic is boring as shit, and chosen to introduce Tom-Possessed-Seamus in a desperate attempt to add some external conflict.  I am not going to bitch about things making sense as long as something is finally happening.
So Tom finds the letters Harry wrote for Draco and Hermione, and decides to fuck with everyone in the vicinity by burning Hermione’s and magically rewording Draco’s to be full of backhanded compliments.  He then nances down to the Common Room and finds Ginny.  She works out pretty sharpish that this new, creepy “Seamus” is actually Tom screwing with her, and for a few paragraphs, this fic reads like M rated torture porn waiting to happen.  Then Ginny sticks her arm in the fireplace, causing her charm bracelet to go haywire and explode all over the place.
This would be cool, except:
There was absolutely no indication before now that bracelet + fire = explosions
Why didn’t Ginny just toss the bracelet in, rather than setting her own hand on fire?
So Tom flees and Ginny passes out.  Meanwhile, Draco takes his kinda-antidote, which actually gets him out of bed.  This is surprising, considering the fic claims it contains both belladonna and nightshade, each of which are poisonous.
Cassie … what the fuck.
Anyway, Draco and Hermione find unconscious, lightly charred Ginny and rush her to Madame Pomfrey, and then discover Harry’s remaining letter.  This naturally results in a slew of drama I can’t be bothered to recount, but suffice to say Draco is pissed.  They decide to hunt Harry down, presumably so they can kick the shit out of him in person.
When Ginny recovers, she explains the new Tom Riddle plot thread, and follows it up with, “Fuck this shit, I’m out.”
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Yeah, she literally just … goes home.  This actually didn’t annoy me, because it seemed like the only sensible decision anyone in this entire fic had made so far.  “There are dark wizards fucking everywhere and every time I try to do anything helpful I screw it up and get yelled at.  Yeah, fuck you guys, I’m going home.”
Meanwhile, Tom sets up in Diagon Alley, where he reads up on his future self’s adventures and decides “Screw that guy, I can do better.”  He runs into Harry and, rather than killing him on the spot, he directs him to a nearby friendly Death Eater establishment.
So Harry flees the Death Eaters, and winds up bumping into Draco Malfoy down a quiet alley.  And um.  This happens.
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Well, no, OK, it’s not really Draco Malfoy.
It’s a polyjuice prostitute.
A prostitute who takes polyjuice potion … in order to look like Draco.  For customers.
I’ll uh … I’ll just let that sink in.
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Anyway, the polyjuice prostitute takes him to safety.  By which I mean a brothel.  A polyjuice brothel.  O-of course?
Meanwhile, back at the Burrow, Ginny gets a visit from Ben Gryffindor and Gareth Slytherin—the respective sons of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin she met when she time travelled in Draco Sinister. It turns out Gareth has a bracelet that looks suspiciously similar to Harry’s runic band, and apparently it repels demons.  However, Gareth can never take it off until the day he dies.
So Ben and Gareth give some vague, unhelpful advice, and the plot grinds to a halt as we cut to several tedious pages of Hermione reading Teen Witch Weekly, followed by Draco having EMOTIONS.
And the emotions of these characters.  The melodrama.  They randomly fly off the handle over the smallest, most meaningless little things. Like, Harry could be stuck on his homework and mutter, “Ugh, I don’t understand,” and Hermione would leap up and scream, “NO, YOU NEVER DO!” and run from the room weeping.
One exchange is literally:
DRACO: You look cold. Shall we go back?
HERMIONE: No … we can never go back …
And SO MUCH drama is built on this pointless little exchanges.  It’s infuriating—the characters just can’t seem to ever have a normal conversation.  I know teenagers can be emotional, but they’re not like this.  Jesus.
Meanwhile, Blaise Zabini—oh yeah, she’s in this fic—figures out that Pansy Parkinson is the one who shot Draco with the poisoned arrow, on Lucius Malfoy’s orders.  Pansy confirms that there was only one vial of antidote, and Draco’s pretty much doomed at this point.  Man, isn’t Pansy just a giant pain in the ass in this fic?
Anyway, back at the Polyjuice brothel, while Harry hides out, Tom walks in with Ginny’s hair.  And if you can guess where this is going … I’m sorry.
So while Tom tortures, murders and rapes a polyjuice prostitute pretending to be Ginny (yes, in that order), Hermione and Draco break into the brothel looking for Harry.  This involves Hermione dressing up all slutty, because undercover. Of course.
Naturally, they find the dead fake Ginny, but Tom escapes, and Draco theorises that Tom is in love with Ginny and … isn’t coping well.  I guess murder is a pretty serious case of not coping.
Draco then finds Harry, and they bicker briefly before Harry runs away again.  Because no one in this fic can sit down and discuss their problems like rational adults.  Draco and Hermione go back to their hotel room and get down to their own unhealthy coping, which means copious snogging.  I guess cheating is at least a healthier outlet than murder.
So Tom finds Lucius, who is like “Yeah I’ll totally help you kill your older, uglier self, no problem bud,” and they merrily get down to hunting all the Death Eaters who betrayed older Voldemort.  Tactically, you’d think it would be smart to recruit them, but no.  Tom just murders them in revenge.  Or … pre-venge?
Meanwhile, Harry manages to stumble through the floo network to Victor Krum’s house, where Fleur Delacour also lives because apparently that ship is a thing now.  Harry then travels to Prague, and Hermione and Draco show up to Victor’s house too late, and Draco collapses because oh yeah, he’s meant to be dying, isn’t he?
So Fleur tucks Draco up in bed, and … unbuttons his shirt … while whispering to him … while he’s unconscious …
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Damn it, Cassie, why you gotta put me through this?
Well, it turns out she’s not JUST sexually harassing Draco.  She also gives him some of her Magid powers so he can continue with Mission Kick the Shit out of Harry in Person.  (Yeah, I also completely forgot Magids were a thing until now.)
Over in Prague, Harry’s caught out after dark by vampires, but luckily Draco and Hermione show up in time to scare them off … by using two swords to make the shadow of a cross. The shadow.  Of a cross.
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Draco then knocks Harry the fuck out before he can escape again, takes him inside and ties him to the bed.  Luckily, Cassie puts her incest kink away before Harry wakes up, and they all take turns talking about their feelings for several pages and ultimately resolve nothing.
Meanwhile, Ginny discovers that Tom is gunning for Pansy Parkinson’s family, and decides, ugh, fuck it, fine, she’ll join in on this shitshow.  By the time she arrives, Tom’s already murderkilled the whole Parkinson family, and is busy torturing Blaise Zabini.  Tom drops Blaise in favour of torturing Ginny, but then realises he can’t. Every wound he inflicts on Ginny also appears on him, because something, something blood magic connecting them.  This is actually kind of a cool concept, and I’d love to see where it could go in the hands of a skilled writer
Ginny, however, decides bugger all this for a lark and tosses herself down the stairs.
I mean.  That’s one way to kill Tom.
Meanwhile, Death Eaters show up and attack Harry, Draco and Hermione.  Harry kills a Death Eater and has a minor existential crisis over it, which apparently distracts him enough to let the Death Eaters capture Hermione.
The Death Eaters drop Hermione off with Ron in Voldemort’s Evil Castle of Doom, where Hermione and Ron immediately start formulating a plan … oh wait no, they just bicker pointlessly.  It turns out Ron’s got pretty sweet digs in this castle for a prisoner, so Hermione gets to take a bath, and then Ron makes out with Rhysenn pretending to be Hermione and … ugh, this is all just so unbelievably stupid I want to die.
So Draco and Harry finish their own pointless bickering and fly after Hermione on thestrals.  Where did these thestrals come from?  No idea, but Cassie wants thestrals, so here they are.
Meanwhile, back at Voldemort’s castle, Rhysenn calls out Hermione for being an indecisive slutmuffin because come the fuck ON, woman you gotta pick Harry or Draco at some point, and I thought we’d been THROUGH this already.  This rant is all the more bizarre coming from a succubus, of all things.
And then Voldemort shows up and shoots a cruciatus curse at Hermione, because I guess today is just Beat Up Hermione Day.
Harry and Draco stop off in a vague European village for a light lunch of crusty bread and cheese and brandy (because Draco’s alcoholism continues), and I laugh because Cassie seems to think Europe hasn’t invented fucking sandwiches.
We get a few paragraphs of Lucius Malfoy poncing around doing nothing, before Tom bursts through his window clutching a half-dead Ginny and screaming at him to heal her. Instead, Lucius locks them both in a magic marble tomb and buggers off to tell grown-up Voldemort about this whole debacle.
By the way, POV swaps at this point are so swift I am lumping two or three chunks together in a somewhat helpless attempt to make everything flow better than Cassie did. I’m also hacking away huge chunks of pointless, meandering text.  You’re welcome.
So we hop back to Harry and Draco walking up to Voldemort’s castle.  Draco at this point is going blind because, oh yeah, he’s totally dying isn’t he?  And they finally, FINALLY address Harry’s letter.  The one that pissed off Draco so much.  The one that Tom Riddle tampered with.
*Deep breath*
Christ doing handstands on a unicycle at the fucking circus, Draco’s whole problem with this stupid goddamn letter is so obnoxious and pathetic I want to scream.  Chapter upon chapter of drama over some vague fucking backhanded comments that just aren’t that fucking upsetting, OH MY GODDDD.
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Draco realises Harry doesn’t know he’s still dying, but chooses not to tell him because???
Thankfully for my blood pressure, a plot hole … um … black hole opens up in the ground and swallows them up, which is pretty fucking satisfying at this point, let me tell you.
Meanwhile, it turns out that the cruciatus curse (or “excruciating bane” as Cassie calls it, because she has access to a thesaurus and zero common sense) totally didn’t work on Hermione!  The McGuffin Cup apparently protects its holder from curses.  How neat.
So the baddies guess the flask on Hermione’s belt is defo the Cup, and take it off her, and I am SO convinced they are right and the obvious decoy is not, in fact, an obvious decoy.
At this point, Lucius shows up and tells Voldemort all about wee babby Tom, and then teleports Tom and Ginny over so Voldemort can meet himself in person.
That was a weird sentence.
Ginny has spent the interim since she tried to off herself having fever dreams about Passionate Trousers, that crappy romance book she was reading before.  This, apparently, is her equivalent to the river of the dead that Draco saw in Draco Sinister when he almost died.  Yeah … Draco gets a spooky river of ghosts, and Ginny gets a thematically inappropriate bodice-ripper.
But whatever, she wakes up in time to meet Old Voldy … and promptly faints again.
Our heroine!
At this point, Harry and Draco are traipsing through an underground tunnel when they run into those weakass vampires again.  Draco’s like, “You really don’t wanna bite us, bro,” but a vampire bites him anyway, and then instantly dies from all the poison in Draco’s blood.  The weakass vampires all run screaming, and Harry FINALLY realises Draco isn’t actually cured.
With tears of exhaustion, I reach the penultimate chapter, and pray to the powers that be for a finale that was worth slogging through all this crap for.  But really, deep down, I know I’m just tumbling further and further into the sunk cost fallacy with every page I read.
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So Ginny wakes up in a big fancy bedroom, where Tom tells her that he’s working with Old Voldy now, and I gigglesnort because all I can think of is Nega Scott the end of Scott Pilgrim vs the World.  “He’s not that bad when you get to know him.  We actually have a lot in common.”
On the bright side, Ginny get to be Tom’s special prized concubine forever while the rest of the world burns. Yay?  Tom leaves and Hermione appears, and continues the tradition of bullying the shit out of Ginny.  She victim-blames the hell out of her, because it is just so GROSS that Tom is obsessed with her and that’s all totally Ginny’s fault, and never mind the fact that Hermione was in exactly this position with Salazar Slytherin in Draco Sinister.
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So Hermione finishes yelling, “How dare you seduce Tom Riddle, Ginny!” and proceeds to tell Ginny her plan for defeating Voldemort, which involves … Ginny continuing to seduce Tom Riddle.
So Hermione finally fucks off, and pretends Rhysenn has killed her.  Because reasons.
Outside, Harry and Draco finally reach Voldemort’s castle.  Harry tries to gently Wingardium Leviosa Draco over the battlements, and ends up tossing him through a window.  Harry is then chased by a bunch of Voldemort’s guards, but his runic band lights up and murders the shit out of all of them … and then crumbles into dust. Not sure why it chose this specific moment to die, but I guess Cassie got tired of Harry carrying around a get out of jail free card.
It turns out Draco coincidently burst through Ginny’s window.  AND AGAIN, the instant he sees her he’s like, “Oh fuck off, what’re YOU doing here?”
Like.  BITCH.
Ginny only fucked up in this fic because everyone was such an unapologetic shitweasel to her.  And then she tried to fix her mistake, even to the point of attempting suicide.  Jesus Christ, what do you all want from Ginny?
I didn’t take very good notes over the next part, mostly because I was skimming but also possibly because my hand was occupied with the glass of rosé I sorely needed to get through his hellfic unscathed.  But basically everyone winds up having a big battle; Draco, who couldn’t stand unaided one page ago, is suddenly able to charge into a sword fight no problem; Hermione’s “play dead” plan lasts exactly 0.1 seconds and amounts to nothing; and everything utterly fails and Voldemort captures them all anyway.
So Voldemort kills them all and gets on with his spell, right?
He keeps them alive.
Because Cassie Claire is too cowardly to kill a protagonist and too lazy to invent a decent explanation for how they survive, that’s why.
So Voldemort chains them all up around a whacking great pentagram with the four worthy McGuffins, and I roll my eyes because we’re back at the end of Draco Sinister.  Draco and Tom have an argument about Greek mythology which is supposed to show how smart and cultured Draco is, but actually just shows that Cassie’s only research into Greek mythology was watching Clash of the Titans because she thinks the Kraken is a Greek monster … and I slam my head against a wall because JUST LET THIS BE OVER ALREADY.
So Voldemort cuts Ron open to get at that delicious seer blood, and the ritual kicks off with Cassie stealing the “close your eyes!” gimmick from Indiana Jones.
Guess what happens next?
It’s OK, I’ll give you a second.
That’s right!  The McGuffin Cup wasn’t really the McGuffin Cup! Hermione pulled the old switcheroo, and it totally wasn’t obvious even slightly at all.
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So Voldypoldy gets trapped in the pentagram, screaming his guts out, and Tom does a runner.  Draco goes racing after him, because Ginny decides not to tell him that killing Tom will also kill her.  This lack of communication would piss me off, but after how fucking horrible everyone’s been to Ginny I’m not surprised she’s suicidal. And frankly, I am also ready for death.
Meanwhile, Harry dives into the pentagram to fight Voldemort, while Ron and Hermione fight Lucius. The pentagram cooks Wormtail alive for some reason, and Voldemort tries to stab Harry but—
The Malfoy Family Code of Conduct in Harry’s pocket stops the dagger.
Seriously.  We are pulling a “Bible stopped the bullet” here.
Voldemort then remembers he’s a fucking wizard, and throws a killing curse at Harry.  The curse bounces off the McGuffin Mirror, one of those other worthy objects we all forgot about, and kills Voldemort instead. And then Harry cuts Voldemort’s head off for good measure.  Because everyone loves unnecessary violence.
Meanwhile, Draco gets thiiiiis close to killing Tom, before Tom points out Ginny will also die.  So naturally, after knocking Tom out and tying him up, Draco realises what a douchecanoe he’s been to Ginny and apologises—HAHAHAHA no, he just berates her some more.
Ron and Hermione apprehend Lucius, and all is looking good.  Voldemort’s dead, the others baddies are dead or captive … surely there’s not much left, right?  I check the page counter at the top of my screen.
260 A4 pages left.
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So it turns out the whole reason Lucius was such an unapologetic dicknozzle this whole time was because he sold his ability to love to Voldemort.  For like, power?  Or something? And now Voldemort’s dead, Lucius suddenly loves Draco, and realises he poisoned him, and has Some Regrets. Unfortunately, Draco doesn’t give a fuck, and in some of the most awkward, out of character dialogue in the fic, he tells Harry to just kill him if he wants.
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However, Harry decides not to kill Lucius, instead interrogating him for information about Draco’s antidote.  Turns out they’re missing one ingredient: argent dragon’s blood.  Too bad argent dragons are extinct.  This might’ve been a clever twist, if argent dragons had ever been mentioned before this moment.
Harry then leaves Lucius alone with Ron, who proceeds to prophesise the fall of the Malfoy name and the loss of everything Lucius holds dear.  And because Ron is a seer and couldn’t possibly be making shit up, Lucius freaks out and kills himself.
For complicated, nonsensical reasons, Rhysenn now becomes Draco’s servant.  Draco’s like “Bugger it all, I’ll free you if you kiss Tom Riddle’s soul out of Seamus’s body,” because apparently succubi work just like dementors. So Rhysenn does that, and then leaps out the window, presumably yelling, “DOBBY IS FREEEEE!”
Draco makes some long, sad speeches about how very hard he is dying, and then does what he’s been threatening to this whole fic, and stops breathing.
Well.  I wish.
The final chapter begins with a funeral, but as anyone with half a brain can guess, it’s not Draco’s funeral.  It’s Pansy Parkinson’s.  Draco is actually in a coma.  And despite the fact Pansy poisoned Draco and tricked Ron into shagging her and basically ruined everyone’s lives, they all show up to her funeral.  Possibly just to ensure this bitch is deep in the cold, cold ground.
Well, except for Harry, that is.  Harry has apparently sat motionless at Draco’s bedside for three straight days. This I do not buy.  A man does not go three days without needing to get up to piss.
Meanwhile, Ginny is busy looking after poor, shell-shocked Seamus Finnegan, who claims to remember nothing about being possessed, but who wakes up from nightmares screaming for people to run, or begging someone to stop.  You know, totally normal, not at all PTSD stuff.  And naturally, Ginny is patient and understanding, because this isn’t something you just “get over”, and she treats Seamus with the same kindness he always showed her—
HA, NO.  Ginny resents Seamus for making her look after him, and acts like an absolute martyr for showing a single ounce of human decency.
God damn it, Ginny.  I defended you.
Anyway, apparently it took three effing days for anyone to have the bright idea that Harry should try and contact Draco through telepathy.  This essentially amounts to psychic Harry dramatically begging Draco to “Hold on!” while psychic Draco acts surprisingly millennial and yells back, “LET ME DIE, I’M FUCKIN’ TIRED.”
Meanwhile, Ginny realises Harry’s runic band had argent dragon blood it in.  A shame, since the damn thing poofed into a million pieces, but luckily she knows someone else who’s got one.  So she does a few time travel trips, and winds up arriving at the moment Gareth dies so she can take the runic band from him.
Snape manages to get the argent dragon blood out of the runic band, but then points out it needs to brew for 1,000 years.  So they make two vials, and Ginny does more time travelling.  One vial goes to the Malfoy family (that’s the one Lucius will eventually have), and one vial is hidden in the Hogwarts library.
Ginny also passes Gareth’s now-empty runic band to Rhysenn in the past, so Rhysenn can be the ~mysterious benefactor~ who gives the band to Harry at the end of Draco Sinister.  If all this sounds like a really confusing episode of Doctor Who … yeah, I’m sorry.  I can only guess that Cassie realised the time travel shenanigans worked well in Draco Sinister, and so she decided to cram WAY MORE time travel into Draco Veritas.
So Ginny gets to the present, but it turns out time travelling that much is kinda bad for you so she starts coughing up blood and passes out.  (Side note: I love fanfic, where coughing up blood is a symptom of basically any generic illness, as opposed to reality where it means “punctured lung”.)
So they manage to tip the antidote down Draco’s throat, and he wakes up fine and dandy, but now Ginny’s dying instead.  There’s some drawn-out angst, until Seamus marches in, grabs the time turner from Ginny’s neck and smashes it, which somehow magically makes her well again.
So uh … the end?
No, no, no.
Time for an epic Cassie Claire epilogue with pages and pages of pointless friendship drama and romance angst.  Because we haven’t had enough of that already!
Ginny hangs about with Seamus, bitching at him for being miserable (yeah Seamus, how dare you be traumatised by Tom Riddle possessing you and using you to rape, torture and murder and bunch of people!), and eventually she asks Hermione for a love potion so she can try to actually enjoy the rest of her miserable life with Seamus. Hermione reluctantly gives her a potion, but then Ginny spends the next several pages mooning about wondering if she should take the bloody thing.
Meanwhile, Cassie pulls “Dumbledore the master manipulator” out of her arse and claims Dumbledore had Snape deliberately mess with Harry and Draco’s polyjuice potion way back at the beginning of Draco Dormiens, with the intention of them swapping bodies and gaining these psychic powers and—
If Snape and Dumbledore knew about the bodyswap thing back in Draco Dormiens, why would they allow Lucius to take Harry back to Malfoy Manor, thinking he was Draco?  Why wouldn’t Snape be keeping an eye on Draco all the time at Hogwarts?  Surely, if the whole plan was to ensure they were best buddies in time to kill Voldemort, the safest and most responsible way to do that was with them both at Hogwarts, where Snape and Dumbledore could watch over them.
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Well, whatever.  Snape and Dumbledore say they have an antidote for Harry and Draco’s psychic connection, so they can separate and go back to being their own individuals again.  This means Harry and Draco spend the next several pages angsting over their imminent separation.
Draco takes Harry to the bottomless pit from Draco Dormiens, and chucks his two epicyclical charms down it.  I guess this is meant to be symbolic, but since the epicyclical charms did fuck all in this fic … meh.  Then again, when you consider that Cassie’s username used to be “Epicyclical”, this scene has some frankly hilarious connotations.
So Seamus once again decides he’s too good for these assholes and fucks off, leaving Ginny and Draco to finally fucking get together again.  Harry proposes to Hermione, and astoundingly, she shows half an ounce of common sense and tells him they’re too young for that bullshit.  Also Ron and Blaise are a thing now.  Apparently.
Ginny tosses the love potion away, and then finds out it was never a real love potion anyway.  Harry and Draco refuse to take their antidotes, instead choosing to go on an EPIC PSYCHIC ROADTRIP.
And this monstrosity of a fic finally fucking ends when Harry and Draco stop off at Hogwarts so Draco can look in the Mirror of Erised, because Cassie is sodding obsessed with mirrors.  He sees himself exactly as he already is.
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So, overall thoughts?
It was shite. Godawful.  This was a behemoth-sized fanfic of absolutely nothing sodding happening.  Draco Veritas commits the worst sin any writing can commit.  It’s BORING. Friendship drama can be fine and enjoyable, but not in a fic that’s meant to be an epic whirlwind fantasy adventure.  By this point, I would expect the characters to have their shit together, but instead they’re bickering and falling out and weeping more than ever.
The first half is definitely the worst—so bad I almost gave up several times.  In the second half, Cassie seems to realise the characters should be doing something by now, so she starts throwing in heists and kidnaps and Tom Riddles for conflict. But it’s all just swallowed up in more pointless, meandering drama.  If anyone else reading this has waded through Draco Veritas, you’ll know what I mean when I say I’ve cut out over half the shit that happens in this fic to try and boil it down to an actual plot.  Writing out this spork was like doing a fucking archaeological dig.  “I know the good shit’s down here somewhere, but there’s about six meters of mud to shovel out before we can see it.”
I can’t believe Cassie Claire became a BNF on the back of this.  I can’t believe she got a publishing deal and was a roaring success on the back of this.  Accusations of plagiarism aside, the whole fic is just plain bad.
And honestly, as much fun as I had laughing at the Draco Trilogy, I’m glad I never have to read any of Cassie’s writing again.
Well … until I dig out that Ron/Ginny fanfic, anyway.
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