#like my roommates r so nice i rly wanna be friends but straight up parallel play where i Dont know the other person is the wordt thing on
nomaishuttle · 1 year
y roommate broguht a friend over like almost entirely unannounced (sent a text 1 minute b4 they came in the door) and like normally id be like Its fine dw but i was cooking down here and i havent cleaned yet and in the middle of eating so i cant just be like . i cant just leave bc itd seem like im like ewww my roommate. but also rheyre VERY VERY loudly talking abt sex which again is fine but alsl i literally dont know the friend and im not like in the convo at all but theyre just like. talking abt it in th living room and they cn like see me they know im here so i dont wanna be like Omg can you shut up but also like. i feel creepy for listening in but also i was down here and they just came in discussing it so idk
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