#lifetime worldwide flight benefits is gonna be sweeeeeeeeet ;3
aviatrix-ash · 2 years
Just 21 days till I'm done with my airframe maintenance training. Tho mid/late October is is when I plan on finishing my exams for it.
So just 2 months from now before I finally finally get to complete an FAA certificate. It's not (yet) the pilot one that I really wanted more than anything, but it's the one I need right now.
I can't fully celebrate yet tho. I still have a ways to study extra hard these next few weeks before those exams (they're not cheap) and I still have to finish the 2nd certificate, Powerplant. Tho despite the pressure, I feel some peace mixed with pride and and all that stuff cause I've worked so SO hard and for so long just to get to this point :'))
When I finally have that card in hand I'm going to see what kind of part time work the flight schools around here will let me do c:
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