#like man i went to the everdoor and a bunch of other places to look for him :(((((
theseasideskies · 2 years
Me: Oh it's getting pretty late... Eh I'll just go to bed after I bring Atul to the Everdoor, I feel his story is almost done anyway
*Atul leaves in the dead of night without saying goodbye*
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Spiritfarer part 19
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I did a lot of the main quests this time and completed them to the point where I am ready to let go of one of the spirits on my ship. I also learned a bit about them.
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I had the photo for the archive room and it was a picture that Beverly’s son Henry had drawn of her knitting. She then told me about her son and how when ever they watched TV he wouldn’t stay still during the show but be calm during commercials. But as the years went by he got quiet like his father.
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I went to Alt Harbor to give the glue to the spirit for the quest, but couldn’t find him. Not sure if it is a glitch or not. I’ll have to try again later.
But I found Beverly up on a ledge and spoke to her. She told me about the first date she had with her husband. She was so nervous and ended up spilling her drink in his lap. He laughed it off and things went fine. She asked him years later and he didn’t even remember.
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Uh oh. It happened again. Beverly asked me to build her a house. And after a minute she realized her mistake and went silent.
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I had asked Elena and Buck to watch Stanley’s play so I spoke to him and he said next was to find a place to put it on. It was going to be in Oxbury.
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On the way, I went to Bottom Line Corp. and found one of the players that Buck wanted me to find. He spoke weird too and agreed to meet as planned.
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Spoke to Beverly after giving her some food and she told me about this salesman in her town. He was horrible at his job but was the lead salesperson in the district. That was because his wife was buying all the houses he tried to sell.
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After making a bunch of materials, I upgraded a few buildings. I did Beverly’s place, Gustav’s clock and the first 2 improvements of Buck’s place.
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I went to Gustav and he was really happy to see his place done, but now it was time for him to go. He was leaving me this place. He didn’t care for the spotlight and he is not one to linger longer than necessary. So it was time to take him to the Everdoor.
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And in Buck’s own language he thanked me for the upgrades to his house.
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Beverly had something to say again and she said that she was starting to feel as she had before. She told me that one of her good friends who was always so nice to her used to talk about her behind her back. And now she feels like the same thing is happening.
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She knew something was wrong with her and can feel that the other people on the ship were talking about her. She wanted me to go around and find out what’s going on.
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I went to Oxbury and Stanley was ready to do his play. There was no fanfare about it, it was just him talking and telling a story. It was basically about me taking spirits to the Everdoor. Buck seemed interested but Elena didn’t look interested.
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Continuing in Oxbury I spoke to the vendor who wanted lemons before, but now he wanted tomatoes. He was just waiting on the courier in Bottom Line Corp. He wanted me to go down there like last time.
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I then found the next person on Buck’s list and I told them about the meeting.
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Elena...is a piece of work. She was a teacher but clearly didn’t have an aptitude for it. She found the children’s inattention and talking to be annoying. Their attitude was going to be disruptive of their learning, but she didn’t bother interacting with them.
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Stanley said that he thought his play went well and wanted me to go ask what everyone thought.
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I talked to Gustav and he said that he was far too busy to gossip behind anyone’s back.
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Bruce & Mickey denied saying anything about anyone.
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I spoke to Gustave again and he was humiliated because someone had the audacity to call him an art collector. He was a man of honor, not one of those miscreants. He was a curator and he was not over reacting.
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I went back to Beverly and honestly she didn’t really make any sense. She asked if I was busy and I said no. She then said she hadn’t been talking to everyone and didn’t think anyone would have been able to form an opinion of her.
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I went to Buck to see how he liked Stanley’s play and he said it was boring, it didn’t have any wizards or dragons.
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I went back to Stanley and told him everyone loved it but he could see I was just trying to be nice. He got all sad and said he can’t do anything right and will never make another play.
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I went to the other side of where there was a fog and I found Overbrook. It was that place in the brochure I got.
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I found a spirit by a building with a snack machine. The spirit knew who I was and said its name was Jackie. He said he was taking a break and was by this machine when it went all foggy.
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He then asked if I could get him a chocolate bar which I did and he transformed into a hyena. He then said he would give me a tour.
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Jackie lead me to the big building which is a hospital that he works at. He commented that everyone loved him here and might be faking illness just to stay here.
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We ran into a spirit asking where all the help was in the hospital and complained that everyone was getting sicker. Jackie just told me to ignore him and continued on.
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I found a spirit on a cliffside who was trying to escape. He wanted me to bring them linen to make a rope. I gave him some. And he said he was going to meet a guy and things will be amazing.
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Found another patient who wanted to take a bit out of me. I said no, but now I’m curious what would have happened if I said yes.
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On the tour we ran into another spirit who sounded like the boss and told Jackie to get back to work. Once he was gone Jackie just complained that he was doing everything around here.
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He then casually mentioned that there was a very difficult and troubled patient that was farther up, but the ladder was broken to get to it, but she would be fine...Jackie doesn’t seem like a very capable care taker.
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At the top of the hospital was a cafeteria and the spirt said they were out of food and supplies. Jackie asked me to bring them 5 bags of rice to help out. I have to go grow some first, so I had to leave.
That was where I left it for now. It was time for bed. I wonder what is going to happen with this new character. I’ll have to see next time. Until then, happy gaming!
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