#like bj I am lowkey obsessed with charles idk why
armpit-of-orion · 4 years
Charles and Beetlejuice bonding headcanons!
I was thinking about Charles trying to figure out how to interact with Beetlejuice
he is just so. perplexed. by the demon boy
Beetlejuice is like. lowkey obsessed with Charles and Charles can’t figure it out?
like when Charles gets home from work Beetlejuice greets him at the door and talks nonstop about his day for a solid twenty minutes (at least). he will follow Charles around the house until he’s done
eventually Charles realizes that BJ’s just looking for like. validation?
(it’s absolutely validation. BJ never had a parental figure who praised him or really gave him any positive attention (cough-we-hate-juno-here-cough) and because he spends so much time with Lydia, Charles’s defining character traits have kind of been reduced to “dad.” so Beetlejuice just soaks up whatever he can get from Charles to make up for what he didn’t get from his mom when he was young.)
like Beetlejuice is always so excited to tell Charles whenever he does something new
when Lydia buys him a pair of green socks, BJ immediately runs to show Charles after putting them on
and Charles goes “good job, buddy” and Beetlejuice is THRILLED
okay also Barbara introduces BJ to coloring books, and they color together a lot
(I hc that Barbara was a preschool or kindergarten teacher when she was alive, and she starts doing coloring books with Beej because she knows that they’re calming and helpful in developing fine motor skills.) (I hc that he doesn’t have the best fine motor skills.) (am I starting to project here?) (haha no way)
anyway the first time Beetlejuice finishes a page that he’s proud of, he immediately takes the book and goes to show Charles because look! almost all of his coloring is within the lines!
and Charles asks if it’s okay if he takes the picture out of the book
that freaks Beetlejuice out a bit, because why? what’s wrong with it?
and Charles assures him that there’s nothing wrong with it! he just wants to put it on the refrigerator
and BJ is just
over the moon!!
pretty soon the fridge fills up with pictures of cartoon bugs that Beetlejuice has colored in (as well as some original drawings of Big Sandy)
(did I take a break from writing this to impulse-buy an insect coloring book? you bet!)
one time Charles refers to both Lydia and Beetlejuice as his children, and he was mostly joking around, but Beej is so excited and touched that Charles starts doing it all the time
they have some hiccups. like sometimes Charles works from home, and he can’t have Beetlejuice running in and out of the office all the time while he’s trying to work, or sometimes Charles just needs some time to relax on his own. it takes some time to explain this to BJ, who has a hard time understanding that it doesn’t mean that Charles hates him just because he doesn’t want to be disturbed every now and then! but after some talking— with the help of Delia, who’s started training to become an actual counselor— they clear things up! so whenever Charles has his office door open BJ is welcome to come in, but if the door is closed BJ shouldn’t come in unless it’s an emergency
(it takes some time for Beetlejuice to figure out what counts as an emergency.) (“no, Beetlejuice, being unable to find your purple marker is not an emergency.” “maYbE nOT To yOU!!!”)
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