#like a bedbug infestation nobody else in the house was taking seriously that we've now been dealing with for a year
mypunkpansexualtwin · 8 months
BEGGING you to stop posting unfilterable suicide attempt mentions in the tags of randoms strangers posts what the hell is your deal
For what it's worth, 98% of that goes to the locked sideblog that nobody can see, even the person who posted it. Doesn't leave any notes, and that's where that was meant to go. So genuine apologies for that.
As for what's wrong with me, being driven up to the edge of suicide by two of your closest friends by having one ghost you after breaking the only promise you've ever asked of them for a cleanly communicated break if things went badly, and the other one dropping the entirety of the blame on you to apologize for and then blocking you without so much as acknowledging any of their own culpability in the ongoing lack of trust and communication, and having to haul your drunk ass away from that edge alone on your own mangled willpower and choose to live with knowing you'll never get any closure on any of the scars--both metaphorical and physical--tends to take some time to fix. Little bit of bitterness tends to linger after a fun little jaunt like that, especially knowing that the bulk of it is still your own fault, y'know? I've got all of like 3 people to talk about it with, including my therapist, so mostly sincere apologies that some of it bleeds through sometimes.
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