spideynut667 · 11 months
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New story! This time Jake Gyllenhaal is the ler! Enjoy! “Aaaaaaaand action!”
Tom and Jake sat next to each other drinking out of empty glasses. Tom looked absolutely dejected.
“Hey, you gotta celebrate. You did something good tonight.”
Tom turned. “Yea, Fury was right. Tony did a lot for me so I owe it to him, to everybody.”
“Do you?”
“Yea I mean Mr. Stark gave me the chance to be more. He wanted me to be better than him. And Fury wants me to live up to that.”
“what do you want?”
Peter looked up, confused. “What do you mean?”
“What do you want?” Quentin repeated.
“I don’t know.”
Quentin sighed. “What do you want? You. Peter Parker. Now. I know you’re thinking about it.”
“I wanna go on my trip!” Peter calmed a bit as he continued talking. “I wanna go on my trip with my friends. And go to the top of the Eiffel Tower with the girl who I really like and tell her how I feel and…. I don’t know give her a kiss!”
Quentin laughed softly. So did Peter, though his laughter was in embarrassment. “Shut up, man” Peter mumbled into his glass. The laughter died down.
“you’re not gonna do that, are you?”
“no I can’t.” “why not?”
“Because I have too much of a responsibility.”
A waitress picked up EDITH and handed it to Peter, who exclaimed “My God! Thank you so much!”
Quentin eyes the glasses mysteriously. “What are those? Are those the-“
“EDITH glasses yea.”
“They were just on the floor?” Quentin interrupted the defensive Peter Parker. “Try em on. Let’s see how they look on you.”
Peter put the glasses on and looked back at mysterio. “I actually really like them.” He admitted, shrugging.
“can I be completely honest with you?”
“they look really stupid. But maybe they have the contact lens version.” Mysterio joked.
“Here you try them on.”
mysterio tried to object but after a few more tries, Peter finally convinced him to put the glasses on.
“what do ya think kid?”
“for the next Tony Stark. I choose you.” Peter said quietly. Then he repeated the statement louder so mysterio could hear.
“Mr. Stark left me a message with those glasses: for the next Tony stark I choose you.”
Quentin started to laugh. “I still don’t follow. How many lemonades have you had?” He poked the young superhero in the ribs. Tom squealed and shifted only to fall off his stool.
“Woah dude you ok?” Jake asked, laughing and offering his hand to Tom, who was still dazed on the floor.
“Uh yea yea I’m fine.” Tom replied, British accent slowly sliding back into his speech.
“What did I do did I hurt you?” Jake asked, concerned.
“Uh no you didn’t- you didn’t hurt me.” Tom reddened, covering his upper body discreetly. The realization hit Jake like a truck.
“Oh. My. God!” Jake jumped on the poor lad in front of him. “You’re ticklish!”
“No wait Jake! NOOOOOOOO!”
Jake instantly wiggled his fingers under Tom’s arms, calling him to giggle hysterically.
“come on man this is just too cute!” Jake told Tom.
“Nohohoho it’s nohohohotahahahahaha!”
At this point Jake started lightly tickling Tom’s belly, making him giggle like a Tickle-me-Elmo.
“Look at that! It’s tickle me Tom!” Jake joked.
“Stohohohohop why does everyone keep saying thahahahat!”
“Cause it’s true!” Samuel L. Jackson walked up to the pair, smiling broadly. “Alright kids break it up.”
Jake gave Tom one last poke in the ribs before getting up and dusting himself off. Tom however, lay there for a moment catching his breath.
“Now I have something to keep you from spoiling secrets.” Jake smiled.
“Oh boy not you too.” Tom rolled his eyes and got back on the stool. “Alright let’s do this again.”
Needless to say, Jake never forgot that incident.
Haha the gif makes me think Jakes gonna tickle Tom so I made a fic.
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ficsandgiggles · 3 years
Interview’s Aren’t Always Boring
Thank you to my close friend @tickleeteases​ for the prompt! In this fic, the reader manages to sneak up behind Tom to tickle him whilst he’s doing an interview whilst wearing no trousers, but he’s quick to get revenge. Enjoy!
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You smiled fondly as you watched Tom being as kind as ever during yet another interview for his new upcoming film, Cherry. You always admired how sweet he was to the interviewers, even when he got asked the craziest questions which would send the normal person insane.
"Yes, I can confirm that I am pantless once more." Tom replied with a giggle, briefly lifting his leg to show the camera his bare leg. You rolled your eyes with a fond smirk, whatever made him comfy, you thought to yourself as you listened on out of eyesight of the camera.
After a while though, you began to get restless, the questions were getting repetitive, since this was the millionth interview he had done over the last few days, you wanted to do something without disturbing Tom too much, your eyes gazed down to his bare legs once more before looking back up at Tom's laptop screen, smirking to yourself as you thought of an idea to entertain the both of you, and eventually his fans.
You slowly slid off your seat and began crawling towards Tom, hoping he was too invested in the interview to notice you sneaking up on him. Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice you sitting beside him and continued answering questions.
You grinned and sat cross legged, and began to glide your nails up and down the back of his calves, feeling him twitch in surprise as his eyes briefly widened before glancing down at you for a few seconds. However, he easily managed to cover himself up and continue talking as if nothing happened, damn his acting skills.
You soon decided to kick it up a notch by scribbling your fingers under his knees, it was a lot harder for poor Tom to compose himself, he scrunched his face up and playfully flicked your nose, ensuring his actions weren't seen by the camera. You simply gasped, and skittered your fingers up to his thighs, the action causing Tom to let out a steady stream of giggles.
"Sohohohorry... something cahahame up on my screheheen..." Tom tried to explain as you tried to hold back your own laughter. You could tell that Tom wasn't angry at you for doing this, but he knew he had to try and remain as professional as possible, but it was pretty hard since you were tickling him.
"Are you sure you're okay, Tom?" The interviewer asked as Tom was still giggling, and it was easy to tell that something was happening from his upper body wriggling around slightly, which was visible from the camera. "Yeheheah, sohohohorry..." He giggled out. You eventually stopped torturing him and returned to your spot away from the camera, watching as Tom got flustered for the remainder of the interview.
Once it was over, Tom made sure everything was turned off before turning to you with raised eyebrows, you were trying had not to burst into laughter the moment you saw his bright red face.
"You really thought that was funny, Y/N? Making me look like an absolute fool in front of Entertainment Weekly?" He asked, smirking at you before getting up and slowly approaching you.
You immediately knew what was coming, and you curled up on the sofa and began giggling nervously. "Tohohohom... get your hairless legs away from me!" You squealed out, knowing you were basically digging your own grave at this point, but you already knew what your punishment was, so you may as well poke fun at him whilst you still could.
"Oh I'll give you something to laugh about!" Tom smirked, gently tackling you so you were laying down on the sofa, wasting no time in squeezing up and down your thighs, grinning as you squealed with high pitched giggles, you immediately began shoving at your best friend. "Tohohohohom! Quihihihihihit it!" You yelped, but you knew you weren't going to get anywhere anytime soon.
"Doesn't feel nice, does it, Y/N? Maybe I should film this for my story since the whole world is gonna see me get tickled!" He teased, he would never do that to you, but the thought was more than enough to get you blushing madly as you let out another fit of giggles.
"I'm sohohohohorry!" You yelped, your giggles turning into squealing laughter as Tom moved to shake his hands into your belly, he loved that he didn't have to pin you down, as you were way too weak to move him, so you just had to lay there and accept your fate.
"Sorry won't stop future fans from tickling me I'm afraid! I need to make sure I get revenge now for when it does happen in the future!" Tom teased, gently scribbling his fingers into your sides and belly, smiling down at your giggling, squealing self.
Tom couldn't help but smirk fondly down at you before managing to drill his fingers under your arms, causing you to yelp and slam your arms down to your sides. "Plehehehease!" You begged, trying to give him the puppy eyes you knew he couldn't resist, but it was pretty hard whilst you were giggling hysterically.
"Pleeeease what? Raspberry your neck? My pleasure!" Tom grinned, leaning down and burying his face into your neck, pausing the tickles under your arms for a brief second to build up anticipation, before leaning down and blowing a huge raspberry on your neck, knowing this was one of your many weaknesses.
"TOHOHOHOHOM!" You yelped and screeched with laughter, it didn't help that Tom moved back down to your sides and squeezed in rapidly, which made you laugh louder and harder, accepting the fact that there was nothing you could do to stop him. But the more he was tickling you, the more you didn't really mind that he was doing it.
However, he only continued for another thirty seconds or so before pulling away after one more neck raspberry, he grinned and watched you take in deep breaths, with the occasional giggle slipping out.
Tom took your hand and pulled you to a seated position, he smiled fondly and poked your nose after you playfully flipped him off. "If we're hanging out the day a fan tickles me, you're gonna have to go through this all again." He told you, ruffling your hair before going to his room to change into less formal clothes, leaving you to lay there and recover.
However, you were forever thankful for what just happened, and you just knew you were going to get playfully attacked by your best friend a lot more often, not that you minded.
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amiga faz mais aquelas mídias do harry e s/n da sua fanfic!!! muito divertido de ler 😍❤️
To be so Lonely
Especial- Capítulo 5 “Quando eu ainda era sua”
Harry ig story
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S/n Ig story
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curtido por therealnickrobinson,jefezoff e outras 5,414,360 pessoas
realsn best night 🌙
Ver todos 122,272 comentários
@jefezoff 🔥
@fan1sn como eles são lindos juntos 😭😭
@gigihadidi power👏🏻
@fan1nick Aí eu odeio ver eles juntos 😩😩
@niallhoran 👏🏻
@fan2sn a química passou longe desse casal sem graça
@tomholland 💚
@fan2nick se ela faz ele feliz é o que importa ♥️ Eu acho eles lindinhos juntos.
@oliviarodrigo fofos 🥰
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curtido por harrystyles, gemmastyles e outros 298,636 pessoas
realsn ainda a melhor sensação ♥️
Ver todos 345,67 comentários
@therealnickrobinson fã número 1 ❤️
@harrygolden Acho que já li isso antes 👀
@dualipa com certeza ✌🏻
@hs3lover Harry não postou um Stories com essa mesma legenda?
↳@snbrasilfan Não! Elas são parecidas,mas não.
@oliviarodrigo sem dúvidas🥺 sdds de ver você cantando.
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curtido por fansn5, fanharry1 e outros 460 pessoas
dailyrealsn S/n e Gemma Styles, irmã do cantor Harry Styles, ontem numa pub em LA.
Ver todos 259 comentários
@Snfan6 Elas são tão perfeitas, essa amizade eu não dava nda, nem pensei que duraria tanto.
↳ @lovequeensn Cara quando começou essa amizade que eu estou perdida!!!!
↳@Snfan6 Elas começaram a aparecer juntas depois que o boatos que S/n e Harry começaram a namorar em 2016
↳@lovequeensn ELA E HARRY NAMORARAM?!??
↳@snfan6 Eles nunca confirmaram nada, mas tem uma teoria do fandom com varias thread que indicam que sim.
↳@lovequeensn mulher me passa essas thread !!! Quero saber tudo sobre os dois.
↳@snfan6 Vou passar!!!
@sunflowerdoharry Eu não entendo o porque dela sempre estar se envolvendo com alguém da família do harry ou algum amigo dele, tipo o quem ela pensa que é? Para só de uma parceria para uma música, ela tá se achando muito, sinceramente acho ela chata, e suas músicas ruins.
↳@sncherry Se você não é fã da S/n nem sei porquê esta aqui, vir fala mal dela numa página de fã dela meio ridículo não acha? E outra se vc que é fã do Harry não sabe o passado deles, não sou eu quem vai dizer! Vá procurar se orientar sobre o assunto antes de falar merda. ✌🏻
@familystyless EU AMOOO VER ELAS JUNTASS!!!!
@fann7sn Só fico imaginando ela, Gemma e Harry e no que eles devem falar e fazer juntos. 🥺🥺
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curtido por realsn, jeffazoff e outras 1570,6739 pessoas
harrystyles Rewrite the Stars. 16 Novembro. @realsn
Ver todos os 12460 comentários
@realsn Contando os dias... 🥺❤️
↳@therealnickrobinson orgulhoso de você♥️
@shanwmendes 🔥
@liampayne 👏🏻
@niallhoran ❤️
@gemmastyles orgulhosa por vocês ♥️
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curtido por harrystyles, jeffazoff, outras pessoas
realsn I fucking love you bro 💙 "Rewrite the Stars" 16 Novembro.
Ver todos os 12460 comentários
@harrystyles thank you little girl 🥰
↳@watarmelonhs nossa Harry não vai dizer: eu te amo de volta?? 👀
↳@harrystyles Ela sabe! Ela sabe
@snfan78o Oh Nick corre aqui que tão cantando tua muie
@zana1529 Ela não namora???
@loverhsongs Gente o que foi essa interação de Harrry aqui???? Scrrrrrrr
@snlivegood Eu amo tanto a amizade dedes 😍♥️🥺♥️
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spideynut667 · 2 years
So I randomly thought I would write past stories I wish could have happened behind the scenes of Tom Holland’s older movies. Maybe it did, but I kinda doubt it! The first one is from the Impossible! It’s from the trailer. Watch it and you’ll know what I’m talking about! Am I the only one who thought Tom was like 12 in this movie? Turns out he was 16!
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The Perfect Take
Ewan sighed as he unwrapped his arms around his costar, Tom Holland. They had been doing this for the past fifteen minutes, and it wasn’t working out.
Bayona waved the two over and showed the screen to the two guys.
“Good job, Ewan. Try not to make it look like your relationship with your own kids. Tom, you look like Ewan’s about to kill you.”
Bayona and Ewan laugh. Tom giggles, his cheeks turning red.
“Lean into his embrace Tom, he’s your father.” Bayona advises. Tom nods, biting his lip. If they really knew, they would understand. What made it worse was that his shirt was off.
Ewan smirks as he walks back to set. He watched the videos enough times to know what the problem was. And he was gonna fix it.
“Alright, Take 15, aaaaaaaand action!”
They start out like usual, running along the surf. Ewan wraps his arms around Tom again. This time, he whispers. “You ticklish?” And wiggles his fingers along Tom’s belly. Tom laughs loudly in surprise. Out of all the things that could happen, he never imagined this.
“Aaaaaand cut!” Bayona smiles. He admits to himself that he may or may not have elongated the take.
Tom walks slowly towards Bayona slowly, completely and utterly embarrassed. Ewan has a broad smile on his face.
“I think it’s perfect! Don’t you?” Bayona says, looking at Tom as he watches himself.
“I knew it would happen sometime!” Tom groans, face as red as Spider-Man’s suit.
“I always find out.” Ewan laughs, poking Tom’s ribs. Tom squeaks and covers himself.
Needless to say, Bayona decided to use the clip in the trailer. Ewan used the tactic many other times, but only one was used.
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ficsandgiggles · 3 years
The Perfect Take
The reader and Tom prepare to film a cute tickle scene together. All the fluff in this fic so I hope you enjoy!
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You and Tom Holland had known each other for a little over free weeks now. You both had the opportunity to get to know each other quite well since your characters on screen were in a relationship.
This morning, you were observing your script and you couldn't help but burn up at a certain sentence.
*Jack proceeds to tackle Kiara down onto their bed and begins tickling her until she admits that Jack is the best cook.*
Well, this was going to be interesting.
You put your script aside and headed out of your hotel room to meet Tom, it was another relationship-building day so the two of you decided to just sit in a park and maybe get some ice cream. Conversations usually flowed easier when the two of you were just sitting down doing nothing.
When you went downstairs, you couldn't help but smile when you saw Tom. It didn't take long for you to realize that he was a really down to earth guy with such a kind heart. You snuck up behind him and pretty much jumped on his back, clinging to him like a koala whilst you heard Tom gasp and catch hold of you and chuckle.
"And a good morning to you too!" Tom smiled, turning around the moment you got down so he could hug you. You couldn't help but blush as you felt him pick you up and give you a little squeeze. The two of you began walking and talking whilst heading to the nearby park.
You sat down the moment you two agreed on a spot, and you couldn't help but lay down and stare up at the sky, enjoying the feeling of the sun beating down on your skin. The two of you continued to chat for a while before Tom decided to bring up a subject you had been dreading since this morning.
"So, I was reading the script for the millionth time the other day, but I couldn't help but notice a certain part which happens just before our characters officially get together.." Tom told you with a teasing smile, causing you to panic and sit up, you immediately knew which scene he was talking about and tried to keep it cool.
Tom grinned cheekily at you and continued. "And obviously, we don't want to waste time on set by me tickling you in places where you aren't ticklish, so I think it may be best if I find out your ticklish spots now... unless you wanna tell me?" He smirked, shuffling closer to you as you shook your head, trying to think of an excuse to not get tickled.
"Maybe... but what about this, you find out if and where I'm ticklish on set, that way it'll be more natural, as people don't know where their friends ticklish spots are straight away." You explained, thinking you had raised a very valid point until Tom continued to approach you, shaking his head.
"Nope. You're not going to get away with this, but just yell out, 'POPSICLE!' when you can't take it anymore, just so you don't pass out." Tom told you, wasting no time in wrapping his arms around you and gently tackling you back down to the ground, gently scribbling his fingers into your belly and watching as you screeched with giggles and tossed around from side to side.
"Aha! I knew you'd be ticklish!" Tom teased as he kept shaking his hands into your belly, smiling fondly as you giggled hysterically and lightly shoved at his hands.
"Nohohoho! It's all a lihihiHIHIHIE NAHAHAHA NOT THEHEHEHERE!" You suddenly screeched as Tom pulled your arms over your head, scribbling his free hand under your arm. He smirked fondly and teasingly raised his eyebrows at you.
"Wow! You are indeed veeeeery ticklish!" Tom teased, now clawing at your ribs with both of his hands, allowing you to freely shove at Tom to try and get a brief break. You were madly blushing from the tickles, especially since it felt like there was nothing you could do to get away from it.
"TOHOHOHOA! NOHOHOHOHO!" You yelped, squealing with high pitched laughter now as he gently scribbled along your sides. The sudden light tickles were just as unbearable and it definitely didn't help that your shirt had rode up from all the thrashing around you were doing, so the light touches were fluttering against the bare skin.
"Woah, you're really ticklish here! I need to remember this spot for when we're filming!" Tom told you, making you blush and whine as you lightly slapped at his hands, hoping that he will give you a break before you passed out.
Tom smiled fondly, continuing for a little longer before letting you go, allowing you to take in deep breaths and make an attempt to recover. However, you didn't pull your shirt down straight away, so Tom couldn't help but lean down and blow a small raspberry on your belly, causing to squeal with giggles and shove your shirt down, playfully glaring at your friend.
"So cruel..." You murmured as you fixed your hair and sat up before poking your tongue out at Tom, who just rolled his eyes with a smirk. "But so fun." He replied with a cheeky grin.
*The dreaded tickle scene filming day*
You hated to admit it, but you had been looking forward to filming this scene for quite a while now, and you were more than prepared to be extra cheeky so Tom didn't hold back when he tickled you. You waltzed in confidently and sat yourself down on your bed, soon followed by Tom, who stood next to you next to the bed. He smirked and wriggled his fingers teasingly at you.
"Don't think I've forgotten your spots, Y/N/N." Tom teased evilly before getting into character. You tried hard to hide your blush as you knew you were about to start filming.
"Alright, and... action!"
Tom sat himself down on the edge of the bed with a cocky smile on his face. "Well I guess I won that round, huh? Our mates clearly enjoyed my food more." Tom told you, folding his arms as you rolled your eyes, copying his motion.
"They were just being nice because they knew you would turn into Gordon Ramsey they admitted to hating your food." You replied with a confident smirk. Butterflies filled your stomach as you watched Tom climb onto the bed and crawl towards you.
"You did not just say that, Kiara, you better take that back...." He warned, looming over you evilly. You managed to compose yourself by shrugging casually, chuckling. "Or what? You're gonna swear at me until I pass out?" You replied, sitting up to try and meet his gaze.
"Oh no, I'll just do... this!" Tom announced before drilling his fingers into your belly. "Until you admit that I'm the best chef!" He boomed playfully. You couldn't help but squeal and sink back down, kicking your legs out helplessly as you burst into high pitched laughter.
"NOHOHOHO! ANYTHIHIHING BUHUHUHUT THAHAHAHAT!" You begged, throwing your head back and letting yourself laugh freely as Tom switched methods and shook his hand into the middle of your belly.
"So... Who is the best chef?!" Tom asked casually, raising his eyebrows and walking his fingers teasingly towards your sides. You could see his smirk, which confirmed that he did not forget your worst spot.
You tried to smile innocently, shrugging casually. "Me?"
Tom just rolled his eyes and scribbled into your sides, which were once again bare from your character wearing a crop top. You screeched with laughter and began to lightly punch his shoulders. "JAHAHAHAHACK! PLEHEHEHASE STAHAHAHAP!" You begged, wheezing with laughter for a little bit before Tom's character had mercy, he let you go so you could regain your breath.
"I'm the best chef, and I will never let you forget it." Tom teased, booping your nose. "Especially, now I know your weakness."
"CUT! That take was perfect guys! Take ten minutes so poor Y/N can recover!" The director called out, before most of the crew dispersed, leaving the two of you still on set.
You looked up at Tom, grinning shyly as your breathing returned to normal, but you noticed a mischeivious glint in Tom's eyes, and he wasted no more time before blowing raspberries all over your belly and moving around to your sides every so often. You screamed in surprise, before falling into a fit of high pitched laughter.
"TOHOHOHOHOM!" You squealed out, shoving at his head before he let you go, reaching to your character's desk and handing you a bottle of water.
"Sorry darling, you're just too cute when you're being tickled." Tom told you with a soft smile. A deep blush appeared on your face as you pretty much downed the bottle of water.
Once you had recovered, you just playfully shoved at Tom. "Oh shut up, I'll get you back one day..." You replied as Tom rolled his eyes, giving you a little hug.
"Yeah alright, I'll believe it when I see it. For now though, you are so screwed when we start to do interviews and press stuff together." He teased, ruffling your hair before heading over to the snacks table.
You blushed, shaking your head as you stood up and followed him. Yes, you will get Tom back eventually, but you also couldn't wait for Tom to tickle you more, and you were confident that it was going to be happening a lot more often.
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ficsandgiggles · 3 years
Mario Kart Battles
Thank you to the anon who sent in this prompt! This was super cute to write, please feel free to request fics with other cast members too. Enjoy! ❤️
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“I’m not even sorry to say that Mario Kart on the Wii will always be the best Mario Kart. That’s the main reason why we still have this ancient thing.” Tom told you as he fiddled with the wires at the back of the TV.
“Yeah, it will always be a classic. Anyone younger than us would never understand.” You replied, putting in a couple of batteries in each remote and slotting them into the wheels.
Tom chuckled with a nod and cuddled up next to you on the sofa after grabbing his remote. The two of you adored this night, you ordered pizza and then turned your phones off for the night. You usually cuddled up and either watched a film or, like tonight, played games.
“Are you ever going to choose someone other than Yoshi?” You asked with a fond chuckle as your boyfriend chose with no hesitation. You rolled your eyes and went for Baby Peach.
“Aw but at least I’m not a wittle babyyyyy.” Tom teased in a baby voice, squishing your cheeks as he peppered kisses all over your face, making you giggle and blush before lightly slapping him away.
“Oh shut up and choose a track!” You giggled, playfully shoving at him with a fond smile as Tom just grinned and went for Wario’s Gold Mine, smirking as he knew you basically sucked at this track.
After two laps, Tom really rubbed it in by having the nerve to yawn as he paraded around the last lap in first place. You were all the way back in seventh, and were extremely unamused about those facts.
“You are so dead, Holland.” You growled as Tom cheered as he passed the finish line. He playfully shoved at you as you struggled to finish the race. “Quit it! You’re making me fall!” You whined before eventually finished the race in a lousy ninth place.
“Well if you think you’re so great at that, then let’s see you win in Rainbow Road.” You smirked, immediately choosing the next race before Tom could have any say in the matter. He groaned as the race started, but he didn’t know what you had planned.
Smirking, you let the first lap take place with no issue. Tom was having a much more difficult time in maintaining his position, and he was especially unamused when a blue shell hit him and knocked him off the track.
However, he was still first, but thankfully you had plans to make that change.
Smirking, you made yourself at home on his lap. You blocked his sight by wriggling around on his lap, giggling as you heard Tom groan and attempt to shove you off whilst still holding the wheel with both of his hands.
“Y/N! This is so unfair! Quit it!” He whined, letting go of the wheel for a moment so he could squeeze your side. A huge smirk appeared on his face as you jumped and let out a high pitched squeal. You could practically feel Tom’s smirk radiate against you as he gave up on the race to dig into your sides.
“Aw, does this tickle? I had no idea you were ticklish, Y/N!” Tom beamed, now wrapping both arms around you to drill his fingers in between your ribs, causing you to squeal and attempt to launch yourself off Tom’s lap, but to no avail. He had you trapped and there was nothing you could do about it.
“Finish the race then, go on!” He teased, now wrapping one arm around you to hold your arms in place, whilst using the other to shake his hand into your belly, causing you to screech and kick out, giggling as you struggled to accept his challenge and finish the race.
Tom smiled fondly at you, and leaned in close to your ear as he paused his tickling for a brief moment, allowing you to concentrate on the race... for about ten seconds. You had no idea Tom was leaning in close to your ear until you felt his lips brush against your ear.
“What’s the matter, babe? Does this... tickletickletickletickletickletickle?” He whispered, sliding his fingers up your top to scribble into your sides the moment he started to say that dreaded t word. You screeched and kicked out helplessly, shaking your head to try and push Tom off as high pitched giggles escaped your lips.
You managed to get into third place as you heard Tom gasp, his fingers still tickling you as he leaned his head down towards your neck.
“What? It doesn’t tickle? Fine, what about this?” He asked, wasting no more time to nuzzle his face into your neck, blowing a huge raspberry there as he lightly fluttered his fingers over your bare stomach. You screeched with laughter and kicked out helplessly, you fell off the track just before you were due to cross the finish line, causing you to become sixth in the race.
He then rocked you on his lap so the two of you would eventually fall to the side. Tom still trapped you in a hug and continued to scribble his fingers wherever he could go, along with blowing several neck raspberries along the way. He grinned fondly as you screamed with laughter, yet not doing anything to stop him.
Eventually, he stopped, and proceeded to spoon you from behind, he pressed a gentle kiss on your cheek and squeezed you tight. You didn’t notice the fond smile on his face, but you had a feeling he knew you enjoyed it.
“Learnt your lesson then?” He asked, poking your side once more to prompt an answer, making you nod in response with a permanent grin on your face. You squealed as Tom blew a tiny raspberry on your neck as if it was the wrong answer.
“No you didn’t, but that’s fine, it’ll be another excuse to tickle you, not that you mind.” Tom told you softly with a hint of reassurance after kissing your cheek. You blushed and nodded, holding his hands close to your chest.
It wasn’t long before the two of you fell asleep on the sofa, grateful for each other’s company and thankful for the nights you were able to spend together.
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ficsandgiggles · 3 years
A Well-Deserved Break
I was in the mood to write for our fave bby, Tom Holland, so here he is being an absolute sweetheart.
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“Ugh, screw all of this!” Y/N yelled as they threw their books to the ground. They were sick of studying now and was ready to explore the world outside education. But there was no way they were going to waste two years of hard work by quitting now. They knew they had to get this degree even if it killed them.
Tom Holland had been Y/N’s best friend for over five years now, and they have been living together with a couple of other mates for just under a year. Having a group of light-hearted lads around all the time done Y/N the world of good when it came to their mental health, but this time, the pressure of uni was just too much.
At the moment, it was just Tom and Y/N in the house, and Tom immediately rushed upstairs amid their breakdown. He knocked on the door a few times before entering quickly, only to see a stressed out Y/N with their head on the desk, biting back tears.
“Hey... it’s okay...” Tom told them softly as he gently took them away from their desk to sit on the bed. He wrapped his arm around them and rubbed their shoulder soothingly, letting Y/N drain their emotions out.
Y/N allowed a few tears to slip out before taking a deep breath, they stood up and muttered out an apology before standing up as if to head back to their desk. They were soon stopped by Tom holding their sides to pull them back down, which made them flinch, and it was the kind of flinch which Y/N was unable to hide.
Reluctantly, Y/N sat back down, now just hoping that Tom didn’t notice their reaction. Tom chose not to act on it now and chose to try and get Y/N to talk instead. He resumed his comforting motions by rubbing their back and giving them a reassuring squeeze every so often. He listened as Y/N ranted on about the pressures of uni and trying to find a job whilst trying to be a decent friend and housemate.
“I know you can do this, Y/N, I’ve believed in you since the moment you applied for university. You’re the smartest one here and I know the last year is tough but you can do it. Just take a break now though, yeah? I don’t want you to overwork yourself.” Tom told them, watching them visibly relax from his words.
They then shook their head, trying to make up excuses as to why they can’t take a break right now, but their speech was soon interrupted by Tom poking their side, causing them to squeal and jump away from him.
“Fine, I guess I’ll make you take a break by seeing where you’re ticklish!” He grinned before pulling Y/N into a side hug, his fingers scribbling up and down their sides. Poor Y/N squealed with giggles, reacting by falling back onto the bed, which encouraged Tom to straddle their waist.
“What? I think it’s working already! Why didn’t I discover this before?” Tom asked, now shaking his fingers in between Y/N’s ribs, making sure to get every single one to keep them giggling.
“TOHOHOHOM, PLEHEHEASE NAHOOOOOO!” Y/N wailed as they felt Tom scribble into their belly, making Tom smile fondly as he even wriggled a few fingers on the skin showing from their shirt riding up. Flailing hands were everywhere and there was nothing Y/N could do other than squirm helplessly.
“Oh my goodness, this is fun!” Tom teased, cheekily poking and prodding all over Y/N’s upper body to keep them giggling. Suddenly, he drilled his fingers into their thighs, almost falling off Y/N as they bucked and screeched in surprise. Tom raised his eyebrows. “Tickle spot?” He asked simply, not waiting for an answer before continuing to squeeze and scribble in.
“THIHIHIHIS SUHUHUHUCKS, YOHOHOHOU SUHUHUHUCK!” Y/N protested as they cackled with laughter. They continuously slapped at Tom’s chest to try and get him to stop. However, Tom just gasped and skittered all over their belly again.
“I suck, do I? I reeeeally suck? Even though I’m trying to be nice by making you take a break?” He asked, pouting playfully as he now scribbled under their arms. Y/N was quick to shake their head, slamming their arms to their sides as they let out high pitched giggles.
“Nohohoho, it tahahahake it back!” They squealed, shaking their head desperately and taking in deep breaths the second Tom let them go. He pulled them into a hug and playfully ruffled their hair.
“I’m not afraid to do that again if you refuse to take a break. Speaking of which, we’re gonna watch a movie, no protesting.” Tom announced with a smirk, wriggling his fingers at Y/N as they whined and slapped his hands.
“Ugh fine, but you’re gonna buy us a pizza though.”
“If it gets you away from that desk, it’s a deal.”
Y/N and Tom spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa together, eating pizza and watching endless movies. Tom smiled, glad to have his best friend back.
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