#like some random asshole replying to your post to be a pedant is not a scenario in which you’re having a fruitful discussion
communistkenobi · 6 months
I do genuinely enjoy pedantry and quibbling and disagreeing with fine-grained details of every sentence ever uttered as any good marxist does, the problem is that tumblr is a horrific platform to nurture that enjoyment on and turns all of us into grand dogmatists where any quibble is a sign of enemy infiltration
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jaywrites101 · 5 years
Word of Warning.
Some (one) of you may remember this post I put up yesterday. (And then promptly deleted.)
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Well, it’s back and after further concideration, I’m more convinced now of its relevance than when I posted it the first time... Let me give you some context.
This video was an HBomberGuy video that I shared. He made a joke in the video about how asinine Ben Shapiro can be with his paid advertising. “If you don’t know who Ben Shapiro is then your YouTube notification bar has glitched out for some reason.” After I’d watched the video I left a comment about how much I loved that line. It got about 300 upvotes. And, naturally, a few comments. One of which was a user who commented that they’d been getting Game of Throne analysis videos on his/her/their recommendations.
That’s where this asshole comes in. He dropped a friggin essay on why GoT Season 8 haters are all stupid man-babies and the analysis people are all a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals trying to cash in.
I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t care if that’s true.
I was just responding to some of the other comments because... It was my comment thread! One guy talked about ASMR videos and another was laughing about steamed hams...  This wasn’t supposed to be a serious thread.
I mentioned that I didn’t have any experience with Game of Thrones. (I’ve only read the first two books!) But I’d seen a video breaking down GoTS8 that made sense to me on an objective level. That would be Just Write’s video which I also shared here.  But Futurestoryteller wasn’t having any of that shit. He insisted on replying to me directly, asking ME to defend an opinion on Just Write’s video...
I told him to go watch the video and comment on it there. 
But I also told him that I liked Just Write’s perspective because I’m a published author and I found his/her/their advice to be helpful, and the video was focused on Themes, Pacing, and How to Subvert Expectations effectively.
Also, because the jackass had made some asinine comments about myself I told him to leave it on my blog like everyone else instead of, you know... a YouTube comment thread about Ben Shapiro!
Futurestoryteller responded with the comment above. Essentially saying if you can’t defend your opinions to random jackasses on the internet you shouldn’t have them and that people who self-publish don’t count as real authors so they double shouldn’t have an opinion...
After I called him a dick (and a rude, pedantic, pseudo-intellectual just as bad as the people he was claiming I was.) He wouldn’t stop harassing me. Sending (I think) five comments all Asinine to the core. I got mad and reported him, but his comments didn’t stop. Thirty notifications latter (all from him) I deleted the entire comment thread altogether.
Why am I bringing this up?
Because people can get toxic over literally anything. And they’ll blame you for it.
Don’t listen to it.
I did some research into Futurestoryteller. Turns out he made a few trailers YouTube videos about seven years ago.
He thought he was going to be the new hip guy... but he never published a story, even through Amazon. He never made a full propper video using his own efforts. He gave up on that dream and now he spends his days going on YouTube videos and shit-posting people.
I talked with a few others who’s had dealings with him. He just rants about whatever pisses him off that day...
Don’t listen to him or guys like him.
And if you see Futurstoryteller in a YouTube comment, report him on sight and do. Not. Engage.
He’s just looking for an excuse to harass people...
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