#like i personally prefer Makoto for the male p3 protag but a friend calls him Sakuya whenever we talk about him
aroaceyunarukami · 30 days
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pursueyourpersona · 5 years
Oh cool, a new blog! If it's not too much to ask, could you do a relationship hcs with the P3 protags and maybe P4 protag with a self-conscious S/O.
i don’t call the P3 male protag makoto but minato instead. I hope that’s okay uwu~ also, i’m self conscious of writing for self concious haha i’m terrible sometimes. also also i didn’t include hamuko/minako bc I went overboard with minato and didn’t want this to get too long. sowwy ;;w;;
He notices how self conscious you are at first glance; you don’t hide it particularly well. He doesn’t get why you acting this way with him though, it’s not like he would reject you or anything, you can be open with him.
It’s always at school where you hide away from him, either too shy or too busy to spend time with him. He didn’t mind at first, having a lot of people to talk to, but now that he’s gotten to know you better, he doesn’t like it.
When you’re together, you both tend to be quiet, preferring the solace of silence. Yet even then, you don’t feel you measure up to him.
He had confronted you about it one day, on the school roof where you could have privacy. You weren’t opening up at first so it took a bit of podding before you caved in.
You explained tearfully that you don’t feel like you’re right for him, that you don’t want to be a nuisance to him. He has all these amazing friends and why should someone unimpressive as you be with him?
He is calm as he tries to calm you down, his face never showing his true emotions. Truth is, he never wants you to feel this way again. He doesn’t want another person to love, he only wants you.
“Why would I need someone else when I have you?”
At first, it isn’t obvious to Yu. He is constantly surrounded by different people that he doesn’t notice you at all. You were lost in a sea of people, hopelessly looking for his attention only to be drowned out by others.
Whenever you see him with other people, you wonder if it’s because you don’t look as good as them. You pick up on your bodies flaws more and it makes you even more self conscious then you were before.
Will he still love you even if you don’t look like a supermodel? If you were as curvy or as slender as they were? Oh why couldn’t you be as pretty as those in the magazines.
You struggle to return any affection, feeling that anything you do will turn him off. How can he still want to kiss and hold you when you’re plain compared to the rest of beautiful people around him.
It’s when you start pulling away from him that he notices and asks you about it. You’re hesitant at first, but after some encouragement from Yu, you open up to him and admit your insecurities.
He is shocked that he didn’t realize how insecure you were before and also ashamed for not paying attention to it. As your lover, he needs to be there and care for you and it’s care that he hasn’t done either. You are a star in his eyes and should never have to feel like you aren’t pretty enough. Looks don’t matter to him at all.
“No one will be more perfect in my eyes. Only you.”
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