#lena the cryptozoologist's wife
🎵 Instrument of Surrender
CONCEPTUALIZATION - You've spoken. The wall will now silently repeat the message. For a decade or so, until the sea air degrades the paint, adding another layer of *detritus* to the city.
Item lost: Cindy's Brush
Item lost: Banged-Up Fuel Canister
Task complete: Add even more beauty to the wall
+10 XP
KIM KITSURAGI - "Very poetic." The lieutenant nods in appreciation -- it doesn't sound sincere. "Real poetry. Should we return to our murder investigation? I hear there's a really *bad* one we're supposed to solve."
This finished all our tasks in central Martinaise. Since we've *just* started today, let's deal with a few of the things we can quickly take care of in the Whirling.
🎵 Whirling-in-Rags, 8 AM
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GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Hey." He nods in greeting. "Was there something you needed?"
3. "Garte, I saw another *thing* at the Whirling..."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Another thing -- great. I love those."
3. "I have to warn you -- I may have discovered that the Whirling is part of the Doomed Commercial Area."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "What?" He looks mildly startled. "Why would you say that? We're at a *completely* different address from that whole thing."
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - So he knows of the Doomed Commercial Area. *And* its address. He's thought about this.
"Wait -- so you *know* of the curse!"
"The Whirling is listed on the intercom outside. As one of the businesses in Building B. You should get your wiring fixed -- I tried to call and couldn't reach you."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Everyone *knows* of it."
"The Whirling is listed on the intercom outside. As one of the businesses in Building B. You should get your wiring fixed -- I tried to call and couldn't reach you."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "I've been working here for a *long* time, and that intercom has *never* been used by the Whirling."
"Hold on -- not once? Isn't that *already* a sign of decline?"
"The Whirling was once the East Delta Pinball Arcade, before it failed. It's only a matter of time before the Whirling fails too!"
"The Whirling was once the East Delta Pinball Arcade, which failed. Though perhaps the Whirling will *escape* the curse..."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "It's a *sign* of the Whirling-in-Rags not being part of the Doomed Commercial Area. If anything -- we're *revitalizing* this neighbourhood."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Relax, Mr. Garte. I'm sure there is no *Doom*. He simply wants to share his discoveries with you."
2. "The Whirling was once the East Delta Pinball Arcade, which failed. Though perhaps the Whirling will *escape* the curse..."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Does this *look* like part of a *Doomed* Commercial Area?" He makes a sweeping gesture. "This pre-revolutionary tile work? These high ceilings? The nice rooms? Well, *most* of the rooms..."
"For 14 years, man -- that's how long I've worked here. I've kept this place up through hail and through sleet. Fuck me, if some Doom Ghost..." he steadies his voice.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - He's done a fine job too. Though he's spoken of the place dismissively before, the hostel is actually very important to him.
"You really care about the Whirling, huh."
"Who *owns* this place?"
"What about those other cafeterias you manage?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Yeah." He sighs. "It's *slowly* growing on me again. It's beautiful, in its own way -- especially for this neighbourhood. I've been trying to keep it that way..."
"Even if it is part of the damn Doomed Commercial Area..."
"Aha! So you finally admit it?"
"You shouldn't be so worried about that label, you know."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "*I* don't place much stock in the curse and so on, but the label frightens the clientèle. Who wants to stay at a *doomed* hostel? Everything's doomed enough without that..."
Task complete: The doomed hostel?
+10 XP
2. "Who *owns* this place?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Some real estate management company. They never come around here, just collect money from afar. Honestly, I think *some* money laundering might be involved."
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - There is an acrimonious note. It's clear he's doing the real work around here.
3. "And who named it Whirling-in-Rags?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Well, it sure as hell wasn't the real estate company."
KIM KITSURAGI - "It was you?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "You look surprised? What? It's a great name, I know. Cafeteria managers come up with great names too. It's from a song."
"A song?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "*Hail Holy Queen* by The Etenniers. 'Hail holy queen of the sea,'" he quotes. "'You're whirling in rags -- you're vast and you're sad."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Good pick," the lieutenant nods.
4. "What about those other cafeterias you manage?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "What about them?" He shrugs. "One is a basement dive frequented by chain-smoking communists. I can't *tell* you how sick I am of Kras Mazov and Ignus Nilsen and all those old ghosts..."
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - He's hesitating, not sure if he should share this information with you. Encourage him.
"And the others?"
He doesn't have to tell you anything he doesn't want to.
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "The *other* is a kebab cart. It's very *successful* in its way, but... it's nothing like the Whirling."
5. "Well -- good luck to you with this place then." (Conclude.) 6. "Well -- too bad it's all doomed then." (Conclude.)
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Luck has got nothing to do with it." He looks to where the hidden room is. "I need to think about where I'm gonna place those pinballs -- I have a feeling they're gonna help."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Against the Doom, it's implied.
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "So if you didn't have anything else to tell me -- about my establishment -- can we, you know, wrap it up?"
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MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST - "Hello, officer! I think I almost have it! A new trap design, that is! I know you're sceptical, but I have a good feeling about this."
"I had a chat with this kid, Cuno. He promised to stop stealing the locusts."
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST - "So it *was* just a child..." He purses his lips, crestfallen.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Thank you for telling us, sweetie." She turns to smile gently up at her husband. "This is good news, right? It means we can try *again*."
Task complete: The Missing Insects Case
+30 XP
Level up!
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - She acts chipper, but something's changed in her tone. A hidden worry.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - Something is secretly gnawing at her confidence. It's not this Cuno kid, or the missing locusts, it's something else.
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST - "Yes, you're right. We just need to restock the empty trap. Then we'll need to inspect the traps one more time, and then *maybe*... we can..."
The ageing cryptozoologist breaks into a hideous coughing fit.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - He has a 38 degree fever. His resilience has given way.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - She looks at him with tender concern. "Darling, I told you to take it easy. You're getting sick. Maybe it's time to go home?"
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST - "You're right, you're right..." He breathes carefully, not to start coughing again. "We can come back next season... when it's warmer..."
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - There won't be a next season. Not for this. Find the phasmid or admit defeat, people.
"Man, I'm really feeling this is costing me time on my main investigation..."
"I'd offer to help, but I have my own things to do." (Refuse.)
"It's not worth risking your health. You should call it a day and go home." (Refuse.)
"Damnit, maybe I can still restock the trap for you?" (Accept.)
"We've come too far to quit. I'm gonna restock the trap. Lets *do* this." (Accept enthusiastically.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Of course, sweetie, you've helped us so much already. Everyone would understand if you..."
3. "Damnit, maybe I can still restock the trap for you?" (Accept.)
We have *some* time.
KIM KITSURAGI - "You *can*?" The lieutenant makes a show of suppressing a sigh. "Fine. It's better than having these people get pneumonia on the coast, but after *this*..."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] He wants to see this tale through as much as *you*. Otherwise he'd have stopped this already. But he *cannot* let it drag out after this.
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST - "Really, it's too much, officer..." He starts coughing again.
New Task: Find the Insulindian Phasmid
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "What Morell means is, we're grateful for your help." She nods to her husband.
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST - "Here's a fresh batch of locusts. They should slide right down the funnel. And thank you again. We will definitely mention you, should this lead to a discovery. I'm not talking co-discovery, of course, but..."
Item gained: Box with Locusts
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Wow! Co-discovery? You'd be famous. You'd show them all. This *does* tingle the pleasure centre...
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - This would *show* them all. We need to get you on that list of discoverers, no question about that.
5. "I'll get going." [Leave.]
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A cardboard box with several rows of little holes in the lid. Though at first glance the box seems perfectly ordinary, upon closer examination, it's obvious that it has been prepared with great care.
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Now that it's daytime, we can enter our room again.
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EMPATHY - Kim also tries *not* to look at the pile of tape viscera on the carpet. Or the weird suitcase on the hat rack. Or the potted plant dying in the corner. But it's all just too morbid to ignore.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Easy: Success] - The man is finding it hard not to trip on the tape -- and not to send any of the bottles rolling across the floor...
ENDURANCE [Easy: Success] - ...where unidentifiable sludge makes it hard for him to breathe. Smells of vomit in here.
"You're looking at the destruction?"
"I'm sorry for… this."
"I did it -- my way."
"Got my own little Co Hoi here."
"This is where *the magic* happens."
Say nothing. Nod stoically.
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Lawrence Garte is the long-suffering cafeteria manager for the Whirling-in-Rags. He is forced to work as the Whirling's bartender after Sylvie's sudden quitting.
Lena is the wife of Morell the Cryptozoologist. Happily married, she tries to follow him in her wheelchair on his expeditions due to her own love of cryptozoology.
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transkenobis · 2 years
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some disco elysium sketches from my first playthrough! my stats were really int-heavy, and as helpful as the skills were, encyclopedia did NOT shut up.
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discoelysiumtxt · 1 year
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[Image ID, copied from Alt Text: A screenshot of some dialogue from Disco Elysium reading:
COMPOSURE - She's agitated, judging from the way she keeps pulling at the frayed edge of her blanket.
/End ID]
2 notes · View notes
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We are proud to induct Lena, the Cryptozoologist’s Wife and Morell, the Cryptozoologist from Disco Elysium into the Heterosexual Hall of Fame!
14 notes · View notes
bemp0 · 4 months
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Short visit on Tabernacle Road
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corelle-vairel · 9 months
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Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife Commission for @jyou-no-sonoko19
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wompty-domptydom · 3 months
i made a JV fancam i've been putting off for MONTHS because i finally got filmora. i tried to use in-engine stuff only and suffer bc of it
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conquered-gnomes · 4 months
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Laios meets Lena, the cryptozoologist’s wife. Is there any audience for this besides myself? Don’t ask how anyone got here.
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darthursfartblog · 1 month
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I'm sure she's OJ i mean OK
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🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 PM
"To hell with this. *I* still believe you saw the phasmid."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "A true believer," she looks out the window. "Sometimes I still see it, too. The real memory of it. How it was there... Not the memory *of* the memory. But it's so hard to tell the two apart..."
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - Rising, unfolding from the reeds on a hot summer's day... like a benevolent god.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Either way, I should go. Poor Morell is running a fever and I need to get him home to Jamrock. Before we overstay our welcome with Gary."
"Are you sure you don't need help getting to Gary's?"
"You do that. I'll check the traps one more time."
"Be careful out there, Lena." (Conclude.)
"It's been a pleasure, ma'am." (Conclude.)
"The rest of it is pretty grim. Thanks for bringing some light." (Conclude.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Oh no. Thank you, but I can get there on my own, this old thing is gas-powered." She taps her chair. "And then a taxi home. It's not so bad."
2. "You do that. I'll check the traps one more time."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Oh sweetie..." She looks at you, worried. "Please don't get stuck on a dream. Take it from me and Morell."
VOLITION [Medium: Success] - No one can STOP you from finding the phasmid.
3. "Can I have your address? Just in case there's news."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Okay, it's 1113 Tabernacle Road. Jamrock, but..."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - A sigh. She doesn't think you'll need it.
6. "The rest of it is pretty grim. Thanks for bringing some light." (Conclude.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "You're welcome, sweetie." She flicks a switch on her chair and the engine turns on with a whir. "I'm glad it helped you, even though it turned out to be a..." The sentence remains unfinished.
Task complete: Find the Insulindian Phasmid
+30 XP
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - A waste of time?
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - A dream?
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - A lie?
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Medium: Success] - A *fool's hope* -- say her lips moving in silence.
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LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - Like that, she drives off. The gas engine putters quietly, as she gets to the doors -- then pushes them open. Outside the cold coastal wind blows.
KIM KITSURAGI - "We should go too."
Now we need some way to kill four minutes before we meet with the Pigs. Let's... *briefly* talk to Klaasje.
🎵 Miss Oranje Disco Dancer
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KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "It's always good to see you." She cracks a weary smile, leaning back against the railing.
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] - Something in her demeanour has changed. She's tired, consigned to her fate -- to being here with you and what's to come.
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3. [Volition - Legendary] Look her in the eye.
+1 Slight confusion about bullet.
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VOLITION [Legendary: Success] - Soft, light brown eyes look back at you, directly into the space behind your eye sockets. You see the smoke rise from between her painted red lips. She's beautiful...
I have bad news for you.
VOLITION - You know these guys?
LOGIC [Challenging: Success] - Who, me?
DRAMA [Trivial: Success] - Yes, you. He's talking about you, you boring stiff.
VOLITION - You too.
DRAMA [Trivial: Success] - Me? What did I do? I'm merely a master thespian...
VOLITION - These guys are compromised. She's got them singing along to her tune. The little bleeps and bloops you trust for info -- you can't trust them anymore.
Oh my god.
I knew something was off...
VOLITION - I'm sorry I didn't catch it sooner. It takes conscious effort on your part.
+5 XP
Which ones exactly are affected?
How did this happen?
Does this mean she's been lying to me?
What is her *plan*?
I've been talking to myself long enough. Let's get back to it.
VOLITION - There's no way of knowing. At the moment I'm afraid it's best to assume...
...*all* of them.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Bullshit, man, I ain't *compromised*.
VOLITION - *Especially* that guy. That guy's the most compromised one in here.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - No fucking way, man, I just want a drag of that sweet Menthol ziggie.
VOLITION - Really? Quick, tell me what's under her jumpsuit?
VOLITION - I take it back. He's got it pretty bad, but this *next guy's* on another level entirely...
SUGGESTION [Trivial: Success] - She likes you. The Crownhead is a boring condom. He's jealous. This is human nature.
2. How did this happen?
VOLITION - How it always does -- through subtlety.
What can I do?
VOLITION - There's nothing you can do about it. You are how you are -- and she is how she is. Things will go as they do.
Can't you turn them normal again?
What use is this then?
VOLITION - It's better to know you're being played than to be played without knowing it, is it not?
3. Does this mean she's been lying to me?
VOLITION - I think it's safe to assume: yes. Mr. Thespian here hasn't been speaking up. If he were, I suspect there would be paeans to her truthfulness. Like this...
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - She isth a laedy most fair and juste!
VOLITION - In his defence -- to reduce him to such inadequacy, she probably had to employ half-truths more often than outright lies.
RHETORIC [Easy: Success] - That is correct. And omissions too.
Can I trust that guy?
VOLITION - A little. They're all still of limited use, interpreting things to the best of their ability. Maybe they add flair or something? I wouldn't know. I don't add flair.
But when it comes to assessments of character and factual accuracy they are not to be trusted. Not with her.
Can I trust any of them *ever again?*
VOLITION - Don't be melodramatic. You can trust them. Just not with Miss Oranje Disco Dancer here."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Challenging: Success] - A light green speck, and imperfection, on the outer rim of her right iris. It sparkles...
4. What is her *plan*?
VOLITION - You can't draw a sound conclusion. The one who usually does says...
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - She may want to control the information roll-out -- not to become a suspect. She may have a past she's escaping, unrelated to this case. You doubt it's something truly insidious.
VOLITION - See? It's oddly moderate. Probably compromised.
5. I've been talking to myself long enough. Let's get back to it.
VOLITION - Don't worry, it's only been four or five seconds. You've got this.
It's actually been *fifteen minutes*, but ok.
(Say it out loud.) "Miss, are you manipulating me?"
(Don't say anything.) Just close your eyes and let the moment pass.
Probably better not to let her know we're onto her.
VOLITION - For a second her face disappears from your cornea. Only a silvery negative remains.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - Still smiling a tired smile.
6. "Let's return to this later, miss." [Leave.]
We have an appointment to keep.
🎵 Disco Elysium, Pt 2
🔊 Police Sirens
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THE PIGS - "Put your hands where I can see them," the ageing woman under a mountain of police paraphernalia mumbles to herself, then notices you and reaches for the megaphone...
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"Show me your hands. This is the Pigs. Show me your hands *RIGHT NOW*," she screams in the megaphone. "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS RIGHT NOW!"
Scavenged battery-powered police lights protrude from her back. The flickering light-show reveals a gun in her shaking hand.
INTERFACING [Medium: Success] - Her hand is trembling from some sort of neurodegenerative disease.
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The lieutenant draws his gun.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Madam! Please drop the firearm immediately!"
"Wait, what should we do, Kim?"
Raise your hands.
"Easy, ma'am, take it easy…"
KIM KITSURAGI - "This is bad," the lieutenant whispers. "Getting your weapon back is the priority. We can't have an unhinged civilian running around with a gun."
THE PIGS - "COMPLY, OR I WILL LIGHT YOU THE FUCK UP!" she continues to yell as she lumbers about.
Raise your hands.
THE PIGS - "The man appears to be pulling out an object from his pocket!" Her eyes fill with terror. "FEAR UNDER THREAT! FEAR UNDER THREAT!"
"Superseding event! Split-second decision! Get on the ground! GET ON THE GODDAMN GROUND!"
"I wasn't taking anything out of my pocket."
"Ma'am, we just wanna talk to you."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - In her mind the cavity search is happening, as long as she's saying it. It appears the things she says are very real to her.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Be careful, detective. Don't do anything that might set her off."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - The situation looks bad. Calm yourself. Steady your breathing.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Medium: Success] - This is dangerous. You're 70% certain you always leave your gun loaded.
"We can solve this peacefully, please lower the weapon."
"Please identify yourself, ma'am?"
"You're not the police. *We* are the police."
[Hand/Eye Coordination - Formidable 13] Time to get my gun!
"Doesn't look good. Let's deal with this later." [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Ma'am, please..." The lieutenant is trying to maintain eye-contact. "We want to help you, but you need to lower that weapon."
"Let's just talk, alright?"
"That's it, you're under arrest!"
"Blow her away, lieutenant!"
THE PIGS - "Disturbance reported, authorize deadly force. SECTOR, TAKE THE SHOT!" Her head snaps at you. "BIG RED KEY, BIG RED KEY!"
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Big red key? That's code for the battering ram. Cop talk. You know this.
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - What happened to make her like this?
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - Loneliness.
INTERFACING - Yes, sure. But also -- in a less abstract way -- the neurodegenerative disease I mentioned earlier.
"Ma'am, we're here to help. Tell us what's wrong."
THE PIGS - The woman looks at you, but through you. Like you don't exist. Her eyes gleam feverishly and the rotating police-beacon lights reveal deep scratch marks on her cheeks.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Success] - Recent. Self-inflicted.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - So this is what the weather's like on the other end of a cop's gun?
"I hear you, ma'am, look..." (Start slowly bending over.) "...hands going on the ground."
"We *just* want to help, that's all."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant's eyes stay fixed on the woman and her gun -- he studies them closely, then mumbles: "Fascinating."
"See?" He glances at you. "This is what happens, when we're not around."
"Please identify yourself, ma'am?"
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - As she waves her hands, you notice familiar-looking ampoules and packets sticking out the mountain of police gear on her back. Medicine? Or drugs?
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - She thinks she's a police officer... Try treating her like a police officer. A *lower-ranking* police officer.
"Officer, Pigs! Double-yefreitor Harrier Du Bois, requesting your sidearm for inspection." (Hold out your badge.)
"Are you on drugs?"
"You're not the police. *We* are the police."
[Hand/Eye Coordination - Formidable 13] Time to get my gun!
"Doesn't look good. Let's deal with this later." [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "I don't think she's on drugs," the lieutenant whispers. "Being *off* drugs might actually be the problem here..."
"Officer, Pigs! Double-yefreitor Harrier Du Bois, requesting your sidearm for inspection." (Hold out your badge.)
THE PIGS - "Wh... what?" She lowers the megaphone and stares at the gun in her hand.
"Patrol officer, you're in gross violation of the RCM Code of Conduct."
"Just lower the gun, officer."
"That's right, Pigs, give me the gun. It will be alright. It's mine."
THE PIGS - "Sir..." She hesitates, looking around in confusion. The three barrelled pepperbox wavers in her hand.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - In this moment of hesitation she almost doesn't seem disturbed, but like someone suddenly waking from a deep sleep.
"Patrol officer, I have to sign you up for a disciplinary hearing…" (Slowly shake your head.)
"Please, Pigs, just give me the gun."
"It's okay, ma'am. Everything's gonna be alright."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Easy..." the lieutenant whispers. "Press her too hard and she'll..."
REACTION SPEED [Medium: Success] - Too late, lieutenant.
THE PIGS - With a swift, poorly coordinated move the woman slams the megaphone against her lips and teeth. A trickle of blood runs down her chin. She doesn't notice it.
SUGGESTION - Okay, she's actually *more* agitated now. My bad.
"You're not the police. *We* are the police."
THE PIGS - "Back-up?" She lowers the megaphone half-way, but immediately raises it again and screams: "BACK-UP, BACK-UP! STATUS UNCONFIRMED!"
"Baby, you know who I am -- everybody knows." (Wink.)
"*Back-up*?! There's nothing to back up, nowhere to back down -- the terrible finale is on us!"
"Me, back-up? More like a fuck-up…"
"I'm with the Remote Viewers Division."
"Lieutenant double-yefreitor Harrier Du Bois, 41st Precinct. This is my partner, Lieutenant Kitsuragi, from the 57th."
THE PIGS - "No," the crazed woman mumbles, shaking her head. "No, no, no... I though Mr. Morrand... Gareth..." Suddenly she raises the megaphone and screams: "AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, MAN DOWN, OFFICERS IN PURSUIT!"
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - There's a scenario unfolding in her head right now. It has nothing to do with what's happening here.
KIM KITSURAGI - "What's the situation..." the lieutenant hesitates addressing the woman, "... officer?"
THE PIGS - "LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPROMISED," she screams in the megaphone. Red and blue lights illuminate the spit flying everywhere. "IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER!"
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Does she not believe you two are actually police officers?
"Wait, what if she's right and I actually *am* an imposter?"
"We really are cops. Look, white rectangles!"
"We really are cops. Look, my badge…" (Take out your badge and show it to her.)
"Hey, you're the one impersonating a police officer!"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Now..." the lieutenant takes a deep breath and steadies his voice, "... is not the time."
2. "We really are cops. Look, my badge..." (Take out your badge and show it to her.)
THE PIGS - "LICENCE AND REGISTRATION!!!" She repeatedly bashes the megaphone against her head, then screams in the bloody mouthpiece: "LICENCE AND REGISTRATION! COME IN DISPATCH! SECTOR, SECTOR, AZIMUTH!!!"
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - It's not a code. Just disjointed words.
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - She's losing it -- one twitch and there will be blood.
Nothing left to do but try for the gun.
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[Hand/Eye Coordination - Formidable 13] Time to get my gun!
+1 This is the Pigs. +1 Rogue cop on the loose.
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HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Formidable: Success] - Alright, here's how we do it: As soon as that gun isn't pointed at you again, you dash right, then immediately close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist...
VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Success] - No. That won't be necessary. Look closer. The gun, all three barrels, red and blue light shining through -- it's not loaded.
(Whisper.) "Kim, I'm almost certain there are no bullets in that gun."
"My god, it's not loaded... The gun isn't loaded!"
"Ma'am, the weapon you're holding is mine and I *know* it has no bullets."
"Go ahead, pull the trigger. I dare you."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I've been thinking that too. But it's impossible to tell for certain in these lighting conditions."
2. "Ma'am, the weapon you're holding is mine and I *know* it has no bullets."
THE PIGS - "What...?" The woman looks at the weapon in disbelief, her eyes suddenly reddish with tears. She looks straight down the barrel... and squeezes the trigger.
THE PIGS - A click. Nothing happens. She looks at the useless weapon. "This isn't police issue. Police weapons have bullets. This isn't real! What is this?"
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The sirens stop.
The gun lands on the wooden planks and tears run down her scratched cheeks. "Police guns always have bullets... What is this? Why did you sell me this?"
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - She looks devastated.
INTERFACING [Trivial: Success] - Grab the gun! Right now! This might be your *ONLY* chance.
(Pick up your gun.)
"I'm done with this gun." (Leave it behind forever.)
Item Gained: Villiers 9mm Pepperbox Pistol
THE PIGS - "No one ever cares anymore," her voice is growing fainter as she rocks back and forth, slowly. "Why would they cheat me like this..."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Great gears are grinding to a halt. The machine is powering down. She's all out of jolt.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Poor woman..." The lieutenant holsters his pistol. "We need to figure out what to do with her now."
Task complete: Confront the Pigs and get your gun back
+30 XP
Level up!
THE PIGS - "Nobody's ever around," the old woman mumbles, staring blank at the boardwalk, "nobody ever comes to visit me."
"You're not alone. We're all here."
"What do you think is happening to her?"
"Should we just arrest her?" (Proceed.)
THE PIGS - The woman stands in front of you, motionless, unresponsive. Almost like an inanimate object now. A mountain of police paraphernalia.
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - In there she is alone, trapped in a world of blue and red lights.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Her children and their children, if there were any, stopped coming when it got really bad.
2. "What do you think is happening to her?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "She's in a stupor," the lieutenant replies, inspecting the catatonic woman standing in the dark. "I've seen this before. God knows for how long... Could be days when they get like this."
"But why was she like this in the first place?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Honestly, I don't know. Dementia, probably," he lowers his voice. "Dementia and Channel 8. And loneliness."
Nod. "Neurodegenerative disease."
"Yes. This is what happens when you listen to too many cop shows on the radio."
"You're probably right." (Nod.) "Loneliness."
"I guess we'll never know."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Could be," agrees the lieutenant. "Her hands were trembling and she did seem uncoordinated... But what are we gonna do with her?"
3. "Should we just arrest her?" (Proceed.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "I don't think there's any need for that. In her current state -- and without the gun -- she isn't really a threat to anyone."
"We could let Titus know. This is a perfect problem for the local 'peacekeepers' to handle. They might even know her family."
"Wait, I was really hoping I can give her one of those station call slips..."
"Yeah, Titus sounds like the man for the job."
"I don't want to endorse the Hardie boys' inflated sense of self-worth. They're not cops -- we are."
"I think we can just leave her like this. She'll be fine."
I don't think any other option here is worth considering.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Then we can ask him once we get back to the Whirling. But we have to hurry, cause it's late and they might have already gone home."
New task: Hardie and the Pigs
"But I think we're done here for now. Let's head out, this is done."
THE PIGS - As you turn to leave, the faintest of voices comes from the woman. "Please, leave the radio on..." she mutters. It seems like a reflex, a half-remembered sentence.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Reflex to what? Being left alone?
EMPATHY [Formidable: Success] - Exactly. With only the voice of Gareth Morrand to accompany her on Channel 8.
INTERFACING [Easy: Success] - She stands motionless. Just a heap of clothes and flashers now -- maybe if you search her once more?
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Equip this when times are most dire.
A three-shot revolving barrel Villiers-LaSalle pepperbox, typically assigned to officers of the RCM upon reaching the rank of sergeant. The butt of the gun is worn and the engraving on the side reads: Sunrise, Parabellum! This is *your gun*, no doubt about it.
Let's break here.
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flhoarder · 11 months
You know Jean is getting adopted by Lena and Morell when they drop the news
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Lena is the wife of Morell the Cryptozoologist. Happily married, she tries to follow him in her wheelchair on his expeditions due to her own love of cryptozoology.
René Arnoux is an elderly man who plays pétanque in a bomb crater with his old friend and rival Gaston. A royalist loyal to the old king, René and Gaston's opposing politics and old competition for the hand of their shared lover are the source of many arguments between the two.
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polyamships · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Disco Elysium (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gary the Cryptofascist/Morell the Cryptozoologist/Lena the Cryptozoologist's Wife (Disco Elysium) Characters: Gary the Cryptofascist (Disco Elysium), Morell the Cryptozoologist (Disco Elysium), Lena the Cryptozoologist's Wife (Disco Elysium), Kim Kitsuragi, Harry Du Bois Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Racism, Canon-Typical Homophobia, Canon-Typical Fascist Behavior, please mind the tags, The Detective is Anti-Fascist, Kim Kitsuragi is just Done Summary:
Kim didn't want to notice that Gary might have anything in common with him... but there it was.
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discoelysiumtxt · 1 year
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[Image ID, copied from Alt Text: A screenshot of some dialogue from Disco Elysium reading:
COMPOSURE - She's used to playing off such insults casually, but they still affect her.
/End ID]
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