#like a true casa girlie
elliesmith33 · 8 months
If Rafael breaks our heart and goes back to Daphne I don’t think I’ll ever recover. I don’t want to be saved by another man to get to the main villa. I was after a “taken” man and he led me to think he liked me only to go back to his main villa girl. I would be so embarrassed and hundreds of thousands of people saw it. Send me home. Let me heal.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
I won’t survive if another the hottest islander of a season is an ex again. First suresh and now it might be Marshall. Fb why 😫
Soooo as much as I love that theory I can’t actually see it being true that he’s the ex 😭 There’s just too many things that would make me call bs on fb if they went down this path. First if he’s the ex wouldn’t the twins immediately call out Ozzy looks just like Zeph? Second, let’s pretend both twins are dummies lol who don’t notice that Ozzy has Zephs face, Ivy revealed in front of everyone that Zeph was MCs ex. Wouldn’t Ozzy be like Zeph?! That’s my brother/cousin/distant relation whatever.
I doooo have another little theory 🙃
Ok ok… if anyone has ever done the Noah route s2 Ozzys route is giving Noah 2.0. So it got me thinking fb LOVES a recycled storyline {insert someone steals MCs LI on first day here} what if…. They recycled the disaster recoupling 😬 fb has already told us we’re not getting Ozzy right away and this week he said he’s loyal to Grace and is going to see that through 😖 but he’s giving MC a lot of attention and just like Noah he’s already saying if there’s anyone that could turn his head it’s MC. My thinking is maybe there’s an operation nope with a disaster recoupling to follow and then the girlies all go to casa and who do we see there?? MARSHALL!!! And all of the girls are like holy shit he looks just like Ozzy! Maybe we find out they’re twins/ siblings maybe he’s just a vv good looking doppelgänger either way Marshall is going to graft HARD.. Ozzy is going to see this in whatever postcard/video they get sent from casa and obviously couple up with someone else {bc fb can’t just let us win} if Marshall is the twin/sibling like we all think, we might all be thinking why has Ozzy (so far) never mentioned him?? maybeeee his twin has always stolen the girls he likes and they don’t have the best relationship and he wanted to have this experience on his own. 😬😖
I might also be completely projecting because I want this to happen so bad 😭😬 as a Noah girly I love the slow burn and drama his route gave us but adding Marshall in would be *chefs kiss* i guess we’ll see in a few weeks
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chipstertool · 10 months
Thoughts about Barbie 2023 (Spoilers)
Finally got to watch the movie in theaters and applying my honest findings or thoughts on the film that come to mind as someone who used to own Barbie back in her girly-girl years. Keep in mind that the film is PG-13, which contains content that are inappropriate for children under 13 and I may skip over some parts from the film.
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We start into Barbieland where Barbie begins to start off her day to where it was pretty neat to see how they're utilizing the doll aspect to the fullest with the pretend shower and fake waves. Things start to falter when Barbie starting thinking of death, has cold showers, and flat feet to which leads to Weird Barbie, a doll that got played too much; the idea of a user and their doll being connected is an interesting concept since people can hold sentimental value towards their childhood toys.
After traveling all the way to the real world, both Barbie and Ken have different interactions with the various elements separate from Barbieland: Barbie gets more "aware" about her surroundings (that could have from her transformation) and Ken being aware on how things operate from a surface level (along with an interaction). One surprising thing was that Barbie herself made a point that she nor Ken have any genitals since that is true when you look at the dolls. This is where we branch off between the separate arcs between Barbie and Ken.
Starting off with Barbie's arc, trying to look into her owner's memories and seeing how the real world function was a surprise since she sees the good and bad from her observations. She goes into the school her owner is at and attempts to talk to her although it doesn't work since the girl named Sasha tells her that she made everything wrong with women and left her crying until she is met with Mattel. After her escape from the CEO and crossing paths with an elderly woman, we see her leap into the mother's car to where we find out that her actual owner was Sasha's mother as the earlier scenes showed her drawing all of the things Barbie has been feeling til now which is pretty neat to showcase. By the end of her arc, I was honestly silently crying that she chose to go to the real world after her talk with her creator.
Now we have Ken's arc which was also interesting to look at since it made me felt really bad about Ken and how he attempts to become his own person while also trying to apply a concept based of surface research (and horses). One little interaction of a woman calling him sir was the pinpoint for me as it makes Ken realize that she saw him as his own person in his eyes and wanted to become something that makes him, him. Kenergy and Kenough are going to be the two prominent things that people could remember from the movie. The whole arc made me felt bad for him as he's trying to figure out himself without Barbie while keeping his goofiness intact and made me glad that he and the other Kens get to become who they want to be by the end.
Overall, the movie is alright. My favorite parts were the Barbieland sections as it was delightful to see that cheesiness on how they interact, including the Kens though it should've been renamed to Malibu since both Barbies and Kens get to rule together.
I do find Barbie and Ken's little squabble was pretty funny due to the fact that the dreamhouse/mojo dojo casa house is literally open with no walls and how each clothing gets thrown out with showing titles of said clothing. It's not for everyone though it does allow both Ken and Barbie to find themselves in the end without making them outright hate or being cynical each other in the process which I really really love. Barbie x Ken forever!!!!! I could predict in a few years, it may be seen as a guilty pleasure by some due the many articles that came out beforehand but also enjoy it to some degree.
If people are looking for another thing that features the doll-like aspect of the film, I recommend Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (2012-15) as it follows Barbie and her friends within Malibu while it acts like a reality show. If you wanna see a Barbie and Ken interaction in a different, check out Toy Story 3 although you may wanna watch the first and second movie due to the overarching storyline. In addition, there are CGI animated films that I could recommend if you wanna get into them: Princess and the Pauper, Fairytopia, Island Princess, Diamond Castle and Christmas Carol.
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singguks · 4 years
get to know me!!!
— tagged by// @httpangelicjimin & @niniklip ♡
❝ nickname: z or corbin (my surname; it means little raven)
❝ bias: yoongi, the gangsta (ง •_•)ง
❝ blood type: AB+
❝ favourite food: all things pasta! as for desserts... anything sweet. i’m quite the sweet tooth but i would say lemon pie or strawberry chocolate cake ehe
❝ birthday: december 29
❝ zodiac: capricorn ☆
❝ pronouns: she/her
❝ hair length: i believe the right terminology is “chanel with bangs” but picture tokyo from la casa de papel hair style, it’s easier that way. or let’s just go with short! 
❝ height: 5'6 
❝ a crush: pretty much single but crushing hard on yoongi, does that count?
❝ what do you like about yourself: i love how my brain works and i love how deep in imagination i can be :) 
❝ left or right handed: right handed but when i was little i was left handed... until i broke my arm and was taught how to be a righty hehe
❝ list of three favourite colours: green, black & purple
❝ (right now) eating: cookies my brother made :p
❝ (right now) drinking: the good old coke — taste the feeling yall!
❝ i’m about to: finish some surprises for #fighton!, @trojansblr hehehe
❝ listening to: stay by mac miller
❝ kids: i would like to have 3 because one feels too lonely and 2 is an awful number (i hate even numbers), but! i would have two of my own and the third one i would like to adopt :) 
❝ get married: i prefer the “we live together for what it feels a life now” kind of thing
❝ recent phone call: a video conference with all my cousins!!! we played stop eheee and it was a disaster but very fun xp
❝ (have you ever) dated someone twice: i did! when we first started dating we were too young and then when he moved town we broke up but a couple of years later he returned and i guess there were still feelings there... and i don’t regret it. 
❝ been cheated on: not that i know of!
❝ kissed someone and regretted it: yes. hell yes! 
❝ lost someone special: sadly, a few. 
❝ been depressed: i wasn’t diagnosed with depression (i go to a psychologist ever since i was 7, by my own choice) but for a period of time it felt almost like it. i’m good now tho!!
❝ drunk and thrown up: once and because i went to the extreme (sorry mom) but never again. i drink responsably now!
❝ had glasses or contacts: just glasses for going to the cinema or classes. i can’t quite see from far away but nothing extreme. 
❝ had sex on the first date: nope
❝ broken someone’s heart: unfortunately, yes :(
❝ turned someone down: yeap
❝ cried when someone died: i’m not the crying type, i tend to gulp it down but when my grandma passed away i remember going to the shower and crying there for hours. i still tear up when i remember her. 
❝ fallen for a friend: yeap! it was fun and lighthearted hehe good memories!
❝ (in the last year have you) made a new friend: i have!!! i love meeting new people and the one’s i met throughtout this last year were so fun and loving! 
❝ laughed until you cried: that’s me wrapped up in a sentence so yes, all the time hehe 
❝ met someone who changed you: my essence is always there but everyone i let come close to know me has somehow given me a puzze piece. 
❝ found out who your true friends were: yes and it’s a horrible feeling :( 
❝ found out someone was talking about you: yes, countless times. again, horrible. but thankfully, i also know good people that share good stories about me so that makes it even i guess 
❝ lips or eyes: uh tough one. but i will say eyes!
❝ hugs or kisses: hugs for sure
❝ romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous!! i love everything that isn’t planned out :p
❝ hookup or relationship: each has it’s own charm i would say... so i guess both! depends on the mood i’m in...
❝ first best friend: a loving girl named catarina! she was the complete opposite of me hehe we were 4 to 5 and she was all girly, dressing in pink... always with a laced headband on as well as a big smile. i was always wearing my brothers clothes back then, always up to mischief! as a good best friend she would always tag along. she was there for everything. man, i really miss her :(
❝ surgery: nope. but i got a ton of stiches growing up. like i said, always up to mischief!
❝ sports i joined: tennis, basketball, volley, dance, karate
❝ do you believe in yourself: i do, i really do. and i guess that’s a mantra i have for myself (●'◡'●)
❝ miracles: i believe in them like- a lot. 
❝ love at first sight: once. which is funny because i didn’t use to believe in that 
❝ heaven: umm.. more like i believe in another life. like, we die and then we are born again to correct our mistakes kind of thing!
❝ do you have any pets: currently a fish named jorel and i’m pretty sure this one is a surviver because one of my brothers gave a cheeto to him and yeah, he was eating bits of it when i saw the scene happening and he is still fine. you go jorel ♡ u a good boi. 
❝ do you want to change your name: nope! i like both my name and surname, they match well my personality :)
❝ what did you do for your last birthday: i went to an escape room with ali and my twin brothers!
❝ what time did you wake up today: 2pm..... it could have been worse tho! 
❝ what were you doing last night at midnight: playing trivia with my family heee
❝ something i can’t wait for: all my dreams coming true, or at least some of them :’) plus, go away corona virus!!!
❝ last time you saw your mum: exactly now. she entered my room asking if i wanted to watch a movie with her hehe 
❝ what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i was less lazy about my own stuff. i feel like i could reach more if i just did things and followed a schedule but unfortunately i suck at those and sometimes i can be a self-sabotaging bish (sorry zoe, i’ll try to do better)
— tagging ♡  @socksjinie @httpdaehyung @allfortete @investigativelewis @narimiese @callmeharin @yundota @itshanic @magicshopew @callingholly @bunnybubkook @velvettsnow @lovejeons @innrchld @callistojjk @btsbee
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thevreviews · 6 years
Girly Stuff I like
                                                The Weeb Years
He estado pensando en esta entrada bastante últimamente. Desde el enfoque hasta el material que usaré para explicarla. Quería algo así como una secuela de la entrada anterior sobre mi amor por los musicales.  Así que les hablaré de la edad oscura, cuando empecé a devorar series de anime. 
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Corría por allá el año 2012 donde tuve un año “Weeb” (para aquellos no versados en terminología de internerd, Weeb es un fanatico de anime que consume cantidades extraordinarias de dicho producto).  Mi tiempo no era mío, no podía ver un capitulo cada cierto tiempo de manera constante, así que cuando ya el estudio me freía las neuronas y decidía tomarme un par de días, maratoneaba series. No de manera saludable debo agregar, ninguna de las que mencionaré aquí solo una me duró más de un fin de semana.  He visto de todo, ver anime abrió bastante mis horizontes de lo que considero una historia legítimamente buena, y si bien nunca tuve prejuicio de que “los dibujos son para niños”, descubrí varias joyitas que no esperaba. Mi sorpresa llegó en retrospectiva cuando -al comentar mis favoritos- me di cuenta que lo me más abundaba eran romances.  No es un secreto para nadie a estas alturas, Im a hopless and helpless romantic. Pero el animé siempre fue para mi acción y fantasía principalmente (de hecho la excepción era Slam Dunk) mi acercamiento al género llegó por recomendaciones de internet.   El camarada Redskull en mi querida novena, es alguien muy versado en el tema y sus recomendaciones me sonaron algo fresco, que no estaba acostumbrado a ver. Decidí hacer caso y darle una oportunidad, and oh boy i’m glad i did.
Iré haciendo pequeñas reseñas [an actual Review on The V Reviews?? SHOCKING] sobre series que considero especiales.
Pensaba añadir Clannad, pero After Story merece una entrada por si misma, asi que esperen algún idea una review completa de eso.
Sin más preámbulos les presento [inserte intro musical de Mermelade boy aquí]
“Girly” stuff i like.  Y digo “girly” entre comillas porque el protagonista es masculino, y luego me di cuenta que el target demográfico son hombres. Japón tiene una ventaja de variedad INCREIBLE sobre el entretenimiento occidental, aquí se demuestra. Lo siguiente es una prueba de ello….
♪♫ Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Yeeeah Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Yeah
Let me be with youuuuu♫♪
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Me demoré eones en empezar a ver esto. Chobits era algo que tenía pendiente y que de hecho vi completa porque un día agarré un capitulo que mi hermana estaba viendo. No recuerdo exactamente cuál fue, pero me sorprendió la temática y las preguntas que nacían de ahí. Todo el dilema de la inteligencia artificial y los lazos interpersonales que se generaban. Así que le di una oportunidad y -me being me- lo terminé maratoneando. Chobits se convirtió en la segunda serie de Clamp que me gustó –la otra fue Magic Knight Rayearth, en parte porque el juego de Snes era tremendo y en parte porque Sagato fue el mejor villano que el animé había visto hasta esa época (i’ll fight you)-  pero… me pareció rara. La industria se encargaría de explicarme porqué años después, pero dejémoslo en que no entendí por qué era un anime “de niñas”. Verán Clamp tiene una demográfica en su mayoría definida. Lo más cercano a algo distinto es la anteriormente mencionada Magic Knight Rayearth. Y eso sigue siendo del género mahou shoujo, a pesar de tener mechas y que el 90% de los personajes femeninos esté escasamente vestida, la serie está dirigida a niñas enfocada en personajes con los que se pueden identificar y prestando mucha atención al desarrollo de personajes esos personajes. 
Chobits es... complicada en ese sentido. Partamos porque el protagonista es hombre- lo que ya la elimina de ser shoujo- si bien Chii se roba toda la serie y es básicamente su historia, el género es “magical girlfriend” - lo que acá en occidente incluye series como “Bewitched” o “I dream of Jeannie”  y en japon cosas como “Ah megamisama” o “Video girl Ai” (inserte sollozo por recordar el final de esta última)- y creo que no está hecha para niñas. El foco de la serie es claramente Hideki, es el quien siente y sufre, es el quien mueve la historia, Chii es apenas un personaje. El plot es “fantasia masculina” de encontrar una chica sobrenatural con la que formas una relación. Y si bien termina siendo tierna y dulce, la serie… empeora al verla con ojos críticos. Chobits cuenta un romance entre un estudiante y una androide “Personcon” y trata ese tema muy bien, el desarrollo y las implicaciones morales de lo que implica la inteligencia artificial y lo que es el concepto de una “Persona real” maneja esas temáticas de manera sólida y balancea muy bien el drama personal de todos los personajes, el conflicto emocional es creíble y al final del día no tienes una respuesta clara. Y la segunda parte se vuelve completamente “sci-fi” con un giro loco y una resolución emotiva. Los puntos altos de Chobits resaltan y brillan con luz propia es una serie que recuerdo de manera más que positiva. Sumenle a esos puntos un diseño de personajes memorable, un opening catchy AF y una trama que bordea el coma diabético de lo dulce. Hay mucho que querer de la serie… Peeeero, la serie también está plagada de problemas propios de la época y del genero. Chistes de masturbación repetitivos y un protagonista obsesionado con tener un androide para básicamente buscar porno. Un capitulo completo dedicado a la lencería femenina.  Chobits es una serie preciosa que fue víctima de la época en la que se serializó, cae en muchos -demasiados- tropes de anime y chistes fáciles que no pegan. Pero que me sacó preceptos de encima, y fue mi primer paso en anime no tradicionalmente hecho para mi. Pero hubo otro que claramente no fue hecho para mi, el primer shoujo claramente shoujo  que realmente me gustó (pero no sería el ultimo)
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Avancemos unos años en mi weebness, ya tenía unas 20 series vistas ese año (toldja unhealthy AF) y los romances ya se habían hecho una adicción. True Tears, Suzuka, Cross Game, Karekano, Izura na Kiss,  Clannad After Story, Durarara, REC, NANA todas fueron devoradas en muy poco tiempo. Y noté este titulo que tenía buenas impresiones y siempre se mencionaba de forma positiva y lo terminé viendo 
Lovely Complex es derechamente una comedia romantica. Con dos protagonistas y el cómo se dan cuenta de que están hechos el uno para el otro. Es una historia dulce y graciosa como pocas. No es lenta, cosa que el crecimiento se siente orgánico.   Tiene 2 protagonistas que estaban hartos de que los definieran por su altura. Ella era MUY alta –en japon-  (1,72) y el muy bajo (1,56) lo que de partida me hace sentir identificado.  Anyway, con toda la esperanza de encontrar pareja en la escuela, parten tratando de hacer de wingman/woman del otro al entender que se encuentran en situaciones similares. Fallan EPICAMENTE. Las personas que eligieron terminan teniendo poco y nada en común con ellos y luego de un par de percances, sus prospectos terminan juntos (cute couple tho). Es Risa (la chica) quien se da cuenta de las cualidades buenas de Otani (el chico) con quien no solo comparte muchos gustos, si no que se entienden perfectamente y siempre parecen estar ahí el uno para el otro. De a poco trata de acercarse más a él hasta que logra encontrar el valor para una confesión. Y el… derechamente no entiende. Y no entiende hasta el final. Como ven la premisa y la historia son súper simples. Nada del otro mundo, pero el desarrollo y la ejecución son más que correctos, se centra en desarrollar a los personajes, establecer la química y hacer creíble su relación al punto es que la conclusión no es solo predecible es el único final posible. Lovely Complex es la antítesis de obras como Watchmen donde el final lo es todo. Lo que importa aquí es el viaje, al punto que el final es intrascendente y hasta olvidable. El climax existe, y hay satisfacción por llegar ahí, pero más porque todo lo que pasó para llegar a ese punto fue disfrutable que por la espectacularidad del final. Se centró exclusivamente en los protagonistas y en hacer todo correcto al punto que la serie te deja un buen sabor de boca sin tener momentos altos. Lo que es lo contrario de uno de mis favoritos del género.
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Oh boy, KimiKiss Pure Rogue… how do I even begin? Basado en una Novela Visual, es un “slice of life” que cuenta la historia de Koichi -nuestro protagonista- un estudiante normalito quien una mañana recibe una visita de una chica –preciosa btw- en su casa. El no la reconoce, pero ella lo llama por su nombre, entra con una maleta y se va a usar la ducha ante una cara de WTF increíble de Koichi.  Resulta que la chica es Mao Mizusawa (AKA Maoneechan) una amiga de la infancia de Koichi que se fue a Francia y que vuelve a Japon para terminar allá sus estudios. Vuelve sin sus padres por lo que se quedará en casa de Koichi.  Lo que sigue es un culebrón digno de telenovela. De a poco ambos descubren lo mucho que se aman pero ambos deciden alejarse del otro para no estorbar.  2 triangulos amorosos (Mao + un tipo que toca Saxofon, y Koichi con una compañera de la escuela) le ponen un poco de picante a la historia con sorprendente cantidad de lágrimas y sufrimiento de por medio. La historia principal no es nada del otro mundo, pero la ejecución es MAGISTRAL, el beso final es digno de película con todo y escena de aeropuerto (bueh no exactamente pero el principio es el mismo) es probablemente mi segunda escena de beso favorita en anime (o quizá la primera, es debatible). Pero lo que hace a esta serie extraordinaria, son los secundarios.  Veran, Koichi tiene un mejor amigo, Kazuki –quien también conoce a Mao desde la infancia- a quien podríamos bien llamar Adidas porque porque para este tipo “imposible is nothing”. Seriously, es el tipo más perseverante e inspirador del animé, pelotas comparables solo a Kamina en Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.  Al salir de su primer día de escuela, a Kazuki le cae un avión de papel en la frente, al abrirlo se encuentra un formulario para decidir tu futuro que tenía el nombre de Eriko Futami, una genio que se salta la mitad de las clases porque realmente no las necesita. Decide subir al lugar de donde tiraron el avión, encuentra a una Eriko aburrida mirando a la nada. Tras mediar un par de palabras y sin dar explicaciones ella se acerca y lo besa. Resulta que esta chica no entiende bien las relaciones humanas, su modus operandi es muy científico, así que había decidido experimentar con Kazuki, rápidamente así lo explica –sin demostrar emociones- y da por terminado el experimento. Kazuki no está de acuerdo, al tipo lo flecharon y  la convence de seguir reuniendo data.  En varias ocasiones Eriko trata de terminar con todo pero Kazuki siempre regresa. El desarrollo de estos 2 es PRECIOSO y entiendo que IRL la actitud de Kazuki es hasta reprochable, pero aquí… funciona. Y creo realmente que se roban la película, lo que es bastante decir cuando hablo del anime protagonizado por Koichi y Mao. Es algo que hay que ver capitulo a capitulo, como dije anterior mente, la serie brilla realmente en su ejecución más que en su premisa, lo que me lleva al siguiente punto. Los secundarios, personajes que rara vez brillan tanto como hacen aquí. 
Tengo la obligación moral de mencionar a 2, las “victimas”. Yumi, es la protagonista (heroína) en el videojuego, y en el animé es la que le gusta a Koichi. La típica introvertida del animé, es Mao quien la empuja hacia Koichi hasta que empiezan a salir, pero de a poco, ella se da cuenta de que Koichi tiene fuertes sentimientos por Mao (aún antes de que el mismo se dé cuenta) y trata en vano de sacar a Mao de la cabeza de Koichi, es algo triste porque a ella básicamente la sedujeron y la cambiaron. And that sucks, realmente lo sientes por ella, pero entiendes que tiene que terminar así. La otra es Asuka, una amiga de Kazuki y Koichi que lleva años prendada del primero. Kazuki ignora todas y cada una de las señales, es físicamente doloroso de ver y terriblemente fácil de empatizar. De hecho Kazuki solo se da cuenta de lo que Asuka siente por el, cuando ella –sabiendo que sería rechazada- decide confesar lo que siente y como una forma de despedirse de sus sentimientos básicamente le roba un beso. Overall, La serie me robó el corazón me tuvo pegado a la pantalla del PC de principio a fin, donde realmente me sentí satisfecho con el final.
Cosa que no ha pasado con la siguiente
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This fuckin series… there are no words to describe how much this works for me. Es tan jodidamente simple, entretenida y… brutalmente frustrante. Spice & Wolf cuenta la historia de un comerciante, Lawrence, quien encuentra en su carreta a Holo, una deidad lobo.   Cansada de ser olvidada o culpada por la mala fortuna de las cosechas (porque los humanos no entienden que la tierra tiene que descansar) Holo quiere volver a su hogar, para ello –como dice la leyenda- se esconde en el trigo que compró Lawrence. Al salir de su escondite hace un trato con Lawrence,  este la llevara consigo y ella le traerá buena fortuna. Lo que sigue es, básicamente un animé sobre cómo funciona la economía medieval, cambio de moneda, políticas económicas, gremios, el mercado en general y es... extrañamente interesante. Hay conspiraciones de la iglesia y una historia/ súper solida sobre el pasado de Holo con un misterio que te tiene con el corazón en la mano, hay emoción traición, peleas, acción ¡lo tiene todo!   Pero, lo que la pone por sobre el resto general, es la relación y la dinámica de Holo y Lawrence. Tienen una relación de tira y afloja, con ambos turnándose para ser el que no sabe nada y la mente maestra, no son solo dos amantes que caen el uno por el otro. Son compañeros, son iguales, son socios que aportan el uno el otro. Son la mezcla perfecta entre tierno y gracioso, como dije pueden hacer de un capitulo centrado en el valor de las distintas monedas de algo que te tiene pensando, de básicamente acciones de la bolsa –el equivalente- a algo que te tiene al borde de tu asiento.  Son atípicos en el sentido de que ambos coquetean, no ignoran lo que el otro siente, consientemente buscan proteger lo que tienen al no ir “all in”.   Tu lo sabes, ellos lo saben, la serie lo sabe pero nadie lo dice en voz alta. Pero si juegan con eso. Porque tú quieres que estén juntos, sabes que ellos quieren estar juntos y que serían una pareja tremenda, porque la mayor parte del tiempo ya lo son. Coquetean de forma descarada y están claramente enamorados. 
PEEERO, Hay una doble tragedia ahí que hace que este anime sea agridulce. La primera es la lógica, Holo es una deidad y Lawrence es un humano, la vida de Lawrence es un pestañeo para Holo, es la tragedia inherente de la historia y la razón por la que cada vez que se sienten cercanos ella se aleja. Holo sabe cómo termina esa historia, con un corazón roto y probablemente hasta olvidando a Lawrence.  De hecho todo el misterio del lugar de origen de Holo implica que ella tiene cientos o miles de años y que su hogar ya no existe.   El anime consiente de ello, te embriaga un poco con las reacciones y la dinámica de pareja con su coqueteo, chistes y aventuras hasta que de repente ¡zaz! te  abofetea en toda la cara con una pequeña escena una mirada triste y te rompe el corazón.  Es HERMOSO!!! Lo que hace de la segunda tragedia de la serie algo aún más doloroso. 
La serie tiene solo 2 temporadas y la historia no está ni de chiste terminada. Y no tiene fecha para una tercera temporada (aunque se ha rumoreado muchísimo). La historia sigue en una novela ligera y según entiendo la relación avanza. ¿Pero el anime? Nope y es frustrante a mas no poder, es adorable y difícil de no seguir.   La historia es realmente buena y los personajes cobran vida, se sienten tridimensionales al punto que no importa de que trate la historia mientras sigas viendo a estos dos viajando.  Acompaña todo eso con música que te sumerge en el mundo que te presentan. 
Y funcionó, adoré la serie y todo lo que representa. 
Y esas son 4 series que adoré y que de haber seguido las clasificaciones tradicionales no hubiera visto.  El mensaje y la idea es que -tratándose de entretenimiento- no te cierres y dale una oportunidad a todo. Puedes encontrarte, como yo, con cosas que no sabías que te gustaban.  En mi caso se traduce en “Girly stuff I like”
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merciattire-blog · 6 years
The Ideal Outfit Based on Your Zodiac Sign
So, who here is into reading their horoscope? Now, I’m sure we all know someone who is super into it and reads theirs on a daily basis— I am not that person. However, I do find myself getting sucked into articles such as “Find Your Ideal Honeymoon Destination Based on Your Horoscope” and “What Starbucks Drink You Should Order Based on Your Zodiac Sign”. I mean, they’re kind of fun and entertaining, right? Plus, I can almost guarantee that everyone at least knows what zodiac sign they are, so why not pair that with some cute outfit ideas to capture your zodiac’s essence?
After making the decision to write this blog, there was no turning back. Thus, began copious amounts of research on each sign. The sources of my information were www.horoscope.com and www.astology-zodiac-signs.com. If you’re into reading your horoscopes or learning more about your sign, these are great starting places. Now, let’s get into it, shall we?
Capricorn – The Goat
Dates: December 22-January 19
Colors: Dark green and brown.
Key Traits: Detail-oriented, responsible, and hardworking.
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(Dress: Amazon, shoes: Zappos, jewelry: Etsy, bag: Michael Kors)
Due to the hardworking nature of Capricorns, it is important to have a bag that can take you straight from class to work. A backpack bag is perfect for on-the-go tasks and won’t slow you down during a busy day; you will sometimes forget you’re even wearing it! Furthermore, a spacious design allows for any essentials you’ll need throughout the day. A flowy tank top dress is the perfect base to layer on gladiator sandals (which, may I add, contribute to the “strength” element of this zodiac). Lastly, an intricate, layered necklace finalizes this look by sealing in the gold accented accessory theme. The end result? A perfect, detail-oriented ensemble that’s fit for a Capricorn!
Aquarius – The Water Bearer
Dates: January 20-February 18
Colors: Silver and light blue.
Key Traits: Independent, original, and humanitarian.
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(Top: Polyvore, jacket: The Jacket Maker, jeans: Express, shoes: Adidas)
For this zodiac’s originality, an eccentric look is a must. So, I went for something that is original, yet wearable on a daily basis. This incomparable silver bomber jacket is clearly the most eye-catching part of this outfit, so you are sure to stand out from the crowd. Paired with silver accented tennis shoes to match, this trendsetter look is swoon-worthy. A mixture of textures is created with a baby blue ribbed tank tucked into some distressed black jeans, which helps balance out this look. Moreover, this outfit is super comfortable—always a plus in my book!
Pieces – The Fish
Dates: February 19-March 20
Colors: Purple and sea-green.
Key Traits: Compassionate, intuitive and artistic.
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(Romper: Lulu’s, sandals: Kee Shoes, clutch: Contrado, rings: Etsy)
For the Pisces, The Little Mermaid immediately came to mind. With the key characteristics of being compassionate and artistic, Ariel’s musical abilities and considerate ways came to mind. In addition, who else would use a fork for a brush? That’s intuitive art right there. To channel your inner mermaid, this sea-green romper with a twisted belt detailing is flawless. Additionally, some light purple heels match Ariel’s color theme, as well as the Pisces’! Of course, I just had to add some fish scale inspiration with a perfectly matching clutch. The shiny texture also gives off a “wet” look—score! To further this theme, I added in some silver midi rings for even more sparkle.
Aires – The Ram
Dates: March 21-April 19
Color: Red.
Key Traits: Courageous, independent, and impatient.
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(T-shirt: Nordstrom, shoes: Converse, leggings: JCPenny, jacket: H&M)
This is probably my favorite outfit of them all, and I’m not even an Aires (I just love me a good band tee)! Prior to writing this blog, even I knew that Aires are known for having a “fiery” personality. Low and behold, their color is red! With splashes of red in the t-shirt and shoes, this outfit is given a bold and daring personality (much like an Aires). Due to their slightly impatient nature, a comfortable outfit is key. Enter: leggings. Furthermore, an old band tee, jean jacket, and Converse give this look an old school, “cool girl” vibe—perfect for this zodiac.
Taurus – The Bull
Dates: April 20-May 20
Color: Pink.
Key Traits: Dependable, elegant, and devoted.
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(Blouse: Lulus, shorts: Missguided, sandals: Lulus, necklace: Bija Bijoux)
Despite their symbol being a bull, this zodiac has rather elegant characteristics and mannerisms. Therefore, I put together a more girly, feminine look. Even for someone who isn’t the biggest fan of pink (me), this outfit is just too adorable to pass up. A cropped, ruffled crop top is a fabulous statement piece to have handy in the summertime. Paired with some white high-waisted buttoned shorts, the torso is balanced out. Keeping with this light, romantic theme, some blush pink lace-up wedges were added. As for the jewelry, I decided on a crescent necklace that reminds me of a bull’s nose ring so, naturally, I had to.
Gemini – The Twins
Dates: May 21-June 20
Colors: Yellow and light green.
Key Traits: Affectionate, curious, and kind.
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(Dress: Forever 21, sandals: Lulus, bag: Hot Topic, glasses: Sunglass Casa)
What a ray of sunshine! After reading up on Geminis, it is clear that they are typically “old souls”. Therefore, this 70’s-inspired floral dress just screamed “Gemini” to me. It also serves as a romantic look, bridging back to this affectionate zodiac. For the first statement accessory, cat eye sunglasses further exemplify the vintage vibe. Another characteristic of this zodiac is curiosity, leading to their love for curling up with a good book. Needless to say, this rare “once upon a time” purse is an excellent find!
Cancer – The Crab
Dates: June 21-July 22
Colors: White and violet.
Key Traits: Emotional, loyal, and intelligent.
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(Two-piece: Lily Boutique, pumps: Shiekh Shoes, clutch: Zatchels)
For the Cancer zodiac, I put together a vintage, 20’s era outfit based on their personality traits. To establish this feminine style, lace embroidery is an essential. Thus, a white lace monochromatic two-piece is absolute perfection for this sign. Furthermore, a touch of violet is added with a simple cross-body bag. Nude pumps pair flawlessly with this romantic look without being too overpowering and distracting from the intricate detailing. Plus, these pumps  also help to elongate your legs (a great bonus)! Finally, I couldn’t resist adding in a ribbon for your hair to finish off this vintage Cancer attire.
Leo – The Lion
Dates: July 23-August 22
Colors: Gold, yellow, and orange.
Key Traits: Bold, humorous, and creative.
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(Dress: Rockray Clothing, sandals: Aetrex, earrings: AliExpress, purse: Ebay)
Hit the beach in this fun, lioness-inspired look! Leos are known for being humorous and creative, so a laid-back 70’s themed outfit was my goal here. This loose, brightly colored yellow sundress with bell sleeves effortlessly captures this essence. For a lion’s mane appearance, aim for some voluminous, beachy waves and statement feather earrings. This ensemble is finished off with a woven summer-ready handbag and some beaded sandals.
Virgo – The Virgin
Dates: August 23-September 22
Colors: White and beige.
Key Traits: Organized, kind, and practical.
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(Top: Athleta, blazer: Lyst, pants: Neiman Marcus, shoes: Dillard’s)
Moving on to the Virgo! To emanate from their organizational qualities, a striped shirt is the building block of this outfit. Virgos are all about functionality. Now, what better way to go from work to play than having a trusty blazer handy? Leather pants also contribute to this dual purpose outfit with their ability to transition from the office to happy hour. Lastly, flats were chosen to complete this look due to their practicality. No one wants to be slowed down from task to task, especially a Virgo.
Libra – The Scales
Dates: September 23-October 22
Colors: Pink, blue, and green.
Key Traits: Cooperative, intelligent, and gracious.
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(Shirt: Yours Clothing, necklace: Accessorize, capris: True Religion, shoes: Bohme)
Next, we have a style that is built with Libras in mind. With intelligent and gracious qualities, this zodiac is gifted at finding the ideal outfit for every situation. Due to the fact that their symbol is the scales, a balance between elegant statement and basic pieces is attained to encompass this attribute. A breathtaking statement necklace with blues and pinks does just the job for an otherwise casual outfit. These light, pastel tones mix and mingle with the feel-good vibes of summertime! Combined, these items make up a sophisticated, polished look for tactful Libras.
Scorpio – The Scorpion
Dates: October 23-November 21
Color: Scarlet.
Key Traits: Brave, stubborn, and independent.
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(Top: Polyvore, skirt: Lipsy, purse: Venus, heels: Larizia)
For this zodiac, a dark, classy ensemble perfectly captures their essence. This flowy top adds just a pop of scarlet to pay homage to this sign’s symbol: the scorpion. With independence being a key trait, a straight-from-work look was achieved with a classic pencil skirt and gold accented pumps. Alas, we mustn’t forget about their bravery! To capture this characteristic, a striking leopard print purse was added to finalize this outfit.
Sagittarius – The Archer
Dates: November 22-December 21
Colors: Light blue and black.
Key Traits: Humorous, creative, and idealistic.
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(Skirt: H&M, shirt: Asos, heels: Express, bag: Nicole Miller)
Calling all Sags! Last, but certainly not least on the list. After studying up on this sign (and being one, myself), I decided to go for an outfit made up of timeless pieces. Of course, these pieces consist of a plain white tee and some black strapped open-toe heels. Then again, a bold leather skirt packs a creative, unexpected punch to the look. To incorporate a light blue hue, this textured rectangular bag is an impeccable addition.
Here ends my list of outfits inspired by your zodiac. Do you agree with these picks? Thanks for reading!
Until next time,
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jewpacabruhs · 7 years
so out of boredom i wanted to go in depth about something from a certain ep. in ‘the death of eric cartman’, from season 10, kyle calls cartman a “fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulating sociopath”. as we all know, it’s pretty easy to label someone a certain way, when in actuality stuff tends to go so much deeper than a couple of summarizing words. so i wanted to analyze each of those six titles that seem to follow cartman around.
1) fat. yes, hes overweight; there’s no denying that. it shouldn’t be included in this list of negatives, but kids are shallow.
2) racist. while there’s no denying he’s blatantly racist, i don’t think cartman understands the depth of racism at his age, and therefore it’s not genuine. none of the kids, except for token and nichole and maybe kyle, do. i myself was pretty racist until around thirteen or fourteen, because i’d been raised like that and i didn’t know any better. despite being jewish (granted, i didn’t experience any anti-semitism until i started to embrace my religion recently), i found harmful stereotypes about non-white people to be funny & often said them in jest, until i started educating myself and realized how harmful doing that was. unfortunately a lot of people don’t outgrow the racism they learn as children. point is, i think cartman doesn’t understand the magnitude of racism and it’s harmful effect on poc. then again, he doesn't care about any one but himself, and things that don’t directly involve him don’t concern him, so you can’t expect him to. but considering his recent pc arc, maybe he’ll mature a little. unfortunately, as of now, i think he just views making racist remarks as another thing that gets him attention. he’ll take any attention he can get, and negative attention is easiest to get. how to get negative attention? make everyone hate you. how to do that? display hatred towards everyone else. 
3) self-centered. he’s most definitely self-centered. i think cartman got a very extreme case of only child-syndrome (general selfishness, bossiness, etc. i myself was an only child until twelve, and i was a goddamn pain to be friends with, i’ll tell you that) that was magnified by abuse and neglect from his mother. he’s developed a me-against-the-world complex. not to mention he’s very intelligent, and he knows it, which led to some intense narcissism (or perhaps that’s a front to hide his insecurity, because there’s been a couple of instances where cartman’s grandiose facade cracked and we got a glimpse of the vulnerable kid underneath). that intelligence, regardless of how little he demonstrates it on a daily basis, also alienates him from the rest of south park, who are airheads. and while i can’t deny he’s undeniably clever, and that’s a positive for him, his self image of his psychical body is all false bravado; he’s convinced himself he’s strong, attractive, and manly, when in reality he’s chubby, weak, fairly repulsive (albeit charming), and a little more on the feminine side, if we’re generalizing - he’s emotional, sassy, manipulative, and on a more psychological level, he cross-dresses, plays with dolls, and is, canonically, attracted to boys. he doesn’t like himself, even if he pretends he does. now, personally, i believe all humans are self-centered - at the end of the day, do we genuinely care about each other people’s trivial problems? then again, i’m a raging nihilist. regardless, cartman’s put up a facade of who he thinks he should be, who he wants to be. his use of derogatory language towards others (not the personal attacks, like calling kyle a filthy jew or token a black piece of shit or whatever, but the general ones, like “hey, f*gs” or “whats up, dickwads”, yanno), it’s all to make himself feel better about himself. to try to put himself on a pedestal, so he’s untouchable, and he does this by demeaning others. his use of the f word in particular, and i’m not talking about fuck, is likely internalized homophobia.
4) intolerant. ties back into racism - he’s intolerant because he thinks it’s cool. he thinks bigotry is badass, and he’s obsessed with his own image, similarly to stan, only stan actually has morals and a decent sense of wrong vs right. stan will do anything to make himself look good, but only in socially acceptable ways. cartman, on the other hand, has no concept of what’s socially acceptable, and merely does things to the beat of his own drum; whatever he thinks is right, in his own eyes, he believes wholeheartedly, and he practices what he, and he alone, preaches. he thinks that, by spouting hateful bullshit, he, again, is putting himself up on a pedestal, which is exactly where he wants to be (and likely thinks he belongs). have you ever met/talked to a bigot who wasn’t a raging narcissist? i haven’t. cartman also clearly doesn’t know how to be nice, as shown in casa bonita; hate is all he knows. it’s his defense mechanism, likely because, subconsciously, he’s afraid to let people get close. he doesn’t want emotional intimacy with anyone because he doesn’t want to be genuinely vulnerable (partly because he likely considers vulnerability as “faggy” or “girly”, and his ego won’t allow that, and partly because he doesn’t want the walls he’s built up to be torn down - no bey reference intended, i swear). the only people he’s ever really opened up to have been his mom and butters, and with his mom he usually wants something and he’s exaggerating. butters, i think he trusts to some degree, because he knows butters is a dweeb and he’s naive enough to not entirely understand the difference between cartman’s true(?) nature and his facade, considering his erratic moods. still, even then, butters has shared cartman’s secrets time and time again, which probably proved to cartman that he really cant trust anyone. anyway, like i said, i don’t think the intolerance is genuine, i think he thinks it’s cool and he likes how controversial his remarks are, because, like i said, to cartman, any attention is good attention.
5) manipulative. he’s definitely manipulative, that’s undeniable. but i don’t think manipulation’s inherently bad, honestly; if you’re smooth enough to be able to talk yourself into getting your way all the time, good for you. if your morals are so shaky that you’re able to walk on other people to achieve personal success, you’re probably gonna move up quicker in the world, and i can respect that. cartman’s realized this at a young age, and he utilizes his charm. albeit, he often uses his power for evil, but still.
6) sociopath. this is the one i wanna talk about thoroughly. people don’t seem to understand the psychological meaning of 'psychopath’ or 'sociopath’, or any other psychological diagnosis. i’m not an expert, but i’ve researched psychology extensively, so i’d like to think i’m somewhat of a reputable source when it comes to this sort of stuff. and while i hate to try and stick a label on a fictional fourth grader, it’s pretty fascinating to try. however, you should still take everything i say with a grain of salt. anyway, so, admittedly, on the surface you would think cartman was a sociopath. he lacks empathy and manipulates as necessary without guilt, and while i think he definitely displays antisocial and narcissistic traits, i don’t think hes a sociopath. if anything, he displays some symptoms of high-functioning aspergers (ironic, considering that one episode). as someone on the autistic spectrum, i hardly want him as an example of an autistic person. but he sort of reminds me of someone i studied extensively while researching criminal psychology - one jeffrey dahmer (the real one, not the south park parody version of him). dahmer was officially diagnosed with bpd and schizotypal pd, among others, but a few of the many psychologists he spoke to following his arrest diagnosed him with aspergers. dahmer’s personality would go from awkward, reserved, and gentlemanly, to cocky, aggressive, and cruel. this could’ve been the bpd & aspergers/szpd (which is, more or less, aspergers & schizophrenia smushed together) coinciding. a little personal input: i myself have been diagnosed with a lot of different shit by several different therapists, but my lack of empathy and aloof attitude have been persistent symptoms in each of the diagnoses. if i compare myself to a friend of mine who has bpd, we’re pretty damn different. but if mashed together, we’d roughly make a dahmer-like personality, i think - and possibly a cartman-like personality. see, cartman’s behavior is very sporadic and unexpected. his default tone of speech (which says a lot about a person) seems to be a sarcastic but detached sort of drawl, which reflects his laid-back and idgaf-esque manner. he’s easily agitated, in which case his voice raises, often in a matter of seconds, before he’s returned to his relatively calm usual demeanor. the anger usually doesn’t last, unless it’s a heated argument. when angered, he can be driven to severely injuring people, without a second thought, because he lacks empathy. he blindly follows trends if they make him look cool, although i don’t think he really has a concept of what’s cool, nor does he care, i think he just tries to blend in to some degree to avoid ridicule, and because he wants people to like him. he’s assertive and straight-forward, doesn’t care if he hurts feelings, and doesn’t concern himself with people’s problems or opinions, although i think he cares about what people think about him a lot more than he cares to admit. that’s another thing that’s interesting; how he’s hated by everyone, despite his need for validation, and his brain twists things so he thinks people like him instead of just tolerate him. it’s crazy. anyway, i dunno, not making diagnoses, just bringing up symptoms and possibilities. and that’s all. gnite.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Today’s episodes really pissed me off
1. We paid to find out suresh/Finn/Dana are still into us and want us but this choice doesn’t matter for the plot because still we get suresh/lulu and kat/Finn super flirty with each other. And how both relationship are perfect and “steamy”. And basically we get narration they “moved on” from mc. (So if we don’t pay for premium scenes to find out a truth we really might think it’s true).
2. Gabi for sure wants suresh.
3. Our conversation with gabi and suresh didn’t change anything.
4. 5 months of dating when suresh and mc were a year together. It wasn’t just a rebound or a fling🤬
5. Meera and mc are Hannah and Lottie 2.0
6. Casa boys are the same aka no matter who you chose both boys have the same personality and plot line
7. We didn’t any moment to be alone with suresh
8. Finn being Noah 2.0
9. They still force alfie on us
10. Now we have to be super friendly with Dana and we are supposed to help her but no one helps us.
this is unfortunately very true and I thought this might be the case if I didnt pay for the Eddie gem scene. but wasnt sure if people didnt pay for it if you could still confront him on the terrace about liking MC. someone who hasn't bought the gem scene report back!
1000% and this is super annoying and an unnecessary plot line atp, we already had arlo, now Lulu, why are we constantly competing for this mans attention with women that we know dont measure up to MC in Suresh's eyes. at the end of the day, MC is who he ultimately wants so why are we adding in all of this unnecessary drama when we have 10 episodes left.
it changed nothing but it did give me a bit more clarity into their situation and it did confirm things for me...he never looked at Gabi as a relationship and I know that 5 months sounds like a long time but when you're just hooking up with someone it honestly really isnt. ESPECIALLY when you don't have feelings involved and when you look at it as a "brief fling". Gabi saw it as more..he didnt.
MC and Suresh were together for over year, their relationship was completely different. She met the parents, went on vacations, they loved each other. Suresh never said I love you to Gabi. It wasn't love. It was a rebound. I actually had an irl 6 month rebound and it truthfully does not feel like that long of a time when u dont have feelings for someone...so it happens!
Meera can kiss my ass...I cant wait to see her wack ass face next week when im still standing.
This is so wack...I wish FB would do better. We literally had no cast this season the very least they could do was give their different players different personalities and different routes.
BESTIE this HURT. HOW WAS THIS POSSIBLE??? I said before I left for casa I wanted this man. I was loyal the entire FUCKING TIME. and I cant have ONE MOMENT??? HOW IS THIS EVEN REALISTIC????? especially after his speech??? I hate FB
ok that little moment we had with him def gave me noah vibes 🥹. I low-key loved it and can low-key see myself doing a finn route in the future
did they?? maybe I missed this because I was rushing to get a summary out asap. I want to replay this afternoon again and see if I pick this up
I told her I needed space from her and FB ignored my wishes of course. girly I dont care about ur issues with my ex's mistress!! and I voted for ur ass to leave! Scram!
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
How can we be sure of what Gabi said/will say is true? People from the casa always know more than original contestants because they watch the show until they go to casa.
Do you think maybe
- Gabi tries win Suresh back
- get revenge on mc because she watched the show and saw Suresh is there and how “hard” he tries to win mc back.
- or get her revenge on Suresh 🤔
- or maybe she really wants to tell mc the “real” version
Sorry but I can’t really trust her. She knew mc and suresh are in the show and she decided to join the casa. She has to has some hidden motive.
I don’t know if I’m the only one but it seemed to me that Gabi is amused that mc is uncomfortable with her being in the villa. Like the whole situation is funny and a joke for Gabi. Especially when you choose to be unfriendly to her.
anon you're not alone on not trusting gabi and not really knowing where she stands. I think from the moment she arrives into the villa there's definitely an air of arrogance about her and she doesn't seem the friendliest. Her interactions with the other girls (not even MC) she comes across with a bit of an attitude...no one in this villa hurt you. Cool your jets girly! and then overall I find her to be very wishy/washy. She says her and Suresh were serious, but then says she was just falling for him. That makes no sense.
She said she never knew about MC until the end, but I find that to be odd as well. Wouldn't you be PISSED AF if your supposed BF told you that at the start of your relationship he had a WHOLE ASS GF??? Like wouldn't that make you want to end things with him? That your whole relationship was built on a LIE?!??! But she just wanted to continue on with him like things were cool and then he ghosted her? That to me is also mad suss and it's got me questioning if Gabi knew about MC the whole time.
IDK...it's def a head scratcher...I could see her being a Lucy (s1) but I dont really think Suresh will entertain it, tbh.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Alright girls, I know we done received a let down today, Suresh Clowns down bad by 500 points, but I’m not giving up hope…yet. I’m about to put on the biggest clown shoes and nose for this theory that I got going in my head. So here it is… I think Lulu knows that Suresh is using her due to this interaction she did after coming on the terrace due to hearing her name.
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I know this is a small interaction but hear me out.
1.) We have yet to actually interact with Lulu; however, she has not said one slick mouth comment towards MC. Everyone has been slick mouthing to MC and if you’re on Suresh route Arlo and Gabi immediately came in thinking that they were comparable to MC; however, Lulu hasn’t come in thinking she’s better than MC nor has she said any slick remarks toward her even though she said that she and suresh were “hitting it off”. I think this interaction shows us that Lulu will become (hopefully) a friend to us in the next coming episodes or later. Like she knows something that MC doesn’t and is just playing her part.
2.) Eddie gave us the tea on Suresh. This is reliable Eddie we’re talking about. Out of everybody in the Villa, Eddie has been the one keeping tabs on EVERYONE including MC and has been honest even when we didn’t ask for it. Plus out of everyone, I think he wants to see MC win and with him and Sursesh becoming acquainted I think he’s low key hoping they get back together, especially if Suresh chatted to Eddie about how he feels about MC.
3.) Lulu could have possibly heard what Suresh told Eddie and could have confronted him about it. In knowing this her and Suresh could have agreed to go into the Villa together as pals (win win for both); however, what they didn’t count on was Gabi. So to appear that they are into each other they’re being flirty with one another until Gabi leaves. We gotta remember when MC, Suresh and Gabi was on the terrace Surresh isn’t about to out right tell MC the plan cause Gabi is there and it’s highly possible that she would cause some mess to prevent that from happening.
4.) Lastly, Nicholas/ Johnny are just playing the game. I think the last episode sealed the deal for me that Nicholas (that’s who I chose) is just trying to make it to the final. He’s not really trying to get to know MC, just been wanting to know the gossip on any and everyone, including MC.
Anyways this is my theory. It may be a stretch but I’m trying to save this sinking ship by any means necessary. I’ve come too far for FB to pull this crap on us like we ain’t been the ones supporting them this season. This week episodes was truly sad and showed how lazy the writing is, especially after what Suresh said right before Casa Amor to this. It’s like they did a 360 on his character. But if all else fails, that’s what fanfic is for.
City Girls down 1000 today
ok your Lulu theory I lowkey agree..Idk if she full on knows shes being used but maybe she understands the situation and understands her position. Lulu has been home watching Love Island for weeks, she's seen Suresh graft MC and she knows he's down bad for her!! So much so that if you chose the interaction with MC saying, I know you still want me Suresh, Lulu says {im paraphrasing} "with the way he's been acting it's understandable for MC to feel this way." WHAT GIRLY!?! YOU AGREE?! because yes!! he has been flirting with her, begging her back, Lulu's seen all this and she knows this is what MC is referring to. Which is why she ushers everyone to bed and kills the drama for the night.
Eddie 100% is telling the truth. He has no motive to lie and beyond that he's never lied. he told Suresh about MC + Alfie and he told MC verbatim what was said.
I dont think she would keep all the flirty stuff going on or Suresh for that matter at least not on that first night. Suresh or even Lulu couldve pulled MC that night and talked to her alone and told her the whole thing if this were true. and I dont really think Gabi knowing about their plan really changes anything. Im thinking Lulu probably did vibe with Suresh but like Eddie said theres no spark, and suresh just brought her back to save his spot in the villa. I really dont think its anything more than that. I could see him not telling MC about it right away bc of the compatibility vote and wanting him and MC's couples to stay safe.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Giiirl, I'm so disappointed in Suresh! He's literally did NOTHING to protect MC. Snogging Gabi and marry Meera?!
I won't be waiting him anymore for sure. It was a perfect moment for him to confess his true feelings...😑
At least Finn did that. I'm definitely going for him and taking off my 🤡 make up 😅.
Lulu is a sweetheart. She's definitely better option then most boys - unfortunately I'm not into girls😑
Nic is an ass. I knew it! It's a shame game making us twists with casa boys! And writing is so lazy - I'm sure Johnny and Nic have same storyline! Seems really cheap.
I kinda have a feeling that final would be a disastrous for almost all players regardless of their routes...
if suresh is still playing games...girlie he is winning because I feel defeated yet another week in a row!! The only reason I'm not switching to Finn, is because the game is basically forcing us to. SORRY FB im not doing it, especially bc u want me to. I almost want to go back to last week's episode and tell Finn I dont like him just bc I dont want to do what FB wants.
I love Lulu and I actually loved the Gabi + Lulu chat on the roof terrace.
Nic can clear out...I get that FB doesn't see him as an LI but turning on us?! literally they couldve just Rocco'd him and made him flirt with the other girls instead of turning the entire villa against us. AGAIN.
The final is going to be a hot ass mess. Theres no way in hell MC wins. I'm calling it now. so whatever you're pre-spending the 50K on mentally, stop. its not happening.
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