#lightdm problem? worth it. printer drivers too much work to have figured out yet? bluetooth and wifi same? fucking worth it
corvuscorona · 10 months
mx linux has this thing called Quick System Info which is a thing that you click and it gives you a bunch of information about your computer that people on the forums who are smarter than you can use to help you troubleshoot* whatever insane linux problem you're having, right. with a "copy for forum" button and everything. what kernel you have what graphics drivers you're running, stuff like that.
*side note / tone setter for this post: stuff like this is all the evidence you need that mx is The distro for people who are new here. they have put so much work into Tools For Getting Help it's insane. mint does not have this. ubuntu is a nightmare hellscape. etc.
they update their tools and default desktop stuff all the time & usually I don't pay a whole lot of attention to those updates (no matter how many times lightdm or whatever updates I still have the exact same problem with it. who cares. it at least almost never breaks a new thing; debian lifestyle) but today on a whim I ran QSI after it showed up as one of today's 2 entire Things There's A New Thing For and omfg. At some point they made it so in addition to the VERY SIMPLE window w/ the basic system information in it, it has a sidebar with like. EVERY LOG.
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^ this is but a fraction. Every timeshift log it hasn't deleted yet (~3mo worth?!) is here. Normally I would have to Go Look Up where these are stored and Go Find Them and then open them in featherpad by fuckin right-clicking (because this OS treats .rpy files and .txt / no extension files as the same type of file and I need it to open .rpy files in vscodium more consistently than I need it to open .txt files in featherpad even though having every .txt file open in a fucking IDE when I space out and double-click it is like my worst adhd brain nightmare come to life) and this tool just
A. puts them all right in front of me, where
B. I can click them and they will SHOW UP in the main window, OR
C. check the checkboxes and then SAVE?? THEM??? TO A LOCATION OF MY CHOICE????? ALL AT ONCE?
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^^^ LOOK!!!!!
MX LINUX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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